Rating:  Summary: DTS Pressings Defective Review: As another reviewer mentions below, there were several defective pressings of the DTS version of this video. I ordered a copy for my adult son's birthday. My son is an avid surround sound user, and noticed immediately he had one of the defective pressings (and fyi,you can't tell until you open the package and read the numbers pressed on the disc whether you have a good one or not). So we returned it to Amazon, and they sent us another defective one. Since this trading game could have gone on forever, I wrote an email to Universal Studios customer service who very quickly traded the defective copy for a good one. Beware of Amazon's inventory. Unless they have returned all the old ones to Universal to get good ones, you still might be at risk of an old pressing that will not give good surround sound. This problem is the only reason I gave 1 star. I would like to have rated it N/A or blank, but the website software wouldn't allow it.
Rating:  Summary: One of Spielberg's best Review: Steven Spielberg won the Oscar for directing "Schindler's List," and it is as great as any other Big, Serious Movie you'd care to name. But that same year he also directed the pulpy "Jurassic Park," which, for reasons of its own, was just as special as his angry and deeply personal Holocaust masterwork.Here is a special effects movie that, like "Terminator 2" before it, heralded a new era of filmmaking. True, both movies announced the arrival of a lot of bad cinema ("Jurassic Park III," anyone?), but "Jurassic Park" is memorable because of the love and care its director lavished on his beasties. This is sci-fi adventure escapism at its best. The story is not terribly strong, more like a clothesline on which to hang some of the most exciting action scenes ever devised. The movie isn't as elaborate as Michael Crichton's book, but it's just as fast-paced and handles its resurrected dinosaurs with equal awe. Did Spielberg dumb-down some of Crichton's more difficult scientific concepts? You betcha, but you know what? I've seen worse. I will always admire this movie for the T-Rex sequence, which scared me so badly in the theater that I had to pony up three more times to take the ride again. What a great moment; it sort of makes me imagine what it must have been like to have seen the premiere of "King Kong" back in 1933, because "Jurassic Park" garners comparison. The velociraptors were also great villains, photographed in menacing fashion and given distinct personalities of their own. The final scene, which brings together the T-Rex and the raptors, is a fast, brutal classic that leaves you wanting more. Wisely, Spielberg gives us just enough. The acting isn't great, but it is efficient. I give high marks to Jeff Goldblum for his flashy portrayal of chaotician Ian Malcolm (is he trying to channel Bono?) and Sam Neill, for his Harrison Ford-like turn as Dr. Grant. Laura Dern grates a nerve, and Richard Attenborough plays John Hammond as if he were Santa Claus, but these are flaws I'm willing to overlook.
Rating:  Summary: Some DTS pressings are defective Review: The intial lot od the DTS version has a DTS track with Low LFE levels and a corrected pressing is out please check this hometheaterforum.com or Dvdfile.com forums for more data
Rating:  Summary: Great watch Review: Jurassic Park is an action packed movie starring Sam Neill as Alan Grant and Laura Dern as Ellie Sattler. John Hammond's two grandchildren Lex and Tim come along also to see the dinosaurs. But Dennis Nedry has other cunning plans. He decides to steal some embryos to sell elsewhere. Meanwhile, Alan, Lex and Tim are finding their way back to the visitor centre. In this film there are also suspenseful scenes too like when poor Tim gets roasted on the fence. Quite a bit of action goes on here! I recommend it to anyone whom loves action/adventure films.
Rating:  Summary: Better than the book! Review: While many people like to chide that "the book is always better than the movie", the case here is quite the opposite. While the book's beginning was illogical (raptors swimming from Isla Nublar/Isla Sorna and terrorizing people on the coast? :p ), the movie's isn't. The characters are more likable (especially Hammond, Dr. Wu, and Lex), and there are less repetitious action sequences (while the book was crazy for the T-Rex and had him antagonize Grant and the kids over and over again, in the movie his screen time is cut so we don't get tired of him). As for the movie itself, it looks damn good. True, there might be a few bloopers and flubs here and there, but the CGI is very convincing considering the time the movie was made and released. I also liked the characters, especially Malcolm and Muldoon. If you liked the book, then unless you stick to the "book > movie" cliche chanted by so many a bookworm, you will love the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Definetely the Best Review: Jurassic Park is the best, and as far as I know, only, good dinosaur movie. Based on the best-selling book by ER creator Michael Crichton. THree scientists, a lawyer and two kids are guests at a new amusement park, which features real, living dinosaurs! But fat computer-nerd Dennis Nedry (Numan from Seinfeld) wants money, and will risk the lives of eveyr one on the island to do it. He cuts the power so he can steal dinosaur DNA, but this cuts out the electrified fence's power, and allows all the dinosaurs to escape. THis movie spawned two sequels, going down in appeal in order. Stars Sam Neill and Jeff Goldblum. Definetely a must see.
