Rating:  Summary: MIND NUMBINGLY ENTERTAINING Review: Joel Schumacher is the wrong guy for the job, but this third film in the series is ok, due to the fact that it was still trying to stay true to the spirit of Tim Burton. Kilmer is an acceptable Batman, and Nicole Kidman has never looked better. Chris O'Donnell is good as Robin, and the Special Effects are well done. Jim Carrey scores as the Riddler, but the film's greatest flaw is the treatment of Two Face. The most tragic of all Batman villians, he is turned into a clown here. Tommy Lee Jones is a fine actor, and he could have played the part of Two Face as envisioned by creator Bob Kane. Instead, Schumacher(and the script) turn him into nothing more than a goon, a henchman for the much brainer Riddler. Also, Eliot Goldenthal's score is acceptable, but nothing compared to the operatic, Wagnerian music of Danny Elfman in the first two films. Pretty good, but not to be compared to the first two films(though better than the disaster that was to come).
Rating:  Summary: Hmmmmmm Review: Jim Carey made an absolutely wonderful Riddler, with a goofiness and insanity that made the character as interesting as any in the Batman films. I also felt Alfred was given a good part, and Robin was quite likeable. Now, let's go on and kill the rest of the film...I like Val Kilmer, but he didn't seem to be able to play this part. I suspect the directors were trying to make him be Micheal Keaton--this sort of arrangement never works. Val Kilmer could have brought his own humor and energy to the role, instead of which, he dead-panned the part and was completely dull. The romance with the shrink was BOOOOO-ring and utterly unrelated to the plot. But the worst was Two-face. His part seemed to be written as a second-rate stand-in for the Joker. Two giggling maniac villains in one movie is too much. The villains would have worked MUCH better if their behavior had contrasted with each other--as someone has said before, Two-Face should have been done as he is in the TV series, where he was grim, serious and obsessed. It would have been much more fun in the long run, playing him and the Riddler off each other.
Rating:  Summary: The Legend of the Dark Knight has been snuffed out. Review: The story line was ok...the visuals sucked and all that I can say is that Joel Schumacher single handedly destroyed the Legend of the Dark Knight. I was dissappointed to say the least when I saw the movie..I guess he went for the comic book look but it just didn't happen on the big screen. If there is another Batman movie it will have to be damn good to make up for the stupidity of this film.
Rating:  Summary: Val Kilmer blows Keaton and Doc Ross away Review: Val Kilmer understood this part. Unfortunately, he couldn't develop it the way he really wanted to due to the ego of the director. Their feud is well chronicled and disturbing. I will agree that the first two were more dark and forboding, especially RETURNS with its intense sexual energy (not for the kiddies), but FOREVER did an excellent job of providing more action to an action starved series while staying true to the Batman mythos. The last scene in Arkham Asylum is really well done and leaves the door open for the future. Come back Val, we miss you!
Rating:  Summary: Batman Forever? Not anymore. Review: The Batman series entered its third addition to the series. And I have to admit it has some very plus moments, but it has so very few. I don't believe that Val Kilmer was the source of the problem here. I believe the burdon should be with Joel Schumacher and the script writers. The movie will undoubtably appeal to a younger audiance for the next couple of year's. But that is as far as it will ever go. It will be as forgotten as the last Chevy Chase movie. Batman and Batman Returns are both timeless masterpieces of modern film.The problem ( wich started with this very movie ) is that the series became way too campy. This reflects the very first Batman movie with Adam West. Though, that was far more entertaining because it was very good natured.This is a combination of goth and futuristic apocalypse. The outcome is a below average waste of a moviegoer's time. Tommy Lee Jones is extremely talented. But his talent is misused here. The same goes for Jim Carrey. His timing and actions are so crisp, yet the dialogue he is given falls short. Now I am not out to insult any body who enjoys this movie. I'm glad you do. Its just that, in my opinion, the first two work on such higher levels.
