Rating:  Summary: Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace Review: At first I was going to split this review into two parts; one containing my review about the actual film, and the other addressing the ever-constant criticism directed at the movie. But I decided not to address the bashing of the movie; I thought it would sound too much like a whinny Star Wars fan trying to protect his idolizations. But I would like to show you my favorite, and most ridiculous, TPM-basher quote: "George Lucas raped my childhood [by making this movie]." And with that, I will begin my review: The Phantom Menace is not the best Star Wars movie ever made (Attack of the Clones, or The Empire Strikes Back is, depending on who you ask), that's for sure, but it's still a very good installment to the soon to be completed Star Wars Saga. In this episode, or as Mr. Lucas likes to call his Star Wars films, Opening Act we are introduced to a whole Galaxy; A once noble, but now corrupt, government; a wise, and powerful religious sect; and, or a more personal level, the character in which the Saga centers around. The plot of the film is the most in-depth of the Saga, featuring aspects of politics, religion, and, of course, the battle for good over evil. It covers more then any of the other films, but still retains a 'personal' aspect that connects you to each individual. But, sadly, there is no Han Solo-type character to give off a bit of roguishness. Lucas tries to have Gui-Gon, and sometimes Obi-Wan, take Han's place, but it never quite works. I mean, come on, Han Solo is a smuggler, always running from the law. Qui-Gon is the law! But I'm not saying there should have been a Han Solo look-a-like in the movie; I'm just saying he's missed. Other then that need for a Han, the rest of the characters fit the film wonderfully, with Ewan McGregor portraying an amazing likeness of a very young Alec Guinness, and Liam Neeson etching himself a notch in Star Wars culture with his performance of the wise, but roguish (not quite Han-roguish, though J) Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. A character I liked more as the older Jedi Master figure, then the original Alec Guinness/Obi-Wan Jedi. And for the last three main characters; Anakin, Padme, and of course, Jar-Jar, I will give a short rundown: Anakin - Leaves most long-time fans thinking: He's no Luke. But, still Anakin is a very good character that will show you the good in him, that you may not see so predominately in the next two episodes. And even though Jake Lloyd's acting in the movie has been criticized (what hasn't been criticized in this movie?), I personally think he was as good as any other nine-year-old would be portraying the young Anakin Skywalker. Padme - What can you say about Padme, the mother of two of the main heroes of the originals. Natalie Portman does a fine job of playing the young queen, much better then her performance in the next episode. Jar-Jar - This poor little creature that has been bashed more then any other Star Wars character in history (including the Ewoks) never really bothered me that much, I mean he's no Chewie, but still is a ok/fair character that does his intended job in this film. For the older (I mean long-time fans, not particularly older in age fans), die-hard Star Wars fans this whole movie comes down to one thing; comparing all the new characters with the old ones, and, of course, the old ones will always win. Most of those fans will still enjoy the movie; even though it will never equal the originals. But for the newer fans, their appraisal of the film could differ immensely. Basically, my final assessment of the film is as follows: if you're a newer fan, I definitely, recommend this movie. If you're a long-time fan, I still recommend it, though with the warning: "Don't expect it to be better then the first three." And if you've never really been a fan, your opinion could be either that TPM was OK, but it still doesn't change your view of the Saga. Or it could make you a fan of all the movies. So overall, I would say this is a four star film, that's worth seeing at least once.
Rating:  Summary: Great idea on Lucas' part. Review: At first the thought of the first three movies being made after the last three being a bad idea due to the already known plot. (We knew Obi-Wan wouldn't die at the end of Episode I, or Anakin, or Amidala, or Palpatine, or Yoda, or R2D2, or C3PO, or many others that are in 4,5, and 6) But after seeing this movie, it kinda is sad. Anakinm this nice young good-at-heart boy would turn to the dark side. We all already know his fate, and that is why it is so sad. I don't know why people hate this movie. Jar Jar Binks and the age difference between Queen Amidala and Anakin are bad(they get married later, LOL), but the same ......force behind the movie is the same as the originals. With as high as the tension and expecting of this movie was, I see why people woudn't like it since it was impossible to reach its hype.
Rating:  Summary: Decent DVD Review: At first, TPM seems impersonal and distant. Perhaps it is, but the DVD seems to come with plenty of goodies to explain why: Lucas had to work backwards. At times the film seems a bit cheesy ("R2-D2, meet C3-PO", "Obi-Wan, meet Anakin Skywalker"), etc. etc. However, it seems like the elements here are necessary for building the audience up to Episodes IV through VI. The only real complaints I have are not related to the DVD itself, but to elements of the film.
Rating:  Summary: I can't wait for Oct 16,2001 Review: AWESOME movie, and just announced that they will release it on DVD on Oct 16, 2001. I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Rating:  Summary: great effects-great dvd Review: awesome pix,awesome sound, lots of fun if you are a fan.
