Rating:  Summary: Yes, buy this DVD! Review: Buy this even if you already have the standard Fellowship of the Rings DVD. The extra 30 min added to this extended version fill out the characters and their motivations much better than the original theater release. Besides, this movie is so good you just don't want it to end. And, of course, it comes with a coupon good for a free ticket to the next installment, the Two Towers.
Rating:  Summary: excellent Review: By necessity the creators left out many details of the book. Yet they have done an amazing job of conveying rich textures and flavors in music, scenery, costumes, props. The creative commitment to communicate core qualities of Tolkien's story impressed me immensely. I don't think it would have been humanly possible to make a better film of it. Communication between the characters is seemless and completely believable. Ian McKellen as Gandalf and Sean Bean as Boromir get my academy award nominations for the complexity of character they were able to convey.
Rating:  Summary: 5-DVD set??????? Review: Can anyone explain why this set is a 5-DVD set when the picture only shows 4-DVD's??? What is on the 5th DVD??? 5-stars because I know I will like the set. HA! :)
Rating:  Summary: Sword of the Things Review: Celtic Twilight meets Doom of the Norsemen. I haven't ploughed my way through the books (though I quite liked The Hobbit), but I finally sat through these films. This was after I got a new computer, since the DVD wouldn't work on the old one. I thought the visual side was attractive. Great artwork: seems to draw on the images of the Swedish artist Bauer. It was good to see a film where no-one had an abrasive American accent, but nice, soft, Anglo-Celtic ones instead. But I have to say it was long, boring and pointless. Incomprehensible, really. The ending of the second disc was totally disjointed. I thought the Hobbits were captured and carried off somewhere by the Things. Then one of them came back. Who was in that boat going over Niagara Falls? Maybe I missed something, because I often found it easy to go off and do other things while I wasn't watching, but I didn't feel I'd missed that much when I got back. Enjoyed the monsters, but couldn't catch their names. After a bit you get weary of 6 slightly freaky fellows killing zillions of very freaky enemies. Great scenery: fabulous mountains, forests, rivers and so on. Somebody wrote that this was a travelogue for New Zealand. I must go there some day. Sadly, however, this is a film in the award-winning, money-spinning Kubrick tradition. All design, no content. Give me Tarantino, David Lynch and the Coens.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Film EVER?... Review: Certainly Not!_But Peter Jackson's "Fellowship of the ring" adaptation of J.R.R Tolkien's the Lord of the rings is a "Classic",and Not only in the Fantasy genre!.Peter JACKSON:__Creator of such cult classics like "Brain Dead","bad taste","meet the feebles" and the fantastic "Heavenly creatures", brought to life Tolkien's FOTR with the help of talented artists such as Andrew LESNIE (cinematographer of "Babe" , "doing time for patsy cline" , "Lotr:the 2 towers" , "Lotr:return of the king"...etc)Not since the "city of the lost children,GerminaL , DracuLa,Lost Highway and SchLafes Bruder (brother of sleep) as there been such beautiful images!, Composer Howard SHORE (the "Panic Room" , "Ed Wood" , "Naked Lunch" , "Silence of the Lambs" , "the Game" , "Esther Kahn" , "Se7en",etc..),VisuaL Effects supervisor Jim RygieL (Starship troopers, Last of Mohicans, Multiplicity,etc..)costume designer Nglia Dickson (Crush,xena,heavenly creatures,the 2 towers,Rotk),and many more... The RESULT__is simply outstanding!,visualy speaking,WETA,is now EquaL, if not better than some of the most reputated Special FX company working today.__the opening introduction of the FOTR of the "Last alliance" , Gollum's EYES, the Hobbits,orcs,the eye of sauron,the bridge of Khazad Dum.etc..etc are perfect examples, NO MORE! cartoony and non believable characters,this film takes a step further. The only average looking CG creations are "the cave troLL", the "Balrog", and "Galadiel's transformation"...and to Top it all, this film also has "Emotion",sadness,nostalgia..and great acting performances from Ian McKellen (who portrays GandaLF) , ELijah wood (frodo) , Ian Holm (bilbo baggins) , Viggo Mortensen (aragorn) , sean astin (samwise), Liv tayler (arwen),Cate blanchett (galadiel) , Hugo weaving (ELROND), Orlando bloom,billy boyd,John rhys davies...and Sean BEAN (Boromir) one of my personal favorite characters. the ADAPTATION__while i don't think tolkien would've been proud,well maybe..(he never wanted a film adaptation of his books anyway),Peter jackson has done a miracle!..of course purists will always complain about some characters and small details missing,(such as Tom BombadiL),and the pace of some scenes are too fast. but you have to keep in mind that the 3hour version of the Fellowship of the ring is in fact much longer and more violent than the one shown in theaters. P.J's R rated version of the Fotr will only be available on DVD. SUGGESTIONS:__Read J.R.R Tolkien's the SILMARILLION , "Fellowship of the ring" , the two Towers , Return of the King , the Hobbit____be sure not to miss the NORSE mythology__also, the "RING of Nibelung" from Richard Wagner. and "THORGAL" From Jean Van Hamme....and try not to miss Peter jackson's fake-documentary "Forgotten Silver"
