Rating:  Summary: Laughable effects & plot Review: Although the effects were state of the art for their time, they haven't aged well at all. Not bad for its time, but nothing compared to today's superior technology. The fact that the plot looked like it was written on swiss cheese doesn't help either.
Rating:  Summary: Faster Than A Speeding Bullet Truly Is The Verdict Review: Rarely does one find a film whose quality is of such a grand scale as to be difficult to quantify. We finmd such a film in Superman - The Movie. Director Richard Donner literally and figuratively had the word Verisimilitude plastered all over the various locales used in shooting the film, to hammer home the point that the film required genuine verisimilitude. The crew got the hint, and delivered a film that remains powerful. The opening is a clever mix of inauspiciousness and epic; a child reads the opening pages of the original 1938 Action Comics issue that launched The Man Of Steel; we then fly over The Daily Planet building circa 1938, reach space, and are then confronted with the awe-inspiring sliding names and words that make up the film's opening credits. The credit sequence is worth discussing because it alone is worth the price of the film, from John Williams' tremendous Superman theme (here presented with increased reverb) to the clever mixture of lights and solar waves as the audience is transported through space. Finally the film begins in earnest on the planet Krypton, a world populated by humans whose molecular structure has been changed due to the radiation of the planet's crimson central star. Krypton is doomed because its sun is pulling it out of orbit onto a collision course, but the ruling quorom pay no heed to the warnings of its greatest scientist, Jor-El (people have put the rap on Marlon Brando's performances over the years, but here he shines). Joe-El nonetheless builds a starship so that his infant son, Kal-El, can be transported to Earth, a planet orbiting a yellow sun whose radiation will allow his molecular density to make him strong, fast, and all but invulnerable. The destruction of Krypton and Kal-El's journey to Earth are harrowingly presented, and culminate in the crash-landing of the starship onto a field near the Kansas village of Smallville. The impact blows a tire on the truck of local farmers Martha and Jonathan Kent (Phyllis Thaxter and Glenn Ford), and as they stop to repair it, they see the meteor bearing the small child. And so it goes, until some eighteen years later. The boy, Clark Kent (played by Jeff East in the Smallville sequence), finds the spire and is compelled to travel to the North Pole, where the spire creates a huge crystaline fortress. Within this Fortress Of Solitude, the spirit of Jor-El summons his son through the boundaries of space, where he evolves into an adult being, bearing the chestal emblam of his father amid the now-familiar blue and red costume and cape. Christopher Reeve now takes over, and the film nicely relaxes from the love and pain that permeate its first third. Clark Kent is played a bit too broadly, coming off more as a doofus than a believable person. But when Kent changes to his super-powered alter ego, Reeve shines, presenting him as authoritative, but not excessively so. He pulls off a series of acts, saving lives and stopping crimes, that excite the world and lead him to be dubbed Superman. In comes criminal lord Lex Luthor (Gene Hackman). Mysteriously deducing Superman's weakness from a National Geographic photo of a meteorite, Luthor traps Superman to prevent him from pulling off "the greatest real estate swindle of all time" via sabotaged nuclear missiles intended to detonate the San Andreas Fault and set off an earthquake that will collapse the West Coast into the Pacific Ocean. Superman's battle to stop the missiles and stop the ensuing quake involve some of the best SFX ever put to screen, between the tremendously effective flying sequences (this is the only Superman film to speed up backgrounds to present the look and feel of flying at light speed), the amazing sequence where Superman flies UNDER the California coast to move the enormous landmass back into place, saving a teetering bus, saving a train running headlong to a collapsed spur, and trying to stop a flood from the collapse of Hoover Dam. Not only will you believe a man can fly, you'll wish all of it could happen in real life. Such is the enduring power of Superman
Rating:  Summary: The Best Superhero movie of all time!!! Review: Superman the Movie is definately one of the best movies of all time.Christopher Reeve makes an awesome Superman and Gene Hackman plays a great Lex Luthor.No one can be too old or too mature to love this movie.I'm 13 and I love it.This is definatly a movie you should add to your collection
Rating:  Summary: You'll believe a man can fly Review: I have this film in my video library collection,along with "Superman-the complete 15 chapter serial","Atom-Man vs.Superman" [with Kirk Alyn],"Superman and the Mole Men",[with George Reeves]and the rest of the Chris Reeve films. This is Reeve's first screen debut and he is excellent. The action is fast-paced and the dialogue is witty, especially the exchange of dialogue between Reeve and Margot Kidder in the scene in which he saves from a terrifying fall from the roof of 'THE DAILY PLANET'.{Reeve:Don't worry miss, I've got you. Kidder:You've got me? Whose got you}
Rating:  Summary: You Will Believe a Man Can Fly! Review: An amazing film in itself. A great cast and story that puts other films behind it. Only few movies have a lasting impression like The Diary of Anne Frank, Citizen Kane, and Its a Wonderful Life. I believe this was, Is and will be one of the greatest movies of all time.
Rating:  Summary: An Excellent Film Review: One of my favorites actually. It flamboyantly defies credibility at ever turn, and yet the end result seems to be an INCREASE in enjoyability. Even the end-which seems on one level to be a cop out of the worst degree-is so perfectly fitting that it seems to defy criticism (by me anyway). And of course there is John Williams' classic score...my favorite work of his-indeed my favorite film score. To this day his music helps to bring home the childlike optimism that the movie conveys even to this citizen of a world that inspires much cynicism.
Rating:  Summary: Superb Review: Excellent,simply excellent. This is THE way a superhero & all big-budget movies should be! (Too bad the twits that made the Batman movies didn't learn from this...) But,THE question is this: When are we going to get the DVD/Letterbox version of this? And,how about the 'Restored' version? C'mon,WB,it's time to get in gear!
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding presentation!!! Review: Donnor and co. did a FANTASTIC job!!! No Superman actor could hold a candle to Christopher Reeve!! Same with the rest of the cast!! GREAT CASTING JOB! OUTSTANDING SPECIAL EFFECTS!!!!
Rating:  Summary: The most excellent film ever to be made. Review: This film makes the character Superman seem more realistic due to the great special effects and great class of the actors. The film sets the whole scene very well due to the story of the man of steel being shown from the beginning. From planet Krypton being blown up to when he was found by the loving, soon to be adoptive parents, John and Martha Kent. Christopher Reeve plays an excellent Superman and deserves all the praise and respect possible. He does an excellent contrast between Clark Kent and Superman which takes a good actor to carry off. This film just can not be missed by anyone and neither should the other films made. One word to sum up, EXCELLENT!!!!!