Rating:  Summary: Great movie, they don't make stories like this anymore! Review: This movie is wonderful. The attention to detail is incredible. I mean this is middle earth made real! The shire and Hobbiton are just as I imagined them.Now one thing I really enjoy about the story of the Lord of the Rings: Magic is relatively rare. The story involves magic and the supernatural, but it's not used excesively. Most of the story is about the journey and the interrelationships between the characters. The movie and the world created by Tolkien have this very real feeling to them. It's like the world actually exists. Different kingdoms and places have a rich history, language, and cultures of their own. Tolkien was a scholar and a lover of languages and history and it shows in the quality of his beautiful storytelling. All to often these days adventure movies rely too much on special effects or violence and leave little to the plot or the characters. The Lord of the Rings is great storytelling and one of the best stories to come out of the 20th century. It's a classic that has stood the test of time and heavily influenced later fantasy writers and artists. Now this movie does have terrific special affects and some very violent moments but thankfully it offers much more than that. Thank you very much J.R.R. Tolkien for this wonderful story. Now why did I only give this movie a 4 star when I thoroughly enjoyed it to the point of feeling it deserves 5 stars? Well it diverges from the novel on some points I felt it didn't have to. Yes I know you can't fit the whole story into 3 movies but still there are changes made to the storyline that didn't have to be done. Some changes wouldn't have made the story longer but seemed to be altered just because the movie script writers felt it would be better if done a different way. I mean Ralph Bakshi's animated version of the Lord of the Rings covered the first book and a half of the Lord of the Rings, wasn't as long as this Fellowship of the Ring movie, yet was truer to the dialogue and the major plots elements than this movie! The animated version made a few changes also but in this movie there were more of them! At least I thought the movie version of Samwise Gamgee was better and I really liked Gandalf the wizard also! Now I thought the animated version of Strider/Aragorn was a better representation of the book character. Somehow I felt he should have been older than he was in the movie version. After all he was supposed to be weathered and older looking from his journeys and fighting in the wild lands he roamed through. Now I hope at the end of the 3rd movie they just don't have Aragorn and Arwen live happily ever after because if you read the appendix at the end of the book of the Lord of the Rings, after Aragorn dies of old age he leaves Arwen to a very sad fate to die alone in Lorien after all the other elves had passed away from middle earth forever. I was very sad and cried when I read that. There she dies with only her memories and all that she loved had passed away forever. A bitter fate indeed. However since it's not in the story proper but only in the appendix it may not be in the 3rd movie.
Rating:  Summary: A Movie Worthy of Adding to your Collection Review: This movie is-in one word-SPECTACULAR. The cast is excellent. For those of you who have read the books I'd say that they did a pretty good job potraying the charachters as in the book, especially the hobbits! The scenery is beautiful and looks as if it's out of this world, the soundtrack is catchy and worth purchasing, and you'll find that you won't be able to take your eyes off the screen even for a bathroom or snack break. Everyone I know has loved this movie and I for one have seen it twice in the theaters and plan to see it again next Sunday. No questions asked- you have to see this movie. You won't be disappointed whether you have read the books or not. In fact, after you have seen the movie you might even find yourself at the library checking the book out to see what happens next. I reccomend that if you liked this movie a lot you can purchase the soundtrack and/or official movie guide.
Rating:  Summary: Better than TITANIC Review: This movie makes you think. I watched the movie without reading the book so at the end of the movie it makes me feel like 'hey is that it'so i make a search and here i am with 3 books excellent!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Speechless.... Review: This movie makes you want to visit New Zealand. This movies makes you want to read the books (if you haven't). This movie makes stars out of Wood and Bloom. I can't say enough good things about this movie. Don't wait for the DVD because it requires the viewing in a theater setting. Hurry, before they end the theatrical run....
Rating:  Summary: Definitely an Epic Review: This movie may be viewed differently by those who have read the books and are long-standing Tolkien fans and those who have never heard of him. Both groups should enjoy this film, as the story line (thanks to Tolkien) and special effects and casting (thanks to Peter Jackson) are outstanding. The film is complete enough in itself that non-Tolkien persons who have never read his books should have no trouble following the plot, however, they miss out on the depth and drama of this epic because there is simply no time for character development in this film. This is my one criticism of an otherwise exceptional movie. Without reading the books you will not have an understanding why the characters react and relate with each other in the way they do. Nevertheless, I would recommend this film to anyone except children under twelve (too much violence in the battle scenes and too many scary characters). Tolkien fans and non-Tolkien fans alike should appreciate this film.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent adaptation of the book Review: This movie offers breathtaking scenery, imaginative characters and excellent acting in the the retelling of Tolkien's masterpiece. The journey to the land of Mordor is undertaken by a representative of each of the races in Middle Earth who put aside their differences so that they may pursue a common goal. The allegories are numerous and there are lessons to be learned in the imagery so richly portrayed by Tolkien. To reproduce the Lord of the Rings books on film must have been a daunting task and the results are spectacular, to say the least. Bring on Part 2!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing. Review: This movie really does justice to Tolkien's masterpiece. There are a few qualms I have, like the abrupt reappearance of Merry and Pippin, running into Sam and Frodo. But all of these will hopefully be solved by the DVD, and regardless overall the movie is paced very well, taking the key notes from the book and rearranging them in the shortest but most dignified and beautiful way possible. After all, the movie was cut down to three hours, not lengthened to it... Do yourself a favor and see this movie, if you haven't. It deserves some awards!! (too bad about the Golden Globes...) Can't wait for The Two Towers!
Rating:  Summary: Bland! Review: This movie really lacked spice. A lot of pompous talking, interrupted by action scenes looking as if they were lifted from a computer game. An extremely lame and simple action scenes it were. F.ex. the scene where the elven girl races towards the river with Frodo. How does she succeed ? She just whispers a few spells to the horse and it outruns the pursuers. This may work in a novel, but in a movie you need a lot more twist and turns. Compare this horse race with the speeder chase in Return Of The Jedi. See what I mean ? What a shame, that such a classic work should suffer this fate. (2 stars for scenery though)
Rating:  Summary: The most boring movie I have ever seen Review: This movie really sucked. I fell asleep a few times during the course of the most boring 3 hours of my life. Even the two bathroom trips didn't help. The humor was designed for 5 year olds. Only the first 3 minutes were worth watching. After that...total boredom. I couldn't wait for the characters to all die so that the movie would be over. The wizard Gandolf had no powers, the kid was a wimp, his friends were annoying and stupid, blah blah blah.... There was no sense of mystery. I did not care for a single character in the film. I didn't even care about what happens next in the sequel. The only emotion this movie invoked in my was "boredom". ...
Rating:  Summary: This Movie rocks! Review: This movie rocks because it is full of actions! On this Special Edition DVD, the movies have the never seen before scene's. I don't know what to say, but this movie is the best in the year of 2002!