Rating:  Summary: Lord of the movies Review: This is the best movie I've ever seen, and that's saying something for I've seen a lot of movies. I have never read the book or even heard of the word hobbit, all I knew was that I would go because I'm a movie fanatic,the special effects look awsome,and my dad would probaly croak if I asked to see Harry Potter one more time. The special effects were amazing I'll never know how they made the hobbits look so small, but the cast went along great with acting along how small Frodo was suppose to be. The movie may be 3 hours long but it's worth the time. Everyone is so convincing in their roles, Gandalf acts like a real wizard, Merry and Pippin are as troublesome as can be, Sam is as loyal to Frodo as Possiable, and Frodo couldn't be played any sweeter.The movie may be a bit scary at some points and violent a bit also but that's all part of the fun. I can tell you that I even cried at some parts and I'm not one to cry. I'm telling everyone I know to go see this movie. I havn't even read any of the books yet and I'm not going to because I want a suprise when the next movie is released.But young or old, weather you've read the books or not everyone should see this movie. This movie would most likely make J.R.R Toliken pround.
Rating:  Summary: LOTR FOTR: The Best of the Best Review: This is the best movie I've seen in a looooong time! The graphics are amazing. They shouldn't have left out Tom Bombadil and Glorfindel, though. Other than that, it's very good. I've seen it four times already. I can't wait 'til it comes out on video. My friends and I are going to see The Two Towers and Return of the King the first day they come out. We're all so excited. Peter Jackson found the perfect actors for the parts. Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortenson, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan, Sean Astin, Sean Bean, Ian McKellen, Orlando Bloom, and John Rhys-Davies to name just a few of the most excellent group of actors in a long time. This movie is a classic already!
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings Review: This is the best movie in the universe!!!
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie But What Idiot Split The Feature On Two DVDs? Review: This is the best of the LOTR movies. But what jerk split the feature film on TWO DVDs? I don't want a movie split on TWO DVDs! It should all be on ONE DVD! Put the dang extras on the other three DVDs! The usually annoying Jack Black has a funny turn on this DVD in an MTV movie awards Fellowship parody. Working along with the skanky Sarah Michelle Gellar. The movie is great. But it is not the best cut of the film. This disc is just full of fluff that was rightfully edited out of the theatrical release. The theatrical release is the cut of the film that works best. Though I still miss the Tom Bombadil character not being in the film. That was THE extra scene I really wanted to see. They shoulda shot it anyway. Just like in Return of the King they shoulda shot the destruction of the Shire like in the book! But oh well...in the future all your idiot DVD makers, put THE WHOLE DANG MOVIE ON ONE DISC! Morons!!! The same thing happened on the Once Upon A Time In America DVD! That's the point of DVDs! Is that unlike video you don't have to change discs!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: This is the best view of the first book of the Tolkien trilogy I have so far seen. In my opinion, though it does not include all the scenarios of the written works, what is there follows Tolkien's perception extremely well. Only a six-hour movie would have been able to do so. Kudos to all those who worked on the movie.
Rating:  Summary: nice set Review: this is the better version to have.the extra scenes make the movie flow a little better and enhance the story. the extras are ok, but i really didnt care all that much about the progression from book to film, but for those who did, they'll like it. i never read the boks. with this as successful as it was im sure they'll bedoing this for the next 2 movies too.which means Im gonna have 12 discs for just 3 movies when all is said and done. Yikes
Rating:  Summary: A great DVD for a great movie Review: This is the definitive version of the movie to have. The new footage fleshes out the characters, story and setting of Middle Earth. The commentary provides a deep source of "how did they do that?" for die-hard fans. The addition of the DTS will give every audiophile warm fuzzies in the pit of their stomachs. However, if you thought the original was already too long, this extended version probably won't do anything for you. As a hard-core fan, I loved the extra footage, which was masterfully woven into the original rather than just being slapped in in big chunks. My wife, who is not a Tolkien follower, also really appreciated the extra scenes because they helped her understand more of the background. She felt they plugged gaps in the original. The more memorable additions are an opening introduction to Hobbits, insights into Aragorn's conflict as the exiled heir to the kingdom of men, more on Boromir's ambition to use the ring for good, and -- thankfully! -- details of Lothlorien and Galadriel. There are other tidbits on Isildur and Gollum, and extended and gorier battle scenes. I've only listened to some of the commentary, and didn't expect to be that interested. But once I started listening I found it fascinating. For example, on the commentary by the cast, they said they filmed two versions of Gandalf in the opening scenes, a smoking and a non-smoking one. The non-smoking one instead carried around a bag of toffees that he would suck on. And the elf haven of Rivendell was to be a no-smoking area! They were worried that the amount of pipe puffing that went on wouldn't go over well with anti-smokers. This is also one of the best-sounding DVDs I have. The DTS coding is really worth it and practically justifies a surround sound system in and of itself. The dialogue comes through crisp and clear, while scenes like the Balrog simply wrap the room in delicious, full-bodied acoustics. So unless you hate long movies, despise the fantasy genre in general, or wasn't that impressed with the movie in the theater, this really is the version to own...
Rating:  Summary: oh lordy, I'm moist Review: This is the dvd I've been having fits over lately. It just makes me so....happy to have this. I just nearly cried every night when I would hold it before I went to sleep. I'd just whisper to it and tell it it would be okay, I'd never let it go. Ahem...(uncomfortable look) So, yeah, here's Frodo, Sam, Pippin, merry, and of Course Bilbo in all of their extended edition glory. This is a hobbit lover's fiesta. See more of the little critters dancing, boozing, singing, running, eating, cowering from wraiths, and more. See Gandalf use some wicked Mordor language and watch Aragorn belt out a tune. This is the greatest dvd ever to the greatest movie ever. Oh yeah, it comes with a ticket to Two Towers. Ahhhhhh, Oooooohhhh, stop, I can't take it, oooohhh>
Rating:  Summary: Just say, "Yes!" Review: This is the film that should have been released to theaters. In many extended director's cuts the additional material is a waste of time. Every bit of added material included in this DVD either advances the plot or provides further insight into the hobbits/middle earth that Tolkienaphiles will love. This DVD may become the biggest seller of all time, even at the expensive price. I haven't even had a chance to look at the other three discs of background material or listened to the commentary. I can't wait!!!
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST MOVIE EVER Review: This is the finest fantasy film ever made, and in my opinion the finest film period. Peter Jackson brings the epic literary trilogy to breathtaking life with beautiful cinematograpy, the perfect cast, an intelligent script, and amazingly lifelike special effects all set against the lovely New Zeland countryside. The acting is so adept that you feel that you're watching Frodo (for example) instead of Elijah Wood as he tries to save all of Middle Earth from the domination of Sauron. Even if you hate fantasy (heaven forbid) this is a MUST SEE. Hopefully it will compel you to read the fantastic literature of J R R Tolkien as well.