Rating:  Summary: amazing. Review: I don't normally write reviews, but I am writing this one, in response to all the one star reviews. The majority of them, all said that the movie was 'too long' and complained about its inaccuracy to the book, and the characters and scenes missing. DOes that sound like hypocricy to anyone else? If the writers/directors had put in the few missing scenes/characters, or took further discription on other parts, it would have been a 5 hour long movie! It was brilliant, and i recommend anyone to seeing it. It defintily blows harry potter out of the water!
Rating:  Summary: *~*~*~*~*~AWESOME~*~*~*~*~* Review: I don't really like reviews since they are just people's opinion and you can't judge movies or any thing based on people's opinionsANYWAY.......... I am 12 years old and I have never read the books, but i wasn't confused OR bored by this movie. It had everything a good adventure, action movie movie should, ROMANCE,ACTION,ADVENTURE,SCARY MOMENTS and even COMEDY. I saw the movie on the 1st and on the 2nd I bought all the books. As a matter of fact i have one next to me right now as i am writing this. Oh ya another thing, that guy who wrote that there is a bunch of things in the movie on drugs and sex, THAT IS A LIE. When the hobbits picked the mushrooms it NEVER crossed my mind that they were going to use the as heroine or anything. and their is NOTHING about sex in the movie, thats for SURE. I would recomend this movie for people ages ~*~12 and up~*~ since some moments are kind of scary. So over all i ***LOVED*** this movie GO SEE IT!
Rating:  Summary: This Movie Is Stunning! Review: I don't really like to write many reviews so I'll make mine extremely short. "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" is a long, but stunning, movie that is a must-own on DVD! In fact the Special Extended DVD Edition of this movie is even better, of course longer because of the brilliant extra/added scenes, and more exciting to watch than the original version. You should buy the Extended DVD Edition of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" because it is excellent to own if you are a fan of "Lord of the Rings" movie-trilogy! I own both versions of "Fellowship of the Ring" and like them both very much!
Rating:  Summary: A Breath of Fresh Air Review: I don't think I can add anything that hasn't already been said, but I decided to add my two cents worth. It has become a rare thing indeed for a movie to move the hearts of so many people. And that is the key to the success of this movie; it has heart. People have grown tired of the typical hollywood movie that doesn't offer much in terms of originality. I have not read the books by Tolkien and I was not enthusiastic about the movie when it first came out. I saw the first movie just before I saw The Two Towers in theater. I think it is fair to say that this movie has impressed me as very few do. The heart of the story is the age old struggle between good and evil. The hobbit is not the person you would think that has the power to shape the course of the future, but he does in this story. This kind of story brings the viewer into the adventure and the struggles that Frodo and his companions must face. After all, it is a struggle for survival. The director Peter Jackson is to be commended for giving us a breath of fresh air. This is the kind of movie that will be cherished and appreciated for a long time to come. In addition to the crew, a spectacular cast has been ensembled for this movie. Those who particularly shine are Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Ian McKellen, Ian Holms, Christopher Lee and Viggo Mortenson.
Rating:  Summary: The Average Joes out there are right Review: I don't usually follow common opinion, but along with about 80% of the country, I flat out like LOTR a lot. I mean, face it, what are these put-downers complaining about. Sure it's not like the books, but the books are full of wimsy and melodrama that just can't be put onscreen. The way Peter Jackson converted the cheery tale of an adventurous hobbit into a swashbuckling thriller, is perfectly appropriate, (would you Tolkien-lovers rather he just didn't make the movies at all?). As for the people who just don't like LOTR, what they say is their opinion. As for me, I think that if you don't like this movie, then thats okay, it's your tastes. And if you thought these movies are stupid, then I wouldn't say you're stupid, just small-minded. Your imagination has been killed by Soap operas and reality shows, go to the library and check out an adventure story, or rent some out-there movie like Star Wars or something. And if you think this movie was boring then I definately think you are stupid, stop smoking weed, it destroys your perception of what completely awesome and what isn't
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding Version Review: I don't usually review movies but I have to pay tribute to Peter Jackson's impressive film version of LOTR. Jackson and his team have exercised unusual talent and intelligence in bringing LOTR to the screen. Jackson and his co-writers made a number of changes in the plot, mainly deleting some subplots and minor characters. These choices were made very well, not sacrificing any of the dramatic integrity of the story, and are really necessary for keeping a movie, even a 3 part film with long individual components, within reasonable commerical bounds. Jackson's team is remarkably faithful to Tolkien's vision; their realization of many of the most important setpieces within the books is remarkable. Most important of all, Jackson and his team have really been faithful to Tolkien's moral vision. LOTR is a story about the virtues of courage and decency, and the need to and costs of resisting evil. The LOTR films, with excellent performances from the entire cast, capture this very well. Jackson has done a particularly good job of making the Ring of Power itself a protagonist in the film. This insidious source of evil and corruption is the real villain of the piece. Tolkien's opposition of the pull of the Ring against Frodo's quiet moral courage is tremendous moral drama which Jackson has brought to the fore of his movies.
Rating:  Summary: I just want the extended movie Review: I don't want to pay [money] plus tax for commentary and all that other junk. You see, locally, I haven't seen this marked down yet. I just want an inexpensive version of the extended film, no extras, period. When I see that (or this at a decent price), I'll buy FOTR on DVD, but not before, it's a ridiculous idea. I will say that Amazon.com's pricing for this item is spectacular, I just wish it were the average.
Rating:  Summary: It was awesome!! Review: I dont actually have the DVD itself, but I watched it at a friend's house. The improvements were subtle, but made for an all around better movie.
Rating:  Summary: I like long movies.... Review: I dont know why some people complain the movie is too long. I like to watch long movies because then I feel I'm getting my money's worth. You will definitely get your money's worth if you buy this DVD. Its a brilliant, long movie. For people who complain its long I suggest they stop going to movies and stay at home and watch commercials on TV.
Rating:  Summary: Indescribably Incredible !!! Review: I dont pretend to be an expert in movies at all, but Ive seen a many good ones when time allows it & if there is any talk or rumor surrounding a film, I do get around to finding time to watch it. The LOTR The Fellowship of the Ring is great in its grandeur & magnitude. With that being writ you just cant stop there, many words of praise would fit in describing it. The dept of the story, the believability of its chracters and events in the film is strong. Never has a film have a story this engaging been made soooo well. The voyages of Sinbad movies in the past were, well, good ones, if not bad, but somehow the LOTR story pale them in comparison - or, hey, maybe there cant be any point of comparison at all coz this, The Fellowship of the Rings is told so effectively its like watching a retelling of true events of long ago. They are so real, deep & engaging and not feeling like a very good invention at all. It just feels sooo REAL !!! The 2nd part- The Two Towers is showing in our area in a couple of days and I cant wait to see it. I'm definitly sure i'm gonna have a a very, very good time watching it.!