Rating:  Summary: Glad I waited Review: I am so glad that I waited for the extended DVD edition. So many more added features. Spend a few extra bucks on this to make it worth your while.
Rating:  Summary: This is the way it should be done. Review: I am still stunned by how good this movie is. It is almost close to an epic. When we saw it in the theater, I fell under it's hypnotic power in a hard way. Movies like this are what dreams are made of for scifi/fantasy geeks like me. I felt totally immersed in this grand world of Middle Earth created by Tolkien. I know I dont have to tell you to buy this one. I should probably tell you to buy the special edition coming out later with the additional footage and added music soundtrack! There is an awesome preview for the platinum edition on the second dvd. It also includes Enya's video. Elves rock (no, not Elvis, but he did rock too). Come on December!
Rating:  Summary: Wait till November Review: I am sure this DVD set will be great. However, if you can wait until thanksgiving you will be much happier. Lord of the Rings: Extended Edition and DVD Collector's Gift Set are scheduled for release the second week of November. This will be a 4-disc set with lots and lots of extra features. Most important you will get a 208-minute extended cut version of the movie in both Dolby Digital EX and DTS ES audio. In addition you will get so much other stuff you will be the most knowledgeable guy on the filming of the Fellowship of the Rings when the second film hits theaters in December. So wait if you can or you will end up with two DVD sets of the same movie.
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Ring Review: I am ten years old, and I rate this film five stars. It is good. I think Star Wars is a five star movie ,but I rate it four and a half stars compared to the Fellowship of the Ring even though I had to cover my eyes twice even though in Star Wars I didn't.
Rating:  Summary: Do We Really Need This??? Review: I am truly tired of production companies trying to stretch every dollar worth out of a good film. First a Keep Case DVD. Then a 4-disk edition. Then a Collectors Box Set. And you know when this is all done, the will be a several-disc set with all of the movies in one convenient package! Call me old fashioned, but all I really care about is a high-quality transfer (both video and audio) and maybe a directors commentary. Do we really need to see every last bit of discarded footage? Hey... that footage was discarded for a reason - it was unneccesary! Don't try to convince me that there are tidbits about the story that I can only capture by buying the extra 3 discs worth of make-up application, area footage, and interviews with Elijah Wood. Thanks, but I'd rather re-read the books than pay for that.
Rating:  Summary: Curse those who curse this masterpiece Review: I am twelve years old and I read the Lord of The Rings when I was ten and hailed it even above Harry Potter. (Though I believe that the LOTR and Harry Potter belong in two different categories) The movie was exactly as I pictured it to be. Though I do not believe any of us could possibly make the beautiful lands made by Illuvitar and the Ainur, described wonderfully by tolkien. The only, slight dissapointment is the absence of Tom Bombadil, but that's not big enough to nudge my ratings. I recommend this for tolkien fans. You WILL enjoy this terriffic adaption of the epic.
Rating:  Summary: Great Adventure Review: I am unfamiliar with the author, but the movie is long, takes you to a far-away land, and is action-packed in just about every scene!
Rating:  Summary: One word, WWWHHHHHHOOOOHHHHHHHOOOOOOO!!!! Review: I am utterly speechless. All my life I have tried to picture what the Lord of the Rings would look like if it were brought to the big screen. Some days I envisioned actually directing it myself, yet I knew that this was an even farther stretch of the imagination and it would take a great deal more than just dreaming to make it come true. When I heard they would be comming out with the Lord of the Rings to the theatres I groaned and thought to myself that the one thing in the world that Hollywood had better pay great respect to it would be these set of books. Well done Peter Jackson, well done. The casting is astounding. I could not have thought of a better person for any of the characters. I wept when Beoromur died. I cringed when Galadriel transformed into that thing. I rejoiced and whooped, I clapped when the Orc was killed, I wanted to hide and close my ears when the Ring Wraiths appeared... it was perhaps the best movie that I have seen in years. Take a back seat Star Wars, there is a new kid on the block. Buckle up World... Middle Earth has come to life and we are in for one hell of a ride!
Rating:  Summary: Theatrical release disappointing Review: I am very familiar with the material, have read the books many times, including the Silmarillion (the sign of a true Tolkien fan!) I don't understand how anyone could say the theatrical release was true to the original book. I expect them to change a lot of the story, but in several places they mangled the story. First, the fireworks scene where Pippen and Merry set of the fireworks and are left with soot on their faces! Horribly written scene, since it seemed more like the three stooges than Tolkien, not to mention the fact that they would have received 3rd degree burns for their effort! There are many other problems with the first half of the movie, especially the Council of Elrond, since they had nothing to really hold a council about by that time (anyone who's read the book knows the council is as much about the fate of Middle Earth as the ring, although the two are connected. There just isn't much to discuss here, leaving it almost superfluous. They should have left something to discuss, such as Saruman's betrayal, instead of showing it earlier in the movie.) Boromir actually licked his lips when he saw the ring (to demonstrate his greed) as if he were looking at a steak! Beginnings are very important to me, since they pull you into the story, and even though the second half is much, much better, I was already disappointed by that time. BUT READ ON . . . don't buy the first DVD release! Buy the extended version Director's Cut! It makes up for almost all the problems I've stated above and is so much better that I would rate it 3 1/2 stars instead of 2 (it would get 4 except that stupid fireworks scene is still there.) I have never seen a DVD release that was so incredibly better than the theatrical release that is almost a different movie. And since Two Towers is already a great experience in the theaters, I can't wait for the Director's Cut of the second movie!
Rating:  Summary: What makes something cliche? Review: I am very upset by everyone complaining about what the movie does not have from the book, but my complaint is much different than most. Almost everyone would have to agree with me that every single work of art has its faults. Now, this may mean that for any work to be good, we need to look passed these, however that is not my point. What bothers me is that this means the book itself had to have some faults. Therefore it is possible for a motion picture adaptation to make improvements. And I personally feel that those things left out by the films (both 1 and 2) have, for the most part, been improvements. Before anyone gets the wrong idea, I also feel that though in the movie it was better for some of these to be left out, there are also a couple that it was better to have in the book. Somethings simply don't fit in a movie as they fit in a novel. Someone recently mentioned some of the fantasy aspects of the film to be cliche. Some of those are not cliche, they are simply the genre of the movie!!! Also, how does something become cliche. There has to be an orginal, and perhaps this is it!! I have to admit that there are faults within the movie, it is simply impossible to do it without them, but I cannot say that this film was not up to par when they are so insignificant. This is definitely one of the best adaptations I have ever seen, and it should be appriciated!