Rating:  Summary: 100000000000000000000000000000000 stars!!!!!! Review: This movie is a modern master piece,in my whole life i havent seen a movie that could top this one in any way.Let me start out with the scenery, it is so excellent it makes you belive that there actually is a rivendell,shire,lothlorien and so on. The scenery looks so absolutley genuine its hard not to get caught up in it and miss the movie. Then the charactors and acting, as hard as it is to pick favorites when the acting is so incredible, i had to pick legolas, the charactor is such a warrior and so brave,whenever they are being attacked, he is the first to start deffending them all. Liv Tyler is barely in the movie but the few scenes that shes in are some of the best. And now for the music,every song seems to go with the moment in the movie so well and Enyas may it be makes the ending seem quite sad. Theres only so much i can explain to you, just take my word for it and WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Fantasy Fun Review: This movie is a must see for fantasy lovers everywhere!!! This movie has everything, Love, Adventure, comedy just everything! The acters in it are wonderful they have great talent, they make you forget you are in a theater watching a wonderful fantasy movie. The director I commened for his wonderful dedication to the movie!!!!! I cant wait to see the next movie (The Two Towers).
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Review: This movie is a theatrical milestone for the fantasy genre. Peter Jackson does an excellent job of bringing J.R.R. Tolkien's "Fellowship of the Ring" to the screen. Although some parts of the novel have been left out or rearranged, the stoyline has not been altered in any way that would make it contradict what has been written in the books. The visual accuracy to which the characters and environments have been captured is absolutely stunning. The storyline is presented in a way that holds your attention throughout the entire film, and leaves you desperate for more. Aside from the excellent visuals and storyline it is wonderful that each film is being released one year apart. Overall, truly an enjoyable experience for long time and brand new Lord of the Rings fans.
Rating:  Summary: Middle Earth Comes to Life Review: This movie is a wonderful adaptation of The Lord of the Rings. The only problem is that we don't get to spend as much time as I would like in the different locations - but if we did the movie would be 8 hours long! The music was very becoming for the movie and not intrusive but added to the scenes. The acting was superb. Everyone was who they said they were, they truely believed and it came through on screen. A magnificient movie - I hope it gets nominated for an Oscar.
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings: Fellowship review Review: this movie is a wonderful and vivid rendition of J.R.R. Tolkien's LOTR trilogy. with most of the story intact, you plunge into the adventures of Middle Earth. though it is definately not a childrens movie, it will be sure to delight avid Tolkein fans and non-readers alike. also, with an all-star cast, including Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, and Viggo Mortensen, with many new and old faces alike, you can't go wrong. if you have never read the books, seeing this will want you to go out and buy them, not to mention see the next two movies. i give this movie 5 stars for being entertaining and imaginative, as well as action filled.
Rating:  Summary: Words for those who loved the books Review: This movie is a wonderful experience, as well as an excellent adaptation of the book. YES, there are differences, but I feel that they are justified because of the change in storytelling mechanism. Face it, Gandalf explaining about Saruman's treachery is dull in a movie, as faithful as that may be to the book. Here are some insights into the story that I never got from repeated readings of FoTR:- The horror of the deforestation of Isengard. (Did Tolkien have some sort of anti-technology bias, or what?) - A real understanding of why Aragorn was reluctant to be king; because Isildur was such a huge screw-up and he didn't think he could do better! (And face it, a Ranger walking around with only the supplies on his back would be STUPID to carry around the shards of Narsil. They BELONG in Rivendell in a museum. Thanks for fixing Tolkien's mistake.) - The politics of the Fellowship; how Elrond had to placate a lot of factions. - How tempting the ring is. You can hear it *whispering* to people all the time... creepy. - Arwen getting real stuff to do instead of being some sort of trophy wife. Though I hated that she stole Frodo's defiance at the ford. Some things I didn't like at all: - Frodo was a lot more valiant than that. I hated the many, many reaction shots of him just looking stricken. - I really missed Gimli-Legolas interaction. I wonder if they've jettisoned that plotline entirely. - Galadriel. Ugh. I think they should have let the actress do that scene herself, with lighting changes much like Galdalf's menacing of Bilbo. - Galadriel. She is VERY important. She narrates the opening. Yet we don't see interactions between her and Gimli, or her and Sam, that have deep meaning for later. This movie is far more than special effects. It helps you focus on the major themes of the book, rather than being distracted by Tolkien's language or flood of background detail. Try to clear your mind and focus on essentials, and take another look.
