Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings - The Movie is as good as the book Review: When I first heard that the Lord of the Rings was going to be made into a movie trilogy about a year ago, I was ecstatic. I hadn't read the books in years, but they were as present in my mind as if it had been yesterday. I can remember thinking to myself when I read the trilogy the first time, what a great movie the books would make. How right I was. This movie was historic, one of those movies that if you didn't go to the theater to see it, you were missing out. Peter Jackson is truly visionary, streamlining the Tolkien classic and yet not sacrificing the things that made it great in the first place. It was a perfect portrayal of what Tolkien undoubtedly envisioned in his mind when he wrote the books all those years ago. I was so enthralled by the movie that I saw it in theaters twice, as filled with suspense both times as I've ever been. I would recommend this movie to anyone and everyone, to the Tolkien lover or the Tolkien ignorant. It definitely didn't disappoint and the sequels won't either, I am sure, particularly since all 3 were filmed at the same time. I have yet to find anyone who didn't like this movie and again I heartily recommend it to everyone who likes movies. When it comes to DVD, it is definitely one I will add to the collection!!
Rating:  Summary: Unbeknownst to Oscar, The Masterpiece of the year! Review: When I first heard that there would be another film adaptation of LOTR, I really didn't think much of it. Because I hadn't read any of the books. But as more announcements were made, stating that not only would they make a movie, they would make three back to back, with a relatively unknown director from New Zealand, staring the child actor from Forever young, I began to listen.Almost four years later, after four viewings of The Fellowship Of The Ring, the first installment of the famed trilogy, I stand in awe of this achievement. I being a filmmaker myself, a screenwriter also, may see this as a greater win for everyone involved more so than the average viewer. Again, those viewers being Tolkien fans, maybe not. Elijah Wood, Sir Ian MacKellen, Christopher Lee, and Viggo Mortenson, a man with which stardom should have been begging years ago, inhabit the story that so many people worldwide have been trying to imagine in one form or another for nearly fifty years. They've pulled it off. From the luscious Academy-Award winning cinematography of Andrew Lesnie to the harmonizing sounds of Howard Shore's graceful yet emotional score, from a beautifuly written adaptation to the sure-handedness of Peter Jackson's direction, this film will certainly take you on a journey, eliciting every emotion only few motion pictures these days can- and succeeds! Now, given a year that was rife with politics, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has decided to bestow the honor of best picture to A Beautiful Mind, a competant picture in it's own right. From many critics and Academy members themselves, it has been said that this film could not have won this year solely on the excuse that there are still two films to come, so why not reward all three with ROTK? Well, I was under the assumption that the best film of the year would prevail as the best film of the year. I guess not. Is LOTR:FOTR as good as it is being praised? Yes, and then some. But rather than hear it from my mouth, go out and see the film, and enjoy it for what it was originally written for: Entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: Peter Jackson is genius! Review: When I first heard that they were going to make a 'Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings' movie, the first thought that crossed my mind was, "Great. They're going to destroy another book by making it into a movie". You see, I'm one that hates it when one of my favorites is brought front and center into the attention of the media. Usually, with all the hype and commercialism, something will be tainted and I will loose all my love for it. However, this was not the case with the movie created by Peter Jackson. He did an amazing job sticking to the book, and I simply cannot wait for the other two movies to be released. Genius!
Rating:  Summary: No disappiontments! Review: When I first read "The Lord of the Rings" over 25 years ago, I fell in love with Middle Earth and it's creatures. Tolkein's writing is so vivid that I formed clear pictures of just how things should look and sound. So when I heard that someone was making movies of these books, I was torn between a desire to see how things would be done, and a fear that the book would be butchered to fit it onto the screen. There are no disappointments here! The movie closely follows the book, the cinematography is beautiful, the special effects are excellent, and the characters make you feel for them. This is exactly what I had hoped for, and I think that J.R.R. Tolkein would be proud of how this movie reflects his writings. I can't wait for the next movie!
