Rating:  Summary: Non-Stop Thrill Ride! Review: I like action pictures, but some can be very disappointing, fortunately it's no problem here. While the plot in these Terminator movies gets thinner each time, you can't beat them for the action. Good special effects have to be well mated to the action. Some movies do stunts for their own sake. For instance, the movie Speed II had a special effect stunt of a big boat, crashing a dock, and taking out half a seaside town. Why after that, they felt the need to blow up an oil tanker, (on a pointless stunt) just made a bad movie worse. You never get that feeling in T3 and that's good. It means the stunts follow the kind of logical flow we might expect.The plot of this movie tries to be a cautionary tale. A story of the inevitability, which continued automation, and weaponry creation, will eventually destroy the world. That ship pretty much sailed in the first movie, so it plays a little thin here. In T1 you had a time paradox, the chip left behind by the dead Terminator, helped create the heuristic learning software, so in essence the future creates the past. In T2, Arnold and company save the future, by destroying the chip, the research, and the evil corporate lab, before it leads the future to its terrible destruction. (Partial Spoiler) In T3 they decide the bad future is inevitable. The title character is a new, improved Terminator model that can access any machine or weapon, and can morph into more complex weapons than the previous T2 model. The liquid metal version, who was limited to knives and swords. She's just as relentless (if not more) than the two that came before her. Due to an unexpected plot twist, the thrill ride ends rather abruptly in T3. Unfortunately, I don't see where they can reasonably go from there (when you see the movie you'll know what I mean). The wide screen version is always best for not missing any of the epic viewing, of these big visual movies, so I recommend this edition. Sound and music is appropriate, and top notch. I doubt Governor Arnold will be around for the next one, maybe they can get that guy that did the liquid metal model in T2.
Rating:  Summary: The Good the Bad and the Worst Review: The original Terminator was great a true classic, everything you could ask for in a movie. T2 was boring, way too long a rehash of the original with better special effects minus the violence. T3 is the worst movie of all time along side 28 Days Later, this is a rehash of T2 which was a rehash of T1. T2 the violence was watered down T3 is a joke (I've seen more action packed violent episodes of Scooby Doo). Who are these teens writing great reviews for a poor movie, they weren't even a itch in the papa's Trousers when the original was released. Give this one miss boyz because it's definitely for the Girls.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining sequel that sorely misses Cameron's charm Review: Like many people, I was waiting years for this to happen; a third entry into the Termiator legacy. But I became weary when Cameron refused to do this sequel, I mean he is GOD in series. He wrote and directed the first two. When Terminator 3 came out, I went to see it expecting it would be a step down from the first two. It was. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed it. It's a great popcorn picture, but it doesn't hold a candle to the first two. Terminator 3 goes for a more cornball approach with its cheesy jokes and one-liners. Sure there was a touch of that in Terminator 2, but they seem to go just a tad overboard here. Also, the actor who plays John Conner...what the heck? If this guy is supposed to save the human race, we're doomed. This guy is weak and is a wimp. Miscast at the highest. Overall, the film is very entertaining with its nonstop action. Don't try to think of the plot holes too much and you should have a good time. A worthy entry into any DVD collection.
Rating:  Summary: Rise And Falter Review: I must admit, I was a bit surprised, at just how much I liked Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines despite a few problems. The film was better than I was expexting it to be. Haviing said that though, it can't quite match the first two movies in the series,without James Cameron's involvement. The Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) returns from the future, to once again protect John Connor (Nick Stahl), on the eve of man's war with the machines and the self aware SkyNet. As the film begins, John is on the run from his destiny, as leader of the resistance. In his rush to escape the ensuing war, he meets a friend from his past, Kate Brewster (Claire Danes). As it turns out the Terminator must protect her as well. She is also very important to mankind's future. In hot pursuit of the trio, is the T-X (Kristanna Loken), a terminator that can not only morph into any human, but can also take on characteristics of any machine too. In taking over for Cameron, director Jonathan Mostow (U-571), has BIG shoes to fill and things turn out fine I guess Schwarzenegger is most comfortable here. This role, is without a doubt, his best on screen persona. I was really impressed with Stahl. John Connor has aged well in Stahl's skin. As for the villian, Loken, may be great to look at, but she can't hold a candle to Robert Patrick's T-1000 from T2, as far as