Rating:  Summary: The First Comic Book Adaptation to Get It Right Review: I know that some people will point to "Superman" and "Batman" as good comic book adaptations; that they are, but the subsequent attempts fell flat on their face. I believe that "Blade" paved the way for the current "comic book adaptation renaissance" that we're enjoying right now (apart from the Hulk, anyway.)For starters, Blade stays far away from the entire "secret identity/pulling cats out of trees" cliches that are normally associated with superheroes. Blade is dirty, Blade is nasty, and Blade isn't afraid to kill; in short, the makes the movie much better suited for modern audiences. Another thing I like about "Blade" is that it keeps the character's origin as a backstory; it's explained, yes, but does not make up the bulk of the action. This prevents long-time Marvel readers from being bored and gives more time to devote to the action. I've dinged the DVD a star for a couple of reasons; first, the special effects aren't very good in some places (like when Frost regenerates his hand.) I know the movie was made on a shoe-string, so maybe I'm being a bit unfair, but I still feel that they could have done a little better. Also, you have to sit through commentary during the deleated scenes, which I would have preferred to have been a seperate option (at least they got rid of the original ending, though; that, in itself, would have made Blade a much worse movie.) Great movie for vampire/horror/action movie fans.
Rating:  Summary: One of the coolest still! Review: I still love this movie. I remember renting the DVD and asking myself why I didn't see this movie in theatres. Basically Blade rules. He fights Vampires with more new-age weapons. He has an awesome sword, and some high-tech weaponry(kinda like Batman). Anyways, Blade has to fight these vampires. He is a vampire himself and is basically better than every vampire out there. Its cool now though because the hero is the stongest, and not the villian. The movie is great. I can't really describe how awesome Blade makes the vampire genre. I mean cmon, who here can honestly say that they watched Dracula 2000 happily? I stopped watching it because it was stupid. In this movie, Blade has to fight this one dude called Frost. The names are cool, and im not being sarcastic. Anyways, Frost wants to unlock the powers of these mysterious scriptures. Blade kinda meets Frost and you know it's going to be awesome. Theres no wooden stake crap in this one... Blade keeps you going. Hes got alot of action, and when a vampire dies they basically dissinegrate in the coolest way possible. I would buy the movie, and see Wesley Snipes cut guys up with swords, boomerangs, explosives, and guns.
Rating:  Summary: New Line Cinema can not do comic book based movies.... Review: Well the times that I have seen this movie, more and more it looks like pretty low average production work. The sets look like they were build at the last moment...The costumes look unfinished, the visual efffects are so CGI looking, and all the actors look like they were getting tierd by speaking flat dialoge from a constantly rewritten script. Despite all that, this movie has garned two sequals, which both look like they will not be much better made then this. New Line is really a cheap budget studio.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best vampire flicks! Review: This is an exciting movie. I don't usually use that word to describe a movie, but it fits here. This film opens on a high action note and the whole movie flows well. The special effects are a sight to behold! Full of action that doesn't stop. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Really redefines the genre Review: Vampirism, since the time Bram Stoker penned his classic, has gone through innumerable incarnations. Whether it be in the form of teenage angst in the mid 80s flick "The Lost Boys" or in more reflective works such as Anne Rice's "Interview With A Vampire", the bloodsucker genre is as varied and as colorful as American culture. However, the success of one movie caricature of the undead over another, is its ability to do more than revel in vile mayhem and brutal gore. What makes a successful vampire movie, like all other myths, is the degree to which it speaks to the inner workings of contemporary culture and the emotional disposition of the audience. What made "Interview With A Vampire" a piece that will forever be etched in to cinematic history was its ability to elucidate some aspect of the human condition, and what caused the "The Lost Boys" to be perceived as a B rated horror film was its reluctance to dig into such issues and instead descend into vacuous