Rating:  Summary: America viewed through the comics.... Review: Comics being an honest American mythology tends to kind of view the country through the lives and the pictures of it's heroes. Superman represented by the good and the hopeful side of America. Of making a difference and trying to make the world safe for tomorrow. Batman on the other hand, has become more darker. Of that side of America that might be viewed by the rest of the world as being in the shadows, mysterious, not always acting on the best of intentions, or having an axe to grind. Well that's the case with the other Batman movies, not so with Batman Forever! Mostly because they changed the look of Gothom City to more brighter. Of Val Kilmer playing a more human Batman with showed emotions or either saddness or joy. In this movie, he's a man who at last comes to terms with what happened to his parents and is able to move on. This was really the Batman as created by Bob Caine in 1939, honestly played here,and this looks like it will be the only film that ever does it right.
Rating:  Summary: sausage to the sizzle. Review: I have to say i was a kid when this film came around but it still keeps me entertained, maybe im just sentimental but i think its stayed with me because; although the gloss (comic book spectaculars, bad puns and pantomime villains to be brief) is obviously a marketing influence to put the film where the money was, there's a deeper pycho-analytic intellegence... In keeping with the original two films, and using this newly stylised gotham city complete with comic book inhabitants, it explores obsession and the madness of Bruce Wayne (played well as expected, by the talented Val Kilmer) in comparason to the wild extravagant villains he takes on. Really to be honest, if you want to criticise this film you have to wonder if either your seeing the whole picture, or you just a bit old to be watching kids films
Rating:  Summary: UNBEARABLE - EVERYTHING IS AWFUL Review: There isn't anything "fun" about this car wreck of a film, there are no standout performances, there is no original "take' on Batman. Kilmer is ridiculous in the lead role (the bat signal isn't a beeper!), Jim Carrey is positively unfunny - not one good joke, or riddle for that matter. Two face is so over the top and disgusting it eliminates any pleasure to be had with the character. Robin is so luaghable bad (you have to go out and fight monsters Bruce!) The action : moronic (a grappling hook swinging a bank vault into a skyscraper), the plot: beyond compare. The only decent thing in this movie is the U2 song. Hey, the Burton films aren't very good either, but compared to this...
Rating:  Summary: Tons of fun!! As good as the first 2! B&R sucked! Review: This third entry in the Batman franchise is a whole new different look for the Batman movie series. A lot of the darkness of the first two movies is gone and replaced with a lot more colorful almost circus-like style and the movie has a brighter feel to it but it maintains a lot of the spirit of the first two and is pretty good. In this one, Batman faces off against Two-Face and The Riddler as they build a huge empire to 'possess' the minds of Gotham's citizens by means of a bizarre machine. This is a really fun movie and I actually like the circus-like tone to it. I hated the follow-up "Batman & Robin" which was a grave mistake and ruined Batman's image for a long time. While not on the level of the first two, this is satisfying enough to make it a keeper. The fourth Batman movie that came two years later in 1997 deserves to be taken out of print because it was terrible!!!!!!! Hooefully the fifth Batman movie due to be released in 2005 will bring everything back on track!
Rating:  Summary: A decent Batman flick that stands on its own 2 feet Review: Batman forever is where the Batman franchise was put in the hands of Joel Schumacher. This batman film is quite entertaining; after all it does have the some of the best action scenes throughout all the Batman films. However this film doesn't come close to Burton's work but it is still fun to watch. Before I go on, let me state one thing. THIS MOVIE STANDS ON ITS OWN 2 FEET, IT ISN'T A SEQUEL TO BATMAN RETURNS. I'll explain why that is later, first here is the plot. Batman (Now played by Val Kilmer) is out to get Two Face aka Harvey Dent (Tommy Lee Jones) Two face is a villain who is obsessed about trying to do whatever it takes to kill Batman. Two Face/Harvey Dent was once an attorney in Gotham but then a guy from the mob had thrown chemicals in his face during a court trial. He blames Batman for not saving him and that is why he is after him. But he isn't the only problem, an insane inventor at Wayne Enterprise named Edward Nigma (Jim Carry) decides to wreak because his boss (Bruce Wayne obviously) didn't give him a funding for his project he was working on. Nigma's work was a device made to manipulate brain waves so people would think there in the tv show they're watching. Wayne didn't like the idea. Now after getting pissed, he decides to stalk Bruce by mailing him anonymous and very erie riddles. Not only that, he gets a bit obsession over Two face and joins him and starts wearing a green suit with lots question? marks signs and likes to be called the Riddler. He makes a deal w/ two face, if 2face helps him steal lots of $ so Nigma can create his own organization that will build a lot of the brain wave manipulating devices, he'll help Two Face solve the greatest riddle of all- WHO IS BATMAN? Enough about the viallains, now about the heroes. A wicked hot psychytrist named Chase Merridian, (Nicole Kidam) whose helping in the case against two face develops a crush on Batman (not Bruce), and Bruce Wayne has one on her too. Plus, Bruce has decided to let an orphan named Dick Grayson (Chris O'Donnell) live with him who will later become Robin. Dick's a former trapeze artist from the circus who entertained people with his talent along with his family. Two face killed his family and is now bent on revenge to killing two face. That is