Rating:  Summary: Great SFX, script found wanting Review: Okay, this wasn't your typical pitiful sequel. On the other hand, it does virtually nothing to progress the overall story. The first film established the possibility of modern-day dinosaurs, and how mankind thinks they're God. "Lost World" takes the next step, revealing that the problem isn't solved, and providing some deeper thoughts about the dinosaurs ... just because they were created in a lab, does that not give them the right to exist?This movie, on the other hand, is just one little snippet. The story is really about Neill's character dealing with events seen in "Lost World," but in which he didn't get to participate. There's action and good special effects, but it falls short of its potential. The scene of the pterodactyls (or are they pteradons?) flying away from the island opens the door to what this movie should've done: deal with the possibility that the dinosaurs could leave the island on their own.
Rating:  Summary: If Ed Wood Made a Dinosaur movie. Review: Jurassic Park 3 is with out a doubt one of the worst movies ever made. It has nothing to do with the first two Jurassic Park films, and of course has none of the heart or charm that made those films special. This film does not even qualify as a B movie. To all of those people who say that it's better than the Lost World, I even doubt you people even saw it. Because if you did, you would not even compare The Lost World to this film. Don't pay attention to those people who say that it's better than Lost World. Chances are, they are lying in order to sell this lemon to you.
Rating:  Summary: Spielberg should lower his head in shame. Review: I don't know what Steven Spielberg was thinking when he let his name be put on this.... Sam Neil Gives A decent Performance but Let's face it, his character is the least interesting of the entire series. (Unfortunately, he is the most interesting character in this film) All he does is look stupid from one scene to another, and even acts dumber in this than in The first one. (The Scene with the talking raptor is a good clue on how bad this movie is) Save your money and your dignity, and rent the first two films (Jurassic Park and The Lost World), They are a hell of allot better than this.
Rating:  Summary: JP3 Review: This is a great movie. I saw it in in theatres and it is a really great movie. There is a great plot and a lot of action. You only see the t-rex once, but you see the spinosaurous a lot and for the first time in the movies you see a pterodactyl, and Dr. Grant is back. They have a lot of trouble with raptors like in all the other movies. Just go see it.
Rating:  Summary: Massively Computerized Behemoths Return to the Silver Screen Review: Joe Johnston's (Honey I Shrunk the Kids, October Sky) Jurassic Park 3 marks the franchise's first sizable departure into the film realm of B-Movies, severely cliched action sequences, minimal dialogue for the sake of hiding gargantuan plot inconsistancies, tired but slightly amusing Hollywoodized conventions habitually marching to forefront, and other disreptuable yet hugely amusing bothces repeatedly waving for my attention. However this evolution from the pomp and circumsatce of the Steven Spielberg helmed films was desperately desired and an ineviatble continuence for Jurassic Park as film franchise. It goes without saying that I substanually doubt that Jurassic Park would have had nearly half the box-office draw and phenomenonal business without the expert cinematic manipulation and enthusiastic drive of Spielberg for a new watershed maturation of special effects. With abundantly lackluster storytelling performance of Lost Word: Jurassic Park, Spielberg was either preoccupied with other cinematic projects or creatively dry of anything drasticly new to add to the Jurassic Park forum. With this third picture in the series, JP continues to frolic in it's massive box office appeal though creatively speaking, the dinosaurs may possiably again become extinct in years to come.
