Rating:  Summary: The first and the best. period. Review: Tim Burton's classic Batman revived the superhero movie genre in 1989. Burton's dark gritty vision of the dark knight is taken from the 1940's Batman comic, an iconic character who is a terrifying urban legend to the underworld of criminals. Burton's Gotham is a bleak place where there is no hope except for the protection provided by the mysterious Batman. He is the only force keeping the fragile city from tearing itself apart. In the opening scene we see how something as innocent as going to the movies in this town can become a terrifying experience in this town for both the family of victims and the superstitious cowardly lot of criminals. Michael Keaton is perfectly cast as Batman and his alter ego Bruce Wayne. Keaton easily shifts between characters in this dual role, going from Batman's menacing presence to Bruce's Wayne's tormented spirit and his boyish charm. He gives a breakthrough performance here; this is the role that forced people to take his acting seriously. While many comic book fans complain about Burton's choice of casting Keaton to this day, I have no problems with it. He is clearly the best actor for the role available in 1989. We take for granted how Keaton becomes both characters and blends into the role so seamlessly. I doubt his contemporaries of the era (Kevin Costner, Kurt Russel, Sylvester Stallone, or Michael Douglas) would have blended into the role so well. Jack Nicholson is perfectly cast as his arch nemesis the Joker. The well-written story by Samm Hamm and Warren Skarren is loosely based on the golden age Batman from 1939. Batman patrols Gotham City while DA Harvey Dent (Billy Dee Williams) is about to go after mob boss Carl Grissom (a great Jack Palance) so he sends his lieutenant Jack Napier to destroy the evidence at Axis chemichals. Bruce gets wind of this and goes into action as batman; Photographer Vicky Vale and Reporter Alexander Knox (Kim Basinger and a scene stealing Robert Wuhl) want to figure out the mystery of the bat. The story's first act ends with Jack Napier's tragic transformation into the joker. The psychopathic Joker is bent on destroying Gotham City first by killing off Grissom and taking over his mob. He then uses Axis chemicals to produce smylex and as a "joke" he puts the lethal chemichal in household products unsuspecting consumers buy. Batman must figure out what themystery of the killer products is while trying to protect Vicky Vale from the advances of the joker. In the end of the second act, He gives Vale the information and the joker is foiled. However, the joker is obsessed with Vale and destroying Gotham. So in a final campaign to meet his goals, he has a party in Gotham Square where he plans on killing the populace with Smylex gas. Thankfully the batman is there to save the day in the thrilling conclusion. Director Tim Burton does an excellent job in adapting the comic making sure the character fits the original dark vision of the late Batman creator Bob Kane. Comics Purists mistakenly complain that this Batman kills however, Burton's is true to his source material. In the Golden Age Batman did kill and in the original Batman #1 they did plan on killing the Joker before bringing him back to life in the last panel of the second Joker story. I highly recommend you own this film on VHS or DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Darker and Edgier then The Campy 60's TV Show! Review: Batman is a good movie, I saw it in a movie theater during a very busy Saturday matinee and it was so noisy with a lot of people lauging and cheering and kids crying and parents yelling at the kids etc that it was hard to hear the movie but I was glad when I got the movie on video for Christmas and could finally hear what I missed because of all of the noise. I don't have the video anymore and I recommend the movie but I would recommend buying the widescreen DVD instead of this pan & scan video. Michael Keaton was great as Bruce Wayne (Batman) and Jack Nicholson was great as the Joker. BTW: This movie is a lot darker and edgier then the campy but fun 60's Batman show starring Adam West and Burt Ward so if you are a real big fan of that show you should know that this movie is very different!
Rating:  Summary: AN AMAZING FILM!!! Review: If you want something dark and gritty that has a high surge of 80's fantasy element, this is the film to go with. The set designs are almost sad because they were made at the end of the 80's, yet they so much ARE the 80's. The cinemetagraphy is equally ambitious as well as costume design and music by Danny Elfman whose band Oingo Boingo released Skeletons In the Closet that year to celebrate his success with this film (or so I hear). Anyone who degrades this film for its lack of "super-hero joy" or whatever they call it, obviously doesn't understand the very premise of Batman to begin with.
Rating:  Summary: the second best batman movie in the series Review: when i went to see Batman in the summer of 1989 i did not know what to inspected when the end credits was rolled i said that was good movie i think warner ws smart to choose tim burton to direct micheal Keaton as Bruce wayne/Batman Jack nichjalos was the Best choice of the jokerthis movie has action and it was dark i hope that the new Batman movie can match this one or Batmsn Return. my favortie sceence in the movie is when Batman comes chashed through the roof of the musems.
