Rating:  Summary: This is a must-see Review: I guiltily admit that I had read very little of the Fellowship before seeing the movie, although it was not my fault, but I will not bore you with the details. I feel that now having read the novel I can give a better review. I find, that with most movies of our generation, there is more an attempt at glamor and less at the beauty of a good script. A few I have seen broke this mold, such as Almost Famous, and Lord of the Rings. The novel is beautifully written, and a journey on its own to read. The movie captures you, a rare thing, you'll find, in films today. It draws you in, I didn't mind the three hours at all, in fact, I would have happily stayed for the whole director's cut (even if it would mostly have been to see more of gorgeous Elijah). The movie, for me, was the visual of the book. It was as though Peter Jackson had somehow magically taken the pages and made them into pictures and scenes and diaglogue. One thing that struck me was, during Bilbo's birthday party, the dragon firework - that was 100% EXACTLY as I had pictured it, Bilbo's hobbit hole, PERFECT, Bilbo perfect, Frodo perfect. This movie was no doubt a complete labour of undying love, and it comes through. I can't say I doubted the acting for a moment. The glossy screen didn't get to me as being more glitz and glamor than raw emotion. The director, no doubt, was a help. You knew you were drawn in when you jump three feet in the air when Blanchet's character does her possession scene, or when you feel a pang of outrage when you realize the movie's "already" over, and looking back feel you make a double-take at the time on your watch. Tolkien fanatics will love this movie, people who kinda liked the books will love this movie, people who mean to read the books will love this movie, and people who've never heard of Lord of the Rings will love this movie. It is a must-see, and I don't say that about... well about almost any of the movie's I've ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: a must-see "director's cut"! Review: I had been waiting anxiously for this DVD to be released with both excitement and misgivings--like the release of the movie itself, I wondered if Peter Jackson would be able to pull off this feat of adding footage to the already lengthy movie. I'm happy to say, I was not disappointed. The added footage not only enhanced the story, but it added further character depth, and made some of the existing footage make more sense. I sat through the entire film without a break, and was not bored or distracted by the additions--they were more like "pleasant surprises" while watching it. If I have anything negative to say about this edition, it is this: if you don't enjoy Tolkien or this genre of movie, this edition is not for you. It is quite lengthy, especially the added footage in the Shire, which may bore people. Because of this, I agree with Jackson's decision to cut these scenes in the original release. For those who do love Tolkien, however, this edition is a must-have! I haven't had a chance to look through all the extras discs yet, but I am looking forward to it as I wait (impatiently) for the Two Towers!
Rating:  Summary: wow-the vision is fulfilled Review: I had deep trepidations about this adaptatation of one of my fondest tales. All I can say is wow! Riveting scenery, characters with depth, stunning effects. This movie has it all. Minor changes in the story help to move it along. Ian McKellen as Gandalf is fantastic, but Elija Wood steals the movie as Frodo. This movie recreates the sense of wonder I has all those many years ago when I first read the books.
Rating:  Summary: Extra Edition DVD Well worth it!!! (Eastereggs found...) Review: I had first read the book trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien when I was 12, and I loved the book. So when I heard New Line Cinema would adapt it into a trilogy movie, I was a little suspicious. But that was before I had seen it! Christmas 2001 I went to the theatre expecting to see another average movie...I was completely wrong! The film was awesome, and I waited eagerly until the extended DVD Edition would be out (a long wait, since it took almost a year), but even with the few dollars more, the 4-disc DVD package is well worth the prize. It features a 200 minutes extended film with many new scenes like Galadriel giving the gifts to the fellowship on their departure in Lothlorien. All together, the discs have more than 20 hours (!!!) of extra footage spread all out over 4 discs, and there are 2 eastereggs hidden as well!!! Disc 1: - First Part of LOTR - The Fellowship of the Ring, you can also select the particular scene. - 4 First parts of Audio Commentary ( by Directors, Art Directors, Post Production Team & The Cast) during the film, this is extremely interesting, since they comment on each scene with sometimes hilarious facts, and it's 4 times the whole movie!!! ********- On this disc you can find the first easteregg: The Lord of the Rings Parodie made by MTV - for the MTV Movie Awards which has added hilarious cuts with Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Jack Black into the scene with Elrond's council. You can view it by scrolling down to the end in the scene select menu, and click on the words "NEW SCENE". It's really funny!!! Disc 2: - Second part of the Lord of the Rings, including new scenes again! - Second part of the 4 audio commentaries. ********- Second Easteregg: The Theatrical Trailer that was shown in the US at the end of the screening of the Fellowhip in cinemas of The Two Towers. It gives a 4 minutes preview of beautyful scenes the sequel to LOTR 1. You can find it in the "Select a scene" menu, when you again scroll down till the end, until in the right corner of the screen two towers light up from out of nowhere. If you click on OK, Peter Jackson congratulates you for finding this second easter egg. Disc 3: - Features the First part of the Appendices: From Book to Vision. Everything you hadn't heard in the audio commentaries is shown here about: + The Creator: J.R.R. Tolkien + From Book to Script + Visualizing the Story + Designing and Building Middle Earth + Middle Earth Atlas, allowing you to see a short cut journey of how Frodo traveled with the Ring, and you can also trace back Gandalf's journey on his quest to find out about the One Ring. + New Zealand as Middle Earth: Which shows you what places and cities were used as Middle Earth sets on both the North and South Island. Disc 4: - Features the making and filming of the movie. From Vision to Reality. About: + A Cast feature, the producers tell about how they picked the cast. + A Day in The Life of A hobbit: Very funny sequence, showing the things a hobbit goes through on the set in New Zealand. + Cameras in Middle Earth + Big-atures: Revealing what scenes in the film were shot with big-atures, beautifully made by artists. + Weta-Digital: Shows how computer artists made the visual effects and Digital monsters. + Scale: Explains how the makers of the film enabled hobbits to be smaller than humans or wizard without any real digital gradings. + Editorial: Features the cutting of scenery. Afterwards, you can assemble the 6 camera shots of Elrond's Council into your own film, by jumping quickly between them, in the end yous see the final original draft of it as it is in the movies. + Digital Grading + Music For Middle Earth: Featuring the composing of Howard Shore's music for the films. + The Soundscapes of Middle Earth + The Road goes ever on... Shows the premieres of the Fellowship in New Zealand, as well as commentary of the cast and producers about their performance. I hope that this review has helped any of you in your decision about whether or not buying this extended edition of the DVD. Anyway, I am glad that I have seen The Two Towers as well, and am eagerly waiting for another extended version of that movie, as well the sequel to it: The Return of the King, Christmas 2003!!!
