Rating:  Summary: Still great Review: I can still remember the day before New Year's Eve when I was in fourth grade. One of my friends wanted to take me to see a movie and I desperately wanted to see Hook. Those two and a half hours were magic for me way back then, and they still are. The acting is brilliant, the direction wonderful, and the music surprisingly powerful for a fairy tale. When I first saw Peter gain his happy thought and fly out of that tree, I wanted to jump up and scream, "I knew you could do it!" And you know what? I'm 18 now, and I still feel like doing that.
Rating:  Summary: A Truly Magical Trip to Neverland Review: This is one of my absolute favorite movies of all time. No matter how many times I see it, it feels magical with each viewing. I simply cannot understand how some people find it boring. It is lengthy, but for once length is good thing. There's that much more to enjoy! The people who hated this movie must be pirates because I cannot come up with any other explanation of why someone would.
Rating:  Summary: excelente pelicula para todo publico Review: Muy Buena PelículaEsta película es muy buena aunque veo que tiene muchos detractores y personas que parecen que no tuvieron niñez y que pretenden que la gente siempre este en papeles serios, es decir que se tomen su rol tan en serio que no tengan tiempo para ser ridículos, Robin Williams no es para nada ridículo, puede volar, puede pelear y puede cacarear, kikiriki...... Todos esos amargados que no les gusta ser niños, esta película es excelente, que importa que Julia Roberts, se vea tan pequeñita, y alaban la actuación del capital hook, si actúa bien , pero es el malo, jajajajjaja. Si es verdad, la historia se aleja del libro original, pero algún día Peter tenia que crecer y volverse grande, y dejar de volar, aunque sea maravilloso y los niños que la vean, incluyéndome se sentirán un poco culpables porque tendrán que crecer y ser adultos y amargarse la vida con las estúpidas cosas de los adultos. Esta es una muy buena película, no es que sea una obra maestra , pero se deja disfrutar.... LUIS MENDEZ
Rating:  Summary: Speilberg's worst? Review: It has been theorized that Steven Speilberg went into an artistic funk after the mixed critical reception and commericial failure of his beloved pet project "Empire of the Sun." In the years immediately following the failure of "Empire of the Sun," Speilberg released his most mediocre films: "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade," "Always," and "Hook." Of those three movies, "Hook" has to be Speilberg's artistic nadir. Underneath the layers and layers of schmaltz and cheese there is a good idea behind "Hook"- Peter Pan has grown up and forgotten who he is. Unfortunately, "Hook" falls into the trap of that age old cliche: good idea, horrible execution. "Hook" assaults the viewer with some of the most heavy handed, manipulative scenes and dialogue ever put to film. In every scene Speilberg's less than skillful direction and John Williams' overblown score seem to scream out, "THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE MOVING!;" but they only succeed in making everything seem contrived and phony. This movie is so sacchrine that it will make your teeth ache. Robin Williams once again hams it up, and Speilberg does little to restrain him much to detriment of the movie. The Lost Boys, with their oh-so-early 90's hipness, get lamer and lamer as the years go by and they were pretty lame back when "Hook" was first released. The sets are overstylized and silly- Hook's pirate ship doesn't look that it could even float let alone sail. Julia Roberts as Tinkerbell? The less said about her the better. I did enjoy the performances of Dustin Hoffman and Bob Hoskins. Also it is fun to see a very young Gwenyth Paltrow in a bit part as a young Wendy. However, those are the only positives that I can see in this wretched piece of candy corn. I know people do not think negative reviews are helpful; but I can't help stating that "Hook" is Speilberg's worst movie. (Yes, even worse than "1941!") It's hard to believe that the same man who made me jump out of my seat with "Jaws," thrilled me with "Raiders of the Lost Ark," shocked and moved me with "Schindler's List," and left me breathless with "Saving Private Ryan" is responsible for "Hook." "Hook" is a movie that insulted my intelligence and made me cringe throughout its interminable length.
