Rating:  Summary: ONE HULK OF A MOVIE Review: This HULK is more like a Greek Tragedy or a Shakespearean story.Dwells on the duality of man and that kind of stuff.Unlike past Comic Book/Movies this one doesn't go the "comic relief" route.I'ts dark and moody.I also didn't dwell much on the CGI effect because I read THE HULK when I was a Kid and I know he's supposed to be 15 feet tall.Lou Ferrigno was fine by me when I was a kid but now I'm 40 and I wan't to see the comic book/movies done more mature .Ang Lee is one of the best directors around and he did a superb job especially with the HULK's facial expressions.Did I see CHOW YUN FAT or CLINT EASTWOOD in his face?See it and tell me if you noticed that too.Most importantly I remember when I was a kid reading THE HULK that alot of what he is about is GETTING ANGRY AND SMASHING EVERYTHING!WOOAAA!!THE HULK delivers on all levels.I hope this review was helpfull.Enjoy the show!
Rating:  Summary: I don't like you when you're angry Review: I was looking forward to this movie for a long time. I've been a fan of the Hulk ever since I was a little kid. I watched the cartoons, collected the toys and went as the Hulk for Halloween. So to see this super hero come to life is a dream come true. At least, it was until I saw it. The first half of the movie is incredibly boring. I actually felt like walking out. I REALLY did not like the display of animal cruelty. That was inexcusable. Another thing I hated was the way they used frames on the screen to make it look like a comic book. That was distracting and annoying. The acting in the movie was very bad. Nobody seemed shocked when they saw the Hulk. When Betty first sees him she's like "Oh, hi there!" And when Hulk is fighting the hulk doggies she's like "Oh, this is interesting..." Another thing, why is the army keeps shooting Hulk when they know it doesn't hurt him? Why don't they leave him alone until he calms down? Another thing, why did the local police get called on? Do they think their tiny guns can stop him? I really didn't care about Betty and her relationship with her father. I didn't care about Bruce and his relationship with his father. I didn't care about Bruce and Betty's fathers relationships with each other. I didn't care about the guy who wanted to make money off of the Hulk. I just really didn't like this movie. What a let down.
Rating:  Summary: one of the best comic flicks, since spider-man. Review: he's faster than a speeding bullet, more poweful than a locomotive and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.....no i'm not talking about the guy in the red n blue tights..but green skin with purole pants. that's right true belivers.THE HULK is nothing short of another marvel masterpiece alongside BLADE, SPIDERMAN and X-MEN instead of filling the movie with boring dialogue and senseless fight scenes ("can you say MATRIX RELOADED"?) ANG LEE gives a psychological perspective behind marvel's mightiest monster. the origin is surpasses it's comic counterpart..here banner deals with his surpressed anger and confusing regarding a truamatic experince during his childhood. ergo the result of his alter ego's rage. the special effects are pretty impressive and not the "shrek on steriods" as some naysayers would believe. HULK isn't the sterotypical smash and destroy everything in sight, there's even a breif moment of heroism during the scene over the san francisco bridge. eric bana does a great job as bruce banner, he even resmebles the mild manner scientist from the comic version and pays more homage to the comic as oppossed to the laughable tv series of the 70's (lou ferigno) all in all a great film and FINALLY co-creator JACK "KING" KIRBY is credited, his name was missing during the xmen movies. marvel is on a roll next up THE PUNISHER, GHOST RIDER AND DEATHLOK!!!YES!
Rating:  Summary: Worse....Movie....Ever.... Review: Can I give this negative numbers? This is the worse movie I have ever seen, and I've seen some real stinkers. With some movies I see that I dont' like, I can usually find something that I like in it...but not this one. The Hulk is that bad. We all know the story of The Hulk, a normal guy gets super big and green. I won't go into how he turned into The Hulk. Where to start...there were about 15 flashbacks in this one. And if that's not bad enough, in one flashback, then went into another flashback! So it was a flashback with in a flashback. Yeah, that wasn't to anoying. Ang Lee, also went to the "let's use the split screen image" shelf to make this clunker. There must have been about 80 split sceen effects. Shoot, a few times, it was 5 pic on the sceen at once. That was super cheesy. The acting (if you want to call it that) was so bad. They should have used cardboard cutouts, that would have been more entertaining to watch. Nick Nolte's character was so goofy and it just turned stupid at the end of the movie, how is character developed, or lack of development should I say. If you think this review is to harsh, then I suggest you sit through this borefest and not poke your eyes out with a hot poker. God knows I would have. The special effects were so lame. Nothing was "special" about them. This was such a bad movie two things happned that I never did before. 1-I must have checked my watch at least 15 times in the movie. 2-As I was leaving, I never heard so many people complain about a movie. Ang Lee, if you're reading this, you owe me 3.75 for the movie and 6 bucks for the diet coke and the kit-kat bar I had. You should be ashamed for making such a horrible movie. You're movie totally dragged on. Trust me fellow movie goers...skip this turkey.
Rating:  Summary: Not Easy Being Green Review: The CGI is good, better than how it looks on a TV. The movie is just too serious for a comic book. It seems to lag in some parts and could have been shorter then 2 hours plus. For such a hyped film, it wasnt that good.
