Rating:  Summary: Lost in Space..? Get Lost!! Review: LOST IN SPACE is another failure to adapt a small screen classic to the big screen. It looks very good, in which the special effects are excellent, but something is missing. The cast is top notch, but there is no chemistry. The press releases during the filming of this movie had circulated stories of "heat" being generated by costars Heather Graham and Matt LeBlanc on and off the set. The final cut of the film shows none of that. It was overhyped to sell the film. William Hurt looks way out of his element...as do the rest of the cast. Even Gary Oldman, who has always played memorable villians and characters thoughout his film career, could not bring life to his portrayal of one of tv history's most spineless characters...Dr. Smith! The plot is convoluted, we don't care about the people in this movie, and the ending is predictable. A very forgettable movie. All involved in this "piece of space debris" should have NASA place the original print of this film in a rocket, launch it , and have it really lost in space.
Rating:  Summary: Defies Categorization Review: Although others may disagree, I think William Hurt and Gary Oldman are two of the best actors working in Hollywood today. Granted, this was not their finest work, but as Jimmy Buffet pointed out recently, "why record a perfect album? It isn't real." So, unless you're highly critical of actors, I think you'll find their performances very 'real'. Matt LeBlanc provided some good comic relief against the rather grim situation the family finds itself in. Another reviewer noted that this film can take more than one watching to fully appreciate. Indeed, when I first saw the film, I was only half watching and I thought it was silly. After seeing it for a third time, I can say I really appreciate it, with flaws intact. My main complaint is that they didn't use any of the very cool electronica music to choreograph the action sequences to. An example of cool synchronization can be found at launch.com's site for The Crystal Method. This film is probably better if you've never seen the original series, or though it was stupid, like I did as a kid (maybe I just should have watched it some more???).
Rating:  Summary: 5 Stars for Lacey!!! Review: I was a big fan of the original Lost in Space television series. That TV Show will forever be a childhood icon of mine. So of course I was anxious to see the Movie version.I was very dissappointed with the movie version. (a) The story line was very complicated and difficult to comprehend and follow (b) The chemistry of the cast was NO WAY CLOSE TO THAT OF THE ORIGINAL CAST. The original cast were definitely born to play their roles in the TV Series--They were made for it!!! Unfortunately the cast of the movie version were very generic--they could of just been picked from a group of people at the mall that needed work. The Will boy looked like some random kid they found at some playground. I guess the best words to describe the movie cast is WOODEN and NO-CHEMISTRY.Every single person in the cast was a definite MIS-CAST...That new Doctor Smith was so far-off from the original Dr. Smith. John Robinson was WOODEN and unconvincing. Maureen lacked the motherly "Brady Bunch-like" charm and appeal. Lacey was TOO HOT for the Penney role (More on that later!), the New Don was too macho for his role, Judy was passable since she never had a big role in the tv series anyway. And Will was just too common and generic, any playground kid could of filled his shoes for that role.(c) I disliked the DARK MELODRAMATIC tone of the movie. The original series was light, bouncy, and fun!HOWEVER, I in 100% complete seriousness give this movie FIVE (5) STARS!!!This movie earns 5 stars because:(a) In addition to being a fan of the Lost in Space TV series, and even Science Fiction in general....I am a really big fan of hot young girls in movies.(b) Lacey Chabert who played "Penney" was just so unbelievably hot!!! I was totally captivated by the sound of her voice--it was such a unique style. I loved the way she looked in that tight mini-skirt and all the space-age fashions she wore in the movie. Her face was so cute and adorable. Her hair was so sexy the way it was black and stringy. She looked awesome in the tight space suit. She had such an incredible sexy demeanor about her. My favorite shots of her, were the close-ups when she was recording in her portable video diary. WOW!!! She looked so totally kissable to the extreme!!!The first time she appeared in the movie, I was under her spell and KNEW THAT I WOULD HAVE TO BUY THE DVD AS SOON AS IT CAME OUT!!!! I definitely wanted a copy of HER on DVD to watch over and over!!!(c) Since I already own both LOLITA movies (B&W and Color versions), and BEAU-PERE....This Lost in Space movie with Lacey Chabert was a MUST HAVE! If it was not for Lacey Chabert, I would of rated the movie THREE (3) STARS!But since personal movie ratings are based upon PERSONAL tastes, and NOT the collective tastes of a group of people, I give the movie 5 stars since I am such a big fan of cute young movie actresses and LACEY CHABERT most certaintly was 90% of the reason I gladly paid for the DVD----and 100% of the reason I went to see Lost In Space at the movie theater 6 times!!!
