Rating:  Summary: Not Great, But Any Star Trek Is Good Star Trek. Review: I remember renting this in 1998 and not liking it very much, so I rented it again, four years later, to see if I would like it any better. Well, besides understanding the plot more, not much has changed. Not to say that it's a bad movie, far from it! But instead of resembling the other Star Trek movies, which are mostly so darn good, it drags it down to an ordinary, "run of the mill" sci-fi flick. Though the plot is fairly neat, in the end the best things about it are the awesome special effects, the beautiful scenery on the Ba'ku planet, the appearence of F. Murray Abraham as the delightfully sinister Son'a commander, and the fantastic music by Jerry Goldsmith (especially during the beginning of the closing credits). You'd especially expect better from director Jonathan Frakes, whose "First Contact" might just be the best in the whole series! It's worth seeing if you're a Star Trek fan, but I'd definitely classify it as one of the least of the Star Trek films.
Rating:  Summary: Simply one of the best!!!!!!!! Review: I have read the reviews and they certainly are mixed. In my and my family's opinion (we are all trekkies) this movie is simply the best to date (pre-Nemesis). It has character instead of the usual pomp and circumstance (which I like as well). But, something was different here, there is a real cause, it provokes a real longing to see the right thing done. The acting was simply phenomenal. This is not your run of the mill sci-fi - simply much more. If you are just interested in visual effects - get a life and watch something boring. This one is way above the baseline. The movie doesn't rely simply on the techno skill of the special effects crew - it relies on the actors as well and the cause - a wonderful movie with a real heart. The people on this planet represent what we all might like to have - a real life of satisfaction away from the pressures and demands that drive us into the grave 20 years before our time - something worth fighting for.
Rating:  Summary: Not the worst, but... Review: This is a flat entry in the highly successful film series. Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Enterprise-E go to a mystical planet to save the inhabitants, who are kind of like space hippies. F. Murray Abraham is our over-the-top villain, Ru'afo, but is about on-par with the laughable (but better) Kruge or Sybok. And is it just me, or are nine out of ten Starfleet Admirals conniving, scheming lunatics? Admiral Dougherty is definitely one of them. I think what this film has going for it are the exciting climax and the neat-o space battle with Riker commanding the Enterprise against the Son'a. But this movie seems confused; it wants to be either a comedy, an action, or a love story, but doesn't succeed in either. Jonathan Frakes is a fine director and he gives this film a very fun look. It is the script that feels old and used, like it was thrown around the Paramount lot a little too much. Scenes with Worf and Data that are intended to be humorous fall flat on their faces. The scenes between Riker and Troi are cute and playful, but barely produce a subplot. Dr. Crusher and Geordi LaForge are pushed way in the background; there is a scene where Geordi at last has the gift of sight that is over before you know it and mentioned briefly, but never developed on. Here is a character that has been blind all his life now having the chance to see with his own eyes, and the screenplay pushes it into the far background. The scene between Picard and Dougherty work as well as the final fistfight between Ru'afo and the Captain, but the scenes between Picard and the Ba'ku leader, Anij, are just sci-fi blunders in an attempt to make a love story. The final plot twist at the end has little impact on the viewer and is all-too-obvious. As far as "Trek" films go, this is a wannabe.
Rating:  Summary: Only true believers need watch Review: I have always thought that there is a difference between Star Trek fans (myself and others like me) who simply enjoy watching the TV shows and movies, and the sort of people who confuse it with reality. The prior reviews pretty much prove I am right. Any objective analysis of this film leads to the inescapable conclusion that it is awful. The plot is weak, the characters more clowns than heroes, and the script preachy and unrealistic, even by ST standards. It is a shame to see such a great actor as Patrick Stewart acting like a feminized buffon, but that is essentially how Captain Picard behaves in this piece of tripe. Worf stumbles through his scenes more confused than anything, and the old "Data goes nuts" theme has been used so much it reeks of decay. The piece with Troi and Riker in the tub together might have been nice 10 years ago when they were in their prime. By the time this film was done, though, it reminded me of the scene from "Friends" where the gang sees their neighbor,Ugly Naked Guy, being intimate with his equally ugly girlfriend. Middle age paunches and wrinkles do not a sultry scene make. It is almost unbelievable that this film followed "First Contact," which by my estimation was the best ST film ever. I must give it one star because I cannot assign it a lower rating, otherwise it would have a big fat zero next to it. Trust me on this one - just let it die; just let it die.
