Rating:  Summary: DO THE MATH, BATMAN RETURNS WAS NOT A FLOP! Review: Listen here, Elizabeth from Bay Area California, Batman Returns was by no means a "box-office failure". The budget for the movie was 80$ million dollars and it made 162$ million domestically. While that is not as succesful as the first or third movies, a movie that doubles its own production cost absolutley cannot be considered a flop, no matter how you look at it. And by the way, making over 280$ million worldwide is hardly miserable.
Rating:  Summary: A sad waste of great potential Review: Disturbed by the box office "failure" of Batman Returns (which still managed to barely squeak out a miserable 280+ million worldwide), Warner Brothers decided to take the Batman movies in a new direction - right into a trash heap. To help fulfill this dream, WB brought on Joel Schumacher, who wasted no time in making the series safe for its McAudience by stripping the movies of nearly everything that made Mr. Burton's entries so special: the intelligence, self exploration, character development, adult-oriented dialoge, seriousness and dignity of the Batman mythos.Although the movie never quite reaches the unwatchable depths of the 4th entry, one gets the feeling it's not for lack of trying. Tommy Lee Jones is wasted as Two-Face, a character who very well could've been the most fascinating and complex villian in the series. Instead, Schumacher and the script writer, play him as a shallow, one-dimensional, over the top gangster. This would be bad enough in itself, but paired with Jim Carrey's over the top Riddler, the effect grows old very quickly. Val Kilmer actually aquits himself quite well, at least as Batman. His Bruce Wayne persona leaves a bit to be desired, but in all honesty, he is not the one to shoulder the blame. With better direction (and a better script), Kilmer could've make a great Wayne/Batman. The same can be applied for nearly all the actors in this movie, in their respective roles. Michael Gough as Alfred proves himself to be a wonderful actor, once again, and easily turns in the best performance. The visuals are decent at times, but a significant step down from stylish and beautiful sets and effects of the first two films. Danny Elfman is sorely missed. His score for Batman Returns was exceptional, though even his help would've done little to save this movie. The movie is not without some bright moments though (and thus the 2 star rating). The inital scenes under the big top cirucs (the introduction of Robin) are actually suspenseful and decently directed. And in one of the few (if only) excellent scenes of the movie, a homage to producer Tim Burton is thrown in ("Dr. Burton"). All in all, if you were put off by "the darkness" of either of the first two films, then you might consider checking this one out. Otherwise, a completely forgettable and missable film. Get the Burton entries, and leave this one on the shelf where it belongs.
Rating:  Summary: The Other Side of the Coin... Review: I'm really sorry to hear everyone blasting this movie so badly. When it comes to the Batman series I believe the dark style of the first Batman was a better choice, but you need to drop that and go from dark to just plain fun! This movie to me was a return to the craziness of the original TV series. I liked this version because it was something other than rehashing the first movie. I was a big fan of the original TV series and I liked to see the cast having a good time playing some really wacked out characters again. Jim Carrey was a real hoot as the riddler. And Tommy Lee Jones, rather than try to show up Carey's craziness, opened up a darker, more serious version of the much-disturbed TwoFace. This movie is a roller coaster of a good time filled with craziness - so what else would you expect from a storyline about two men in rubber suits and capes who run around in lit-up vehicles saving Gotham City? Take a silly pill and just enjoy it!
Rating:  Summary: garbage! Review: I thought this movie was garbage. Tommy Lee Jones was not needed in this movie. He was more of a nuisance than a villain. His attempt to play a villain was awful. The only good actor was Jim Carrey.