Rating:  Summary: Lost in Space Review: Utterly tragic. This is one of the worst films I have ever seen. The plot is ridiculous, the characters are weak. Underneath all the eye candy is a rotton apple.
Rating:  Summary: Highly Entertaining. Review: Lost in Space is one of those movies where you may not have liked it when you first saw it but when given a 2nd chance, you will find it very entertaining. First of all, the original series was never one to be thought provoking. It was intended to be pure adventure and at the same time be campy fun. Where else could you see people battle a monster and then sit down to milk and cookies? Or better yet, bake a birthday cake for a robot?? That said, you will see some of the same campiness in Lost in Space the movie. The problem is that most people wont expect that and that may turn them off. Expect it and enjoy it. The movie introduces us to all of the central characters in a hurry, but it works. And as the TV show, they are thrown off course due to Dr. Smith (though his extra weight had nothing to do with it in the film.) Once they are lost, the movie takes on a life of its own. There is an exciting sequence aboard a derelict ship and an ensuing crash. Once on the planet, the story bogs down in a time travel plot that is confusing, full of holes, yet it holds your interest. The acting and the choice of actors in the film are among the best aspects of Lost in Space. While I was afraid William Hurt would be miscast, he came off rather well. To me, Gary Oldman, though he was good and had SOME "Smith" qualities to him, came the closest to being miscast. Maybe if by some chance we are given a sequel to this film (which was left VERY WIDE open) Smith will become the "villain" that he was in the original show. I still think Billy Mumy could have been used in a scene later in the movie. Also look for cameo's from the original Penny and Judy and a significant role from the original Don. Also, the voice of the Robot is the same as in the show. That was a nice touch. The DVD is a pure joy. The sound quality is still one of the best around. The extra's are interesting and there is a lot to see (including some interviews with the original cast.) Overall, Lost in Space is a lot of fun and it is a film the entire family can enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: If you're a classic LIS fan... Review: ...you will probably be disappointed, as I was. Much of what made the TV series so memorable for so many 'boomers is missing from this misguided update of the classic series. And while I was glad to find that none of the third season's silliness (remember the vegetable people?) found its way into the script, it seems that the baby was thrown out with the bath water. I was hoping that the Robinson family would survive their facelift with their close-knit family values intact, which is why they were able to overcome the many obstacles they faced as they braved the elements of uncharted space. I was dismayed to see that the family patriarch, John Robinson, was portrayed as such a flawed and inept father and husband, in stark contrast to his character's original persona. The script writers would have done well to remember that they were also updating the classic "Swiss Family Robinson," and to take inspiration from the team spirit that was so well represented there and in the TV series. All in all, I guess I wish that they had not gone to such lengths to "modernize" the storyline. But the most egregious failing of this remake is the final ten minutes, during which I was completely jarred out of the film by the utter implausability of their escape from disaster. Without giving the ending away, suffice it to say that it is so absurd that I would be surprized if any thinking person was able to swallow it. That being said, I did enjoy most of the special effects, especially the blast-off scene and its references to the original. I also enjoyed the cameos by original cast members, and I only wish there could have been a way to get Bill Mumy and Jonathan Harris on board, and to actually include them in the story - Bill Mumy would have been perfect in the role of the adult Will Robinson. I also enjoyed the many special features included on the DVD, which made the purchase worthwhile for me.
