Rating:  Summary: A high point in superhero cinema Review: The transformation of comic book superheroes into film or television properties is always a risky process. It's especially risky when dealing with a character as iconic and as beloved as Batman, the caped crimefighter of Gotham City. But with visionary director Tim Burton at the helm and versatile Michael Keaton in the title role, this "Batman" is a rousing success.All the elements really come together in this memorable film. Keaton's brooding but likeable take on the Dark Knight is well complemented by Jack Nicholson's menacingly manic performance as the Joker. A fine supporting cast also strikes a good balance between fun and seriousness. The costuming and production design are astounding; Gotham City itself emerges as one of the most compelling "characters" in the film. And Danny Elfman's superb orchestral score perfectly complements the other elements of the film; Elfman's work here is a high point in a truly remarkable musical career. There are a number of truly inventive sequences in the film, and as a whole it's a fine blend of action, drama, and mythic flourishes. Sadly, the three immediate sequels to this "Batman" have, in my opinion, demonstrated a gradual decrease in quality (with "Batman and Robin" being a truly atrocious piece of work). But Burton's first "Batman" is a treasure.
Rating:  Summary: BATMAN1 Review: This is the best of the four Batman movies. There are many reasons for this. The first reason is it has the best plot. It also has the best villian, the joker. Another reason is that Michale Keaton was the best batman ever! It may not have as much action as the others but it is still the best. Next to this movie "Batman Returns" is the best. Then "Batman Forever" and then "Batman and Robin". In other words the order in which the movies came out. I hope they make more batman movies like the first two.
Rating:  Summary: The best of Tim Burton Review: This and batman returnes is going to be classics.I see no flaws in this movie.The charecters are believable and have lots of depth.Micheal Keaton is perfect for the batman.You have to get this movie and batman returnes.Dont get the other 2 sequals. Anyways jack nicklsen playes as the jocker,a perfect role for him and I dont think any one could have played it better than him.The graphics are preety good concidering the age of this movie.Great plot and sound effects.Only flaw that I thought was kinda obvious is that in his jet he was only about 30 or 20 metters away and had a lock on the jocker which was just standing there yet somhow he still succeded to miss.Aside from that little mistake this is a great movie that should be in every family collection,oh yeah,remeber,dont waste your money on the newer sequals because they have so many flaws I wouldent be able to fit them all on this review!!
Rating:  Summary: Home viewing has rarely been more enjoyable Review: You know, the more I go to the movies, the more I appreciate watching them at home. At home, I don't have to deal with screaming kids, idiots who think it's the height of coolness to project their laser pointers on the screen every five minutes, and schmendricks who think they're standing in for Joel/Mike and the 'Bots from MST3K. With wonderful little distractions like this, is it any wonder I prefer to stay indoors to maximize my cinematic enjoyment? This, the first of the modern cinematic 'Batman' outings, became a case in point. In a strange fit of masochistic insanity, I decided to catch a midnight matinee re-release of 'Batman' at the local bijou. I was in luck for a while- people were behaving themselves. The came the moment where Eckhardt, a cop on the take, gets shot down by Jack Napier (the guy who becomes the Joker). William Hootkins, the man who played the portly and corrupt cop, is also famous among pop-culture sci-fi aficionados as Porkins, the first X-wing pilot to get shot down during the climactic Death Star battle in 'Star Wars'. Ironically, this character's last words were, "I'm all right, I'm all-Aaaaagggghhh!", which were the very words I heard a group of uber-Warsies yell out when he caught a bullet in 'Batman'. You know, I like the 'Star Wars' flicks as much as the next geekin' fanboy, but not to the point that I'll annoy other folks with my high-decibel verbatim recitations of an actor's lines from another movie. It's kinda gauche, you know? But, aside from that, I rather enjoy this little slice o' comic-book celluloid. Jack Nicholson's Joker is one of his most nutso performances ever! Actually, that's not saying too much, is it? I mean, you take a look at 'The Shining', 'The Witches of Eastwick', or 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest', and it's pretty obvious that Nicholson isn't exactly challenged by roles involving psychos and evil incarnate. Still, he makes the Joker over-the-top without going overboard, unlike the villains from the Joel Schumacher-directed Bat-flicks! I'll be one to admit that Michael Keaton doesn't exactly look the part as Bruce Wayne. But as Batman, it's a completely different story. Neither Val Kilmer nor George Clooney could ever hope to match that chin! Of course, if Jay Leno were to ever accept the role... I only wish that Warner had put more extras on this DVD. No trailers, commentary tracks, or behind-the-scenes featurettes; just the movie itself and some text about the cast & crew. And what is up with Warner still using cardboard snap cases to sleeve their discs in? What is this, the Stone Age or something? 'Late!