bloodletting. "Blade", fortunately, stands as a film that, much like "Interview With A Vampire", seeks to use vampirism to articulate more than "let me suck your blood". Granted, it has enough of violence and bloodshed to satisfy even the most masochistic of us. It is a visually stunning film, and much ink could be spilled on its deft use of martial arts, amazing visual effects (the precursor to the now famous Matrix bullet time effects), and mood establishing set design. But, far from being just eye candy and a belligerent cathartic release, "Blade" will reach at least cult iconic status for having endearing characters and an intricate story - one so rich with themes that it would take an entire series of sequels to explore them. "Blade", being an adaptation from the comic book character of the same name, starts where any good comic book story would start, with a tragedy. Blade's mother is shown in the opening sequence bleeding to death from a bite wound. She was pregnant at the time, and the byproduct of her contact with a vampire and pregnancy was Blade, or as his enemies euphemistically refer to him as, "the daywalker". He shares the best of both worlds. He has the superhuman strength, speed, and agility of a vampire, and yet does not share their weakness of bursting into flames if he comes into contact with daylight. One drawback though: he shares their insatiable appetite for blood, and must periodically be drugged in order to keep from having to resort to consuming human blood himself. Because of what happened to his mother, Blade with the help of his human sidekick Whistler, spends his life in the relentless pursuit of vampires, and his ultimate goal is to eradicate them from the face of the earth. The vampire world, just like our own, is a diverse one. On one side you have the established elite, the pure bloods, a race of vampires who are who they are by right of birth and can therefore trace their lineage back for centuries. They, over time, have forged an underground alliance with humans that have made them quite prosperous, while also allowing them to live in anonymity, thus shielding them from those who seek to destroy them. On the other side there are those who were not pure blood, those for one reason or another started off human and were turned into vampires by other vampires. They, for the most part, are comprised of the young and destitute. Being the downtrodden they naturally would seek any means necessary to better their station in life, but they need an aggressive leader to usurp the affluent vampire establishment. Thus enters Deacon Frost, a ruthless no holds barred vampire who is disgruntled with the pure bloods, and seeks to galvanize his ilk in a plan to overthrow the elitists. He quickly takes the helm of the vampire community and coerces the elitists into a plan that would unleash a demon spirit that would allow his kind the ability to walk in the daylight without becoming combustible. Hence, they would become a formidable threat to the human race, not to mention to Blade himself. Frost however, needs the blood of a daywalker, and the only one known to exist is Blade. This sets up a crash course between Frost and Blade. The plot and characters are interesting in that they seem to embody a virtual cornucopia of societal ills. Many things are addressed from addiction, class struggle, racial based hegemony, and generational strife - things that are very much a part of our existence today. Given that it is done through the garb of a vampirism, one doesn't readily notice these themes, until one reflects upon the film and its deeper implications. This is not to say that "Blade" is a serious endeavor at social commentary. Hardly. It is first and foremost an action film with an interesting plot, one that near its conclusion, throws in a twist that you will never see coming. The issues raised are mere points that help enrich the narrative, they in no way shape or form make "Blade" into some sort of preachy film. The martial arts choreography is some of the best I have seen from a film that was not produced in Asia. Since "Blade" was shot before "The Matrix", the ubiquitous use of wire tricks to embellish the martial arts action in most films, is not employed here. Hence, what you have is something that looks far more realistic, and attests to the adroitness of actors like Wesley Snipes. The martial arts style used is a cross between the gracefulness and fluidity of Bruce Lee to the rough street fighting style of Krav Maga (Israeli martial arts style). "Blade", having such as a good story, well-developed characters, and breathtaking martial arts is definitely a must have for vampire or just plain action film enthusiasts.
