Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings... Review: Well,This Movie is not ALL bad,but it is pretty Dumb.Okay, I'll Admit that it had GREAT actors,GREAT scenery,GREAT special effects,and an OKAY Story.But,there is WAY too many fighting scenes and battles,and WAY too many Gross and SCARY Montsers and Goblin-type Creatures!!!This movie is like,BASED on fighting and killing!!!If there wasn't so much Fighting and so many GROSS Monsters,I would give this movie 5 Stars. The story is:in the begining the ring of the dark Lord was Created.Eventually, Frodo bagins inherits the Ring and Gandalf(the Wizard)Convinces Him he needs to Destroy the Ring.as they begin their jorney one by one the fellowship grows as they make the jorney to where the ring was created.along the way they face many obstacles on their way to the Mountain. Even though I haven't read the books I have heard the movie is NOTHING like the books.I think the movie has A Interinsting Story And Good special effects,but Don't go to this movie unless you REALLY like this sort of stuff.
Rating:  Summary: Perfect adaption of J.R.R. Tolkien`s Fantasy Epic! Review: Well,to begin this review I will tell my expectations. When I first heard that the former sick comedy director Peter Jackson would direct a live-action version of J.R.R.Tolkien`s Lord of the Rings trilogy,I was quite worried. First,I thought he would be kicked because of sick humour ideas and replaced by a quality director like Spielberg or someone. Then,I was also worried because of it`s 250 million dollar budget - more expensive than Titanic itself!If this movie would be a flop,not just Peter Jackson would loose a lot of money - the entire company of New Line Cinema (and may be also Warner Bros.)would have to go in concourse. And the animated LOTR movie of 1978 became a huge flop,which made it even more unbelievable that this one would succeed at the box office - I and many other love the books and I don`t want them to be destroyed. And there was also not many well-known actors in this film,which made me even more doubtfull about it. Well,when I came into the theatre in the opening day,I forgot all of that stuff. It was definitly NO humour à la Monty Python or bad acting here. This movie runs on for almost three hours,but it is never getting boring or anything like that. In fact,it is so magic and well done that you want it to never stop! The dramatic landscapes of New Zealand fits perfectly to Tolkien`s description of the environment in the books. Something which probably makes the movie soo good is that they have planned all in detail,and the detail is almost as big as in the book. All cultures are planned. When watching this movie,it is not just a fairytail world. Everything is so cast that you can believe this world really exists,although there are orchs,ringwraiths and wizards! Some of my favorite sequences are the introduction when the history of the ring is told,the battle with Balrog,one of my favorite LOTR villains from the book,and the mountain wandering,which looks so beautifull that I got inspired every second of that moment. And the sad moments of the film really has a feel - I shall not tell you what happens,but when it happend,my eyes were almost filled with tears! In fact,it is just good that it does not have many well-known actors. It is nice to let Orlando Bloom and Sean Astin become mega stars instead of Keanu Reeves or Danny DeVito for example. Ian McKellen looks exactly like Gandalf from the books. Elijah Wood is perfect as the little hobbit Frodo,who is the hero of the story,and Viggo Mortensen plays Aragorn as no other man can! It is also nice to see the horror veteran Christopher Lee as Saruman,the evil wizard who pretends he`s Gandalfs friend. One more noteworthy thing is the sound quality - all the sounds could be heard very clearly,and the music was enormously powerfull at several moments. Everything about LOTR was enormous - they worked on it for seven years!Here are some unnecessary stuff about it but it`s may be fun to know: 90,000 still photographs were taken,the recording theme consisted of 2400 people,100 locations were used,274 days of recording,20602 background actors were in the movie,and 180 persons created the effects!And a lot more were done as well! All three films were recorded at the same time,so there would not be the problem of the older one,which was never finished! Well,let's hope it succeeds at the box office. Now I have told my thoughts,and to end this review,I`m gonna say that the moment when I watched this movie december 19th will be the last cinema visit I`ll ever forget! If it does not get an Academy Award (at least for best sound),I will be surprised!
