Rating:  Summary: The Fellowship of the Ring is Awesome! Review: This movie absolutely blue me away! I was so touched by the amazing cast of characters and the obvious job they put into the film itself.The computer graphics are incredible and the plot is amazing.
Rating:  Summary: The best movie on earth! Review: This movie begins with the prologue, telling how the ring was made and how Sauron was destroyed. And how the ring was lost, found by Gollum, lost again, and found by Bilbo Baggins of the Shire.60 years Later Bilbo Baggins's 111th birthday party. He tells all of his guests that he is leaving, and magically and mysteriously dissapears. Gandalf found out that he had used the ring of power to do this and followed him back to his house. Gandalf tells Bilbo to give the ring to Frodo and Bilbo leaves. Frodo got the ring and kept it hidden for many years, until Gandalf came back and told him that the ringwraiths (hunters of the ring and its bearer) had discovered that the ring had been hidden in the shire. Frodo and his companions Merry, Pippin, and Sam leave the shire. Pusued by the black riders (ringwraiths) Frodo and his companions reach Rivendell, the House of Elrond, with the help of Aragorn, the ranger. Here, in Rivendell, we find out that Aragorn is deeply in love with Elrond's daughter, Arwen Undomeniel and that he is heir to the throne of Gondor. There was a great Council held at Rivendell, in which it was decided that the ring was to be destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom. Frodo was appointed Ringbearer and he was accompanied by Merry, Pippin, Sam, Aragorn, Legolas Greenleaf, (Elf prince of Mirkwood) Gimli, son of Gloin, (dwarf-lord)Borimir, (Son of Denother, lord of Gondor) and Gandalf the Grey. Trying their hardest to keep out of reach of Saruman the White, (Evil Wizard who has joined with the dark lord Sauron) Frodo and his companions travel into the mines of Moria. It is here that Gandalf battles an evil Balrog and falls into the dark Abyss. Aragorn led the companions to the Elvish land of Lothlorien, where the Elven Queen Galadriel is tempted by the ring (don't worry, she's a good guy/ girl.) She shows Frodo what may happen if the ring is not destroyed through her magical mirror, and the companions depart again. Borimir decided to take the ring by force, but Frodo got away. Then the orcs came. Merry and Pippin were taken by them and pursued by Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. Borimir was killed by them. And Frodo and Sam disappeared and continued their journey to Mt. Doom. Characters: Frodo Baggins Gandalf the Grey Aragorn Samwise Gamgee Galadriel Borimir Arwen Gimli son of Gloin Peregrin "Pippin" Took Meriadoc "Merry" Brandybuck Legolas Greenleaf Saruman the White Bilbo Baggins Elrond Gollum
Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie I've Ever Seen Review: This movie blew me away the first time I saw it. I have also read the books and found the movie to be ingenious in its adaptation! I find it hard not to use the exclamation mark writing about this movie just by sheer enthusiasm. Most movies that try to adapt from a book either flop or don't do the book justice! Also, this movie had its own unique ambitions that took off on its own apart from the book with a bit more comedy (and romance too) and how these wonderful actors portrayed them. Although the movie was lengthy, I didn't once feel at all bored or look at my watch wondering when it was going to end like I usually did. The sheer detail and quality of everything, the acting, the costume, the music, and the storyline was just wonderfully done. You will notice at times how the actors in the background are doing their own thing as if it were real life and not always focused on one main character at one time. It's an action movie and does not try to incorporate everything like emotional drama or complexity(nor does it need to) and stays as true to the book as any movie I've seen adapted from a book. Overall, with that said, the best movie of all time on my list. A movie to inspire imagination and others to read and most probably will be a classic someday.