Rating:  Summary: Blade is a Classic Review: Blade with W.Snipes the original with Stephen Dorff had something of the Blade Runner aura about it . In fact I nearly rate Blade the original up there with "Blade Runner" (with Harrison Ford) which is my favorite Sci -Fi movie of all time . Blade has a dark , cyberpunk European strip (for US readers "Comic book") feel to it that Blade II just does not come even close to (even though it's set in Europe !).Blade had distinctive original coolness that was amazing . Several scenes come to mind but I will not get into them . Sadly I think that the terrible Blade II has pretty much locked up the franchise and destroyed the mystery about it just like what the Matrix Reloaded did to the original Matrix(well at least for me) After having high expectations and getting all exited about getting to see a follow up of the original Blade I LITERALLY fell asleep at Blade II . I think that it's the change of directors that did it and the Mexican director of the sequel is most probably the one to be saddled with the blame for killing off of the series. One thing I cannot understand is why Snipes would agree to so drasticly change the feel of the Blade character which so WORKED in the original Blade .Just to please the warped demands of the makers of Blade II ? Gone is the cool cold calculating angry and quiet Blade from the original , we now have a touchy-feely politically correct blabbermouth Blade in the sequel. Sheesh !Snipes must have KNOWN that it was a wrong move .I would have thought that a mega-star such as Snipes who had some authority to put a stamp on a character that HE created and he alone can play would have rebelled . I hope I am wrong , I hope they go out of their way to make Blade III , I would just LOVE to see a WORTHY followup to the dismal travesty of Blade II but I figure that they would have to go begging on their knees to the crew that made Blade the original . It could work out like the Exorsist series. The original Exorsist was a Classic and ... well you know what I mean .Exorcist II - The Heretic was a disaster of epic proportions and everybody forgot about the series . Then Exorsist III came along with George C. Scott and Brad Dourif (what a performance!!!)For me Ex.III was even better then the original and the probably best horror movie ever made . I hope I get to see a turnaround like this in the Blade series . I really do
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: The original Blade has better fight choreography than Blade II mainly because it is more realistic and isn't enhanced with computer animation, at least not that much. Though the story won't win any awards, it's great escapism.
Rating:  Summary: Good...Not Great.... Review: Based on the Marvel comic character of the same name, Blade is a vampire hunter who himself was born to a mother who was bitten by a vampire. Blade staves off becoming a bloodsucker himself through home-grown drug injections. Unlike other Vamps, Blade can travel by day and has all the strengh and speed of other vampires. The plot is bit of drivel about Vampires trying to read and decode some ancient text about taking over the world or some such nonsense. Filmakers always seem to go a bit overboard needlessly on their plotting... Blade is an exciting movie. Wesley Snipes is perfectly cast as the no nonsense butt-kicking hero, who slices and dices his way through scores of vamps. In particular, the opening moments in the nightclub is fantastic as vampires are dusted at an extraordinary rate. I wasn't crazy about Steven Dorff as the villian however. He just seem ill-suited to the role. A little too pretty boy for my tastes. The movie did well enough to spawn a sequel and I hear a third will be made as well. A fun entertainment piece but not too deep.
Rating:  Summary: Vampires... Review: There's much blood sucking vampires in the world according to this film. Well, Blade is a tough man who is the hero and together with a man and a woman they try to save the world. Blade is also a vampire but he's also a human. There are two kinds of vampires in this film: half-blood and full-blood. The Judgement Day of Vampires will be soon? -Well, the heroes have to make somethin' or people will be doomed. Can they make it? Well see it for yourself. There's much bloodsucking monsters in this film. I love it! Especailly the beginning is very exciting when it starts to rain blood in the disco! Yeah, bloodsuckers are cool!
Rating:  Summary: gotta love the vampire movies Review: i'm a fan of the vampire movie genre and there are some out there that disappoint me a lot. Blade doesnt and I know that there are some guys out there who think this is a dumb movie, but you gotta love the Snipes man. (beep) you all, dont care what you say about this movie. Dorff is equally as good as Deacon Frost ( man can that guy put himself back together). a lot of blood, lot of violence and action, who cares really, it was a good time, not a waste of time, a good time. The opening rocks. but the only real flaw in this movie is that big blob guy. should've left him out. Those vampire chicks were hot hot hot, especally the blonde chick(Arly Jover). its addictive and what can I say. Deacon Frost- "You got the best of both worlds."