Rating:  Summary: mesmerising... Review: When I originally saw this movie in the theatre, an unfortunate choice in dinner(gotta be more careful around those peppers) caused me to miss significant parts of the movie. I could not completely immerse myself in the story with incontinence stratching at my back door like a dog needing to be let out. Thank God for the DVD! Now I KNOW that I didn't miss anything important, the storytelling in the movie just made me think that I had. Guess I'll have to read the books again, and all that...
Rating:  Summary: This is the best movie EVER!!! Review: When I read the Hobbit, I didn't really get into the book! I really didn't have an intention to see the movie. But, when I went to see it with my friend, I thought it was amazing, and didn't want to leave the theater. So, I went again(of course) and plan to see it a lot more! I don't think I can wait another year to see the next one or two years to see the end! I would see this movie everyday for the rest of my life if I could. The characters, and the acting was fanominal. Everything was great! I have wanted to be an actress all of my life, and this movie really inspired me to go start doing something about it! It really has inspirted me to become an actress so that maybe someday I will be in a movie that as strong of an impact as this movie! So to all of those people involved in making movies thank-you, and keep up the good work!
Rating:  Summary: one word...FANTASTIC Review: When I read the LOTR books...I was just amazed...but to see it on the big screen...it was absolutely crazy. Although there are changes here and there, the changes didn't spoil anything and although some people are "nitpicking" by saying they saw a car zooming by in the background (I found it when I went the second time but it was hardly noticeable even when I was looking for it) etc. those things failed to ruin the fine details, accurate casting and work put into this project. But one thing I should mention is that the relationships between the characters, some of them aren't expressed as strongly as I would've liked but hey with only 3hours, it was a job well done! I wouldn't mind watching it again and again!! A must watch regardless of whether you have read the book or not.
Rating:  Summary: BORING!! Review: When I saw comercials it locked good. So I took my friends to see it and all of the liked it but I thought it was stupid. The movie just keeps draging. Yeah it is loyal to the book but it is just so slow moving. I had never really slept through a movie in my life but this I did for at least 30min. But I will admit the visual effects are wonderful and sometimes creepy, the music was also neat and somethings were kind of dark and gave a nice scary touch to the film. Still, nothing will beat Jurassic Park 3 and Harry Potter.
Rating:  Summary: Oh god Is more than i expected!! Review: When i saw the extended edition of the Dvd, i was extreamly happy, and i felt that i was sawing a completely new movie. Everything is better explain. Aragorn has much more dialogue, and you can see the beggining of the friendship between Gimli and Legolas. But the most incredible part was the gifts from the Elves in lothlorien: "you cant miss the gift that Galadriel gave to Gimli" But thats not all, you are going to fell like part of the cast with the other 2 cd's, it explains how did they do the movie, and behind the scenes stories.............Well Thats all, please dont miss the oportunity to buy it
Rating:  Summary: Masterpiece Review: When I saw The Fellowship of the Ring in theatre, I must say I was quite impressed, most notably with the performance of Elijah Wood and Ian McKellan. When it came on DVD, I rented it once but vowed not to buy it until this special edition came out. Boy, was it worth it. I had thought that the theatrical version lacked just that little bit of fleshing out, especially with the characters of Aragorn and Galadriel, and this edition certainly provided it. I won't spoil the experience of watching it by describing what was left out, but those few extra minutes made the film twice as good. I envy children born now, since they'll have the rich cinematography and wonderful acting and incredible special effects to watch in this film, and then they can read the books afterwards and see what was left out of the films, just to make more room for the action sequences in the story. Anyway, this film deserved every Oscar it got, but also deserved two more, best supporting actor (Ian McKellan), and best picture. And it deserved one more nomination as well--a best supporting actor nomination for Sean Bean, who played Boromir. His performance was fantastic, and he's one of the most underrated British actors around today. In other words, I can't say enough good things about this film. Just rent it, or buy it, or see it somewhere!
