Rating:  Summary: Fun and Geeky, but LONG Review: Before every swords & sorcery geek in all of Middle Earth cast a spell on me and turn me into a chicken or something...let me just say that I ADMIT that I'm in the strange minority that didn't really enjoy this film. I don't know what it is...it just does nothing for me (except induce deep sleep and cause my buttocks to go numb after prolonged exposure to the seat I've been in for the last 20394830 hours watching this thing).It was fun and even interesting in some varied parts. The visual style of the film is quite impressive. The digital effects are seamless. Elija Wood plays a heroic hobbit, and the rest of the actors are also extreemly well-cast. It was fun and entertaining and I'm not such a cynic that I can't say I enjoyed some of it. I just find this type of stuff to be boring and pretentious. This film tries too hard to be epic and important. In the immortal words of David Spade (who I actually [don't like]), "It's called an editor...HIRE ONE!"
Rating:  Summary: Peter Jackson's superlative original theatrical release. Review: Before I begin, most people aren't considering buying this DVD. They think it's release is only a gimmick to make more cash before releasing the 4-disc Special Edition (complete with 30 minutes of deleted footage) set in November. Well, they're probably correct, but any serious fan wants every edition. (P.S. get the widescreen version.) This DVD is the version that Mr. Jackson and the editing team chose to release in theaters, so I believe it's essential to my collection. My review: The Fellowship of the Ring is overflowing with energy forged deep within the mind of Peter Jackson. Expertly crafted, he creates image after image of remarkable, unforgettable scenes, perfectly melding state of the art special effects with timeless literature. The entire cast is exemplary. Elijah Wood as Frodo, the courageous yet troubled hobbit, is a perfect choice, especially given the fact that he gives the best performance of his career. He matures gracefully on screen becoming hope for all who must conquer adversity or survive persecution. I'm a huge fan of film scores and this soundtrack instantly became one of my top five favorites. Howard Shore blows you completely away with an adventurous flowing rythym and enchants you with melodeous overtones. Absolutely exquisite. The last ten minutes of music, footage in the film sweep you off of your feet and place you gently within the courageous heart of Frodo Baggins. The Fellowship of the Ring is in class of it's own.
Rating:  Summary: Best movie EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: Before I even saw the movie,I didnt want to see it! Dont ask me why!Probbaly coz my brother LOVED it,and nearly all of the movies he likes,I hate. But it was a christmas night when all of my family from all over the world,piled into my house and watched it. I loved it!! Not only does it has hot talent,hot directing,hot scenery,hot story line,but also hot guys! This makes it a class A+ movie! Not one little thing was over looked. All of the actors were perfect and so were the outfits and how they looked. I dont know WHY Peter Jackson hasnt won Best Directer yet,coz this movie makes Titanic look like a row boat that crashed into a rock!
Rating:  Summary: Simply majestic Review: Before i review the movie, I just wanted to make sure everybody knew that this is a 2-disc set and that a 4-disc set is coming out in november. just so you know if you want to buy this and that or just this or that. :) now, this movie is one of the best movies ever made. i guess it was fitting that it did not win an oscar back in March, after all, Citizen Kane also did not win an oscar for best picture. (by the way, raise your hands who knows what movie won in it's place. do you think 50 years from now we'll remember A Beautiful Mind or Lord of the Rings?) The movie begins with a 10 minute prologue about the Ring of Power and its journey from the finger of Sauron to Bilbo's possession. from the very start this film breathes life to the story. unlike Harry Potter, a superb book turned into a mediocre movie, Lord of the Rings the movie has life of its own. All of us who read the book by Tolkein know the plotline, and while the movie follows it faithfully, leaving out only a few sections, including the Tom Bombadil part (which i feel was a divergence even in the book), and introducing new plot lines, the movie moves along with passion and intensity. we want to know what will happen to Gandalf when he meets Saruman. we want to know how Frodo sees the world when he puts the ring on his finger. the movie breathes of vitality. There are also many parts of the film that sent chills down my spine, such as when the Wringwraiths surrounded the tiny hobbits on the ridge, or when Gandalf and Saruman fought each other, or the entire scene in the Mines of Moria. The music for the film is superb, composed beautifully by Howard Shore. the music invokes peace during the scenes at Hobbiton and danger in the mines of Moria. Well done Mr. Shore. So in the end, i congradulate Peter Jackson and all involved in making this movie. what's more, i'll be very happy these next two years knowing that the next two are going to be just as good. All three were filmed at the same time, which means that they will all be the same quality! great work Mr. Jackson! I can't wait until the Two Towers!
Rating:  Summary: Fantasy at its best! Review: Before I saw this movie, I thought that it was for a certain type of people. You know, the one's that were in some medieval club in high school and in college. Surprise! I'm a girl who is completely loyal to the whole Jane Austen genre, and I absolutely loved the film. The cinematography is stunning and will leave you with the desire to drop everything and move to New Zealand. Just like Star Wars, it's got the good and the bad side, and all the interesting different creatures, a gorgeous girl, some great looking guys, sure Legolas is a little feminine, and great music too! It follows the book very carefully, and in someways, it improves the story. It's entertaining, frightening, cheesy, romantic, and just about every other adjective you could think of. If this movie doesn't seem like your "cup of tea", then all the more reason you should try it and broaden your horizons . . . like me, you just might be surprised!
