magic. I found myself laughing at the jokes and wishing that I too could be inducted into this underground world of hacking and fun. It won't exactly rub shoulders with The Third Man or The Seventh Seal, but it's still worth adding to your DVD collection.
Summary: Hackers is just plain out BAD!!!!
Review: I saw Hackers a few years ago and thought it was [bad]. But a friend of mine was recently saying how much she liked it, so I thought maybe I should give it another chance. Well I watched it again, this time with an open mind and with the intention of really trying to enjoy it. Unfortunatly, I was right the first's [bad]! The characters are generic, predictable, and cliché. The story is even worse! You don't need to have a knowledge of computers, the internet, or hacking to know that this story is completely unrealistic and insulting to your intelligence. The one good thing that I can say about this movie is that soundtrack is outstanding! Unfortunately, that is about the only thing that is enjoyable (well that and looking at Angelina Jolie wearing a see-thru top).
Summary: Yes.....
Review: Every time this movie is on TV I just have to watch it. It's the best movie I've seen that involves computer and teenagers and it's actually fun to watch (Unlike others) It's true that the world of hacking looks mad easy in this movie,I actually believe it was real but it's not but it's still cool. If you want to watch a cool movie with cool characters and an even cooler storyline then HACKERS is your thing. Totally recommended!!!
Summary: It's a good movie, and revenge at the same time
Review: A little payback for every crashed system and virus-eaten file is in every real hacker's scream of "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!"
Well, of course it's not like that. While real hackers would no doubt be fascinated by the sight of pasty faces glued to a screen writing PERL for an hour and a half, this movie's intent is to entertain people who aren't physically aroused by the scent of a coding manual.
Hackers is, ultimately, the classic tale of a young man who must fight against enormous odds with the help of his newfound friends, and in the end get the girl. It's perhaps the best modern retelling of such a tail, allowing for enjoyment of it whether you're computer-savvy or even if you have a bit of difficulty programming your microwave, as it never falls terribly heavily into really relying on the facts of the technology to tell the story, but rather lets them be implied, or in some cases fudges them for the sake of imagery or telling the story. (Yet another reason that some die-hards despise it.)
Hackers certainly isn't going to revolutionize anyone's worldview, but it was never intended to. It's pure entertainment, and provides as such very well, with an interesting cast of characters that are shown to us in just the right way as to make us care without becoming bogged down in the minutae that many films try to use to establish a rapport. (It's enough to know that their moms bug them about filling out applications and staying up late on the computer without going into long, philosophy-laden dialogues on the matter as some movies might.)
I would have liked it if the DVD had more extra material, but then this movie was made quite awhile before DVDs were around, and it's unlikely anyone had any thoughts to "bonus material" when making it.
Definitely worth adding to your home library.
Summary: Hack the planet, or just stare at Angelina, its all good
Review: While this movie is in no way an accurate portrayal of "hacking," especially during the time period it was made (1995), it is still a great movie. The director obviously decided that flashy graphical user interfaces would be a lot more exciting for movie audiences, than the standard Unix prompt environment. While the types of GUIs shown in the movie would not have been used at that time, nor for those purposes, nor *could* they have been used (a 28.8 baud modem is drooled over in this film, and trust me a 28.8 couldn't begin to even choke on the graphical interface it is supposed to be handling), it is still a fun movie to watch.What makes the movie work? Great actors, great script, great soundtrack, accurate ideas (if not technology). I will not bore people with my opinions of the actors, but I will cover the rest.
The script. The premise of the movie is not only plausible, but scenarios like it have actually happened many times over (usually with the "bad guy" winning in the end by the way). Don't believe me? Search any credible online news database for keywords such as "scandal," + "corporation," + "corruption," + "fraud," + "embezzlement." You will find your examples.
Soundtrack. The music in this movie is sweet. The music ranges from house trance to freaky techno cyber punk. It suits the mood and the pacing of the movie perfectly.
