Rating:  Summary: It wasn't that bad! Review: I avoided this movie when it was released in the cineplex last summer. I love action movies but this seemed to be just Angelina Jolie running around in spandex. A guy's movie only.I rented it out of boredom recently and I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. Angelina is very likeable as Lara Croft, an adventurous archeologist in the tradition of Indiana Jones. There isn't too much of a story line but the locations and special effects are fantastic. Angelina is also supported by a great cast! Chris Barrie is great as her caring Butler. Iain Glenn is sexy and scary at the same time. Daniel Craig is adorable as Lara's wayward boyfriend, she stops time to save. Her scenes with Jon Voight (her real life dad) are very tender. The DVD is also packed with great features and commentary.
Rating:  Summary: Where did they dig this movie up? Review: I've been a big Tomb Raider fan for years. Sorry folks, but lets be honest. This movie was one of the worst action flicks ever. Special effects were fair to good. Sound was fair at best. The story line would have made a good game level, but it didn't make it in the movie. The acting was fair. The DVD has a few special features, interviews, and commentaries. If you're still curious rent it first. Save your dollars.
Rating:  Summary: Indiana Jones Wannabe Review: Ahh, another movie build over a computer game, this one have to be good. We all still fondly remember a masterpiece like Streetfighter, that made us all dance with joy. And now comes Tombraider. A movie obviously tailored to profit from the success of the game. Angelina Jolies body is perfect cast in the role as Lara Croft, and I am sure that alot of teenage boys will agree with me on that one. The story is about Lara who is going after some artifact that have been split in two, many centuries ago so it could not be used again(one have to wonder why they did not destroy it instead of using energy on building vast underground dungeons to place it in). Whoever holds this artifact got the power to control time. Her opposition are a group of bad guys called the Illuminati, that uses all means to get to the pieces before Lara. The plot could have been taken from an old Indiana Jones script, although it is full of holes. The movie seem to take itself too seriously, and not much acting is actualy involved. Tomb Raider seems to me like a (take-off) from Indiana Jones, but where Indiana Jones often handle situations with wit and charm and elegance, Lara usualy just pull out her twin-mounted automatics and blast the obstacle to pieces, which make the movie seem alot less charming and a lot less fun. But what do you expect from a movie build over a computer game. One have to wonder about how smart this Lara girl can really be since we see her wandering around an icy Siberian plain, in only hotpants and a tight t-shirt, or earlier when marching through a muddy field in a white trench coat. But I guess even tomb-raiders have to put more emphasis on the fashion trends and less on practical details these days. The movie will most certainly be a hit, and I do admit that Jolies body looks fine in the role.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty much like watching a videogame. Review: Which is okay if that's your thing. Atlantis had that problem too, but through Disney magic it was much more likeable. This film is better for putting you to sleep. Some people have compared it to Indiana Jones. As someone who thinks the Indy movies are among the best movies ever made, don't bother comparing them. This movie does use that same Indy plotline of fearless fortune hunter saves the world, but that's about it. It's entertaining, but the storyline is just not that interesting. Perhaps it could have been, but it wasn't. It was basically a "beat the bad guy to the mystical artifact before they can use it to control the world" story, but it just isn't kept interesting the way it is in, say, an Indy film. There are a few action fighting sequences, not too many, but the whole movie plays much like a game, and the action sequences come in that same, expected order. Search, fight, Kill a boss. The same format that can make videogames a bit boring too. Not a terrible movie, probably worth getting just for some neat stuff here and there, but not overall very interesting. And Lara is a likeable enough character, but if you aren't turned on by her, as I really am not (I'm more into the princess type I guess), there's not much to get behind because she's not someone you really get attatched too. Her emotional quandry is not all that interesting either. She was orphaned, and it's sad, but then she's a bazillionaire, so it's not that sad. Somehow it was sad for Bruce Wayne, but then he was waaaaay more brooding. Lara is mostly cocky. Ha. But as I said, it's enjoyable here and there, but it may require some fast forwarding and don't expect to get swept up in a great story with wonderful lines and memorable characters like in an Indy movie. The only memorable characters here are Lara, her butler, and her sidekick.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad, expected worse Review: I went into this movie expecting it to be a poorly made breast-fest. Instead, with only one mildly revealing Lara Croft scene, this movie turned out to be not that bad. Despite a few fight scene rip offs from other action movies (especially MI2), it pulled together fairly well, making it something worth seeing.