Rating:  Summary: Batman Review: batman is a great comic book movie and is the best of the sereis
Rating:  Summary: A great start to the franchise Review: "Batman" stands as an example of how to make a good comic book film. Above all, the film is just oozing with atmosphere, and "Batman"'s look is undoubtedly its #1 strength. However, it also has some thrilling action sequences, a terrific villain (perhaps too good- see below), and, most importantly, a good man in the Batman suit.The film belongs to Jack Nicholson- he is probably the real main character of this movie. He makes the Joker both a funny and menacing character, and he gets all of the best lines. This was a role Nicholson was born to play, and he enjoys it with relish. Michael Keaton was the best Batman, in my opinion. OK, so he is a little short, but no one else played the Bruce Wayne part better than he did. He makes this a Batman to root for. If only we saw more of him... Which brings me to the film's main flaw- this is the Joker's film the entire way, not Batman's. Why the filmakers decided to do this I don't completely understand, but it takes away something from the film. We never really get to bond with the superhero in this one (this was somewhat remedied in "Batman Returns"). Also, Kim Basinger's character is mainly eye candy and pales in comparison to future Batman girlfriends. Nevertheless, I really do like this film, and I get caught up in its atmosphere every time I watch it- it still looks good 14 years later (although some of the Gotham backgrounds were obviously paintings). This is largely thanks to director Tim Burton, who mostly understood how to handle Batman and his universe- he was the best man for this job. He gets help from a great score by Danny Elfman and terrific designs by designer Anton Furst. I would recommend this to all comic book fans, as it stands as an example of both a great comic book transition and of good filmaking in general.
Rating:  Summary: Batman at its best Review: BATMAN is one of the best movies of all time. It is also the best of the Batman series. Jack Nicholson does a tremendous job as The Joker. Michael Keaton does a great job playing Bruce Wayne/Batman. This movie is action packed, funny, and very well done. I strongly recommend you buy this movie. I also recommend you buy BATMAN RETURNS in addition to this movie. You won't regret I gaurantee.
Rating:  Summary: Good,I mean AWSOME! Review: Batman is a classic it's hilarious and vilonet at the same time!Jack Nicholson a GREAT Joker,Keaton AWSOME Batman(Thats probably why they put him in the second film too),Kim Basinger is Vicki vale GOOD and i love it!I reccomed this one,Batman Returns and Batman & Robin.( Check out my Batman Returns Review.)
Rating:  Summary: One of the best comic book movies ever made Review: I love comics. They were something that were introduced to me at an early age. I never bought to many because I wasn't able to afford to. Nevertheless I did read them in any way I could. Batman is a well made movie based off a comic book. Batman is the story of Bruce Wayne. Bruce is a billionaire buisness man by day and the dark knight by night. He lives in Gotham city which is plagued by crime. Jack Napier is a criminal. He's a gangster who is cheating on his boss with his girl and in business. His boss knows and sets Jack up. Jack ends up in a vat of chemicals that change him into the criminal Joker. Vicki Vail is the hot vixen reporter that wants to know the truth about Batman. She ends up geting involved with Bruce and the Joker falls for her as well. Will Batman keep the girl and stop the bad guy, you'll just have to watch the movie and find out. Michael Keaton was a surprise as Batman. Like I said earlier I've read a lot of comic book and I wasn't sure if Keaton could carry the darkness of Batman. He does it very well and I think you can argue him as the best Batman. The expectations as Batman are huge and he lives up to them. His performance won't leave you disappointed, but is adequate. Jack Nicholson steals the movie. He is such an awesome actor and is one of the better ones to ever grace the screen. The Joker is a crazy character and Jack is crazy. I think it's a role he was born to play and I can't see anybody except for maybe Jim Carrey doing as good as a job as the Joker. The Joker in my opinion is the greatest on screen villian from a comic book ever. Jack Nicholson does that good of a job. Kim Bassinger is great. She is totally hot and plays Vicki Vail well. She plays off the other actors well. She is also believable as a photograher and the writers and directors deserve credit for that. She is so hot and I can watch the movie for her alone. Tim Burton deservesa a lot of credit for this movie. He displays the world of Gotham well. From the tall buildings, the darkness, the politicians, everything is just done well. I think it's one of the best movies he has ever done. Danny Elfman has written a fantastic score. It's the best work he has ever done. It rivals a John Williams score and accents the movie so well. This is one of the best and catchiest scores you will ever hear. I love Batman. It's one of the best comic book movies ever made. If your a comic book fan this one is a must. If your a Batman fan it is a definite must. Everyone should own this movie. It's a great film.