Ideas. The ideas behind this movie are obvious. They even managed to sneak in a portion of the "Hacker's Manifesto," written by, "The Mentor." True it wasn't nearly complete, and it was slightly edited, but they did get some of it in. The basic idea behind this movie, and behind the "hacker," sub-culture is that capitalism is fine -- greedy profiteering is something else all together. Real "hackers," do not do what they do because they are anti-social (although many are) or because they have a desire to hurt anyone or to destroy anything. A real "hacker," is only interested in one thing, information. They don't care if it is the government that has the information, or a corporation, if it is something they think the world should know (or something they are just curious about) then they will go after it. The little punks launching "viruses," these days are not "hackers," they are stupid wannabes that downloaded a "133+" Virus-Warez off the internet, that allows them to basically point and click to setup a malicious computer program that will do a limited amount of functions. You will either encounter that type of amateur virus online, or a more professional job -- generally created by a programmer that is interested in one thing, money. These more sophisticated programs (I detest calling them "viruses") scan your computer looking for files named "money," or "records," or "passwords," or "secret," or "mine," or "bank," etc. They grab that information and send it back to the program author, and if it is enough information, you will find yourself the latest victim of identity theft -- along with an empty bank account. Anyway, I digress, this is the sub-culture that this movie is trying to tap into, computer experts that go by many names, including "hacker." I believe that in this, the the movie succeeds brilliantly. If you haven't seen it yet, give it a chance. Just don't watch it expecting to learn how to break into anyone's computer system. [grin]
Oh, and another *very* common password that the movie misses in its list of common passwords (love, sex, secret, god) is "password." All you goofballs out there using that as your password, you are begging to be "hacked."
And -- Hack The Planet!
Summary: Interesting but not anything like real life
Review: This movie had a good music track and it kept you interested all through the movie, but it's just not anything like real life. The life ofa hacker isn't anything like this.
Summary: Cool Movie
Review: I saw the movie Hackers a few years ago before I knew who Angelina Jolie was and I really liked this movie, yes it is kind of a weird movie but I liked that, it definitely has a trippy quality to it and it's fun to watch and though all of the actors were good Angelina Jolie was definitely my favorite actor in Hackers and I would definitely like to add the movie to my DVD collection.
Summary: Completely Hokey
Review: Awful. Horrible. Terrible. I could go on.
Maybe you have to be a computer science major (or former one, in my case), or just know the slightest bit about computers to know that hacking isn't some virtual-reality trip through pretty graphics on a huge hologram display. Or maybe it's just common sense.
The "hacking" is totally unrealistic and it hurt me to watch it. The culture, I'm sure, is probably also 180 degrees off from what they show in the movie. Seriously, people, who dresses like that? Who wears their hair like that? And certainly all hackers are not skateboarders.
Were there any good points to this movie? Matthew Lillard was outrageous in every aspect, and I enjoy his acting (however ill-fitting it was). And, of course, Angelina Jolie, one of the main reasons I bought the DVD.
And speaking of the's all about computers and technology, so it'll have some cool high-tech special features, right? Well, if you consider a trailer and scene-selection to be high-tech and amazing, then you got it. And you also probably thought the hacking in the movie was "cool."
Summary: Good movie
Review: This is a good movie but only that... The color books are freely available on the net and most are dated (the '80s) thorough out the movie you will find items like that... This is something teenagers would do... if they could. Generally a good movie, but for those who know a lot about older PCs or Macs (i.e.: '85-'97) it may just anger them. There are a lot of untruths and stretched rules. Definite rewatchability though, and a good general story.
Summary: good movie, when interpreted as a film rather then a story
Review: I received this DVD as a gift from my brother on Christmas. I was pleasantly surprised, and enjoy it very much. It's an outside interpretation of the hacker society, and should not be viewed as anything but entertainment. It paints the hackers well as kids having harmless fun, and the law enforcement as bumbling fools, and fascists. The Hackers battle these enemies in the form of Plague, representing the capitalists, and Richard Gill, representing the oppressors of liberty, or as they are commonly referred to as, pigs.
The artistic view of the hacker mind, and the way they interpret the computer system is strange, though well done. Faced with a subject that the majority of viewers know nothing about, and the little they do know is mostly wrong, they hinted at the outer layer, and didn't make any horrendous mistakes, so it's all good.
It's a great movie, and worthy of buying, but I wish there were more. It would have been nice to get a director commentary audio track, as well as some deleted scenes, and some footage on behind the scenes stuff. It would be nice if different angles were offered, maybe even a special cut for the DVD release, but as I am starting to see, that's too much to ask for. All this DVD has is subtitles and different languages, bare minimum in my view, not worth it for features, but worth it for the movie itself. If you've already converted to DVD, get the DVD, but if you can find it cheeper on VHS, it's not much of a bonus to get the DVD.
This is not a remake of War Games, that movie was an insult, and an injury to Hacker culture, this was more of an artistic comedy.
Zero Cool was arrested for writing a computer virus that crashed 1507 systems, including Wall Street computers, not hacking the IRS dbase. Off the top of my head, Trinity from the Matrix hacked the IRS database, though I suppose it could be in a smaller part of the movie I don't remember.