Rating:  Summary: "Lara Croft" will be a legend! Review: This movie is full of non-stop action! It's a great story line & Angelina Jolie is perfect for the part!What I like most about this movie is that Lara Croft displays her sexuality but doesn't flaunt it. What I mean is, she wears short-shorts and fitted tank tops, but she's NOT showing massive cleavage with her boobs jiggling out all over the place. She wears boots instead of high heels and really knows how to handle two guns. Her hair is tied back in a tight braid, she doesn't wear any make-up, and the scene w/her showering doesn't show anything too provacative. GO LARA CROFT! (or should I say Angelina)
Rating:  Summary: I LA-IKE IT !! Review: When I 1st saw this I was disappointed, but that's probably cos I had 2 many beers in me. On 2nd viewing I thought it was a terrific by-the-numbers popcorn actioner. The action & effects are fantastic.I have a poster of it up at home & I can't wait for the sequel. So sue me!
Rating:  Summary: we all have our dark little secrets... Review: ...one of mine is how much I really liked this flick. 5 stars may be a little strong but why not, it makes up for all the low ratings :-P I consider myself a real movie buff, and the majority of my movie interests are way "above" this, BUT I can honestly say I found Tomb Raider to be thoroughly enjoyable. granted it isn't a cinematic masterpiece, but so few movies lately are... It is a fun, fast paced, skimpy clothed Angelina Jolie kinda romp, if it was a beer it'd be "Indiana Jones light" so for what it's worth check it out, rent it if you aren't sure (but you'll like it...you know you will...)
Rating:  Summary: A Great Movie For The Fans!! Review: To me the story of tomb raider is a great movie for the people who are fans and under stand it more, im a big fan and when I hear and see people say stuff about it is wronge. Angelina Jolie made a great tomb raider. She brings the character alive. any wayz, They should think that mabey what they like is Stuped and a waste of money!!, it was a great movie, and i look forward to buy it. And of course i give it 5 stars!!!
Rating:  Summary: Good for a few reasons Review: Yes, Tomb Raider has a bad plot, terrible dialogue and a lack of consistency. Given the major actors it makes it all the worse given their acting ability. Two things make it watchable: 1)Mr Brittas/Rimmer (for those of you in the UK) turns in a marvellous performance as a younger butler. That sequence when he fastidiously dons his dressing gown and slippers with a shotgun is marvellous 2)The action. Let's face it, knocking out a bad guy with a front wheelie on a powerful motorbike whilst wearing silk pyjamas is what Lara Croft is all about. It is patently obvious that the film makers have crammed as much of the games into the film as possible. There's the Ankor Wat, the Antartic, the Egyptian setting, mystery, time and space and plenty of Lara. To be honest the only thing that didn't amuse was the token 'father' sections with Ms Jolie's real counterpart and the 'hmm, how do we end this - let's have a silly ending' bit. OK, forget the plot, play the games, see the film and watch it for what it really is. Lara Croft in all her action-toting glory providing an enjoyable two hours of nonsense.
Rating:  Summary: Kicking butt never looked so good! Review: Some may not agree with me on this but this movie was fantastic! I know a few people who swore it was the worst movie made ever but I think if you were interested in the game you should give the movie a chance. Normally movies made from video games are horrible but for some reason this movie worked for me. Angelina Jolie MADE the movie. The stunts were great, her outfits were great, the scenery was great and well...she rocked. :) *The soundtrack is out of this world too.*
Rating:  Summary: Tomb Raider Review: An OK film, bit much in places but full of action. Action all the way through, never get bored, especially if your a Angelina Jolie fan.
Rating:  Summary: Not good, but certainly not all bad Review: I'm not sure what possessed me to pick up Tomb Raider after reading all the horrible reviews already posted for it, but I did, and while Tomb Raider is everything that has already been said about it, I still found it a fun and worthwhile purchase. Tomb Raider had the task of trying to please two distinct groups of fans: the video gamers who wanted an accurate adaptation of their beloved franchise (I never got around to finishing the first game), and those drooling for another Indiana Jones-style adventure flick. On the first count, Tomb Raider (TR) succeeds admirably. Lara Croft's world is perfectly translated to the screen, and Lara Croft herself is perfectly captured by Angelina Jolie. Like the games, the movie has Lara facing ancient evils and supernatural powers all while blasting away evil guardians and humans attemptng to thwart her. All the actors are believable, and the dialogue can be very witty at times: When the Illuminanti tell their field agent he must hurry or risk waiting another 5000 years, he answers that that's more time than he's willing to commit to this enterprise. It's not too hard to imagine someone in real life saying something of a similiar nature. The subplot of Lara wanting to see her father again adds depth that wasn't found in the game. Tomb Raider is a good video game adaptation, easily the best since the original Mortal Kombat movie. However, as an adventure flick, Tomb Raider is sorely lacking. The movie feels like four distinct action set pieces coupled together with bits of dialgoue and traveling. At one point, Croft and her allies head to Siberia, but we're never told exactly how they knew to search there. This is one case where I wouldn't have minded if the movie had been longer, just so we could get a sense of the logistics behind the globetrotting. Another gripe is the action sequences: they're flashy, loud, rapidly cut, and totally ruin whatever excitment they were trying to build. Think back to the Indiana Jones Trilogy or even The Mummy Returns: these had nicely choreographed action sequences set to epic scores, where the viewer could savour the action without being over-bombarded. Then there is the special effects: A lot of them weren't needed. The Ray Harryhausen-ish stone monkeys were cool, but I could have done without the lightening in the final scene, and if they'd filmed the flashback of the triangle's origin using real locations, it would have been more believable. Lastly, there is the suspension of disbelief factor. The movie asks us to buy the whole 'controlling time with a mythical triangle' storyline. Okay, fine, for the movie's sake, I will. But plots like these need realistic scenes to ground them, and the movie doesn't have enough. Case in point: Lara drinks some tea given to her by a monk, which magicaly heals her wound. Walking stone monkeys I can accept, but herbal tea has its limits! So while Tomb Raider succeeds as a video-game-based movie, it fails as an adventure movie. The disc has top-notch video and sound, but while the supplements are generally good, they're not enough to warrant a purchase by themselves. While Tomb Raider isn't the best movie I've ever seen, I enjoyed it enough that I can honestly say I didn't waste 100min of my time.
Rating:  Summary: Time Raider Review: After watching this film, I never want to hear anybody complain about Battlefield Earth again. I do not understand how this movie escaped public criticism.The story and script are pretty bad. The filming and editing make you feel like you are watching a two hour mountain dew comercial. The ony cool thing are the scenes of Angor Wat. People under twelve may enjoy this film, but others will find themselves scratching their heads.
Rating:  Summary: I don't care... Review: I think this is one of the greatest films ever made.