I'm concerned. It was good to see Dr. Silverman (Earl Boen) return for a cameo The character has always fun throughout the series. The special effects, under the guiding hand of Stan Winston, were ok. But some of the stunt sequences, like the truck chase, seem to take forever, and really bog down things a bit. How many shots do we need of Daines rolling around in the back of van anyway? The film's biggest problem though may be the scripts plotholes concerning SkyNet's role. The film barely touches on the fact that it was totally dismantled in the second film...and all of the sudden it's up and running again. The explaination is skimpy at best. There are other things that nagged at me as well, such as, Sarah's (Linda Hamilton) absence from the story. I know the actress passed on doing the film, but things didn't seem quite right without her. While the extras on this 2 disc DVD end up being just OK, save the audio commentaries, given the history of the Terminator films, and their multiple releases over the years, I doubt this is going to be the only version of T3 on disc. Having said that... The first audio commentary was recorded just days before star Arnold Schwarzenegger made his political intentions known on The Tonight Show. It's funny, given the outcome, to hear him reference the issue. Director Mostow joined Danes But Arnold Nick Stahl, and Kristanna Loken's comments were recorded separately and edited together later for a 5 person free for all. It's a fun track that's never boring. The second track features Mostow going solo, for a more tecnical, "How we did it" track. The theatrical trailer and video game demo top off disc one. Schwarzenegger provides a "special" introduction to begin disc two. I can see this maybe for an anniversary edition later on but why now? It ends up wasting space. Your typical prepackaged "HBO First Look" Behind-the-scenes feature is all hype no substance. The 32 munute visual effects lab works much better and is rather informative. There are a series of vignettes: Storyboards, costumes, the Toys in Action drops in on Todd McFarlane's workshop to see how the T3 action figures are made, and some deleted footage called the Sgt. Candy Scene. To be honest, I am a bit perplexed by it and it was better left out of the movie. The Sky Net Database: profiles the characters, weaponry and vehicles of The Terminator Saga. This is a good idea that is flawed due to stand-ins posing as chacaters not in T3. The Terminator Timeline is executed much better. DVD-ROM access, a PC game trailer and a short look at how the game came to be, tops disc 2. Not bad...As I said I liked the film, despite its flaws but the padding of extras on disc 2, keep this DVD set, a three star kind of thing.
Rating:  Summary: this is awesome Review: Why is everyone getting so political over this movie. If the purpose of T3 is to make more money for the studio, then fine, who cares. The bottom line is that this is a great, fast paced, fun film. And that's really the main deal here, it was a blast watching it. As far as action films go, it's hard to top this one. It's literarily non-stop action plus a legendary movie star and Tens of millions of dollars for the sake of blowing stuff up! This isn't exactly Star Wars where the story line can be philosophized and talked about for months and months. If T2 was meant to be the last of the series then they might have just stopped at T1 since the ending seemed pretty concrete in both of those. I recommend this film to anyone who likes action movies. It doesn't rely heavily on annoying sci-fi terms and sub plots and it's not as cheesy as the trailer makes it seem. So enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: A pretty good movie ruined by a horrible terminatrix Review: Kristanna Loken, while cute, was horrible in this movie. Arnold in the first Terminator was menacing in a large and powerful way. Robert Patrick, the BEST Terminator, was so calm and had such an evil penetrating stare that he was just great. Not to mention, he was able to show emotion in order to interact with human beings. Kristanna shows nothing but a straight face (except for her weird orgasmic look when she discovered John Connor's blood at the pet hospital)and does not play up on her sexuality. If you're going to make a female terminator that looks gorgeous, allow her to act like it. It would have been better off if they had cast former wrestler Chyna as the Terminator instead, because that is all they used Kristanna as. They did not allow her to play up her beauty, which is the whole reason they hired her to begin with. The story also could have been a little better. And for the military to have its targeting codes and nuclear arsenal available ONLINE is ridiculous. How incompetant would we have to be to do something like that? The bottom line is that James Cameron pretty much shut the book on the series in the second movie and they wanted to do whatever they could to revive it. While I was very happy to see a third Terminator movie, and I thought it was a decent film, the subpar story (coupled with Kristanna Loken's hideous performance) made for only an average movie. Three stars.
Rating:  Summary: I'LL BE BACK! Review: I saw this in the movie theatres only five months ago and now I will add this to my collection! I own Everything on the TERMINATOR series.