Rating:  Summary: BATMAN FOREVER RULES Review: Now this Batman movie was awesome!Val Kilmer is an awesome Batman and no one else can play Robin the way Chris O Donnel does.The special effects are excellent and the Batmobile rules.Tommy Lee Jones wasn't a very great bad guy,but only Jim Carrey could be an awesome Riddler.Fans of Batman will love this movie and fans of Robin will love it even more!
Rating:  Summary: Only good thing about Batman Forever: the Batmobile Review: This movie reeks. No TRUE Batman fan will like it and they will see it for the waste of time it truly is. Who's idea was it to put nipples on the bat-suit? Yeah, thatll scare bad guys. Then we have Robin who, when the film was getting ready 4 release in June 1995 was touted as a major character in this, but he is barely even in this and when he is he is a major @$$. The dialogue stinks as well. "Holy rusted metal Batman!" says Robin. "Huh?" says Batman. Gee, Batman was sure paying attention. "Holy overheated engines Batman! The Batmobiles engine is on fire!" "Huh?" he says. This movie was way too colorful and will someone please tell me why all the rock music was inserted into the movie? Maybe its because Elliot Goldenthal is a hack when it comes to film composing and he couldnt compose a whole score or, in reference to Batman & Robin(which sucked also) he couldnt compose a new score at all! Chase Meridian is the most interesting character in this(and why was she in this? to my knowledge she NEVER appeared in the comics) because everyone else is not AT ALL true to their comic book counterparts. Two-Face is not The Joker so he shouldnt act like him but he does. The Riddler is obsessed with puzzles and questions not lame mind-control devices. Robin NEVER had a brother so why he had one in this is mind numbingly stupid. Val Kilmer is also the worst Batman. Clooney(he sucked also) was alot better but no one beats Michael Keaton when it comes to portraying Batman. I only liked the Batmobile but even that is pushing it. Why would Batman drive a Batmobile with a light up engine? What purpose does it serve? As a HUGE Batman fan, I hope WB never does another Batman movie or if they do, Schumacher will be gone, and we will have people like Tim Burton who understand Batman and what he is about. He's dark and gothic not some dude who "chooses" to be Batman. If another Bat-movie comes along, WB should get rid of the sidekicks. Batman is a loner for the most part, not a daycare service.
Rating:  Summary: Batman Forever Review: Batman Forever is a marginally better movie than the fourth one in the series, the film has a plot it has better acting & the cool bat suits & good vehicles especially the Batmobile (Although the Batmobile in Batman & Robin was pretty cool too. ) Which isn't saying much. which stars are good i rate this 2 1/2 stars
Rating:  Summary: Batman Forever signaled the end of GOOD Batman films Review: Batman Forever is a waste of time? To the person who thinksCarrey and Jones were good villians, do you not read the Batman comicsor watch the animated series? Two-Face is both good AND evil hence his double nature. Not some wanna-be Jack Nicholson Joker like he was in this waste of garbage. Also the Riddler is not obsessed with mind control in the comics like he is in this movie. Hes obsessed with puzzling and confusing people. Schumacher should have had the Mad Hatter in the movie if he wanted a "brain drain" story so badly. Keaton IS Batman. First off, Keaton was serious and brooding EXACTLY like Bruce Wayne in the comics. Second, Bruce Wayne is not blond like Kilmer! The dialogue is horrible as well. "Its the car right? Chicks love the car." Like the relentless Batman of Tim Burton's movies, the animated series, and the comics would say something that lame. The only people who like this crapshoot of a movie are people who know NOTHING about Batman. Bring back Tim Burton and get rid of Schumacher before we have another Batman and Robin scenario again. END
Rating:  Summary: VERY VERY GOOD Review: 3rd film in hit series. Joel Shumacher does fine job of directing. Val Kilmer takes over role from Michael Keaton and delievers SPECTACULAR performance. Chris O'Donnell swell as "ROBIN". Nicole Kidman fine in role. Jim Carrey & Tommy Lee Jones BOTH FANTASTIC role of "RIDDLER" and "TWO-FACE". 5 STARS once again.