Rating:  Summary: Don't Bother Review: Magnificent production values cannot rescue an utterly lame, unbelievable script. The love interest is a scrawny, fat-lipped model who looks like 1000 others. Never has the adorable Amanda been more missed. Add the inexcusable waste of Peter Wingfield and Jim Byrnes, and you have no reason to buy this bore-flick. One star for photography, music and costumes. And I'm a devoted Highlander fan.
Rating:  Summary: 3 for the DVD 4 for the film Review: HEY FOLKS! THIS FILM IS NOT A SEQUAL TO THE FIRST FILM! IT IS AN EXTENTION OF THE TV SHOW WHERE CONNER'S BATTLE WITH THE KURGAN WAS NOT THE LAST BATTLE BUT JUST ANOTHER IMMORTAL DUEL. UNDERSTAND NOW? That having been said this is still not the best it could have been but it is still good, I would have liked to see more of Methos personally and Bruce Payne was excellent as the bad guy. OK I already reviewed the film before getting the DVD. I have to say the DVD is more disapointing than it sounds. The special cut of this film is not a final cut so it switches between widescreen/standard the sounds is not finished and the score is not the final score. On the whole it isn't horrible but the packaging makes you think it is a final cut and it isn't. But that isn't the worst part! Someone should have taken the guy who edited the Featurette and taken his head!! This thing is AWFUL! They must have shown Adrian and Christopher say the same thing at least 3 times about this film and someone really needed to give Mr. Davis some caffiene...."Ummm ahhhhh...well it is about..." ARRGGGHHHHHH This torturous 45-50 minute disaster was a waste of space. If they had cut out all the repetition and Mr. Davis the remaining 25/30 minutes would have been just fine. *Sigh* Make your own judgement but while I am glad to have the DVD of the film it was not all that they make it out to be! :-(
Rating:  Summary: equel to the first Review: I ve seen all the highlander movies but not the TV series.And most reviews say that if you liked the 1st highlander you hate endgame, but i didnt.I thought it was very well done but i didnt like lamberts acent its a bit annoying but a great preformance by adrian paul without him the movie would be crap.I say that this movie should of had come to the cimemas here in ireland but it didnt it came out on video on the 21 of may which is dissappointing because ive been waiting since september 2000.Im dissapointed with this country.Well great movie not much swordfights but the swordfights a very impressive and lambert is mostly in the flashback barely in the present day but im puzzeled why did they but the title ENDGAME on it.
Rating:  Summary: Letdowns are what you make of them... Review: When I heard they were releasing yet another "Highlander" motion picture, I immediately thought it would be garbage. That's a discouraging feeling I think most fans of the original movie (and fans of the tv series) shared simultaneously, and at the very least, it would be proof of how the right films never ever get the production and treatment they deserve. Setting aside the continutity errors galore (for the moment), I will start by telling you why I liked this film; Bruce Payne-- however over-the-top he might be--was still a much better villain than Mario Van Peebles, not to mention more believeable. Check out Passenger 57 if you're not convinced. The interplay between Adrian Paul and Christopher Lambert is forced and a bit awkward at times, but near the end, very poignant, in a way that William Shatner couldn't manage with his own on-screen 'death' in the 7th Star Trek film. The martial arts choreography (for the first time in the series) is given a class-A treatment (kudos to Donnie Yen, as well as Adrian Paul for not using a stunt double) and looks much better than most of the current martial arts films on the horizon. The effects look more expensive than the tv show (I would hope so), but much cheaper than a film should look. So try not to think of this film AS a film, and instead as a high-budget tv production, and you'll see it's not that bad. Some of the edits are sloppy (why fast-motion photography over the beautiful Scottish highlands??? Ripping off Braveheart will never hurt your movie!), and the plot is full of holes for those in the know. But compared to the second and third highlander films, it's a lot better than it had a right to be.
Rating:  Summary: How many times must I say this? There should be only ONE! Review: Highlander was a wonderful film. What other movie makes you hope that some day an insane Russian berserker will come and stick a broadsword through your stomach so that just maybe you too can live forever. (Ok, maybe I was just a weird kid). The thing with Hollywood is, there are executives out there who see a successful film and then think "I bet people would love to see a sequel!" I can see following this flawed logic once, but three times? The Highlander sequels are so bad that each refuses to acknowledge the existence of its predecessors. Highlander: Endgame is the latest in this series. I was kind of weary of going to see this film from the first commercial, because the trailer appears to give away the entire plot. That's right, the trailer basically consists of Conner and Duncan sitting near a magical portal discussing the plot of the movie and giving away the climax. I'm not going to say it here, because I don't want to "ruin the surprise" but if you do decide to rent the film, please be very careful not to read the front cover, because there are major plot spoilers right there on the box. Anyway, what's worse is the scene from the trailer isn't even in the film. Someone in the Buena Vista/Mirimax/Mandalay brain trust actually decided that the movie wasn't exciting enough to make a commercial so they filmed a special commercial unrelated to the rest of the movie with the sole exception of ruining the film for anyone (like myself) who might be foolish enough to watch it. What does this film accomplish? Well, speaking as a guy, co-starlet Lisa Barbuscia is extremely easy on the eyes. And since "Highlander" is actually pig-latin for "testosterone fest" we have thrown in a sometimes bare-chested Adrian Paul for the ladies. The film has a decent one-liner here or there that managed to make me laugh, and there was at least some attempt to connect the film to the first Highlander as well as the television series. (Films 2 and 3 are completely ignored). The set and costumes are pretty. Not a masterpiece worthy of academy awards, but they are nice to look at. Where does the film fail? Well, for starters, the ending is immediately obvious the second you pick up the box. The special effects are somewhat mediocre even for a television show (exactly where did that $15million budget go?). The story is less than engaging. Despite numerous cutaway scenes to remind us that this is a sequel to both the first film and the TV show, the film conveniently ignores the entire second half of the first movie! Finally, Adrian Paul shows the emotional range of... well... Adrian Paul. I can't see recommending this to anyone who isn't a hardcore Highlander fan (and if you are, you've probably already seen it, and nothing I can say will matter). If you're a casual fan, you can probably let this one go by. I wish I could give a film a rating of 1.5. I can't see my way fit to giving it a 1, because it did have some redeeming qualities, and most importantly, no one ever uttered the words "Planet Zeist."
