Rating:  Summary: Nicely choreographed. Review: There are few reasons to watch this movie. Why don't you watch something historically based instead. I can think of one that takes place in a desert, for example, Lawrence of Arabia. That's a fine movie. yes, in fact, you should read the BOOK.
Rating:  Summary: I wish it were better Review: Here is a movie that I have actually been looking forward to. I guess this is another example of what will make you laugh will make you cry. From the movie trailer and the godsmack theme song " I stand alone" I was sold on this movie which after seeing proved to be a big disappointment. To begin with the story is very weak and throughout the movie it remains very shallow. The scenes are choppy and bounce from one action scene to the next action scene with fluff filler scenes and poor comic relief thrown in. The original storyline had a prophecy in place explaining how the rock becomes the scorpion king, but for some stupid reason all the scenes were removed from the final version of the movie and placed in the deleted scenes on the dvd. The action scenes are OK (not great), but in the background guitar music is being played which comes off as very cheesy. All the one liners are basically boilerplate and have been said in a million other movies. The bad guy, Memnon, is like 140 pounds and doesn't come off very threatening. Ariad, the comic relief, isn't very funny and once again is very generic. I do support The Rocks acting career and think he would do better in a bigger budget movie and in some sort of crime drama action role.
Rating:  Summary: I will be purchasing this one! Review: It took me forever to finally rent this movie. I'm a huge fan of action and costume movies, and this one had both. This is packed with quirky humor ( just like bits of it in the mummy) and great fighting seqences. The Rock is a good actor, i must say. There wasn't one moment where I was thinking "god, he can't act". I've been a big fan of Kelly Hu since she was seen on Martial Law, a series with Samo Hung, canceled a few years ago. I think she can fight better than the ROck, but in this movie, she used a few cool magic tricks ( the one with the cobra was an amazing scene) to save her butt. Great movie, that I will have to buy, or I won't be able to sleep at night.
Rating:  Summary: ONE OF THE BEST ACTION MOVIES OF ALL TIME Review: The Rock is the greatest and sexiest man in the world. Those reviews I read which were negative are just people who are jealous. Wrestling is an opera where vengeance is taken out on just and unjust. The Rock did an excellent job in his role. Looking forward to him layin down some more smack!
Rating:  Summary: Conan Returns! Review: As the review pasted on the cover's front panel written by UPN-TV, "Non-stop, rock-solid action!" It is essentially a return to the fun days of Conan the Barbarian and incorporates numerous action sequences to bring forth the plot of stopping the world's greatest swordsman from further dominanting the earth. As the savage tribes fall one by one to this conquering enemy, they hire a small team of assassins led by The Rock, to exterminate the swordsman. Due to a betrayal, he turns the table and The Rock is suddenly thrust alone to confront the enemy. Alone that is, until he steals away the swordsman's ace, the Sorceress. All-in-all, a fun movie, light on plot, heavy on action.
Rating:  Summary: KING of all movies! Review: Despite lacking credibility, this movie comes into its own with the fight scenes in which the Scorpion King uses a crossbow that shoots ten bolts over a large area at a time, fends of a double-sworded attack and slaughters a team of highly trained assassins under the cover of a dust storm. I think this movie should be called the Scorpion Queen, simply because of the girl the hero marries in the end of the film. Her outfits are sexy and her supposed sorcerer's powers are brilliant! Finally, the Scorpion King is played by 'The Rock', which makes a good basis for the fights. However, his acting is not the best I've seen, but who cares about plots and dialogue. In my opinion women and action make a movie. The Scorpion King has both of these! Buy now and enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: LONG LIVE THE KING Review: After a very, VERY brief appearance in THE MUMMY RETURNS, wwf champ Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson makes his first bid in a starring role, switching from villain to hero. Here, he's Mathayus, an acient Akkadian warrior. An evil warlord, Memnon (Steven Brand) has spearheaded a campign to rule the world, and has had ceaseless success because of the predictions of Cassandra (Mega-babe Kelly Hu), a beautiful sorceress who is able to sse into the future. She's not really on Memnon's side ("Rivers of blood can never bring peace"), but Mathayus is hired to kill her so Memnon will no longer have his unfair advantage. Instead, Mathayus falls in love with Cassandra (God knows I did) and instead chooses to defeat Memnon and avenge his brother's death. Flat out better than BOTH of the MUMMY movies put together, THE SCORPION KING is simply fantastic. The Rock is cool in the lead and Brand is a fearsome bad guy. And Kelly Hu....let's just say she's extremely ....cute. Also, the heavymetal music seems to be a trend now for action films, and this one has godsmack, drowning pool, rob zombie, and others all over the soundtrack. THE SCORPION KING absolutely is the movie CONAN THE BARBARIAN was meant to be.
