Rating:  Summary: This Production Should Have Been Lost In Space Review: What the heck happened with this movie? Where do i begin reviewing such an aweful film without offending those involved? Is that EVEN possible? I never thought i would find anything worse than Ishtar... I was very wrong. This movie has some very good actors (Matt Leblanc aside), and the original series had a popular if not downright Americana cult following. Most offensive was the 'acting' from Leblanc himself who seemed to be more in the role of 'Joey' from the sitcom friends. Worse than that, it seemed like 'Joey' was trying to act the part of the pilot (if you can imagine). William Hurt... and it showed. I've said it before and I'll say it again: instead of buying or renting this video, you'd be better off cutting s hole in your rug to watch the floor show- The time will be just as productively spent. I would mention the work of the other actors in this film, but their careers just don't deserve it. If your looking for an 'okay' or better Sci-Fi film, look elsewhere, there are many to choose from. A note of credit to Mr. Leblanc, sir, your acting has improved greatly since this post mordem catastrophe, keep on top of it 'friend'.
Rating:  Summary: BAD BAD BAD Review: This movie stunk worse than 99 skunks in a dump. I hated this thing. I don't know what they were talking about. They could have spent all of that money they used to make this movie to cure cancer. Bad movie! AHHH! Change it! Change it!
Rating:  Summary: BEST REMAKE! Review: I was living out of the country when all the press was trashing this movie - and thank god! If you approach this movie without any preconceptions - except those you bring as a fan of the original series, you will be impressed!They couldn't have done a better job of capturing the original flavor of the series in this modern version. Unlike other disappointing TV remakes where the new cast playing the characters you loved end up annoying you to tears (Just watch about 3 minutes of Beverly Hillbillies - then toss the DVD in the fire and stomp on your spectacles) - The casting for Lost in Space was dead-on perfect with high marks for Don (Matt LeBlanc) and Maureen-mom (Mimi Rogers); and especially high ones for Lacey Chabert, Gary Oldman, and Jack Johnson (Penny, Dr. Smith, and Will). All three played the characters flawlessly with the added bonus that they all somewhat resemble the original characters. And casting kids cannot be an easy task. (For annoying child actors, see Spy Kids). It is rare to find young performers who are really likeable. In the beginning, Penny, appears to be a typical, superficial teen-aged mall Rat clone - and Will, a stereo-typical brainy brother. But when they are thrown into an extraordinary situation - Just like Swiss-Family Robinson, they become extra-ordinary kids. Will, just like in the series, becomes the Robot's best friend after he saves him from oblivion. And Penny figures out that living on a flying saucer can be cool. The updated Jupiter 2 is sleek, hot, and beautiful. And they found a creative way to re-create the robot, in his full retro-1960's glory, without damaging the film's polished look. Just as you would expect, there's a layer of corny, warm-fuzzy family schmaltz which at times will make you roll your eyes (like Judy's sappy flirting with Don), but THAT'S what qualifies this movie as a RE-make and NOT the "Revenge of Star Warz XXII". In Lost in Space, there's lots of action, aliens, science fiction toys and gadgets, peril... What else do you need? I'll tell you. THis DVD has loads of extras, like interviews with the cast, deleted scenes and a SFX making video. Get this if you love LOS. You will be pleasantly surprised.
Rating:  Summary: My eyes! Review: Ack, how did this steaming pile of cinema ever get made? Matt Leblanc proved his acting talents peaked with "Friends", but then again with such a lousy script, I'm not even sure Harrison Ford could have attempted such lines and come out with his career unscathed. William Hurt is miscast here. He just doesn't strike me as the idealistic scientist type with his low key mumbling. The space uniforms were very wierd....watching Lacey Chabert (presumably 14 years old at the time) wearing a skintight outfit ... makes ya feel wierd, though I didn't mind it much on the older chicks. Gary Oldman plays his tired evil-guy sniveling role yet again, and while its nice to have cute kids and robots in movies, this is definitely not a kiddie film with all the violence and stuff blowing up.
Rating:  Summary: Fun Review: Why does this movie get panned by 'critics' so much? Why would anyone have wanted an effort which merely copied what went before? Folks should just relax! I too enjoyed the original series while growing up, but I found this updated take to be refreshing and what it was supposed to be: Fun. The acting is good, the plot revolving around the father and son relationship actually had a bit of depth, and the romance factor was kept at a minimum, as it should be in sci-fi. I was also set to be critical if need be, but once over I thought it was a solid if not spectacular effort.
Rating:  Summary: Cost in space. Review: It's clear where the budget went here: the effects are dazzling. The CGI universe never looked so good. And yet, what a piece of cinematic bile this turned out to be. Good actors are wasted here; William Hurt looks increasingly pained as the movie progesses, and Mimi Rogers is hopeless as Mother Robinson. Matt LeBlanc certainly looks good in his black uniform, but clearly does not belong on the big screen. I won't even discuss how annoying the children are, and the animated creature they 'adopt' makes one long for the witty repartee of Jar Jar Binks. Avoid at all costs.
Rating:  Summary: good action flick Review: My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed this movie the first time around and have now probably watched it another dozen times or so by now. Great special effects, lots of action and an interesting plot. Matt LeBlanc adds a lot to the film.
Rating:  Summary: Perfect DVD, technically Review: This DVD should be the pattern for all DVD's; an absolutely perfect picture and flawless, undistorted sound. I rate it a 5 only because the technical aspect of the DVD itself is wonderful. If you're a big fan of the television show, buy this DVD. It has some amazing surprises of nostalgia, in particular the lift-off sequence at the beginning of the movie. The special effects are good for the most part, especially the beginning. Viewed on HDTV, this DVD is awesome.
Rating:  Summary: One Of The Worst Movies Of All Time Review: Lost In Space? Seen it? You must be at least interested in it for some reason or another since you are on this web page. I advise you right now, drop this movie from all consideration if you value your time and money...and your sanity. Don't make the mistake of watching this, or, even worse, buying it. What a terrible thought. I saw this back when it came out with the thought that at least the special effects would be good. I was wrong. Why I didn't turn this pondscum off after five minutes I'll never know. Maybe I held on to hope that this waste of a movie would eventually get more interesting. I was wrong again. The worst part of this movie, the absolute worst part was the introduction of that strange monkey like cursed creature that made Jar Jar Binks look like a Harvard Graduate. Matt Leblanc, Desperate to get out of his 'Friends' stereotype, should have been nicknamed 'Woody' in this. Meaning, He could do a better job of shoveling Elephant manure (With respect to the elephant) then acting. At least in this (actually come to think of it, in any of his movies). Actually, nobody is acting in this. More like trying to act. But I think you get the general idea.
Rating:  Summary: Something struck me... Review: It was while watching this movie that I had a chilling thought. "Lost in space" is easy to say and rolls off the tongue simply - but can you truly imagine, considering the immensity of the universe, how terrifying it would be to be genuinely LOST IN SPACE? When they attempt to chart any known constellations and nothing comes up it struck me how hopeless their situation really is. It was a scary thought. The film's great and the special effects are still amazing 4 years later. I love this movie and highly recommend it as an exciting ride from start to finish.