Rating:  Summary: One movie to begin them all Review: This movie is absolutely incredible! This is movie making to the utmost brilliance through every aspect. Briefly, "The Fellowship of the Ring" is the first chapter of "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy. It follows the charming hobbit, Frodo Baggins setting out on an immence quest - to destroy the Ruling One Ring which has fallen under his keep. He sets out on the journey accompanied by 8 companions - the Fellowship including the wizard Gandalf the men Aragorn and Borimir, the lovable hobbits Sam, Merry and Pippin and the comical duo Gimli the dwarf and Legolas the elf. Together they are dedicated to guiding the tiny Ring-Bearer along the trecherous road to the Cracks of Doom, the one place where the Ring may be unmade. However the Ring soon begins to take its toll on the Company and Frodo is soon left with a heart aching decision... This film has been achieved through a great passion for the metaphorical pages of the story's legendary creator, JRR Tolkein. True, movies can never trully capture the brilliance that books already have, but it's time like these you must look beyond the books and simply marvle the movie's own uniqueness. The acting of the film is executed to perfection. the cast include Elijah Wood, Sir Ian McKellen, Sean Astin and Viggo Mortenson and more wonderful actors. All portray their character's emotions to brilliance, beautifully resembling Tolkein's timeless characters. The special effects are trully amazing. the lengths Peter Jackson and his team have sprinted to make the film as life like and as real as possible are phenomenal and the visual effects are just that. Even when I squirm to find computer images I simply cannot see where the special effects flaw. It is true that a movie's visual art can make or break a film's success, simply because viewers innocently want to feel part of the story. I think in "The Fellowship" you feel totally ungulfed in the world of Middle Earth. New Zealand trully delivers the beauty and essence of the environment, of which Tolkein describes in the trilogy with such passion! I LOVE musical scores of movies, and I don't have to establish that the music of Lord of the Rings has defiantely become a world-wide musical icon! But aside from its famous theme, the music is beautiful, emotional and original and utterly relates to the story in every perspective. "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" is a wonderful film about courage, faith and the bonds of friendship. I advise those who have not see any of the films, to see this one first, as it will make watching the others much easier. The One that began them all, winner of 4 oscars, this film is the perfect opening to the greatest masterpiece EVER brought to the screen.
Rating:  Summary: No words Review: This movie is amazing and now words can discribe it. I loved it so much the first time I saw it, so I watched it 6 times in theaters and I intend to watch it a couple of more times. I believe that this DVD will be the best DVD ever to have been created. There are tons of added features that will stun people. This is the DVD of all DVD's.
Rating:  Summary: an amazing 1/3 journey Review: This movie is amazing! When I first saw it I was blown away by it. The three hours flew by like five minutes. The cinematography,acting,music,script-you name it, I loved it! The two things I will praise mainly are the facts that the characters are almost exactly as I pictured them when I read the book and I admired that the movie shows men being close without being afraid, because the books are all about the closeness of these characters. This is defentainly one I will buy on dvd.
Rating:  Summary: 3 hours that seems like 15 minute Review: This movie is amazing!It is so good that it makes three hours seem like a very short time!The music is amazing!Dont watch it alone becuase even though its sayed to just be a fantasy it is very scary!!!!!The sound is what did it for me,you would be setting there watching a pleasent scene with nothing really happening and then a sound effect would take place that would make you jump out of your skin!The special effects are amazing to!The actors fit the roles buetifully and it all comes together perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!