Rating:  Summary: It was Terrible........I'm kidding Review: This is one of my favorite movies. I love watching fantasy shows, and this one felt like it had real magic involved!I'm really excited for Return of the King to come out this Christmas!
Rating:  Summary: Sweet Review: This is one of the best adaptations of a book that I have ever seen, I read the book half a dozen times and I know that there is some parts left out of the movie due to time constraints but I saw this twice already in the theater and it got better the second time I saw it. Drop everything and go see this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Wish I could give it 10 stars! Review: This is one of the best films ever made! You owe it to the author to read his books as well.
Rating:  Summary: A great epic Review: This is one of the best films I've seen. Not perfect by a long shot, but any quibbles I have with it are just, well, quibbles. Peter Jackson has done a magnificent job of presenting Tolkien's vision on the big screen. My quibbles: 1) Not enough character development for Legolas and Gimli, nor of their burgeoning friendship. 2) Galadriel's gift giving to the Fellowship was sorely missed, in part because her gift giving brings about actual changes in perception on the part of some of the characters (most notably Gimli, who becomes enamored of her) 3) The casting of Hugo Weaving as Elrond--having not seen The Matrix I do not associate him with the bad guy in that film, but Weaving, sorry to say, is not nearly "beautiful" enough or awe-inspiring enough to pass as a leader of the most beautiful, immortal race. 4) The casting of Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn. If anything Mortensen and Sean Bean (Boromir) should have switched roles. Mortensen is a capable enough actor, but Bean was by far the stronger, more compelling presence. 5) A few sloppy instances of editing and special effects. Most notably, how the heck does Legolas always have a full quiver of arrows even though he's shooting all the time? Perhaps Jackson figured the audience would just infer that Legolas was retrieving arrows from somewhere. :-) The cave troll was mostly great but for a few rather obvious "oh look this is CGI stuff" moments. The good stuff: 1) But for the above mentioned moment with the Cave troll, the CGI and special effects were really top-notch, especially because they did not exist for their own sake but for the purpose of enhancing and telling the story 2) Substituting Arwen for Glorfindel. Some gripe about this "PC" decision to use the female elf as a warrior princess, but I thought it was a wise choice because it shows that Arwen is as full-blooded a character as the man she loves. Mortensen and Liv Tyler also had a strong chemistry that worked well in their scenes. 3) Cutting the songs, Tom Bombadil, etc. They were not missed, although perhaps a song or two sung by the hobbits would have lightened things a bit. 4) Ian McKellan as Gandalf and Orlando Bloom as Legolas. Every actor did justice to their roles, filling them beautifully in both look and deed, but these two were my top picks, because they actually made me forget that wizards and elves are creatures of fiction. McKellan was born to play Gandalf, the perfect combination of humor, gravity, power, warmth, and I loved his little forays into mischief and sarcasm. Bloom also seems born to play Legolas. He perfectly embodied the grace and beauty of the Elves in both movement and looks, (the guy is just gorgeous) but also the masculine elegance of his character. His character was given short shrift, but nevertheless I could not take my eyes off him, particularly during the battle scenes. 5) Casting in general was inspired (minus Elrond and perhaps Aragorn). The actors all had tremendous chemistry, they worked hard without looking like they were working hard, and they really made me care about them and their journey. In total, this film is an object lesson in what "epic" moviemaking should be all about. The scenery and effects are not what make this film, it's the story, the characters, and the acting. I have seen this film three times and I would see it again, and what's more, it gets better with every viewing. I am anxiously awaiting a Director's Cut, either in theaters or on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT!! Review: This is one of the BEST movie I ever see. The casting were great, the CGI were superb, the battle scene are cool. The book were written by J.R.R. Tolkiens(which is superb). Peter Jackson respect Tolkiens world and describe things just as I imagine. I highly recommand it. If you are a die hard Tolkiens fan, you might be disappoint by this movie because the film modify many plotline and sequences(The battle between Arogorn/Friz, Arwen replace Glorfindel, the battle between cave troll, Tom Bombadill disappears, and more), but if Peter Jackson squeeze everything into the story, I would expect it over 10 hours long. After you see the film, if you are inspired to read the books for the first time, I should warn you that movie and books are a totally different medea, so don't blame me if you don't understand the books. A+
Rating:  Summary: What an EPIC! Review: This is one of the best movies ever made. So what if it did not follow the book precisely? The movie was better. Rarely do any of the "Book Adaptations" to the big screen do the original book justice, yet this movie has mananged to do that and then some. First of all, the cinematography of this movie is mesmerizing and the DVD set does it complete justice. The acting performances were superb as was the way it was meted out. If you have not seen this movie or any of the other ones in the 3 part saga, then you are missing out on an Epic treat. This is an excellent movie that was executed perfectly. The DVD set has many awesome features and "Lord of the Rings" specials and or documenteries. Of course the added footage is what seals the deal for buying the set. Don't think twice about it, buy the set today!
Rating:  Summary: Fellowship Rockin the World Review: THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES EVER! The only movies the have a fighting chance are the "Star Wars" movies. "THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING" has an awsome story line. It's about this Hobbet who lives in a place called the Shire. His uncle Bilbo had gone on a quest in "The Hobbet" and reternd with a magical ring. 50 or so years later an anchent evil, THE LORD OF THE RING (Sauron), awakens to retreve his ring and rule Middle Earth. So when this Hobbet (Frodo) finds out about all these hapenings from his wisard freind (Gandalf), Gandalf helps him on his quest to distroy the ring. If Frodo fails the world will be doomed. He will encounter Orcs, Trols, Ringwraiths, and more on his jorney to Mt. Doom. I give this awsome fantisy a 5 star rating for, action, adventure, but mainly a good story line. To anyone who has not seen this movie, watch it, it's worth your money.
Rating:  Summary: Dang! Review: This is one of the best movies I have and will ever see. The acting was great, and very believable. Elijah Wood... he did A LOT better than I thought he would. This movie in not disappointing in the slightest way. I have seen it three times with my friends and family and I have read all of the books, so trust me. I just hope that the next two movies will be just as great as this one.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Adaptation of a Timeless Masterpiece Review: This is one of the best movies I have ever seen. I was amazed at how well the screenplay flowed. There is no dead space in the entire movie. The only negative was the dramatization of Liv Tyler and her character, but I guess they would not release it without having some "chic" in the movie. True, the movie leaves out a lot of events from the book, but I beleive that no one would or could ever make a movie long enough to tell the whole story. Everone should see this movie and own this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings is so cool Review: This is one of the best movies I have ever seen. It has special affects and great picture. My favorite charcter was Legolas he is so cute. I like the hobbits hairy feet. Gimli is cool and funny. I like the giant squid and the fire monster that almost killed Gandalf