Rating:  Summary: "We're lost, aren't we?" Penny Robinson asks. Review: Although this movie did not have the best reputation as a worthy remake of a classic TV series, it was not too bad considering! First off the special effects were very beautiful for this movie. Especially the scenes were Dr. Smith( played excellently by Gary Oldman ) is mutated into a part human part spider monster. Excellent music by Bruce Broughton is very fitting to John Williams classic television score. And the redesign of the robot was excellent. However, the movie did lack a lot because of its major theme: family problems (particularly where Will Robinson feels more abandoned by his father who hardly has time for him or his whole family for that nature). Also it could have had more charm & appeal without taking itself so seriously, and being so dysfunctional. To be honest, the original show was about family & fun which was its secret ingrediant. Maybe if they made a better sequel where family problems are resolved, and they had more scenes with real action and danger (heck have the Jupiter 2 fall victim to more alien attacks) then you may get much better! We did at the start with the "Star Trek" films, and so we can with "Lost in Space."
Rating:  Summary: Oh man ... It's Bad ... It's really really Bad Review: ...It is without question the WORST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN... The plot was dumb, the movie was too long, the special effects weren't very good, and the acting was atrocious. A cigar store indian could have added more depth to Matt LeBlanc's role, Gary Oldham (normally a wonderful actor) seems to sleepwalk through his part. The script is so bad... Nothing in this movie worked right on any level...
Rating:  Summary: Why did they bother with extra faetures??? Review: Why would New Line even bother to make this a special edition??? Why waste time and effort on THE worst movie ever? EVERYTHING about this movie was absolutly horrible. EVERYTHING. It was not fun, it was not anywhere near entertaining. There was so much wrong with this film, I could easily exceed the word limit, but to do that, I'd have to rewatch it to refresh my memory of all the stuff I tried in vain to block out. I had completly forgotten why I hated it, untill it was on cable, and it came back in a horrible flood. The MAJOR flaws however are: 1. The special effects WERE NOT THAT GOOD. If you look at the CG effects, you'll note that they are pretty much devoid of realistic shadowing and texturing, giving it a 'Roger Rabbit' style. 2. The plot, ESPECIALLY at the end, is completly incomphrehensible, Sure, I could have figured it out, but by that point, my head had exploded because of the staggering badness of what was before me. 3. The whole idea. Lost in Space was never a good show, and it was never popular. So why why WHY make a new one??? How anyone actually could enjoy this, especially ebough to actually BUY IT, pretty much proves that it is the end of the world.
Rating:  Summary: Last In Place Review: I don't know who William Hurt owed a favor to, but someone really took advantage of his friendship. Other excellent thespians displayed in this intergalactic meltdown include Gary Oldman ("Sid and Nancy," "The Professional"), Mimi Rogers ("X-Files") and Heather Graham ("Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me").
In this version of Irwin Allen's campy 60's tv show, the Robinsons are a bickering bunch of nitwits. Joey from "Friends" flies them across the galaxy and loses them, while Claudia from "Party of Five" complains almost nonstop that he didn't lose them enough. Or something like that. They battle biomechanical spiders, the evil Dr. Smith (Oldman, of course) and fly through holes in time, space and the plot. Somewhere in there, they pick up an orange, bulging eyed, hideous space freak they call the "Blawrp." It's a CGI-rendered monstrosity even less convincing than the Bloop from the original show (played by a chimp in a fur helmet with ears). To point out just one of the many problems with this film- there's no plot justification for having a Blawrp or a Bloop. He joins the story and contributes zilch. But that didn't stop the actors, so why should it stop a special effects monkey? The Blawrp is supposed to be oh-so-cute, and everyone in the cast gives him those awed-and-in-love faces, when they really should toss him out the airlock.
Which is where this movie should go. It's noisy, annoying and makes little, if any, sense. The script is self-consciously cutesy, and the pat character bits and dysfunctional family motif wear out their welcome after about the fifth time Dr. Robinson disappoints little Will, or the third argument between... oh who cares anymore?