Rating:  Summary: amazing Review: this movie brings middle earth to life in a way i could never have imagined. never has a movie been able to take its viewers into a mythical world like this and make you feel as though you were part of the journey. when first seeing this movie i thought it was ok, good but not outstanding. but after seeing it a second time i was hooked. i felt the emotions the characters on screen felt like i was the 10th member of the fellowship. if you only have seen the movie once spend the extra 4 bucks to rent it again and see what you might have missed the first time. i have read the LOTR series and it really helps in understanding the complexities of the movie and the subtle details in the world of middle earth. so if you haven't seen it yet...what are you waiting for? and if you have only seen it once...your crazy, see it again!
Rating:  Summary: My favorite movie of all time! Review: This movie can only be described as a masterpiece! The only reason my wife and I didn't buy the DVD of the original theatrical version, is because we were waiting for the extended DVD edition. We weren't disappointed! The "new" and extended scenes that were put back in, make the film more cohesive, and even better than the theatrical version! After seeing the original version of the movie, my wife bought and read THE HOBBIT, and THE LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy in less than two months! She agreed that the "new" scenes are great and that they bring even more of the magic of the books to life! We can't wait for THE TWO TOWERS and THE RETURN OF THE KING! LORD OF THE RINGS is the ONE film trilogy to rule them all!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie In The Whole Wide World! Review: This movie captured my heart. I had only read a bit of the book before I saw it, but I've read it three times. Watching the film was amazing, when it got to half way through, I didn't wan't it to stop. You really fell like you are there, with Frodo and the company, going through all the pain that they are. You can cry on the film without feeling embarrassed-because everyone else is so emotional too. After watching the film youy think to yourself-why am I here? Where's Frodo? Where are all the others? After the film you think how boring life is, how you need adventure. The actors played their parts breath-takingly, and the music was awesome. i know that as soon as the Lord Of The Rings comes out on video, I'll be there, ready to yell, LORD OF THE RINGS RULES!
Rating:  Summary: Not ideal, but about as good as it's possible to make Review: This movie could never be ideal, no matter how great it might be, because there is the book to compare it with. You cannot beat Tolkien at his own game. However, I believe that this is about as close as it's possible to get. It's clear that the actor's have been chosen carefully (there is not one I feel doesn't fit his role). The SPIRIT is there; Tolkien wrote about noble and brave people (and other beings), which is exactly what we see in the film. What seemed to me a special treat was the episode in Moria (which was one of my favourite bits in the book as well) when after one of the hobbits drops the stone there is a silence and then the sound of drums. Of course, it's nowhere as good as in the book, but overall well dealt-with. This movie is excellent. It doesn't do justice to the book, naturally, but... what movie could?
Rating:  Summary: CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE Review: This movie definately is movie of the year. It's a instant classic, The lord of the rings saga is another star wars type trilogy. I can't wait for the next one to be released the ending has me intrigued on where this hobbit will go next. Definate 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent, but read your ratings Review: This movie delivered the Tolkien tale in an "edge of your seat" thriller that does not let up. It starts slowly, builds to a high level and never lets go. The characters are easily memorable and the effects are intense. With all this hype, I must add that this movie earns its PG13 rating and is way too intense for younger children (trust me). The images are lasting and if viewers are too small, they will probably have some nightmares over this one. I read the Lord of The Rings over twenty years ago, and I remembered enough (should I say too little) that the movie seemed new and interesting to me. Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: One of the great files of our time. Review: This movie delves into our imagination like no other film has done before. Fantasy, realm of dilusion, awe of magic all create a mystical effect that peter jackson created through his accurate perception of the novel that J.R. Toilken wrote in the 1960's. I read the first of the trilogy agian after I watched this movie in December. The book did have some boring parts to it and jackson knew that and what he did was pure genius. With those rather long parts, he made more action and more fantasy come out of those parts. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings had an awesome adventure. It was like a rollercoaster ride, we were on our seats to see what new path awaits our heros. One Ring to rule them all puts such terror into those hearts but courage and righteousness fills those who bestow the journey to lay the rings in the bowls of mordor. Froto, Gandalf, the humans, the elfs, the dwarfs, the hobbits. We are all awaiting the second film of the three part trilogy. I know that I cannot wait, this has become one of my favorite films of all time.