Rating:  Summary: A Spinosaurus Good Time Review: I have seen this movie 2x so far and both times have gotten quite scared with the scenes of Spinosaurus. This dinosaur is the meanest creature I have ever encounted so far with the exception of T-Rex, but even T-Rex wasn't so mean in this film. This dino was the best I have seen and the scene where they are standing by the fence and they hear the cell phone go off and they turn around and Spinosaurus is just standing there watching them and then starts charging, that was the absolute best and scariest to me.I highly recommend this movie to serious movie goers. The Jurassic Park series is becoming one of the best I have ever seen and one I will own and cherish for a long time to come. I'm looking forward to more sequels. Of course, the first one was just fantastic because it was something no one has ever seen before, but they just keep on getting better and better. I highly rate this movie with 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Better than the average sequel Review: Steven Spielberg gave a new name for summer fun with the first 2 Jurassic Park movies, which I think are far superior to the Mummy and Mummy Returns. When you think of a third movie in a series you'd think it wouldn't be too great and be boring. Well, now Spielberg isn't directing, more of the original cast is back fom the original, and it's still quite fun! The overall plot is kinda silly to get the main guy played by Sam Neill onto the island, but who really cares. You're staring at spectacular special effects. The movie would be lost without introducing the Spinosaurus, which is bigger than the T-Rex, cause weve seen the raptors before. Overall, it's pretty silly, but this is mindless entertainment, and it's only 90 minutes long, so it doesn't drag on for too long. Recommended for fun!
Rating:  Summary: Monsteriously Pre-Historic and Chilling... Review: Great movie to see. Great production all around and the sound was stupendious. This movie made my skin crawl and I left the theater totally statisfied. You will like this pre-historic thriller.
Rating:  Summary: Jurassic Park III Review: This movie was an okay experience. The short running time and straight forward story keep this film enjoyable. It begins with a man and boy going down on the island after their boat crashes. Dr. Alan Grant is presenting theories about raptor intelligence, but the audience is only interested in Jurassic Park. Grant and his colleague are offered a large donation to their dig if they will lead an adventurous couple in a low altitude fly by of the island. They reluctantly agree....They intend to search, but of course bad things happen. Their plane crashes and they have to face the dinosaurs. It has good special effects and an okay storyline. The only thing I didn't like was they tried to duplicate the relationship between Grant and the resident child.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: I thought jp3 was very good! but to be honest, i thought there could of been a little more Dino's in the story. But I don't really get how the boy survived 8 weeks, and the men that came to save him barely survived 2 days. Other than that i thought jp3 was the best movie of the summer!
Rating:  Summary: Jurassic Park 3 was a pleasant surprise. Review: After the very disappointmenting Lost World: Jurassic Park, I wasn't expecting too much from this film; I was, however, pleasantly surprised. While this film does not invoke the sense of awe and power of the first film, it's still one heck of a thrill ride. Director Joe Johnston does a fine job at filling Steven Spielberg's shoes. His style of direction is very reminiscent of the previous two films. The cast is fairly good, at least for a summer blockbuster. Sam Neill reprises his role from the first film and does a good job at doing so. William H. Macy is a welcome addition to the cast. Tea Leoni gives a noteworthy performance but does come off as being somewhat annoying, though. The story is, by no means, groundbreaking. The screenwriters borrow many elements from the first two films but add some of their own ideas. A new cast and new dinosaurs also help in making the film appear to be more original. While Don Davis's musical score isn't as majestic and powerful as John Williams's score for the previous films, it does serve its purpose of heightening the action. The special effects are very good but not quite up to par with those of the first film. The CGI dinosaurs have a `computer tint' to them. The animatronic dinosaurs are quite convincing, however. I only have two real complaints with this film. Where the first film was perhaps too slow in its pacing, this one feels very rushed; some scenes fly by and don't give you an opportunity to catch your breath. With a running time of only 90 minutes, one would think the film could have been lengthened to further develop the story. The finale is also a little too `audience friendly.' I doubt we'll see many summer blockbusters, this year, that will be more entertaining than this.
Rating:  Summary: Didn't expect much and I received what I expected Review: The first 'Jurassic Park' was amazing, the visuals and the story was just a big advancement in film. But the 'Jurassic Park' series is one that I have never quite taken seriously. I watch them because in the end, they're a lot of fun, and when you get down to the bottom...why even try to judicate this movie? There are so many things I could whine about, the script, the acting, the plot, etc. But I'm not going to, because when you tear apart a movie like this you sound more idiotic than the movie itself. I must say that yes the movie could have been more action packed and yes 10 minutes longer would've made it quite nice. Of course I love William H. Macy, one of my personal favorites, Tea Leoni I could give or take...But what this movie is, is its a big blockbuster movie that you aren't supposed to think about, just see it, have fun and leave knowing that your money has gone to make another sequel...
Rating:  Summary: My Dinosaur ate my plot .... Review: Ok, so you wanna see dinos. Fine. They're all there. Even a couple you haven't seen before. And they all look as cool and amazing as they did in the first movie. The trouble is, also included in this movie are a bunch of actors trying to make do with a rather meagre and predictable plot. Some of them are pretty good actors, too. William H. Macy does what he can with the storyline and his lines in specific, and Sam Neill is as likable and convincing as ever, but it is all too obvious that a lot of formidable talent was wasted on what is clearly a vehicle for the dinosaurs. And whenever those aren't around, the plot steps into the foreground as the major tedium that it is. Relief comes only in the form of Spinosaur, the Raptors (sans dino-fuzz), Pterosaurs and the rest of'em. The dearth of substance in this film probably accounts for its comparative brevity, which you may also consider a relief. Anyway, if you can't get enough of perfectly rendered dinosaurs stomping and bellowing in Dolby Surround Sound on a big screen and don't care too much about the story, you'll get your fix for sure. But if you felt that 'Lost World' was already spreading the franchise thin, you might run out of patience with Jurassic Park III pretty quickly.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent sequel Review: This movie is packed with pure adrenalin-pumping action. The computer-animated dinosaurs were better than ever. JP 3 even surpasses The Lost World. It does exactly what it was created to do. It takes you on a wild joyride, and leaves you wanting more. As a result you either want to see the movie over and over, or you desperately want a JP 4. Or maybe you desire both. Oh, and that Spinosaur was simply awsome.
Rating:  Summary: Jurassic Park III...They're back. Review: The two new characters eager to get to the island are idiots, phrased lightly. They are actually looking for their son, who was parasailing with a friend when they crashed. Tea uncovers the friend's gruesome corpse and is intangled with it and the parachute, losing control and freaking. Alan Grant is back, and is once again dragged onto the island. But this isn't "the" island, this is another island, and once the Kirbys realize their mistake they aren't so sure of themselves anymore. I have to disagree with many; I had to give this 5 stars. I loved it. The small things wrong were the main portrayal of the raptors and the newly discovered T-Rex threat, which battles the T-Rex in one of the more exciting moments of the movie. The ending I thought was funny, everyone's surprised at the help that Alan's "contact" sent. I also think that this should be the last sequel, leave us wondering about the flying creatures at the end as they soar alongside the rescue choppers. [...] In conclusion I thought it was a great movie, the improved technology and discoveries made this sequel a great addition to Jurassic Park.