Rating:  Summary: Robin Williams gives good reasons for wanting to grow up! Review: This is an enjoyable trip to Never Never Land, as we get to know a "grown up" Peter Pan. Robin Williams seems to be an unlikely match for the furocious Captain Hook (played by Dustin Hoffman), but with some coaching from the wild boys, "Peter" is ready for the duel. -- This is a pleasant fantasy film, even for those less familiar with the Disney Classic (or the many theater productions). Look for Maggie Smith in a small role as an elderly Wendy, telling the story of Peter Pan to children. There's a kid in all of us, although most of us are happy to be grown ups now.
Rating:  Summary: This isn't 'Peter Pan' Review: 'Hook' doesn't measure up to JM Barrie? So what? This isn't 'Peter Pan'. Prompted by a journey home to England to see his adoptive mother Wendy, Peter Panning [a lawyer specializing in hostile takeovers] faces his increasing estrangement from his family, and the man he has become. In a drunken haze, he travels to his own Neverland, where he faces his own fears: that he's lost touch with his children; that he's so afraid of dying he's forgotten how to live; and most of all, that he's become a dark and sinister Pirate, and that his son will grow up to be as miserable and old and unpleasant as he imagines himself to be. Some of the significance may be lost on children, but it can be enjoyed on a more literal level as well [and what child doesn't feel that their parents aren't paying enough attention to them?]. Though a little cheesy and Hollywood at times [you were expecting something else from a Robin Williams movie?], 'Hook' is still a wonderful psychological portrayal of one man's midlife crisis.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderous Fantasy not for adults. Review: Remaking a fairy tale into a live action film is very dangerous. Steven Spielberg has done a pretty good job doing it. In this movie, he captures the spirit of Peter Pan quite nicely, with breathtaking visual effects and wonderful scenery. Robin Williams did an OK job in this movie, but not one of his better performances. As for Julia Roberts, I would have to say that her as Tinkerbell was the low point of her acting career. Whoever says this movie is "for the entire family" is wrong. This is not one of Spielberg's greatest works which is probably why it is not popular. This is no E.T. Most adults won't enjoy this mind fluff. Still, it's a fun and harmless movie, you just need a really BIG imagination to enjoy it. Slightly reccomended.
Rating:  Summary: Another example of Spielberg's arrogance... Review: We got a great history, almost a legend. Then they take RObin Williams (ridiculous as ever!) to be Peter Pan! They must have thinked :"what a great different idea, how we are brilliant!" But they just destroyed the history, making two hours of torment watching this lousy picture, whre even Julia Roberts doesn't save herself.!
Rating:  Summary: Give Hook the Hook Review: Hook turns a wonderful children's story into two hours of self-indulgent adult angst. On the good side, Dustin Hoffman was brilliant as Captain Hook. However, a major disappointment was Robin Williams. An overweight, flabby, middle-aged neurotic is not my idea of the Peter Pan character. A close second was Julia Roberts, who was utterly boring as TinkerBell. Did she consciously decide to tank this potentially wonderful character or was this just horrible direction? But the worst part of the movie, by far, was the Lost Boys. Don't expect to see the carefree, rowdy, adventurous boys of the novel or other renditions. Instead, Hook's Lost Boys are unsympathetic bullies who look, sound, and behave like thug gangbangers. They completely ruin the movie and demolish ANY sense of childlike innocence which is the true heart of the original story. This movie proves that assembling a lot of big name, expensive talent, placed among lavish sets, doesn't guarantee of movie worth watching. A major disappointment.
Rating:  Summary: A Magical Journey Review: Steven Spielberg's "Hook", and like so many of his other films, contains so much magic, and unforgettable scenes,characters, and moments, it is overwhelming. This film is one of the most visionary and magical ones i think i have ever seen. Steven Spielberg is truly a genius. If you are a fan of his movies, or you just want to be whisped away to a world away from the one you live in, then you must buy this film. It is a must.