Rating:  Summary: EYE CANDY FOR THE ADD-AFFLICTED Review: Oh, my God--what happened! I guess Joel Schumacher heard all the complaints that Tim Burton's Batman was too dark, so he went in the completely opposite direction--flashy, gaudy and campy! Is Joel suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder or something because not a moment goes by in this film without someone: screaming, yelling, shrieking, giggling, punching, jumping, swinging, grabbing, snarling, whining, crying, wailing, falling, climbing, sneezing or farting. There's just too much happening in this film all of the time. This production is just one big homage to La Cage Aux Folles! It's just one histrionic movie, man! As for Batman himself--sorry, Val, I love ya and all, but you just didn't do it for me. That's my verdict regarding BF; but your kid might like it, though.
Rating:  Summary: I agree, Ed Wood would have a made a better movie than this Review: Hey guys, at least in Plan 9, Ed Wood didn't have nipples on his heroes costumes. This is without a doubt the all time worst movie ever made. It is too bad to heckle, it will suck out your brain faster than anything Riddler could concoct. I made the mistake of wasting my money to see this in the theatre and was stuck there because I got a ride with friends. I spent the last hour desperatly staring at my wristwatch which was sad because I wasn't WEARING a wristwatch. Like a said, the braindrain. This was the first movie I ever saw Nicole Kidman in and until I saw her something else, I was convinced she was a bad actress. Now I realize she was stuck in the mess of bad direction like everyone else. Her character, Chase Meridian, is a big time Bond girl ripoff and that is not a compliment. She starts by making a crack at her superior, Catwoman, how pathetic. Tommy Lee Jones was wasted. Totally wasted. He is such a great actor but he was stuck playing second banana (ham?) to Jim Carrey who was miscast as the Riddler. The Riddler presumably has a crush on Bruce Wayne and when Wayne woodenly brushes him and his invention off, he snaps. Great motivation guys. We sympathized with Penguin, we understood Joker but Riddler is just another freak. Next complaint: The my-parents-were-murdered flashbacks. Wasn't this covered in the first batman? As for Robin, don't even get me started. Tim Burton! WHY DID YOU LEAVE US IN THE CLUTCHES OF SHUMACHER? WHYYYYYYY !
Rating:  Summary: one god awful star. Review: Here is my review as intelligent as this movie.If you think this movies great, Your brain is full of doody!Love, the Riddler.
Rating:  Summary: I hate Joel Schumacher Review: This is the start of the ruination of the Batman series. Joel's Batman was more concerned with nipples on the batsuit and driving up buildings than actually producing anything near an enjoyable movie. Jim Carey and Tommy Lee Jones are so pitiful as villians that there performances make me physically ill. Damn this movie to hell. If you can believe it, Batman 4 was even worse than this.
Rating:  Summary: . Review: Quite possibly the stupidest Hollywood production I've ever seen in my life -- and that's saying a lot. All of the performances are awful, and the actors seem embarassed (and they should be!) The little story that is there is meandering and silly. Nicole Kidman and Tommy Lee Jones barely have a place in the movie, but given how painfully difficult it was to watch them scrape through such an inane script, I don't mind their absence. Chris O' Donnell is just laughable. Val Kilmer could've been a good Bruce Wayne, but the flashy, goofy context of this movie makes it impossible. The jokes are nerve-gratingly dumb, and the desperate aspirations of Joel Schumacher to make this a hipper, more "fun" Batman movie are just ... stupid. The visuals are gaudy and irritating. I did enjoy seeing the movie, but just because it left me in tears from laughing so hard at it. It's amusing, but only because it's so painfully, astoundingly terrible.
Rating:  Summary: Not a bad movie Review: But it certainly could have been a lot better. This film is nowhere near as good as its brilliant predecessors. Val Kilmar makes a mediocre Batman, and Chris O'Donnels Robin isn't much better. All the power, depth, subtlety, and psychological drama of the previous films are absent here; in their stead lies little more than an overly-done, loud, and heavily-stylized action flick. Still, it does reasonably well in the art department, and the acting is over-the top, but in a fun way. The action is smooth and well-made(though occasionally hard to follow). Basically, though not bad, it still pales in comparison to the darker, more adult "Batman" and "Batman Returns", which were far better than this.