Rating:  Summary: The TV version much better Review: This makes the 3rd Highlander I've seen (missed the second one), I've yet to be impressed. For your money you get something the length of two television episodes and with exactly the same format, lots more blood,greater violence and some nudity being the difference.I mean, the series had to have a lower budget than this thing yet it was still much better. Save your money watch the TV show if you can.
Rating:  Summary: Why didn't Adrian Paul direct this movie. Review: Sorry, but while this movie was not really awfull, it is a large step down from the orginall movie, and the TV series. As a true fan of the TV series I really think that Adrain Paul who directed as well as starred in the television version could have done a much better job than this. This movie had no consistant tone to it. Every time I got comforable watching the movie the movie would cut to some terribly made helicopter shot over scotland that is seen in fast forward. The bad directing and even worse editing is frustrating because I really wanted to like this movie, and it could have been good. Adrain Paul is one of the most impressive martial artist that I have ever seen on the big screen. As a long time martial artist myself, I appiciate someone who shows off solid fighting skills and doesn't revert to some showy and useless gymnastics move (just one time I want to see a hero in a movie get creamed trying some stupid triple flip move.). However every opportunity for this movie to get into a good fight scene, is ruined either by some bad special effect, or a cheesy plot gimmick. The fight sceanes are directed like the director wanted john woo type gunfight. This just doesn't work with swords. Someone really needs to re-cut this movie. A good editor could turn this into a decent movie, and I would certianly like to see this done. Whoever thought up of showing a helicopter shot in high speed should be shot, and the person who did the backgroud music sent to and institution.
Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT Review: More awesome then the theatrical release. LOVED the behind the scenes and other extras on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: From the Producers of the SEQUELS! Review: The first thing I noticed when I picked up this 2 disc set was the phrase "From the Producers of the original Highlander" emblazened across the top of the case. This is intentionally misleading, since the producers of the original film are also the people who produced all of the wretched sequels since, Bill Panzer and Peter Davis. If there's one thing they've shown us throughout their association with the Highlander "franchise", it's that they'll stoop to new lows to milk their cash cow, with no regard to continuity whatsoever. Supporters take the stance that, for their to be any sequels, the end of the original film must be ignored. This isn't so: a character who's 450 years old has plenty of history to explore, and there could've been any number of stories to tell in that time frame. As for the character of Duncan, and the television series, all they really had to do was set the show sometime before 1985, when the first film took place. Sure, it would've been a little more expensive, but it would've been worth it, and would've shown more respect to the source material. Now that that's said, I must say that despite all of this, I found Highlander to be better than expected. I expected it to be awful, and was pleasantly surprised. That's not to say it didn't have problems, but buried between them were some sparks of genius. I particularly found the sub-plot involving Duncan and Kate to be interesting, and original. Unfortunately, I thought the villian was too overplayed and over-the-top, the characterization of Connor off-the-mark, and the disregard for the rules of "the game" disappointing (if even the vile Kurgan would pay heed to the rules, wouldn't the others? Sure, it may sound a little unrealistic, but...) The second disc, with a rough cut of the film, is an exercise in bad editing. Everything I enjoyed about the DVD cut is missing from this version (though there were 2 things in the rough cut that I thought should have made it to the final). Also, I thought the music in the final cut was great, but there was some even more exceptional music in the rough cut -- too bad they don't tell you who wrote it! One other thing I forgot to mention: this film accomplishes a feat thought impossible: not only does it contradict the original film, but ALL OF THE SEQUELS and THE TELEVISION SHOW ITSELF. But if you ignore all of that, it's really not all that bad.
Rating:  Summary: Highlander Generations: Becon of hope on the ashes of bodies Review: Since Highlader 2: The Quickening (which should be renamed just the Quickening, removing Highlander from it) Highlander movies have sucked. Endgame was the becon of hope. Maybe now they'll get it right. Not quite yet. Endgame is better than H2 and H3, but its no H1. The best way to look at this movie is as a sequel to the tv show, not the movies. Only the first movie could have happened before this one, and even that is slightly impossible. I suppose that a different imaginary version of H1 happened before Endgame in which key events like being the last immortal and winning the prize didn't happen. As a sequel to the show, this movie works. As a sequel to the movies, well it pretty much is impossible. Adrian Paul was actually pretty good in his first Highlander movie. I did not like what happened to Chris Lambert's Connor MacLeod though. The best way to describe this movie is Star Trek: Generations for the Highlander series. This movie retconed the previous 3 films and paved the way for a new batch of films with Paul's Duncan MacLeod. Since Duncan didn't win the prize, we can be assured that Panzer and Davis won't make anymore mistakes like H2 or H3. H1 and Connor are casualties but maybe now we can forget the past mistakes like H2 and H3 and make new Highlander films that don't suck. I still think that the fist film should be the only one, but no matter how much we want to we can never get rid of H2 and H3.