Rating:  Summary: 3.8 out of 5 Review: Who hasn't heard of JURASSIC PARK? While ranking among the top of the highest-grossing films list, it also brought Spielberg back into the spotlight (as did the same year's SCHINDLER'S LIST) and surpassed any special effect previously filmed. JURASSIC PARK, which was very loosely adapted from the best-seller by Michael Crichton, follows a group of scientists who successfully clone dinosaurs for a theme park - from there, of course, everything goes haywire. Sam Neill and Laura Dern are two paleontologists who unexpectingly end up as advisors to the park; Jeff Goldblum is the advising mathematician; and Richard Attenborough is the child-like owner and creator of the park. Neill is especially good and would later appear in JURASSIC PARK III; Goldblum is funny and would later appear in THE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK, the first sequel. Spielberg's directing is very good, but unfortunately not some of his best; the thrilling screenplay is by Michael Crichton (from his novel) and David Koepp; then there's one of John Williams' greatest scores. Of course, the true highlights of the film are the dinosaurs; they are some of the most realistic special effects ever seen in cinema (those effects would later be surpassed in JURASSIC PARK III). JURASSIC PARK certainly doesn't rank among Williams' best, but it's an exciting film and a landmark in the special effects industry.
Rating:  Summary: The film that changed cinema history Review: Jurassic Park is, on paper, a cheap B-movie. Not really any big name actors (at the time), and the story revolving around dinosaurs. Of course, it wasn't a cheap movie with all the special effects and marketing that surrounded it. And it wasn't a B-movie just because Speilberg made it. He had introduced the world to the blockbuster (Jaws) and had made audiences for the past 15 years laugh (the Indiana Jones movies have terrific comedic bits to them), cry (ET), and cringe (Hook). But Jurassic Park would change the ways movies are made forever. No longer did props, locations and, nowadays, actors have to be readily avaliable - put them in later with a computer. Name one movie today that doesn't have some CGI in it and I can name you 10 that do. 1993 was a turning point Hollywood will, at least for now, not stray from. But as far the movie itself - it is terrific entertainment. From beginning to end, the pictures on screen capture what the camera should be used for. And the CGI never gets in the way of the story, as it does in countless movies today. There isn't an explosion just to have an explosion - it is added seamlessly with great believablity. Of course, the story is simple...scientists go onto a billionare's island where he has been able to re-create dinosaurs. Everything goes pretty flawlessly until a staff worker shuts down the park to try to earn a quick buck - and in turn gets eaten by his own decision - and that in turn strands everyone there with the dinos. The now famous sequence with the T-Rex attacking the tour cars is some of the best suspense since the days of Hitchcock, and although Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, and Wayne Knight may just be those guys you've seen in that other movie, the acting is good too. It isn't great, but it doesn't have to be since the stars are the dinosaurs (like the shark was in Jaws, the movie that invented the summer blockbuster). One of my only complaints is the ending - it really wasn't very well thought out, although there is a great visual in it (for the three or four of you haven't seen it, I won't give it away, it just involves the T-Rex and a banner). So sit back and enjoy the movie that started the computer revolution that you now see in today's theaters. In fact, you could pop this in and enjoy it more than what's out today. FYI: Look for a pre-Pulp Fiction Samuel L. Jackson as a computer engineer.
Rating:  Summary: JP Review: Jurassic Park is my #1 favorite film. The movie's concept was new and refreshing for it's time and it's ground breaking CGI is awesome. It's CGI even looks better than what is shown in some recent films (i.e. Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone, Star Wars Episode II : Attack of the Clones, and The Matrix Reloaded). I am sorry for those 3 people who haven't seen it.
Rating:  Summary: Great film Review: I have to disagree to the 13-year old from Oregon who believes creationism is correct while disbelieving in evolution. Sorry to burst your bubble, human beings has only been on the earth for 5 million years. There is no evidence that man coexisted with dinosaurs because the temperature on the earth was a lot warmer than it is today. I wish people would keep their religious views to themselves, and let people enjoy these kind of movies. Jurassic Park is a great movie with good acting, great special effects, and exciting action sequences. If you have a good 5.1 home theater receiver and speakers and a subwoofer, you will really enjoy this movie.