Rating:  Summary: An Incredible Movie! Review: This movie is an epic masterpiece! Though some might argue for the fact that it does not fully live up to the books, I strongly disagree. True, Glorfindel was replaced by Arwen, and the Old Forest/Tom Bombadil scene was omitted, but the attention to detail and impressive scenery and acting more than make up for it! The casting was great, and the special effects were fantastic. The storyline itself, as Tolkien wrote it, send you through a flurry of emotions. The movie draws you in as you watch the Fellowship move through Middle-Earth, and you become as joyful, greived, or frightened as they themselves are. This movie is well worth owning, and the soundtrack is just as great!
Rating:  Summary: A Beautiful Telling of A Classic Story Review: This movie is an immediate classic, of a caliber and quality of filmmaking rarely seen when adapting literature to the big screen. The Lord of the Rings novels, written by J.R.R. Tolkien, are immense in their scope, with multiple plots and an army's worth of principal characters. It seemed that adapting these novels to film would be nearly impossible, if any justice to the original stories was to be served. It has been done.This Platinum Series Extended Edition of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" is a masterpiece of modern filmmaking. This edition of the film, which runs approximately 4 hours in length, captures everything important about Tolkien's first installment in the Ring Series. In this film, we are introduced to Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood), nephew of Bilbo Baggins, and future "heir" to the ring of power. By no choice of his own, Frodo is sent on a quest to take the Ring of Power to the Elf City, where it can be kept safe against the growing power of Mordor, who seeks to possess the ring. Aided by the powerful wizard Gandalf (Ian McKellan), a mysterious soldier known as Strider and a band of loyal Hobbits, Frodo begins his quest, which will ultimately lead him to the heart of Mordor, where he must attempt to destroy the ring. Of course, this synopsis does the film absolutely no justice. The film, which has the feel of a true epic, is full of rich characters, beautiful scenery, incredible special effects and enough plots and sub-plots to keep anyone entertained even when viewing the film multiple times. The settings are incredibly beautiful, especially the Elvish City, set in a valley full of waterfalls and lust vegitation. The story behind the filming of this film is also fascinating, and in this special edition DVD set, there are two Appendices disks included with hours of production material, including how the director attempted to faithfully recreate each character and situation from the books, using much state of the art special effects technology to transport the viewer to "Middle Earth" with a feeling that what they are viewing is completely real. For parents considering this movie for their children, there are a few moments in the film which might be somewhat unsettling to younger viewers. The orcs and goblins are frightening in their appearance. There is little blood in this film, despite the many battle sequences. Overall, the film is a powerfully positive experience for any viewer, young or old, and should be able to be enjoyed by the entire family. This DVD set, which contains 4 disks in all, is truly a worthwhile collection to own. For anyone who is an avid fan of the original novels, it should be noted that some material contained in Tolkien's Fellowship novel are missing, and others have been changed some to make the film more linear, but these changes in no way detract from the essence of Tolkien's story, and even the most dedicated Tolkien fan should enjoy this film immensely.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome awesome movie!! Review: This movie is as close to the book as I have ever seen. I cannot believe that people come on here and berate the movie, which was excellently done, excellently cast, and excellently stayed with the book, except for a few scenes I thought didn't align well, like Arwen taking Frodo to the Ford and then destroying the Ringwraithes. She should have been a he, and she/he was not the one who destroyed the Ringwraithes, it was Elron and Gandalf who destroyed the ringwraithes. But, nonetheless, it was a great movie. Obviously those who gave the movie one star and called it a horrible horrible movie does not like true fantasy. Tolkien is the one name in fantasy that if you asked what he wrote, you would instantly think of the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit. The movie was fantastic. And you cannot compare Harry Potter with the Lord of the Rings.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Movie Review: This movie is awe-inspiring and just incredible. The storyline is brilliant, acting good, and audio/visual quality superb. Though I recommend reading the books first to understand all the deeper-level thinking and morals, etc, it is completely fine to watch the movie first. No matter what, the movie is magnificent. The visuals are esspecially excellent. If you haven't already, watch this movie! Granted, it's long, but it's well worth losing a couple hours of time.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome! Review: This movie is awesome! Easily one of the best Action/Adventure films ever. I saw Lord of the Rings several times in the theater and it only got better each time. Watch it today!!
