Rating:  Summary: A true classic Review: I have never been more frightend in a theatre than during the first T-REX scene in this movie. The plot-line is good and the dinosaur scenes are spectacular!
Rating:  Summary: Whers the dinos Review: This movie is great!Only one person gets eaten.But when they go on the tour they dont see any dinos...until the T-Rex gets free in the park!This movie is funny exiting and fun!
Rating:  Summary: Welcome to Jurassic Park Review: An outsatnding idea from Michael Crichton, about finding away to "re-create" dinasours on an un-inhabited island, an excellent cast including Sam Neil, Laura Dern, Samuel.L.Jackson, and the great Jeff Goldblum, directed by talented Steven Speildberg, and great music by John Williams. The most original idea of its time, a movie about dinasours in our century of living, of corse everything goes wrong, not to mention with the help of sneaky Nedry, and the viewers become in complete danger as all of the dinosaurs break lose. Great Special effects, the dinosaurs almost look real [ if we only knew exactly how they looked ]bringing life to the surroundings, which were incredible, 60 minutes of footage of behinf the scenes and the location they shot the movie in, with great picture quality and sound, worth a Roaring Look!
Rating:  Summary: Spielberg's Greatest Movie Ever! Review: Jurassic Park is thrilling, believable, and well told. A rarity in action movies like this. Since this movie is based on Michael Crichton's bestselling novel, the script, story, and characters are excellent. Sam Neill brought Jurassic Park to life, he was superb! Jeff Goldblum was perfect for the role of Ian Malcolm and brought subtle humor to the screen, which I loved. Laura Dern rocked, this is defintely her best performance yet! The dinosaurs and sets are breathtaking and it's almost scary how real they look! Steven Spielberg did an excellent job at directing Jurassic Park, he deserves an Oscar! Jurassic park is amazing and intriguing, a must see.
Rating:  Summary: Boring! Review: Why is it that when ever some movie comes out and its real big about 75% of the time I hate it. I think one of the main reasons this movie got so much money at the box office was because of the special effects that it shows which I have to admit are pretty good. Then you have the real logic that actually comes to the film and afterall when you think about it the whole film really does not make much sense. Usually I am a big fan of Steven Spielbergs movies but this not really funny at all and the whole DNA with the dinosaurs is really dumb when you think about it. What is it about this movie I just don't like it. Everytime this movie comes on T.V everyone seems to get excited about it and I can not figure out why What is the big deal? I remember watching this movie and thinking about other things I remember looking at the exit sign in the movie theater and staring at the walls and the people my interest in this film was really diminished I really got bored fast that is not a good sign for a movie. What I think is alot of people went to see this movie by word of mouth alot of morons who went to go see it probably have no interest in dinosaurs and just want to be a part of the crowd and wanted to be able to say " I saw Jurassic Park" but I think alot of people deep down who saw this movie really hated inside and maybe thought that the special effects were o.k but were probably forced to like it by others.
Rating:  Summary: Comic Capers Abound! Review: Ah, "Jurassic Park!" A classic comedy of our time and the definitive satire on nuclear warfare! The first time I watched this movie I found myself chortling and rolling on the ground and foaming at the mouth! Foaming at the mouth? you say? I'll tell you why I was foaming at the mouth! Just think of Grant trying to buckle his seatbelt! And the raptor eggs, what a riot! Sam Neill delivers the performance of his career in the role of a lovable and dull-witted paleantologist with great support from his peers (Richard Attenborough, Jeff Goldblum, and the timid Mr. Arnold). Defnitely a classic of the 90's--and all time!
Rating:  Summary: Great movie, bad soundtrack (DTS) Review: The movie is great. What more can be said?Well, I'll tell you. I bought this DVD to replace my aging VHS tape. The tape actually sounds BETTER! When Universal had the initial master made, the level of the bass track wasn't right. When T-Rex walks, you're supposed to FEEL it. The VHS tape (in THX) and the Digital Dolby DVD both have the bass level set properly. What did they do? They made a new master (after six months). They did NOT recall the bad DVDs from distributors. The new DVDs are available (they sound great), but VERY hard to locate. They also didn't change the UPC on the case, so there's no way to tell which DVD you're buying, until you open it up. Finally, they didn't tell anyone that a mistake had been made, so that it could be corrected. In short, they didn't so ANYTHING that might cost them one cent. How do you tell the difference (other than sound)? The bad DVD has a code of 'D2R1' on the inner rim of the disk. The good DVD has a code of 'D2R2' in the same place.
Rating:  Summary: An unlikely classic Review: Among the criticisms brought to Jurassic Park over the years, the most prominent one seems to be the complete lack of any artistic value and the complete reliance of the movie on special effects. Having viewed the movie a great number of times, I feel compelled to argue against this point of view. True, the dinosaurs do steal the show, but the value of the other elements is almost as evident and praiseworthy. First of all, Michael Crichton and David Koepp's script does magic in limiting the book (which is significantly longer) to an hour and a half of footage that maintains a convincing story line. Secondly, the suspense of the developing plot opens the way for a series of fast-paced action scenes that live up to the movie's thriller nature. Thirdly, extraordinary camerawork, overall construction of the set and creation of a truly breathtaking atmosphere contribute to a re-creating of the past in the present with astounding results. And finally, great performances by Sam Neill (who is perfect as a conventional scientist whose views are shaken), Richard Attenborough (in a triumphant return to the big screen as a genetics tycoon whose dreams end up shattered by disater), and especially an unforgettable Jeff Goldblum (as a sarcastical, good-natured, and foreseeing mathematician who seems to be a prophet for the park's fate). The groundbreaking technological achievments resulted in an almost revolutionary interest in the film.It is this immense success that makes Jurassic Park one of the great movies of the 1990s and one to be viewed by generations to come.
Rating:  Summary: What else can be said? Five stars, original DVD features Review: Because everyone covers the special effects, I will cover what goes wrong. The story is established in the beginning as an employee of the dino park is not satisfied with his pay, so he sets himself up with another company who pays the employee to steal some of the dino embryos and smuggle them out of the park. To escape the island the turncoat employee played by Wayne Knight shuts down the entire park's systems, phones, lights, computers, and the electric fences keeping the dinosaurs at bay! Which in Knight's escape off of the island with the embryos, he meets some of the dinos he released. Meanwhile, the main characters in the story run into some escaped dinosaurs, such as the amazingly huge T-Rex and the pack hunting Raptors. As for the DVD features, they are rather original, such as the original claymation concepts for the raptors and the studio idea table with animators, all ending with a 60 minute documentary.
Rating:  Summary: Jurassic Park I is the best in the series Review: Clearly I is fast more impressive than II and III. II has no plot and III is far too short and dark on the screen. Only JP-I can really offer you breath-taking scenes. And if u r a dinosaur lovers, probably you also want to check these out: "When Dinosaurs Roamed America" "Walking with Dinosaurs" As educational as they are, they may have even more plot than Jurassic Park II in my view.