Rating:  Summary: Great Epic Review: I am always a sucker for an epic film and this does not disappoint. And just think there are two more after this one. The changes made in the movie from the books do not disrupt the themes and characters that make the books so beloved. Visually a great film, that makes you want to run and get plane tickets to New Zealand.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: I am always sceptical when people say a movie is great, but this time I must admit that they were right. Three hours seems long for a movie , however this one went by very quickly( too quickly for me). I had seen the animated Hobbit but had not read any of the books until recently. Just started reading the Hobbit and haven't gotten very far but it was enough to understand the movie I think. The effects were great and the characters were very good, I think the Elve was the best, very calm and exact. I really want to read the books now and eagerly await the release on video, not to mention the next movie. I will probably see it again...I definately recommend this movie!
Rating:  Summary: Dazzling, heartbreaking movie Review: I am amazed that anyone would not like this movie. Visually, it is the most beautiful movie I have ever seen. The casting is impeccable and the acting inspiring. Watching the movie, you experience a range of emotions including terror, awe, laughter, pity, and joy. The direction and cimematography are amazingly varied, creative, and experimental, while the plot and music are straight-ahead old-fashioned story-telling. Perhaps the cliffhanger ending might be counted as a flaw, but not in my opinion. After all, you can always read the book if you can't wait a year!
Rating:  Summary: aragorn and legolas...does it get any better? Review: i am completely obsessed with the two lotr dvds. aragorn is other-realm hot and legolas is perhaps even hotter..besides the long blonde hair. orlando bloom looks much better with brown. aragorn is so fearless and awesome!!!!! legolas is so skilled with the arrows. and that scene when they are fighting with rohan and legolas swings up on the horse!! that is sweet ass sweet!!!!! and the part in the battle of helm's deep when he sails down the steps on that metal thing shooting arrows. he's just so quick!! i love both of them. and eowyn can go to hell...arwen was made for aragorn and we all know it.
Rating:  Summary: BREATHTAKING Review: I am considered one of those devotees of Tolkien's book that was [drawn] in by the hype. Yes, I discovered the book only a year ago, but that did not stop me from enjoying the book and the movie. The movie really exceeds all expectations and hype, and it has given me a new mission in life. The mission is to get all those people that have not read the book to read it and persuade all those that have not seen the movie to watch it !!!GET A LIFE ! BUY THE DVD (OR VHS)! RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW !
Rating:  Summary: An enchanting adaptation Review: I am delighted with the LotR Special edition DVD. The extras are interesting and provide quite a bit of detail on the making of the Fellowship. Moreover, the feature itself is just breathtaking. I am a devoted fan of Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect the movie version of LotR to be so grand, so epic, so human, and so well done. The casting is superb. Ian McKellan makes for a grand, noble, and wise Gandalf. The New Zealand backdrop is just majestic and the DVD does it justice. If you love fantasy, you must own this. I love epic, great movies, you must own this. If you love movies... you must own this. It will be remembered as a great classic.
Rating:  Summary: I am so EXCITED! Review: I am Galadriel Queen of Lothlorien here to tell you about this upcoming movie! When the very first trailor came out a year or so ago, I find that I thought it would be scarry gory ect.. movie. Now that I have reread the Lord of the Rings I find myself counting the days down to the opening day. I was thrilled to have read so maney reports on P.J (Peter Jackson) saying that they will stick to the book as much as he can. If he keeps his word you will find in the up coming movie: thrill, romance, and people trying to survive in the mist of a war with the Ring. I hope this is of some help to you, Kadi
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful Review: I am giving this film 4 stars based more on its asthetic qualities than on the storyline. The story of the film was interesting and at times riveting, but it was not the full story of the Tolkien book. Can you enjoy the film? Yes, regardless of whether or not you have read the books. You must however release the story of the book and go with the story of the film. Characters have been developed or cut back in order to improve the flow of the movie, but you may find that one of the less well developed characters is one of your favorites from the book. Worth watching!
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding Review: I am glad I waited for this release I found it to be even better with all the deleted stuff added back in. I also enjoyed getting a free movie ticket to the Twin Towers which by the way is better than the first...Yeah I know how is that possible.
Rating:  Summary: A work done with great dedication and passion, and it shows! Review: I am not someone who is accustomed on expressing my views online, and what I am about to say has already been said by other people many times over; and in better ways as well. So, I will try to keep this short and straight to the point. A lot of things have been said about this movie. Here in Malaysia, its reception can hardly be said to be flattering, at least based on the opinions of those who have seen the movie. ( In a country that is as multicultural as mine, most of the movie's fans seems to be Chinese ). A fact that I find rather puzzling, since there is a lot to be commended in this film. Of course, I could be wrong - this is mostly based on the comments of those in my town of Kajang. I have always believed that nothing we as human beings can do will ever be perfect, be it a movie or anything else. Unfortunately, this applies to LOTR as well. First off, a lot could have been done to improve the battle scenes. Some, like the fight between Gandalf and Saruman in the Tower, as well as that between Aragorn and the Nazguls were embarrassingly bad. Saruman, too, is another problem. I have always pictured Saruman as a good man gone bad, somewhat like a King Saul figure, if you will. Yet here, in the movie, he is portrayed as a wizard who is evil through and through, with no trace of any of the goodness that were once in him. Add to this the fact that he is, in my opinion, played somewhat over-the-top, and I think you can understand the problem I had with this character. All this, however, does not detract or diminish the quality of the movie. Rather, I think it stresses and enhances the good and best parts of the movie. Which brings me, finally to those good parts. While there was a problem with Saruman, I have to admit that the acting done by the actors playing the good guys - especially the nine actors playing the Fellowship - were generally top-notch. Elijah Wood, the boy with the otherworldly blue eyes and elfin features, was totally convincing as the hero Frodo Baggins, torn between his courageous responsibility and his fear of the evil that is surrounding and hunting him. The same goes for the other actors as well, from Sir Ian McKellan as a mesmerizing and wise Gandalf, right up to Sean Bean as the poignantly human Boromir. The set designs and visual effects have to be seen to be believed, but trust me when I say that the best credit comes from the movie's vocal detractors themselves. Even they have to admit to the splendor and magnitude of those wonderful effects, so yes, it's safe to say that the movie is a sight to behold :) I, for one, will never forget the sequence in Moria. What I like most about the movie, however, is the sense that a story of great power is being told to us, one with real emotions, real dangers, real sacrifices, etc.... all of which go towards making up a great epic. And while it's not exactly faithful to the book, the essence of the story is there, close enough to satisfy me. This is a work done with great dedication and passion by both director, crew, and cast; one which has already done great service to Tolkien, by attracting new devotees to the book all over the world. That, at least, can truly be said to be an achievement.