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the DVDs.... Review: Chances are, if you're considering purchasing the[$$$] Extended Edition of "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", you've already seen the theatrical release, thus, I won't comment on that release, since you can draw your own conclusions on the motion picture yourself. However, I will venture to say this is THE best DVD ever. "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition" contains over 30 minutes of added footage, which certainly adds to the picture as a whole. Nothing completely new (as in subplots, or new characters) is really introduced, rather the existing story and characters are fleshed out a bit. Highlights of the added footage include the elaborated Hobbit introduction, and the bestowing of gifts to the Fellowship by the dwarves. As far as supplemental material goes, there is a RIDICULOUS amount. One could easily spend 48 hours watching all of the featurettes, and perusing the wealth of images and text on board the discs. I have only listened to one of the commentary tracks (the cast), and highlights from the other three, but all seem very informative, and are actually narrated clueing in the viewer as to who is talking and what he/she has to do with the production. The featurettes on the supplemental discs, especially the ones on locations and special effects are especially well-done, and could easily be mistaken for a PBS documentary, being so in-depth and high budget. There are quite a few other featurettes, including several on Tolkien himself, and all are worth watching. As expected, New Line has given "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring EE" a great transfer and sound mix, boasting full DTS-ES 6.1, and flawless picture quality. There is really nothing to mention about the beauty of the video, since one easily forgets about the quality, and becomes immersed in the movie. The sound will also not disappoint, easily rivaling my previous DVD sound champ, "Saving Private Ryan". The packaging is also quite nice. It consists of a heavy cardboard/vinyl cover (that is quite large), and a pull out four disc sleeve. All in all, "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring EE" surpasses the previous DVD release in every respect, and is certainly worth the cost, whatever it may be.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome! Review: Characters really come to life in this movie and the special effects are so brilliantly done as to bring the viewer into their own little fantasy and doesn't shake you loose until the very end. Excellent movie. Much Much Better than the "other one" that was quite a disappointment.
Rating:  Summary: LIKE NO OTHER MOVIE, I'VE EVER SEEN Review: Cinematic high art! Captivating and mysterious, the tale has begun, and there's been no tale like it in the history of moviedom. I assumed that LOTR:FOTR would be a movie you could compare to all the other fantasy movies of the past, but alas, that is not the case. There are no other films to compare it to, because it is a unique and uplifting film with no equal to speak of.Rating this movie is not possible. You can't rate a movie with no equivalent to compare it to. Citizen Kane, The Wizard of OZ, Casablanca, The Godfather, Pulp Fiction. They are all movies that changed the art of movie making, and they left their audience with a real sense of wonderment. A grand achievement of their creators, and LOTR:FOTR is no different. Movie history, has been accomplished.
Rating:  Summary: To those reviewers who... Review: clamor to discredit this movie, particularly this version, I must retort for the basis of your poor rating is little more than "thumb's down, for thumb's down's sake" quality. If you feel cheated because the movie's plot doesn't exactly mirror the plot and characters of the book then this is NO PLACE for your review. You may as well criticize all localizations of Tolkien's work into other languages. If you didn't know, translation into other tongues usually results in certain meanings and descriptives being completely omitted for sake of helping the reader understand the story. Does this mean that the story ....? Who are you to judge, except for the reader of that particular localized version. To say the movie was boring only lends insight into your temparate mood, and indeed you 'didn't' read the books, for so much of the story was cut down to give the movie pace and rythm. Secondly, another person commented that Conan the barbarian and Willow were a grade better than LOTR...Well LOL LOL LOL LOL...that's really funny, and guess what...those movies, and genre for that matter, would have never happened if it weren't for LOTR. As far as comparing the movies, LOTR outshines both in content, acting, directing and drama. Really....Willow better than LOTR...I'm still chuckling. The next time you want to downgrade a movie in your review, you better back up your statements with a good reason. Otherwise, people like me will counter rate your poor rating and call you on your bluff. Blahahahahahaha
Rating:  Summary: The root of modern fantasy is now on of the best films ever. Review: Classic tale becomes classic film...period. I do not believe the casting could have been done any better. Ian as Gandolf. . .what a choice! This film is for everyone, whether or not you enjoy sci-fi or have never even read this trilogy, it is simply a must-see for all. The effects are amazing and you feel drawn into Middle Earth while watching the film. I have yet to meet somebody who has not been able to put this film into their personal top ten list. I cannot wait to go and see the new film when it comes out this Christmas. Looking forward to watching the Ents KICK...!!! Well, basically see this film. It is inconceivable for someone to not love this picture. A++++++++++