Rating:  Summary: Wildly immaginative, action packed, but too fast. Review: When I first read the book, I didn't get more than 100 pages before closing it and throwing it into the attic. So, when I heard that the movie was coming out, I made no plans to see it. However, when a friend came over and we decided to see a movie, we figured we should see TLOTR. It was amazing! The immagination, the wonder, the action, the acting, the scenery, the beginning with naration that shows the ring on its journey, all of it was brilliant. Suffice it to say, it was nothing like the book. I can not wait for the next two. Most people know the plot so I won't trouble you by going over it. The bad guys were superb. The Nine(former kings of men who are now like Dementors on horseback, the orcs, the cave troll, the tentacled water creature, the fire demon, Sauron the evil leader, Saruman a former wizard who switched sides, the new mutant orcs. Basically, there are a lot of bad guys, for a lot of battles. Most of the movie is the journey, but the beginning, with the hobbits leaving the shire and being persued by the nine at every available instance, is too fast. They are attacked far too much by these cloaked warriors. Jackson could have at least left a few minutes in between each attack. Also, bring earplugs. I've seen this film twice now and the second time, with earplugs, is much more enjoyable than the first. A great movie, but a bit rushed.
Rating:  Summary: An interesting, fantastic adventure epic for all ages! Review: When I first received my copy of this movie, I was kind of skeptic to whether I was going to love it or hate it. It turned out that I liked it. I mean it dragged on for a little longer than I hoped but it was still a good movie. "Fellowship" as you well know is Part 1 to The Lord of the Rings trilogy. At the Oscars this year, the movie received (to my knowledge) 4 Oscars (one I hope for the music score!). If I give you a summary of the movie, I'll end up giving you the entire plot, so all I'll say is "LOTR:FOTR" is a very good movie for all the fans of the novels. Now onto my family content rating: This movie has been rated PG-13 for some epic battle sequences and scary images. Scary images is right. This movie will surely scare some audiences under 10. There is no language. No nudity/sex. Overall, I think this movie should be viewed for people over 14 because of the long running time and for the plot line. Great movie though!
Rating:  Summary: An amazing new version of an already spectacular film Review: When I first saw "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring," I was in awe at how great the movie was. I just was perplexed that such a great movie could be made! It was perfect. When I watch this extended version, at first I thought that the new scenes(although great in and of themselves) sort of mucked up the film when added in. Someone else would say lines that were originally said by another character, the title "The Fellowship of the Ring" was placed in a different spot, etc. Sometimes they'd use a different cut of the same scene. I had never witnessed someone changing their movie so much. Not even George Lucas had done that much changing to his original Star Wars films. But, given some time I got used to it and realized that it's a better version of the film! And it helps flow into "The Two Towers" very nicely, setting up things for it that the original "Fellowship" does not, like the gift-giving in Lothlorien, etc. I now think that that was a mistake to leave that out of the theatrical version. We don't have a clear idea of where the lembas bread came from in The Two Towers, or why the rope burns Gollum, unless we see this extended cut of "Fellowship." We don't understand fully why their cloaks "sheild them from unfriendly eyes" at the black gate. All of that, and much more, makes sense when watching the extended version of Fellowship of the Ring. And, there's more. This version is packed full of special features! Two discs worth. Everything is there to give you a second-hand look at just how much passion, effort, and love was put into this film. These special features really show how much the creative forces behind these films really care about The Lord of the Rings. Go out and buy this version right now! Amazing movie, amazing DVD!
Rating:  Summary: WOW! Amazing! A MUST see! Review: When I first saw this movie I came out of the theater wanting more! I immediatly fell in love with the characters and the awesome special effects! If you haven't seen this movie, you need to! The cast is great and play their parts as if they were once the actual people. I loved this movie sooooo much that I went and saw it three times and I still plan to see it several more. For anyone who loves fantasy, action, adventure, suspense and who cares... who loves any movie theme, they will enjoy this awesome movie. I recomend seeing it at least twice!
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the Rings Review: When I first saw this movie I was at school and I was totally memorized in this wonderful story of a mysical world called middle earth. 3 hours or so of a great plot, extended scences and added scences. It's a timeless tale of adventure. You'll be swept away into a world of complete mystery. You'll be wishing there was more and this story wont be forgotten easily. Your movie collection wont be complete without the Lord of the Rings. With a great cast thats so convincing, in my opinion, there is no way you can resist watching this movie over and over again, till your like me, knowing exactly what everyone is going to say before they say it. So don't wait and get this movie and become a Lord of the Rings Fanatic.
Rating:  Summary: One of my Favorite Movies!!! Review: When I first saw this movie, I almost fell asleep because it was just way too long. Not only that though, I didn't understand it (I never read the books). After a friend explained some of it to me I watched it a second time and I loved it!!! I'm a great fan of fantasy type movies that have a lot of action in them. My favorite parts are the battle at Amon-Hen (spelling?) and when the fellowship were fighting off the orcs and the troll in Moria. This movie has good solid acting (Elijah Wood still annoys me though). It's one of my favorite movies and I highly reccommend it! :o)