Rating:  Summary: Dino mite! Review: I still remember that day long ago (2 1/2 years) when I finished reading the Junior novelazation of Jurrasic Park 2. The last 2 sentances went like this "they would never be seen by humans again. Maybe" Maybe. The one word that instantly told me that there was going to be another film. And so I waited 2 years, spent endless hours researching the film on the internet, becoming a member of a great fan site Dansjp3page.com, writing stories, and eargely counting down the days untill it came out. Finially the day it came out I couldent see it because I was on a boy scout camping trip. I somehow managed to convince my scoutmaster to take me and a few others who wanted to see the movie to a local theater in the dead of night to see it. I went in and sat down, watched the exciting previews and my heart started to race when the words "Jurrasic Park III" showed up on the screen. Did I enjoy it? Oh you betcha. Jurrasic Park III is the best action film this year has seen so far. Its better then "Apes" its better then "Mummy" and its definiatly better then the awful "Peal Harbor" It delivers, with a great plot, great charachters, and fantastic action. The action in Jurrasic Park III is withoubt a doubt some of the best ever featured in the series, from the plane crash to the boat attack, every single one is a classic. The brand new spinosaurus is really cool, even better then the T-rex (Who only gets about a minute and 30 seaconds of screen time) The special effects are still spectacular the 3rd time around, in fact, there so good, they should win a oscar. The human charachters are interesting, including everyones favorite paleontologist Dr Alan Grant, a suspicious couple, Grants assistant, a tennager who survives the longest period in the jungle in any of the movies, 8 weeks, 3 supporting gung-ho charachters, 2 of whom become dino chow in 10 minutes after you meet them. Jurrasic Park has been a series full of deaths and thankfully, this movie has the least amount of eaten people, a total of 4 people die in the film. So the sickining violence is kept to a minimum. However this film features the most gruesome and disgusting corpse ever featured the series. It is so sickining to look at that eveyone in the theater went "Uhhh!" when they saw it. It shows up when the group pulls on the crashed parisail, so be warned, kids may have nightmares for days afterwards. One of the greatest new additions to the film is its great sense of humor. All of the jokes (Most of wich involve a cell phone) are very funny to look at. Some of them are so funny they should have put "The suprise comedy hit of the summer!" on the movie posters. One unintentionally amusing joke is lisiting to the new raptors "Talk" to each other. Its actually very funny.(Can you find the "Rippling water" tribute to the first film?) Granted this film is not withoubt its problems. For instance how can a thingy survive in the stomach of a dinosaur for 3 days? . Also why did universal promote the raptors so much? although they may be more inteligent they are actually not a threat. In fact, they only kill one person! Once you figure out why the raptors are following the humans its actually kind of silly to think that the raptors were promoted so much. The next biggest problem with the movie is its ending. If you are expecting a exciting ending, your going to be dissapointed. The biggest problem is the movies lenth, its only 1 hour, 32 minutes and 2 seaconds long! I dont know about you but that seems really short. Also, watching the ending leaves the door wide open for another sequel! (its been confirmed that a 4th one is in development) Its like the producers are holding up a sign saying "Hah Hah, were going to make another sequel, Ha Ha!" But beyond its problemes Jurrasic Park III is a great film. Go see it. I cant wait for my 4th viewing. If you had any doubt about the series after the last film, this movie will put those to rest. It was definiatly worth the wait. The good: Lots of action, Really cool dinos, good charachters, good story. The bad: bad ending, Spino vs. T-Rex battle is too short (1 minute exactly) dissapointing ending And the ugly: inevitable sequel to this sequel, too dang short!
Rating:  Summary: Not Great but Better Then the Lost World. Review: Ok, let me the first to say, "no this movie will not win an award for anything". The movie does lack on originality, but what it looses there, it makes up in comedy. I dislike the fact that many people are dissing this movie without even thinking of the failure of Lost World. This movie is head and shoulders above that, but doesn't equal the original. It is a far better ride with Grant as the lead character, Ian was far too eccentric and at times you wondered why he had survived. The worse part of the movie is the ending, by far. The way this ended was not a way that it should have. The movie does breath a little fresh air into the series though, due mostly to the Spinasaurs. Also a VERY weak angle was introducd with the discovery of talking Raptors. If you were left with a bad taste in your mouth after the Lost World or if you want to see hope in the JP series, this movie gives you a little of it. But if your looking to at this with hopes of it surpassing the first, its not there. Go to this movie, expect nothing out of it that is the best way to enjoy it, that way your not disappointed. It's not very original, but its does make up for the Lost World.
Rating:  Summary: It's faster and meaner but lacks soul and intellegence Review: The Dinosaurs (even the texture of their skins) look more real than ever and the action sequences are done beautifully. However, the script is weak and the emotional impact is long gone. Joe Johnston exceeds at the action scenes (plane crash, T rex vs Spino, Pteradactl attack) but the characters were flat and some of the situations were real stupid. The script was a quick job done by a new jack who didn't take the time to think it through. Yet still, I did like it, but i'd only watch JP4 if a smarter script writer does the movie and come up with some more original ideas than running from dinos. And a more unpredictable, bigger and meaningful bodycount!!!!
Rating:  Summary: JP3 a techical Masterpiece Review: If you have ever tryed to make cgi on your computer, you will definitly enjoy Jurassic Park III as much as I did from that aspect. I have been waiting for a sequil of The Lost World for a long time. I could see how the plot was a little weak, but it was still a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: Same as it ever was............ Review: This film is terrible, a cliched hodgepodge that is thoroughly insulting on every level. Only the dinosaurs are worth watching in this unnecessary [movie]! The acting, score(particularly abominable this time out), and plot are all tossed into the garbage in favor of the type of cookie cutter filmmaking that insures that massive crowds will have plenty to hoot and holler at. My prayer for the future: NO MORE FILMS LIKE THIS!!