Rating:  Summary: batman, a movie for the ages! Review: The movie Batman brings the legendary comic book to life. Jack Nicholson gives one of his best performances as the Joker and Keaton is perfect for the part of the caped crusader. He plays the complicated Bruce Wayne to a tee. Val Kilmer and George Clooney in the sequels were no match for Keaton. The plot is very clever and will keep you on the edge of your seat. The special effects are superb. The only flaw in this movie was that Tim Burton did not give a cameo to the original Batman, Adam West, which would have been appropriate. If you are a fan of the comic book, you will definately enjoy the movie. If you are not a comic fan, you will still enjoy the movie if you like action or adventure movies.
Rating:  Summary: I thought Batman could really fly. Review: I was really disappointed at the movie, because Batman got beat up so much. Sure, he was smart and strong, but most of what he relied on was the Batman Suit and gadgets. He couldn't even fly; What's so cool about batman if he is so normal! It seemed to me that he was great only because he had all those money to get all those nice equipments. Though the end with the Batman Airplane hanging unto the moon was very nice, but I was amused that such a great plane was incapable of shooting accurately at a man at most 20 meters away. It just looked fake. Also, I would have liked the movie to be less SciFi, a more I-am-your-neighor kind of feeling. Really, I tried to like the movie more, but just couldn't do it.
Rating:  Summary: an almost powerful movie Review: Batman is a clasic that should be cherished by whoever sees it. The acting is the best of it's time and ours. The storyline is unique and fun. You could pretty much say it was powerful. You wouldn't think of Batman as being a powerful movie but it is and should and definitly won't be forgotten.
Rating:  Summary: Very Good, Though His Return Was Better Review: First I must say that Superman lost his zing with me when he made time erase itself. So Batman became my new solace, and boy am I glad I chose _him_! Michael Keaton gives a note-worthy performance (though I think George Clooney could give him a run for his money) as the title character, yet, of course, is overshadowed by his painted counterpart, played brilliantly by Jack Nicholson. If these movies are remade, I wonder who could play that part up to par with Nicholson. Kim Basinger is the second best Blonde in the bunch (Michelle Pfieffer is the Queen), and really adds a punch. The storyline is weak if you think too hard, like I do, but it's fun. Reall, three and a half stars. A great outing, equalled by Forever, yet surpassed by Returns.
Rating:  Summary: The 1st and the 2nd Review: This of may of beeen the first of the modern "Batman" films, but it was the 2nd best. "Batman Returns" shows the true dark genius of a man named Tim Burton, it represented everything which the following "Batman" films destroyed and I love it for that. As for this film, I must say that the final showdown between Batman and the Joker + henchman is significantly better than the one in the sequel. The scene is which Batman flies up his plane in front of the film is priceless Burton cinema. Jack Nicholson is his usual crazy self, and Michael Keaton will always be "Batman" for me. 3/5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Well Scripted! Well Acted! Well Done! Review: Yes their is simply no better movie then Batman. All my life this movie has always been their if I was down and I just wanted to have some fun. The dark knight, Batman, has an amazing costume which makes this movie as wonderful as it can be. The acting is superb, every chacter played their roll here. Actor that staneded out the most here was definently Nicholson! Keaton Was outstanding as well, it just goes to show that he's a true comedian as well as a serious actor. A very good story, finished off with an ending that no one can complain about. Batman gets 5 stars simply because it was one of the best movies ever made.