Rating:  Summary: I've been waiting years for this... Review: A little low-budget film named "The Terminator" hit the streets in 1984. This extremely low-budget actioner was about a machine "terminator" sent back in time to assassinate, or "terminate" the soon-to-be mother of the future world resistance leader, who would fight back against Skynet's machines who would fight for their dominance of the earth. 19 years later, and one sequel later, comes "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines," the massive differences between the original film being the budget, special effects, and action pieces. Being a long-time "Terminator" fan, of both "T1" and "T2," I can tell you this baby don't disappoint. )(...) When production finally started, and was delayed to 2003, and started again, I held my breath and expected the best. After the trailer I expected the worst. Now I got the best. This film blows you away, it's the best sequel of the year and James Cameron's absence from the film, though visible, doesn't hinder it. Judgment Day never happened. The world never got hit by nuclear bombs, the machines took over, and now a twenty-something John Connor lives "off the grids," with no home, no telephone, no nothing. Just in case the machines happen to take over one day in the future and try to assassinate him again. Of course, the machines DO come back again, as without them there would be no sequel. One is a sexy terminator called the Terminatrix (Kristanna Loken), whose mission is to assassinate John Connor's future lieutenants and his future wife, a current veterinarian, Kate Brewster (Claire Danes), since the machines can't find where John Connor is (that's where the off-the-grid stuff comes in handy for him). However, John Connor happens to meet up with Kate Brewster the same night the TX tries to kill her (and now him since he is a primary target for termination), but the T-800 model cyborg (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is also back to protect them, who has been sent back in time by Kate Brewster in the future after the protection cyborg murdered John Connor...in the future, that is...err...confused yet? Wow, what a thrill ride. Give me a moment to catch my breath. Action non-stop throughout, great special effects, everything. It's nowhere near as great as the first two films, but as far as summer sequels go, this ranks in as one of the best. Arnold is back in fine form after "End of Days" (I liked "The 6th Sense" and "Collateral Damage"), and for a brief moment in the film (when he throws Kate into the back of a truck), the way he is outlined against the night sky makes him look just like he did in the first film. His haircut is very much the same in that shot. Anywho, he's back. Nick Stahl takes over for druggie Edward Furlong in this installment, and by George he is great! Claire Danes doesn't do much but scream and run around and look pretty, but there's more purpose for her being there than in most movies like this. Like I said before, James Cameron's absence from the film IS visible, but new director Jonathan Mostow does a great job of taking over from him. The film is lacking some of the human elements that made the first so great, and it feels more like a regular action blockbuster than the predecessors. "T2" set a new level for action films; "T3" is more of a follower than a revolutionary film such as the first two. The special effects are impressive, but just like all the other films out there nowadays. "T3" in no way is as vicious, dark, or amazing as the first two films, which are both some of my favorite films, but Jonathan Mostow has done a great job handling Cameron's baby, and it shows, making "T3" neither disappointing nor bad; it's the best film of the summer, and one of the best action films in a long line of dull flicks. And in conclusion, I can honestly say that he'll be back. Trust me. So stick around. When he's back, I'll be back. But for now, hasta la vista, baby.
Rating:  Summary: Does anyone know if there are plans for a set?!? Review: Does anyone happen to know if there is a plan to release all three films as a set anytime soon? I'd really rather wait to buy the three together, but if it's not going to happen I might as well buy them seperate while they are on sale due to the release of T3.
Rating:  Summary: A good and worthwhile end to the Terminator trilogy. Review: When The Terminator came out in 1984 it was The Matrix of 1984, because it had a revolutionary effect on Science Fiction it was a breakthrough film.When Terminator 2, came out it was a huge breakthrough for digital effects combining some of the most awsome effects in the 90's.Almost the 20 year anniversary of The Terminator comes Terminator 3 and this Terminator does everything and anything to thrill it's audiences with a bigger , sleeker and darker Terminator film, with a reported $175 million dollar price tag it delivers astonishing action scenes and special effects but still it does not pop our eyes out like Terminator 2 with it's special effects although the special effects for the T-X is alot more advanced and much sleeker. In 2029, the resistance will have there final battle a revolution with the machines that will shape the future , but back in 2003 , John Conner(Nick Shtal)is a grown man who is not exactly happy and becoming more and more like his mother Sara Connor but John has much worse things to worry about when a highly advanced Terminator is sent to 2003 it's primary mission to destroy the future leader of the resistance John Connor and Joanna Brewster(Claire Danies), the T-X played by the beaautiful but jaguire like Christiana Loken is able to manipulate any and all machines around her and she can form a particle beam cannon from her hand and is much faster then any Terminatoe modle this calls for The T - 800 the original Terminator to come back to protect both Joanna Brewster and John Connor but they find that circumstances have changed from the last encounter with the Terminator that Judgement Day was not stopped only delayed and that Joanna Brewster is the future wife of John Connor but will the terribly obselete T- 800 be able to protect the both of them before Judgement Day actually happens. The DVD offers not much that intense to a better then expected film Terminator 3 though is better then I, had thought and a good end to a groundbraking Science Fiction trilogy.A worth while add to your dvd collection and a good end to a fantastic trilogy