Rating:  Summary: DOES ANYONE OUT THERE KNOW HOW TO WRITE AN ACTION MOVIE???? Review: Slow down!! Set things up. Introduce. This movie was edited so tightly it ruins it! Every scene jumps you immediately to the plot point and it garners no other reaction, but "Okay?" The action sequences are fantastic. The effects are great. The movements that Angelina did to mimic the video game are right on. In fact, the performances are far better than the norm for an action movie. Yet, the story they were given to work with is cookie cutter (...). It's almost as if the movie was planned, cast, settings were secured, effects and computers were planned and then they went "Okay... who's writing the script?" Action movies these days [are bad]... and for no other reason than this. THE SCRIPT SHOULD ALWAYS COMES FIRST!! Once you have a story, then plan your special effects and computer graphics around it! And only use them if you need them. That isn't the way it happens, and that obviously isn't the way it happened here. If there's a sequel... and I can't imagine that there wouldn't be... more MYSTERY and more TWISTS!!! Don't make Indiana Jones, but remember why that movie will always be a classic. THEY WROTE A KILLER SCRIPT!
Rating:  Summary: Didn't blink Review: This movie was one of the best Action flicks I have ever seen, and I've seen alot! Jolee was almost too perfect as Croft, and even sexier in real life. Her skimpy suit was...h-ho-ot. (...) Anyway, see the movie...right now.
Rating:  Summary: Hard to Identify... Review: Lara Croft--Tomb Raider was one of the most anticipated films of the year. The very idea of taking a video-game and crafting it into a movie took us all by surprise, and once it was announced that Angelina Jolie was casted as the leading lady, that was it: we had to see it. The film, of course, has your stereotypical plot of an action hero (this time female) going on a quest to save civilization. In this case, Croft must stop villains from getting the pieces of a triangle which once led to the destruction of a society and could be used to control the earth and lead to its destruction, if put in the wrong hands. Naturally, lots of stunts, fight-scenes, and narrow escapes ensue before Lara Croft ultimately prevails. There is also a link to Lara's own past, in that she is taking on a mission which her father was unable to fulfill. As his successor, she is determined more than ever to rescue civilization. I found this movie hard to interpret in the sense that it was very unemotional. I associated Jolie with such roles as 'Lisa' from 'Girl, Interrupted' and did not know what to make of her as a cool and collected action queen. Of course, she was fun to watch, but she did not seem to have a lot of lines, and the lines she did have, were often giving instructions or in the middle of fight-scenes. The lack of feeling was disconcerting for me. I understand that it was important to Jolie not to have a female action hero wimpering and being carried off by a man, but surely that is only one emotion that a woman will feel. A lack of humor was keenly felt in this movie. Her English side-kicks only produced luke-warm chuckles, but perhaps this would have been different if the villain had had a couple of dupes for side-kicks. The positives to this movie are self-explanatory. We have a female action-hero who is not afraid to look feminine and have some sex appeal (without falling into the arms of every guy or any guy she lays eyes on.) The violence was not overly graphic and there was hardly any sexuality. I liked the idea of the movie's traveling to Angkor Wat to find the location of the sacred triangle, as this Cambodian location is so beautiful, yet so ignored by Hollywood. And of course, Angelina Jolie is beautiful and absolutely stunning to watch in action. You can rent this movie, enjoy it, but you won't find yourself captivated by it. Over all, a good, even if a little enigmatic, performance by Jolie, some nice scenery, a typical plot, but lacking in emotion or hilarity.
Rating:  Summary: 21st century Indiana Jones, with a braid Review: Most of the sets were great, I also liked many of the stunts and special effects but not really a great movie. I've seen the Indiana Jones movies, didn't think they were great either, and found this one to be very similar in nature although perhaps more oddly paced. Angelina Jolie's Lara Croft might actually be better than Harrison Ford's Indiana Jones but really you're getting Indiana with a braid and an accent. It's O.K. to spend a couple of hours with but not deeply satisfying.