basically the plot, now let me state why this should not be known as a sequel. First of all, this movie completely ignores EVERYTHING from the first. I don't mean the mechanics such as Gotham City not being dark but Gotham city itself now looks completely different. It's too gothic now, thee way too many statues of gargoyles and the city it self seems to have a different look then it used to. Not only Batman himself is different. First of all, his suit and gadgets seem a bit too high tech and his batmobile is also different. His mansion looks different, so does the batcave, and last and most importantly, this movie totally ignores about when Bruce's parents were killed. In the first Batman, it clearly stated that it was the Joker who killed his parents yet in Batman Forever, it makes it seems like it was a mysterious man who did Bruce still has no idea who it was. This movie acts like the first two films never happened. Besides that, let me explain why this movie didn't come close Tim Burton's. This movies tries so hard t be an "Awesome Batman Movie" by having lots of explosions, lots of guns firing, lots of CGI and has a cool soundtrack that it leaves out on what made the first 2 movies good and that is basically all the good mechanics. Things like a dark Gotham City, serious characters and villains (in this movie, the villains are just goofy dorks), SERIOUS ACTION (This movie does have a lot of good action but a lot of it is cheesy and meant for little kids) and whatever happened to the powerful score music done by Danny Elfman. This movie has a new score soundtrack which isn't as good. In conclsion, Joel Schumacher put Btman in the direction where it was meant for little kids to watch. This movie isn't bad but no great. We all know the real bad batman movie is Batman and Robin. I know Schumacher seriously hurt the franchise with that movie but stop calling him a bad director cuz he isn't. He made other great films since then such as Bad Company and Phone Booth so stop trashing him about Batman and Robin cuz that movie was made in 1997 and its 2004 so stop living in the past.
Rating:  Summary: A New Look For The Bat Review: "Batman Forever" isn't a top-tier comic-to-screen flick. What it is, however, is the best of the three subpar sequels of the "Batman" franchise so far. It's nowhere near as dark or moody as the first two movies, primarily due to the director, Joel Schumacher. It's a different type of film more akin to the cheesy TV series with Adam West. Don't get me wrong, it's still a fairly serious movie, but the mood of the film, from costumes to Gotham City, is more lighthearted than the first two films. Val Kilmer has been knocked often for playing "Batman." Honestly, I think he does a fine job. Expectations weren't as high for Michael Keaton, and when he pulled off the "Batman" character with style, audiences were blown away. Kilmer was merely considered too average. Playing Bruce Wayne wasn't considered much of a stretch for him, but he more than sufficed. The story runs along at a fairly decent pace. We're given the origins of "Robin," "Riddler," and "Two-Face." Once again, "Batman" has to fight two baddies at once, which is my largest complaint with all of the "Bat" sequels. Why do we need more than one villain in order to make a story interesting? As far as I'm concerned, there was no need for the "Two-Face" character. He was boring, out of place, and simply used to usher in the appearance of "Robin." The "Riddler" character was fun. A little over-the-top, but not annoying, Jim Carrey did a good job. I was actually worried about him going too far with the character. The rest of the cast is boring. The story is moderate, and the visuals are nice to look at, but that's all. Once again, effects have replaced the plot in order to drag in the largest demographic possible. In closing, "Batman Forever" is eye candy. It's cool to look at and fun to watch, but when all is said and done, you've witnessed a marketing tool to push toy and t-shirt sales. It's the best of the worst, so lets hope that a new sequel comes soon that will do the "Batman" franchise justice.
Rating:  Summary: an insult to the great burton/keaton films Review: this movie is terrible, a stupid lighthearted awful movie that i really feel is a waste of time and money. two face is a joker ripoff, and the riddler in this film makes me appreciate frank gorshin. kilmer is awful as batman, robin is annoying as usual, stick with batman returns, anything after is garbage.nyc
Rating:  Summary: the best batman movie! Review: This is diffinetly the best Batman movie there is! This is a lighter more funny Batman movie than the dark prequel Batman Returns.Tommy Lee Jones does a wonderful performance as Two-Face, Jim Carry brings a hilarious performance to the riddler, and Chris O'donnel does a great job as Robin. But don't forget about Val Kilmer:the best Batman actor of them all. This is a very convincing movie that uses the batwing, the batboat, and of course the batmobile. This movie has the romance,the action and a spectacular, action-packed ending!
Rating:  Summary: Under-rated Picture. Review: I really did like this movie, I think it was so much better then the Burton films and the Batman and Robin film that followed. What I liked most of all about this movie was the love story. I think Nicole Kidman played the part just right. Her role was actually of a woman who falls in love with Bruce Wayne (Val Kilmer) and is able to help him come to terms with who he is. That was something that was present only in this movie and none of the others. Anyway I hope Chris Nolan makes a great new Batman movie.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie, but would be better it they kept Micheal Keaton Review: Riddle me this, Riddle me that, whay should you buy a movie about a big black bat? Well, this is why I think you should buy, listen to me if you try. The Batman series is a good thrill but Batman Forever will give you a great fill. Better put on some traction, because this movie has wall to wall action.