Rating:  Summary: I think the film was very good. Review: In my opinion,not only the cast but the movie itself was very very good! The original soundtrack is also excellent... Well,i guess that's all.I realy loved the film!
Rating:  Summary: Macs??????? Review: I think that the action in Hackers was cool and the graphics were cool. I even liked the gloves used in the final hacker sceen. BUT..... They used Macintosh....What's up with that? Most if not all Hackers wouldn't touch a Mac. I think they need to make a hackers movie that's more realistic and it should be on puters that the hackers built themselves and you can't do that with Macs. :)
Rating:  Summary: Great movie- fun and entertaining, but the price is insane! Review: I know I'm supposed to concentrate this review on the content, but $86 for one movie is absolutely outrageous! When I saw this price on another online movie store, I thought there had to be some mistake. I've never seen a movie over $30. As for the movie itself... it's an awesome movie! The young actors are very talented- today's popular actors (like Leo) can't even compare. The movie is fun and entertaining and lots of quotable funny one-liners. But I can't get over this price thing. Hackers is one of my all time favorite movies- too bad I can't even afford to own it!
Rating:  Summary: This movie gets a 5.3 on the suck scale! Review: I think I would have enjoyed the movie much more if I weren't a hacker myself. The taking over the TV station scene and the harassing the FBI guy scenes were hilarious but the rest of the movie completely disgusted me. I have to admit I watched it twice, though. Big mistake and it'll never happen again.
Rating:  Summary: Good movie but no documentary...is that what you wanted? Review: "Hackers" took a social sphere that, as of yet, has been virtually untouched by the movie industry and molded it into an action thriller. It was to the hacker culture what Jackie Chan movies are to the martial arts...it makes you want to get up and do it. This is probably why you can't find a copy for under $70 (unless you know where to look).For those of you who kick and scream about it's wild innaccuracy think about it; if you want a documentary on linux or security issues look it up on the net. At least this was one of the few movies that realistically portrayed hackers as any members of any ethnic, racial, religious, and cultural background who each have their own goals...most of which are not malicious...some of which are noble. Just don't see the movie and sign onto AOL as Crash Override and expect anyone to take you seriously. <bg>
Rating:  Summary: It changed my life!! Review: This is one of the best movies I've ever seen! The acting isn't oscar worthy and the technology is a tad bit exaggerated. But for my 60$, (I saw it 10 times in the theater), it's worth it. Angelina Jolie is a goddess! I will never look the same at a short-haired woman again!
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie/Poor Accuracy Review: The movie was awsome, but not realistic at all. Nothing was real. If it was true I would be thrilled. The movie was great, but the price is WAY to much!! And, how is the DVD less? >:-(
Rating:  Summary: See the movie, and love it! Review: I love this movie! I saw it on TV and recorded it, but I still want to buy it. There's nothing much to say but if you buy this movie, you won't regret it.
Rating:  Summary: Hackers: Beautiful Fluff. Free Kevin! Review: Ignoring this movie's technical science-fiction that left everyone who's ever hacked his way out of a paper bag rolling in the aisles with laughter (or weeping meekly in shame), this movie's portrayal of hackers as teenagers reeks of ignorance. I've been a hacker, I've known many hackers, and I can tell you that not one of us was as sociable, fashionable, outgoing, sexy, willing to put their own ass in the sling for friends they just met a few weeks ago, team-oriented, androgynous or as well equipped in the moral compass department as any of the "hackers" in _Hackers_. We did not obsess over the caffeine content in our cola, we did not make a fashion statement of our activities, we did not use video games to pick up chicks, and we definitely didn't go around yelling incomprehensible slogans like "Hack the Planet". If any of the hackers that I have known had had one tenth the social life that the hackers in _Hackers_ enjoyed, they'd never have had the time to become proficient enough to be considered hackers by other hackers. This movie is slick, flashy and pretty on the outside, tired and formulaic on the inside, and it really says nothing about anything in the end. Its one redeeming feature is that it portrays hackers (mostly) as they generally are - curious explorers who generally mean no harm. That's a refreshing break from the official party line of the corporate media, that hackers are all malicious, destructive cyber-terrorists bent on ravaging computer systems for personal gain. If _Hackers_ had had six bad hackers and only one good one instead of the other way around, then you might be able to get this video for less than the cost of an engagement ring, but it doesn't, you can't, and that's why.
Rating:  Summary: MESS WITH THE BEST DIE LIKE THE REST Review: Hackers is a (in my opion) a realistic if not true telling of how a hacker would live, and how the would operate in their own groups. the large number of experts, all with their own area's of expertise, and the one stupid kid who gets the rest in trouble, who, by the way, has a thing for his Apple. all in all, i think this is one of the best movie about computers and hackers ive ever seen.