Rating:  Summary: A MUST HAVE Review: Having this collection is a must. The extended scenes and new scenes really make the story better. The characters are given more, and you understand them more, and overall you love the movie more than what you did before. Personally I thought that this version should have been released. It gives you more insight to the characters and probably to Tolkein's story, and it also helps you better understand the Two Towers. There were a few questions I had in the Two Towers (like the cloaks...u'll see) that was explained in this version of the Fellowship. You learn a bit more about Aragorn, you see the gifts the Lady of the Wood gives the Fellowship (which I think was also important), you learn more about Bohomir's character (he's not such a sleezeball after all! LOL!) and I think you just get an overall better feel for the movie. I really enjoyed this version. LOVED IT GREATLY! The features are excellent. The stories the cast share are hilarious and gives you a much better appreciation for what they went through to make this great film. So yes, it's undoubtly the best bet to get, and once you see this you must see Two Towers again! I know I will!
Rating:  Summary: Nice Try!... Review: Hay you cant fool me, I know a "flamer pride" movie when I see one. It all came together when Frodo starts to float away in a boat, and his "partner" Sam expresses his true love, by choosing to drownd, rather then leave Frodo all by his lonesome. But when Frodo comes to his rescue, tears are jearked between them. And lets be honest, when (Liv Tyler) the elf princess confronts him in the woods by the little bird bath in her underwear, What would you have done? I dont think my point needs much more explaining. The fairies and hairy men in loin cloths should have gave it away; but if you still need more proof, explain to me what thoughs four young hobbits were up to, when they rented a single bedroom away from town, next to a dark saloon?
Rating:  Summary: I saw the movie just today! Review: Hello friends, I'm Col. Maleekwa Mokelle Mbombo of Liberia Air Force, and I saw the film a few moments ago. It's just wonderful, filled with action and drama, and great special effects. Some battle scenes reminded me when I was a pilot during the campain of Normandy fighting the germans with my squadron of african pilots (The Occam Razor Squadron). Anyway, I strongly recomend this movie, and as I may say so the soundtrack is beautiful as the movie. I sure will by the movie DVD and the soundtrack as soon as possible to watch with my family and friends here in my small town in Liberia (Breaktoff Mikully). To those who have not saw this movie I say: go see it, and listen to the soundtrack. Friends, thanks a lot for your attention. Till the time when we all see each other again. Bye!
Rating:  Summary: stinky Review: hello my name is matthew smith.and i thought that this was a major smellfest by director Sketer Snackson.
Rating:  Summary: Goodbye to horrible Hollywood trash! Review: Hello to the most exquisite film I have ever seen. I was growing so tired of the horribly written pulp action/historical dramas that were being forced down our throats. Pearl Harbor and U571 were Hollywood at it's worst. Money spent on lousy scripts and lousy directors. Finally money spent on a masterpiece. The film itself is the most wonderous thing I've ever seen, and the script and direction are so good it's hard to actually believe something so good didn't get 'Hollywooded' up to appeal to the lowest common denominator...yet again. I think this is without doubt, movie of the year, if not the decade and I eagerly anticipate the thrilling sequels. Roll on Xmas 2002.
Rating:  Summary: Fairly generous rating Review: Hello universe,firstly i want to say to all dubious tolkien fans out there go ahead and see the movie-its better they made it at all right?Anyway,strait to the point-excellent graphics-good battle footage-the actual places u imagine from the book were damn good i thought-saruman,gandalf,frodo all superb(although i wish theyd used someone else for samwise -cant stand that actor lol - anyway to share a few personal negatives peter jackson was anything but precise or by the book as far as the story goes in making this film-i.e.arwen suddenly appears during frodo and company's flight to the ford,saruman told by sauron to build him an army tho in the book he makes one autonomously,there are a number of other transgressions included in the film which will be promptly noticed by all tolkien readers i assume-however,the sincerity of the characters in particular gandalf/frodo was there-and even most of u critical folks(myself included)will enjoy the orcs and other creatures of darkness-so in summation -although the reverent tolkien fan will be disappointed with the not quite by the book approach of jackson-all other aspects were fairly exciting and entertaining-but lets be honest anyone who says its true to the book is just not living in reality or aint read it lol be good folks take it with a grain of pepper cyaa
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the Rings -The Fellowship of the Ring (Extended) Review: Hello. I must say, that any true fan of the newest LOR trilogy movies, must have the extended version of the first film. The extended scenes add a little more insight into some of the characters, and also adds more enjoyment in watching it.