Rating:  Summary: Oh, My "Lord." Review: Before I sing my praises, let me first admit, with slight embarrassment, that I haven't read a single page of the Tolkien books on which "Lord of the Rings" is based. But that didn't prevent me from appreciating this movie. Quite simply, I was literally blown away. Quite possibly the greatest epic adventure since "Lawrence of Arabia," "Lord of the Rings" thrills, captivates, enthralls, and entertains you from start to finish. It's the great fantasy adventure that "Harry Potter" should have been (and can never be). I saw the extended 3.5 hour version late Friday night, and I watched every frame of the movie until 3:00 in the morning because I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. You can tell that director Peter Jackson invested a lot of love into this project through the scenery, the performances, the breathtaking action sequences, and the pacing. Elijah Wood is badly underrated as Frodo, who along with his cohorts, begins an adventure in which he protects a ring with magic powers against various forces of evil. Viggo Mortensen and Sir Ian McKellen also shine tremendously, especially McKellen, who was robbed of a Supporting Actor Oscar. Unfortunately, women don't have much of a presence in this movie, though Cate Blanchett and Liv Tyler make the best of their underwritten roles. When "Lord of the Rings" first came out in DVD in August, I deliberately avoided the 2-disc version, for I knew that a deluxe edition was forthcoming. And while the pricetag is somewhat steep, it is worth every dime. I never saw the original theatrical release, but the 3.5 hour version passes along nicely and never drags. If there is one DVD you must buy this year, this one is certainly it. It's bound to be remembered as a beloved classic, and having finally seen it, I now eagerly await the next two "LOTR" films.
Rating:  Summary: My 3rd favorite movie Review: Before I start, let me just say that I haven't read the books. Acting: No cheesy lines or unnecessary melodrama (the Chess scene in Harry Potter, for instance). The fact that none of these are megasuperstars works for the movie, in that I see them onscreen as people, and not just actors playing characters. 10 out of 10 Effects: Where do I begin?? Middle Earth is simply gorgeous. The cave troll and the orcs are ugly and frightening, like their supposed to be. Sauron and the Wraiths are menacing, and the battle scenes all hold their own against the rest in modern cinema. 10 out of 10 Story: A few little things that detracted from the movie, like a bug bite. It's not big, but it's still kind of annoying. Some character introductions were rushed, or not even there. Therefore, I sometimes was forced to refer to characters as the Badass Elf with the bow and arrow, or the dwarf with the ax. Some things didn't seem properly explained, like why Elrond was still alive and kicking after the few thousand years since the war against Sauron. And the end of the cave troll fight when we see that someone really ISN'T dead (those who've seen the movie know what I'm talking about). But other than that, the story is gold and I couldn't wait to see what happened next. 9 out of 10 Sound/Music: The sounds are spot-on and the score is fantastic, if somewhat forgetable. There aren't really any stand-out tunes. 9 out of 10 Overall: This movie simply SCREAMS epic. Everything, from the story, to the sweeping camera angles, to the running time. And speaking of that, even at almost 3 hours, FOTR is too short! You never want it to end, and when it does, it ends quite suddenly. This just makes the year's wait for the next film even harder. But anyway, see the movie. Tell everyone to see this movie. I've only seen it once, but plan on seeing it as many times as possible when it comes to my town. 9.5 out of 10
Rating:  Summary: There's just something about it... Review: Before I watched this movie, and to this day, I've never read any of Tolken's books. I tried the Hobbit when I was younger, but never got too far into it. With that said, I was a little confused watching this movie. I spent the majority of the time trying to figure the charecters out. However, none of this ruined the movie or made it bad for me. Instead, I realized for the first time the magic of Tolken. He had an incredible ability to craft charecters, creatures, and new worlds out of thin air which I found amazing. Even though I may not have fully understood everything through this movie, I still had the sense that if I kept with the series, it will make sense eventually. And though the movie was long, I never got bored. Tolken uses suspense amazingly to where you can't look away at any time. In the end, I longed to see the sequel. And to me, that's one sign of a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: A TIMELESS MASTERPIECE Review: Before i wrote a review for this movie i wanted to see it again thinking mybe i was just captivated by the beauty of the special FX or the the amazing 6.1 sound track, For the longest time i considered "The godfather" to be the finest movie ever made and i thought i would never see another movie that would come close to it's genius. When the "Fellowship of the ring" came out in the movies i regrettably did not go to see it thinking it wood be just another hollywood money making flop. After watching this movie twice i can say with out a doubt this is indeed in my opinion the best movie ever made!, I am no a fan of the book but i do intend to read it, This movie has everything you need to make it a classic Superb acting Amazing story remarkable visuals and the sheer scale of this movie is something i've never seen before in any movie, In my opinion Peter Jackson was robbed of the oscar he deserves as were the actors. As for the quality of the DVD it's A+ in my book, The picture quality is exellent sharp crisp this movie is beautifully shot from beginning to end, The 6.1 EX sound track is amazing at all times in the movie the sound effects come from all speakers from a quiet wind blowing across hobbit shire to the intense battle in the dwarf mines those of you who have high end audio systems are in for a treat this DVD is LOAD and i mean LOAD it's the best 6.1 sound track i ever herd. I don't really have much to say about the special features on the DVD because Since i never buy a DVD for the features but you get a great 10 minute trailer for the second film in the trilogy "The two towers" and a host of other neat feature combine to make this a exellent must own DVD, And when the extended version DVD comes out it will be added to me collection as well and when "The two towers" comes out this December I will be first in line to see it.
Rating:  Summary: By far the best fantasy series of the 21st century! Review: Before seeing The Fellowship of the Ring I had never read any of the Lord of the Rings books, just The Hobbit as a small child. As a huge science fiction/fantasy fan I was greatly looking forward to this, and it did not disappoint. Where George Luca's Star Wars "prequel" trilogy feels empty and convoluted, Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings feels realistic and invigorating. What a breath of fresh air, and it's 10,000 times better than The Phantom Menace was! Winner of Four Academy Awards this classic belongs in every film lover's collection!