Rating:  Summary: Great Family Film from the 90s Review: Back in 1977, George Lucas pushed Hollywood's bar of quality up quite a few notches with "Star Wars". For the past 22 years, Hollywood has been desperately trying to knock it back down. In a day and age when most TV shows and movies fall short of our expectations, "Episode One: The Phantom Menace" is a much needed sigh of relief. It's a great film for kids and adults (who haven't forgotten how to be kids!) If you're looking to buy this movie on home video, please get the widescreen edition. (other formatted editions chop off about 43% of the screen. In other words, you can't put a long, rectangular screen into your square TV) If you have a surround sound system, you're in for a real treat! Anyways, Lucas may not be the world's greatest director, but he does have an excellent sense of screen composition. Similar to "Star Wars", "Episode One" has that old comic book / Saturday Matinee Idol appeal. Similar to "Star Wars", the acting is not Shakespearean, but it IS charming. Lucas put it best when he said in an interview, "...it's an uncynical film in a cynical world."
Rating:  Summary: Could Have Been Better Review: Back in 1980, I fell in love with Princess Leia and The Empire Strikes Back. When Return of the Jedi came out in 1983, I was disappointed because my expectations were set too high. In 1999 I looked forward to The Phantom Menace with renewed expectation. Yet in the back of my mind, I feared a similar let-down to 1983. That was exactly the case. My first viewing of the movie, at midnight of course, was a tremendous let-down. I didn't think I even wanted to see the movie again, after seeing the first three movies at least 20 times each in the theater alone. Eventually I did see it again, and the movie got better with each viewing. I think everyone agrees that the visual effects are spectacular. John Williams did yet another excellent job with the film score. But even though all of the main actors are very good actors, they seem to have been limited by the script and the director in their ability to act in this movie. Better direction, even with the same script, would have significantly improved the movie.(Hopefully, that will not be the case in the next two.) I'm not going to harp on how terrible Jar-Jar Binks was, or how stupid the whole midi-chlorian thing was. I'm not even going to mention that Anakin was a character I just didn't care about. Let's move on to things that were good about the movie. Some of the best acting in this movie is left to very small characters. Shmi Skywalker, Anakin's mother, is performed wonderfully. Samuel L. Jackson, as Mace Windu, did an excellent job with a limited amount of camera time. As previously mentioned, the visual and sound effects were excellent, as was the film score. The movie keeps a good pace and has several interesting plot twists, including dual identities. The many flaws should not be over-looked, but they should not over-shadow an otherwise enjoyable movie. One thing that should be remembered when viewing a movie is not how good it is compared to some other movie(because it's not as good as the other three), but how does the movie stand by itself. This is an enjoyable movie to sit back and watch, plain and simple. Does is stray from the original plot from time to time . . . definitely! But this is an enjoyable movie experience which should not be missed because of a few problems. It's not Shakespeare, and there are certainly better movies out there, but this is an enjoyable film to watch with a bucket of popcorn and a large pop!
Rating:  Summary: How to take a great notion and destroy it Review: Back when "Star Wars" first came out (before we started adding numbers and additional titles to the films) I was entranced. Here was something that had not been made in years -- a bigger-than-life Saturday matinee action hero film with good guys and bad guys. Oh, on top of that it had truly amazing special effects. The acting was not the greatest and some of the lines truly hackneyed, but other acting made up for it and the plot was whopping great fun. Fast forward to The Star Was Phenomenon. I went to see this movie (Star Wars 1: The Phantom Menace) twice on the big screen. I only intended to go once, but I didn't have the heart to tell a friend I had already seen it because he was so excited. Much like the original, there are some truly amazing special effects. There are also a lot of things that go "BOOM". The fight scenes with the jedi look magnificent, although I can see why Liam Neeson has said he will never act in front of a blue screen again. Liam Neeson, Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor -- I've seen all three in other films, all of them showing (particularly Neeson) that they can truly act. Unfortunately they have been handed a script that would have been considered childish in comparison to the original if the two had been released at the same time. The film looks pretty (well, okay, the scruffy parts look scruffy -- in other words it seems to look right). There are LOTS of whiz-bang special effects. There is the return of R2D2 (who even gets his own profile close-up) and C3PO (sans skin). Did I mention there are special effects? Lots of aliens are shown, even ET as a senator. Oh, and there are special effects. There is no good acting. There is a horrible plot. There is Jar-jar Binks, who subtracts 2 stars from any film aimed at anyone above the "we like Telitubbies" level. There are so many special effects that they become glaringly obvious and detract from any semblance of plot or acting. Natalie Portman sounds like she is doing a cold read of her lines and Liam, O! Liam!, most of the time looks disgusted to be in front of the camera. Yet another deathstar is destoryed, this time totally on accident. Yet another far-too-cute character is introduced (please, wipe him out before the next film!). And overall the original tale is not advanced one jot or tiddle. George Lucas has shown supreme contempt for all reviewers. That is fine, he is allowed to. He has also shown extreme contempt for his fan base. Did this film add significantly to the Star Wars canon? No. Did it detract from it? Yes. So why have faith in him for any future films?
Rating:  Summary: tha mutha of all mutha's Review: Basically, tha mutha of all mutha's. Finally on DVD. If not crammed with behind-the-scenes, interactive, audio commentary prepare for resistance. Support for Lucas franchise has been stolen away from rent/car/food/child support payments for years, why stop now? Because liquidation of assets for Lucas means fun. Buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Buy for the lightsaber fight Review: because the story is pathetic. It starts off good--it could have made for a great movie. However, the characters were about a centimeter deep and there was no emotional response at all, except for disgust-mine. Well, alot of people think the FX are great, but I disagree. It looks fake. The saber fights and the music are wonderful though. Buy it for these.