Rating:  Summary: *cough* Review: I had great expectations for this movie, but then I saw it and found out it was not that great of a movie. The only scene I liked in this movie was the begining fight. The rest of the movie went too slow and boring. Frodo (Elijah Woods) had a constipated look through the whole film and was just bothering me. The dark riders had an annoying screech and the fight sequence between Gandalf and the evil wizard was cheap and disappointing. I hope/wish the next two will be better than this very disappointing start to the world of the lord of the rings.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as expected Review: I had great hopes for this movie, although I only vaguely remembered the books (I read them back in the 60s I think). However, I was quite disappointed. It dragged on and on, with an endless parade of monsters which, though showing off the film makers' incredible technical special effects skill, did not move the plot along. It all became tedious and unrelenting, taking itself far too seriously (with almost no hint of humor to break up the 'suspense'). I was tempted to fast forward through some sections merely to "get on with it." Also, since there was not even the barest attempt at character development, I found myself wondering why anyone would care who got the ... ring! Granted, it was an immense challenge to please both the "Ring" fans who know the story inside out, and those of us who have only a slight recollection of the story line and characters. Obviously, I'm in the minority here! But I'd have to give this one a thumbs down.
Rating:  Summary: high hopes, but..... Review: I had high hopes for this movie, but after watching it have to say I was a little disappointed. I think that perhaps it took too long getting started. I always thought that the first part of the book was pretty boring...why not start the film when they were leaving the shire instead of adding all that about the birthday party? It would have detracted nothing and instead allowed more time for scenes such as when frodo is stabbed by the ring wraiths. In the book that part is full of tension, but in the film there was nothing and it seemed over in a instant. More character development would have been good as well, although Sean Bean and the rest of the cast did an excellent job with the script. All in all I think that now the story is underway the next two installments will be MUCH better. The landscapes, the special effects and the battles were all brilliant - it just left me feeling that it could have been handled better. Perhaps the team responsible for star wars would have been better working on it?
Rating:  Summary: My Lord of the Rings Experience Review: I had never even heard of a so called book or didnt even know about a movie. When finaly my husband took me to see it, I was so moved and so touched that i am now totally obsessed. This was one of the best movies I have ever seen! and i did not want it to end but it did and so now i am reading the books. I encourage people of all ages to go see this film. I know im glad i did cause i have a new love and his name is Tolkien!.
Rating:  Summary: review from someone who isn't a fanatic Review: I had never read Lord of the Rings before the DVD arrived on shelves, nor had I really thought much about going to check out the movie in theaters (but having a 2 year old and seeing a 3 hour movie doesn't really go together either). I received the DVD for free and checked it out. Since, I have read the trilogy and very much enjoyed it. I wouldn't place it on the top of my list of books, but it was a joy to read. Some look at the movie and complain about the removal of certain characters, the over-emphasis on others, and whatever else they want to point out as differing from the book. I look at it this way. What's the point of having a replica of the book? It's a different medium, and thus has different demands. I think that Peter Jackson and all involved did a fabulous job of making this movie true to the book and to the general movie audience. I never would have thought the director of movie like Dead Alive would be able to deliver on a film such as this, but he has gone beyond my expectations. Whether you've read the books or haven't, give it a chance as a film all on its own. Sure, feel free to compare, but is it necessary to attack the film because it doesn't live up to the picture in your head from the book. That's the wonderful thing about books. Everyone can have their own picture. Having a film that simply replicates every page destroys that opportunity for all those who will read the book in the future. Take some time to just enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Extended Edition is THE One to Have Review: I had never read the "Ring" books and didn't see the film in the theater, preferring to get it on DVD when it was released in August. I thought it was an excellent film, and found myself watching it again because there's so much that you miss the first time. The DVD of the theatrical release was fine and included a second disc with some good features. But after reading reviews here of the difference the additional 30 minutes made in the film itself, I had to see for myself. I was not disappointed! As others have already written, this extended edition truly does enhance the film. Some of the added footage gives meaning to otherwise unclear parts of the theatrical release. It definitely provides greater character development. The video and audio of the basic version were fine, but they're even better on the new set. The DTS soundtrack is amazing, particularly in the subtle power of the low-frequency effects. I have really been enjoying the cast commentary. The stage name and the character the actor plays are shown on-screen each time a cast member speaks, which is an excellent idea that should be standard for all multi-speaker commentary tracks. You can also hear the commentary without the super-titles by selecting the appropriate soundtrack through your DVD's sound control while viewing the film. I haven't had a chance to watch any of the material on the bonus discs yet. As you can see from the information on Amazon.[com] as well as in many of the customeor reviews, there's a LOT of extra material! I'm sure I will enjoy watching all of it, but I bought this set to see the extended version of the film, and for that alone, it was worth the money. If you love this film as much as I do, then you must see the extended version.