Rating:  Summary: Uhhhhh ohhhhhh, what is this?! Review: Baffled is a word that most people who saw this movie could use to describe their mood when they left the theater. Why in the world did the writers think this lame story would be good as a feature film? It's barely passable as a simple TNG episode! A primitive society living on a planet of eternal youth are going to be displaced by renegade Starfleet officers and it's up to Picard and company to break the Prime Directive to defend the people and fight against Starfleet. That sounds very boring to me, and there were episodes of the show that dealt with this sort of thing. Couldn't the writers come up with anything original? The segment where Data and Picard sing is pretty hard to watch, and Beverly and Troi talking about their chests feeling more youthful was not needed. Data is more like a comic book character in this movie with the stupid situations he ends up in. As for the villains, well the less that is said about them, the better. I think the Star Trek writers should all have been fired immediately after they wrote the script and tried convincing Paramount it would make a good movie. This turkey pretty much ruined the Star Trek franchise for most fans, and as a result, the attendance may be low at Star Trek Nemesis. Just like when bad management runs a corporation into the ground, the Trek franchise has bad writers which are doing the same. Enough is enough, fire them!
Rating:  Summary: Star Trek 101 Review: You loyalists will probably hate me for writting this but I think this is one of the weakest star trek movies ever made. What I mean is with the exception of Star Trek 5 the plot is the most poorly executed of all the Star Trek movies. Some parts were great, when Worf and Picard sang Gilbert and Sulivan As always, the space battles The Picard diplomacy tactic Some parts were bad Data and the children Tori and Riker getting their hormones messed with Please be kind to me, I just didn't like this movie all that much.
Rating:  Summary: Very Well done :) :) Review: This is the best Star Trek The Next Generation film on the store shelves...
Rating:  Summary: Not my favorite TNG journey Review: I have been a fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation for many years, and I always get a fuzzy, excited feeling when they release a film from this series. Since I missed it at the theatre with much regret, I put a VHS copy of "Insurrection" into my VCR. By the end of the film, I must admit that I was thoroughly disappointed. I think that while Jonathan Frakes did an excellent job bringing some characters out of their shells in "First Contact," he (and the writers) focus way too much on humor and not enough on character development and plot. Some of the lines and gags are bordering on ridiculous. Speaking of plot, this one was silly and pretty pointless. A race that cannot age? A conspiracy within the Federation? Okay, sure. I know it's difficult after almost fifteen years to come up with original ideas, but put your heads together guys and bring us something with more depth, more action, and more emotion so we don't get bored. "First Contact" was so good because it got dark and gritty, two qualities we rarely see in anything Star Trek. So why three stars, you ask? Well, because it's TNG. I love the cast and I still think they are fine actors. The special effects are always awesome. And while it's not a great film in and of itself, it fulfills the job of at least continuing the series. Another reason I'm not completely bashing it is because of one scene. Lt. Cmdr. Geordi La Forge, like many crew members, starts to experience the "fountain of youth" effects from the planet's atmosphere. His blindness begins to fade and he is seeing the sky for the first time in his life. This is one of the most defining emotional moments in the entire Trek series. As he describes everything, the most die-hard Trek fan might be compelled to tear up. Great stuff. Overall, it's not terrible, but it's not very good either. But fear not, fans. "Nemesis" looks to be the most promising venture of the TNG crew. Looks even spookier than "First Contact." Here's hoping, right?
Rating:  Summary: Not the best Trek on Screen but very good! Review: I've read and heard many people say that "Insurrection" was nothing more than a television episode on the big screen. I can see and understand how people would think that. I do not share that opinion. I believe "Insurrection" was exactly the story and movie that it's creator's wanted it to be. Patrick Stewart and everybody else involved said from the beginning that "Insurrection" wasn't going to be another "First Contact." They wanted to create a movie that had a lot of heart in it with a smaller amount of the action and they did that. While missing a lot of the heavy duty special effects and action of the previous films, I really enjoyed and continue to enjoy this movie on DVD. That being said, I can't wait until "Star Trek Nemesis" lands in the theaters on Dec 13th, 2002.
Rating:  Summary: Bad movie, Good Display case. Review: When you get this package, you can throw out the DVD, but the package itself is quite handsome looking and can be used to store a DVD with a better movie on it.