Rating:  Summary: Bloody good for all the lost storyline. Review: Well... where to begin? I myself have read the entire trilogy no less than 20 times. I've also read ALL of Tolkien's supplemental works as well as some of his unrelated poetry and prose. I can speak some of the ancient languages Tolkien used to develope some of his own languages in Lord of the Rings (Welsh, Cornish, etc.) So I imagine you could say that I am a nutfanaticgeekandwhatever of J.R.R. Tolkien. As far as cinematics are concerned, the movie was excellent. It portrayed most of the characters, places, languages, as they were very well supposed to be. The way The Shire was depicted left me in tears as I know that we will never see a place and people so happy and carefree and beautiful while we live on earth. The battle in which Sauron was deprived of the Ring was absolutely stunning. The orcs were, for the most part, well-done- although no Orc was ever any shade of green. The detail of weapons and armor was exquisite. The scenery altogether made me want to gather an army and claim New Zealand for myself. The story line, however, was not very well stuck to. Some of the most terrifying and bizzare and entertaining parts of The Fellowship of the Ring were left out entirely. The part where Fatty Bolger awaited the Ring-Wraiths at Crickhollow, the Old Forest, Tom Bombadil, the terror of the Barrow Downs, etc (if you've read the book)... all were left out entirely! Some of the characters were changed as well. Instead of meeting Glorfindel on the way to Rivendell, they met Arwen (va-va-voom by the way!) Galadriel wasn't even as remotely beautiful as she was in the book. I could go on... Altogether, it was... better than okay. I loved it for this, hated it for that. But I'll probably watch it as many times as I've read it. I'd like very much for Christopher Tolkien to write a review here. Ffarwelio y nes trenydd!
Rating:  Summary: "Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow." Review: Well..First off I'm not sure how to start. I am a die-hard fan of the books, and I'll admit that before this production was released I was concerned with just how much they would have to hack, and splice the plot. When I finally saw it I was pleasantly surprised to find that the image J.R.R. Tolkien created in the books remained in the film. I was irked however at the absence of Tom Bombadil, one of my favourite characters from the book. Although he isn't a critical character to the plot and the movie already is three hours long, I still would have liked to have seen Tom, and his wife Goldberry in the film. The dialogue of the film was very nicely done and you'll see quite a few memorable lines from the book. As for the music, and sound I found both of these to be satisfactory as well. There were many special effects that helped add to the overall atmosphere of the movie. Some have complained that this movie is too violent and scary, all I can say to that is that yes, the movie is scary. The looming sense of fear and darkness looming on the horizon is all an essential part of paving the path for the rest of the trilogy. As for the blood and violence, I found that they limited the use of blood very nicely in order to keep it from disturbing those with weaker stomachs for such things. Summary: Special Effects: 95% (The scene on the stairs just before crossing Khazzad Dum could have been done a bit better, the effects there seemed fake) Sound and Music: 100% (Very nice soundtrack, fit the movie well) Acting: 100% (Excellent job Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, and all the others...) Direction: 100% (He's more than earned my respect) Plot: 99% Where was Tom??? :-( Overall: 99.5% A great movie if you like fantasy, an even greater one if you like the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: A very good beginning Review: Well..its exactly 20 min since I left the theater. I must say, it was a good effort. Great action sequences..true moments of suspence, likeable characters, it was very good..though not great however. When the main characters werent running for their lives...the story dragged a bit..some of the dialogue was a bit on the...shall we say, cheesy side. But, its the action sequences that keep this film afloat. As for individual performances Ian Mckellar does a good job of bringing some vulnerability to Gandolph...and the man playing Bilbo adds a touch of creepiness to him that sure wasnt there in the cartoon.I also thought that Viggo Mortensen was very good as well as Cate Blanchett and Liv Tyler. Sadly, its hard to be a standout when playing the hero of a story, though Elijah at least has screen presence. The pitfalls of the film however I feel are how to keep the audience engaged in the characters when they are not in peril. I have the feeling