Rating:  Summary: This is how you do it !! Review: This movie is awesome, it delivers three times the value of most other movies. It is longer, more interesting, more scenic, and more impressive. The casting choices bordered on perfection. The scenery was spectacular. Best of all, the movie is a good influence for children. I find this to be extremely rare for a Hollywood product. Too bad we have to wait a year for the next part. I'm pretty sure I will see this one at the theatre again. Best movie I've seen in a long time.
Rating:  Summary: Order it! Review: This movie is based on the first volume of the greatest fantasy epic of all time-The Lord of the Rings. It's the first of a trilogy-The Fellowship of the Ring. for all the serious Tolkien fans-let's get down to the details. Like all based-on-a-book movies, it's not 100% true to the book. The main differences: 1. in the movie, Tom Bombadil was left out for simplicity. Personally, I don't mind much as I thought he was slightly annoying(though very interesting of course). 2. Glorfindel the Elf(a male) is replaced by Arwen Evenstar( a female). This really makes me mad. Arwen does not belong in the movie! 3. Aragorn and Arwen fall in love in Rivendell. In the books they don't fall in love till much later. 3. Boromir's death is placed at the end of the first movie, rather than at the beginning of the second movie. This is ok with me-I can understand that it might not be a good idea to begin the second movie with a death. 4. the showdown between Saruman and Gandalf is much scarier in the movie than in the book. They use their magical staffs to spin each other around into the air and thrust each other onto the ground. The movie would probably be better without these differences, but it's still a great movie. Awesome special effects, beautiful music, outstanding actors, and the greatest story ever combine to make it the best movie that I have ever seen. It's a movie that every Tolkien fan should own. I know I will!
Rating:  Summary: An Epic Begins Review: This movie is beyond words! The acting is great, the locales are beautiful, and the story is epic! This is part one of three movies which make up one grand story about a small creature who rises above corruption to help destroy an artifact that will give its user absolute power... or so they think. The One Ring of Power gives power to its wearer, but... This was a great movie, and its only flaw, if it has one, is that it's very long. Oh well, with a movie as good as this, it doesn't seem that bad.
Rating:  Summary: The best live action movie i've ever seen! Review: This movie is by far the best live action movie ever and extrordinary unique and no other movie close to it!!The movie has very amazing scenery and music is very good.The fantasy and adventure in this movie is BY FAR SURPASSES ANY MOVIE i've ever seen.If I could I'd give this a bonus star if it were optional.
Rating:  Summary: Better Than Five Stars! Review: This movie is by far the greatest film I have ever seen. It's amazing it is rated PG-13, but then it is a bit gorry and rather frightening--a five-year-old was sitting in front of me in the theater saying he was scared. Anyway, the reason this film deserves a rating BETTER than just five stars is because of its great battle sequences, characters, the actors who play the characters, sets, scenery, etc., etc., etc. This movie is so good that it makes you practically sit on the edge of your seat. Though I had never read the books, I had heard what the main point was--Frodo Baggins, a hobbit of the Shire, takes it upon himself to take the Ring of Power to Mordor to destroy it forever--but I hadn't had any real motivation to actually read them. So when my friend took me and my sister to see it, I was greatly looking forward to it, not only because there was a rather handsome young actor (Orlando Bloom) in it playing an Elf, and not because there are a lot of other cuties in it, but because this story intrigued me. I ended up sitting through the whole movie squeezing the life out of the half-full Skittles bag I was holding in my hand. But really, the film is a great, great, GREAT piece of work. I really admire Peter Jackson, the director, for taking on such a huge project. What's more, all three of the movies were made in three years since 1999. I also admire Peter Jackson for not wanting to release all three movies in the same year; he was hoping to let other films have a chance. Which tells you that it was a blockbuster right from the start. Please rent and/or buy this great movie. You WON'T be disappointed unless you're the type of person who thinks movies based on great novels should be EXACTLY like the novel.