Rating:  Summary: I crown thee......a dud. Review: There was obviously a lot put into this movie to try and make it a blockbuster, money, resources, etc., but the thing that hurts this movie the most is The Rocks' inability to act. I know he's popular, and very charismatic, but these qualities will only get you so far, and I think he was in way over his head. In the sequel to The Mummy, we saw him for a brief time and he had little or no dialogue, and it worked. Here, I just had a hard time believing that he was the character he was trying to play, and not just some professional wrestler transplanted into role that demanded more acting ability. There were some exciting parts in the movie, but overall I just got really bored. If you really want to see an excellent movie of this genre, go get Conan the Barbarian. This one is pretty much a stinkeroo, albeit a slick and glossy stinkeroo. This is one of those movies I wished I would have rented it before buying it, but I guess I got suckered in by all the hype..
Rating:  Summary: Ever wonder what WWF Wrestling would be like with swords? Review: I am so confused. I know the Rock played a character called the Scorpion King in "The Mummy Returns," which was supposed to set up this film. But the character has gone from a silent, brooding warrior of great strength and skill to a wisecracking, snarling warrior of great strength and skill. Did I miss something? At least in "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" they explained how the character went from being the villain to the hero. No such explanation is offered here for what I thought was a similar transition. Then again, maybe I am guilty of thinking, which is not a prerequisite skill for watching this film. Ironically, you might enjoy this film more if you have not seen "The Mummy Returns," especially if you are a devotee of WWF wrestling, the arena in which the Rock originally perfected his eyebrow arching technique. The story is set way before the pyramids were build, when the original Scorpion King, Memnon (Steven Brand) was the best swordsman on the planet and used the prophetic talents of a sorceress (Kelly Hu) to rule the known desert. Going up against him are the Arkadians, a group of professional assassins, of which Mathayus (the Rock) is the best and the brightest. He is aided by a giant Nubian (Michael Clarke Duncan) is what is certainly an homage to the legendary friendship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu (sorry, I was thinking again). Anyhow, "The Scorpion King" is clearly a standard action adventure in which the hero has to kill the bad guy, win the woman, and rule happily ever after. It dawns on me that this film is similar to "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." That film made Hong Kong wire work a part of the Hollywood cinematic repertoire, where as this film does the same for WWF Wrestling techniques. This film is not happy unless it is going over the top. When our hero shoots somebody with an arrow in this film the result is comparable to having used a small tactical missile: they are sent flying through the wall. The film certainly delivers exactly what you would expect, high energy heroics at breakneck speed, but a bit more creativity would have been nice. At least the dialogue knows it is supposed to be either tongue in cheek or painfully bad, so you cannot hold that against the film. The Rock delivers the performance demanded by his fans, so that is not going to be grounds for big complaints either. I did enjoy the film, more than I thought I would, but the ultimate standard for an action film is your desire to watch it again and again, and on that critical score "The Scorpion King" falls short
Rating:  Summary: I would rather play russian rulete with a loaded gun. Review: I am one of the many unfortunate enough to see this horrible spin-off of two perfectly good movies.The Mummy and its sequel were by no means grade A films, but at least they were entertaining. This schlock(and thats one of mu polite insults) borders on the edge of incomprehensibly bad.Its leading cardboard cutout...I mean man, is the Rock(funny his name should be that because I belive he sould be crushed by a boulder)who give the best preformence of his career, seeing as this is the only movie he actually had lines in.This was the movie's fatal downfall, giving the Rock lines, he looks almost illiterate as he spews out the horrible dialouge that he probably first atempted to read five seconds before the take. The bottem line is unless you are blind, deaf and dumb or have a urgant need to cut a pizza DO NOT BUY THIS DVD!