Rating:  Summary: Is this Amazon.com's "Most Reviewed Movie?" Review: Here are the statistics thus far. Out of 1,877 total reviews: 1,463 @5 star = 78% 176 @4 star = 9% 88 @3 star = 5% 66 @2 star = 4% 84 @1 star = 4% The message seems clear (and it's not "just my opinion") - this is a truly GREAT FILM; one of the greatest in the whole history of the cinema - and this is only the first installment of three!! I doubt more than a handful of films have even gotten HALF as many reviews at Amazon.com as LOTR! I truly pity anyone who did not thoroughly enjoy this film, for whatever reason, because they missed the ride of a lifetime. Ever since I read the books back in the early 70's, I've been waiting for the film adaptation. After Star Wars, I thought, "hmmm, couldn't they do it, now?" And after ET, Close Encounters, Jurassic Park, etc. I kept hoping Lucas or Spielberg would get on the stick and just do it, but nothing happened. I thank the Valar for Peter Jackson and Company! Now, all I have to do is live long enough to see The Two Towers and Return of the King, and I'll at last be able to die a happy man. ;-)
Rating:  Summary: Finally...!!!!! Review: Here it is, "The Fellowship of the Ring" that has been anticipated by millions around the world! The First reason one should notice when considering buy this DVD is that . . . Its A DVD!! Those of you with the excellent surround sound systems at home will literally been blown into your chairs once you pop this into your DVD player. Now an even bigger reason. . . . Unlike many of the movies based on the actual thing/book, this one is extremely accurate with the novel with two main differences. 1) Remember Tom Bombadil in the forest just outside the Shire? Unfortunately, he makes no appearance. 2) Perhaps my memory of the book has faded somewhat, but I don't ever recall there being a love story between Aragorn/Strider and the girl who (in the movie) saves the band at the river leading to Rivendale. But the presence of this love story is no surprise and really takes nothing away from the story. Those of you who haven't read the books, take a look at this one anyway. Aside from the dazzling scenes of Tolkien's Middle-earth, there are plenty of amazing fighting scenes that have literally set a new standard for future movies movies. Those of you who have read will not be disappointed by what you will see. Watching this, you'll simply love going through the scenes as you point out all the familiar settings and characters that you loved in the books. Characters, by the way, are another element of this movie that have sent it straight to the top. At first, I myself was skeptical of actors such as Elijah Wood taking on the role of Frodo. But just within a few moments, it was clear that he was perfect for the role, as well as were the other actors who played Sam, Pippin, Gandalf, etc. . . . Those of you who like the villains will be even more amazed by how well the movie portrays Tolkien's vision. Gullum, the orcs, the Wraiths, Barlog and even the Dark Lord, Sauron, himself are revealed and will sends chills down your spine. There really are too many reasons why you should not linger and just go ahead and get this. The story's practically 100% solid. The characters are extremely well portrayed, the action's incredible, the music fits in perfectly with whatever mood is being emphasized and the overall feeling is intense, jovial, sad, exciting, serene and simply absorbing. You won't regret purchasing this, especially with the many features that come along with it. Like the next two that will follow, this will be one for the all time favorites. Veteran readers and beginning viewers alike will NOT be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: LotR - DO NOT BUY THIS DVD Review: Hey, I loved the movie - but this DVD is just a marketing ploy. The real DVD set doesn't come out until November, wait for it! The extras on this DVD add absolutely nothing but advertising.