Rating:  Summary: Well worth the wait Review: When I saw the Lord of the Rings in the theater, I was dutifully impressed with the production quality and the adaption of what must truly be deemed a masterpiece of the twentieth century. I went into the extended version hoping that it would extend the vision, and I was not disappointed. From the beginning, the movie offers a much better explanation of hobbits, starting out with Bilbo writing about his adventures: "There and Back Again: A Hobbits Tale." The only shortcoming is the introduction, via knocks, of the Sackville Baggins does little beyond explaining why Bilbo was annoyed when Gandalf shows up. While this is not critical information to understand the stroy, it better sets up the ordinary life of Frodo, prior to taking on his perilous journey. As the adventure moves on, we see a much more plausible enactment of events in Bree, an extended look at the wilderlands leading up to Weathertop and greater character development of Aragorn (Strider), who will become pivotal in future movies. The scenes in Rivendell do greater justice to the setup of the Fellowship, which greatly adds to the epic. And, the Moria scenes are extended to give a much greater sense of the person of Gandalf and his sense of justice when it comes to Gollum. Of all the pieces added, none was more necessary to the epic at large than the wonder of Gimli over Galadriel. The gifting of the Fellowship, while not important for this movie, should play a much greater role as the epic rolls on this December. As for the extra material: For a true Tolkien fan, you really have to purchase both the extended version and the original release, as the material presented is different in each version. One of the nices pieces in this set is the notes on the locations that became different places in Middle Earth. While not technically superior, it is nice watching Jackson, and crew, scout out the locations that make New Zealand Middle Earth. As you peruse the DVD set, make sure to check out the easter egg included in the set. If you deride the set for not presenting a trailer of the next volume in this epic, you would do well to explore a bit before passing final judgement.
Rating:  Summary: An all out great movie Review: When I saw this movie, I knew that it couldn't possibly be better than the book. Movies seldom are. But that didn't stop me from enjoying this film. Peter Jackson did an amazing job and some incredibly talented actors were picked and placed in the movie. I loved this movie so much that when it was finished, I couldn't believe it when someone told me it was three hours long! I loved it so much that I can't wait for the next one.
Rating:  Summary: well it is about time! Review: When I say Lord of the Rings, what do you think? Is it a masterpiece or an over described journey? Well I don't care because it has been at least a quarter of a century untill a real version of lotr came out. I thought it would be as [bad] as the cartoon, but I was dead wrong. This man Peter Jackson, is bent on trying to put every little detail in to this trilogy. I say he did an austonding job at it with a few little complaits like... Tom Bombadil,the elves that met them on there way to Buckleberry Ferry, and it wasn't supposed to be Arwen who fetched Frodo at the ford. Other than that he did an exceptioal job. I can't wait to see the Two Towers and The Return of the King. Oh if only Tolkien were alive today (1920?-1973) I belive he would be both impressed and disappointed that some of his characters were cut out. But you know what they say in the movie business, "No matter how hard you try you cannot put everthing from a book into a movie. It would simply cost too much" Well I would recceommend this to Fantasy fans and sci-fi fans. This is a great movie SO BUY IT!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the Movies (this year's at least) Review: When I walked into the theater, I really didn't know what to expect. I was just hoping this movie wouldn't turn into the mess that was Ralph Bakashi's animated version. Boy was I in for a treat. All the special effects, locations, performances, and musical themes are right on target. Some quibble about early Hobbit scenes and songs being cut out, as well as an extended role for Arwen the Elf, but I say that these decisions did no serious damage to Tolkein's vision (actually, the extended Hobbit scenes did some damage to the epic feel of the book). Besides, we would do well to see how it works as a film rather than constantly comparing it to the book, and directors like Peter Jackson must be allowed to have creative freedom. That was the mistake that Harry Potter made; the filmmakers were too faithful to the book and tried to squeeze everything into 2 and 1/2 hours. Here, however, the movie never feels rushed or slow. It offers a great story about loyalty, friendship, strength, good vs. evil and keys to absolute power that must be destroyed. Let's just hope that Lord of the Rings walks away with all of the Oscars it was nominated for.