Rating:  Summary: Better than what the so-called Critics claim Review: If you've read a review that has bashed the Hulk movie due to its CGI effects, forget it. Sure, there is a scene when the Hulk picks up Betty Ross (Jennifer Connelly) that is distubingly 2D and the effect is lost, but that's the ONLY scene. The Minneapolis StarTribune (...) gave this movie 1 1/2 stars out of four, claiming that the CGI effects were so bad that you can't believe that the Hulk is in our dimension. This is false. With the exception noted above, every other scene is VERY believable. The story is simple: father is scientist for military, through personal experimentation fathers a son. Son grows up in a foster home (though how son got there is not explained until later), goes to college and becomes a scientist himself. Through an accident he is exposed to gamma radiation. The radiation effects the genes passed onto him from his father's experimentation, and when he gets angry he becomes the Hulk and trashes things around him. Like "Beauty and the Beast", when the Hulk sees the girl who his alter persona is in love with, the "beast" calms down and the man is captured. There is more to the movie of course, and a "final battle" with his father, who for some reason has become "the Absorbing Man" that is really just a special effects scene and mostly pointless, but a TRUE fan of the Hulk comic should still be impressed. On the downside, the movie does move slowly, as noted in one review I read, it is about 35 minutes before anything substantial happens other than background plot. The use of multi-screens helps keep the viewer interested, and keeps the comic book story-telling perspective. The movie is rated PG-13 for animated violence (you betcha!), language (of course) and partial brief nudity (you see Bruce (Eric Bana) Banner's naked [backside]). Bruce's father is played (in the latter half of the movie) by Nick Nolte.
Rating:  Summary: Too heavy a mood Review: When an arthouse director like Ang Lee takes the helm of comic pulp fantasy Hulk popularized by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, you are almost sure of a heavy Freudian psychodrama with sense and sensiblity. One can't help also but to admire Lee's vivid use of split screens and panels, textures and colors to furnish a graphic novel. The gargantuan green creature of angst and amazing flying power is magnificently expressive and menacing as he storms through deserts, wrecking helicopters and fighting mutated beasts. Banner (Eric Bana) undergoes mutation agitated by a gamma-ray explosion with earlier experimenting done by his deranged geneticist of a father (Nick Nolte). Jennifer Connelly is his love-interest who helps to cure Banner of his trauma while her father (Sam Elliot) is the general assigned to destroy Banner. It is a moving essay on the dynamics of father-and-child with charged symmetry from Banner and Betty with their parents. The pace of the thrills also get unnecessarily bogged down in the first hour with its emotional cloud. Hulk fortunately regains its momentum with a special-effects extravaganza and draws exceptional performances from Nolte and Connelly that provides Hulk the movie substance and bulk.
Rating:  Summary: Slow start but entertaining. Review: I saw the movie last night. The beginning was painfully slow. The story had substance and the effects were great until Hulk started jumping / flying through the sky. At that point, the artists forgot that helicopters and jets couldn't travel cross the states, stop, and find the hidden target in ½ seconds. Hulk also looked oddly out of scale within the landscape. I especially enjoyed the father's special power; effects were very well done. The movie is worth a matinee or a rental.
Rating:  Summary: Bass Thumping Adreneline Rush Review: This movie is very good. I liked it better than Spiderman from last year and way more than the Matrix Reloaded. In fact, I think I'm going to purchase the DVD once it comes out. I loved the approach Ang Lee took with this film, how he incorporates "panels" into the scenes trying to mimic the look of a comic strip. It helps to keep everything in the movie fresh. And this movie's action was top-notch- the high energy music and the things they have the hulk doing keeps people very entertained. Also, the pleasure of watching this film in the theaters is enhanced by the fact some of the best scenes of the movie have musical sequences that have a lot of bass to them. This fact keeps the adreneline level high and, generally speaking, takes good advantage of many theaters' expensive and hi-quality sound systems. The performances of Bruce Banner and his girlfriend were both very well done but the performances of the general and Banner's dad (played by Nick Nolte) weren't so great IMO.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Movie, despite all the criticism it will get... Review: The movie trailers tout this movie as an action movie but if you do go and watch it, you'll find that it's more of a combination of drama, suspense, with a bit of action thrown in. For this reason alone, people will dislike it. Individuals with any degree of attention deficit disorder will get bored and will badmouth this movie, pay them no mind. The CGI doesn't look all that bad actually, though some of the CGI creatures that the Hulk fights look like they were stolen from Resident Evil. Ang Lee gives you multiple perspectives of a scene, borrowing techniques as if you were viewing a comic book (think of the split screens from Requiem for a Dream). Overall, I thought the movie was enjoyable and worth seeing again. Jennifer Connelly, Nick Nolte, & Eric Bana all portrayed believable if not tortured characters. Marvel related movies can only get better from here, I suppose we have Ari Avad to thank for bringing Marvel back from the edge of bankruptcy and changing the way the company sold their comic book licenses to Hollywood types. The Hulk is what Daredevil should have been, is what X-Men could have been...is what Punisher better be.