that, had I been a huge fan of the books and read them before hand...I would have enjoyed this film a bit more. But seeing as I havent , I must say I liked the characters..but did not love them. So, that when a crucial cast memeber dies well....I didnt take it quite so hard. But, it is a huge task to ask to build repor when dealing with a huge novel and a long story ..to ask for more would prob require an extra hour of viewing time.and that is a touch unreasonable seeing as the film already clocks in on three hours. AS for technical merits.I was not impressed with the cinematography that much..and the Cgi rendering wasnt that great.The stereo sound was decent..but I will say that the surrouind sound in the film was just incredible. but otherwise, technically, Id have to say George Lucas would win that battle. But mr jackson admitted he purposely didnt go overboard with the special effects so as not to overshadow the story...a tip that mr lucas could benefit from(judging by the star wars ep 2 trailer). All in all..for a movie as highly anticipated as this one was...its not by any means a total letdown. Granted..i was not totally blown away as I'd hoped I'd be..but I cant sya that I didnt enjoy the film..and I have a sneaking suspicion when its available on dvd that ill be in line to get it too. So, good but not great, but worth the price of admission. However...heh, I still say mr jackson's best directorial effort is Meet the Feebles *wink*...no hobbit can top Garden of Love- A.N.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie, Terrible DVD Review: What a crime. This is probably the worst transfer of a movie to DVD in that last two years. And for a movie of this magnitude it is a crime!. I realize that the 'real deal' is going to come out in November... This one is terrible! The colors are bad, the encoding is blurry and full of artifacts and the sound is imbalanced, uneven and just plain bad. I was really looking foward to this dvd and had high expectations. What a disappointment. I'm not sure whether this LOTR is better than no LOTR.
Rating:  Summary: overblown tripe Review: what a disappointment...the vision of book-to-film has truly been lost here, with overwrought, hammy acting on the part of practically everyone (especially Sir Ian and Elijah W), as well as poor editting, and a real "Hollywood-ization" of a classic. The extra footage is the biggest disappointment, since it promises to fill in gaps and help with pacing, but instead....just meakes the pain last longer. Give this a big miss. Dr S
Rating:  Summary: 5 Stars doesn't come close....It's far better! Review: What a fantastic world Peter Jackson and crew have created! I can't begin to imagine this movie with a different cast; remove a member, and it wouldn't have been the same. I've been a fan of Tolkien most of my life - I first read 'The Hobbit' when I was 10 (required reading by teacher - Thanks, Ms. Skinner!) and have been lost and found in fantasy ever since. After patiently (not so patiently?) waiting more than a year and a half for this film, I can say that it not only lived up to my expectations; it has far surpassed them. The decision to leave out Tom Bombadil was no big deal; he was considered by Tolkien himself to be unimportant to the narrative and was well aware that he was a 'discordant ingredient' in the story. I feel that the movie worked well by leaving him out, and that to include him would probably have been too much and detracted from the rest of the story. If you haven't seen this film yet, please do. To miss seeing this one on the big screen is like trying to watch the sun set with your eyes closed. Please don't let negative reviews taint your true feelings about this film, because the story, the acting, the scenery and the special effects are all combined perfectly. It is a must see, and perhaps one of the greatest movies of all time. (I want a hobbit house all my own!)
Rating:  Summary: LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING Review: What a gift to the world! You'll love the story of courage, wisdom and most of all friendship. I also recommend Lubyrinth, The Neverending Story and Legend.
Rating:  Summary: This IS the book brought to life... Review: What a great film to be made. I loved all the actors, the protrayals, the cinematography, the direction, the costumes, everything... But, it is as slow, tedious and dull as Tolkein's tepid writings. Sorry, T, but you rambled your way through a boring series of books, and Peter Jackson faithfully adapted it with the style and flavor of your pennings. Sadly, it isn't a great movie, but it is a triumphant and majestic work that will go the way of all bloated Hollywood flicks- noted obscurity: a fascinating bore for future generations. I blame none of the crew or cast...it is all Tolkein's fault.