Rating:  Summary: All I can say is...wow. Review: For those who say American Tail is a kids movie, they are most definately wrong. Don Bluth creates an animation masterpiece along with James Horner's wonderful score. An American Tail revolves around Fievel Mousekewitz, a young Russian immigrant who has come to America for a better life and to find his family. The animation is astounding for a 1986 film, and the award-winning 'Somewhere Out There' is nice enough. Definately a keeper.
Rating:  Summary: All I can say is...wow. Review: For those who think An American Tail is just a kids movie, they are most definately wrong. I was proven wrong when we watched it in my Sophomore History class, and it caught my full attention in the first five minutes. Don Bluth creates an animation masterpiece that rivals some of Disney's best films, and James Horner provides us with a heartwarming score. The story revolves around little Fievel Mousekewitz, a Russian immigrant who comes to America near the turn of the century (1885). He gets sent overboard the steamboat during a storm, and he sets off alone in New York, determined to find the family he lost. With unforgettable characters, catchy songs; including the award-winning 'Somewhere Out There', An American Tail will capture your mind and heart and will be enjoyed for years to come.
Rating:  Summary: My Favourite Movie of All Time Review: I first saw this film when i was three years old. Since then I've seen it at least 200 times. My VHS is worn out in several spots, but since I've memorized all the dialouge, I simply repeat it over the static and fuzz. I still love this movie fifteen years later. It is heartwarming, hilarious, interesting, and beautifully animated. Not always historically accurate, but what little kid cares about that ?
Rating:  Summary: One of my favorite movies of all time Review: I first saw this movie when I was very little, and I fell in love with it. I would watch it everyday and couldn't stop singing "Somewhere Out There". Now I'm 13 and when I watched it recently, I still love it and I always will. The story is about a cute little Russian mouse named Fievel Mousekewits who travles to America by boat with his family. Fievel suddenly gets lost at sea, and is seperated from his family. Now in America, Fievel is on a quest to return to his family. Will Fievel and his family reunite? Buy this movie and find out! Great for all ages! :)
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful! Both kids and adults will love it!! Review: I first saw this movie when it came out in the theater. It quickly became my favorite movie. I got the backback, stuffed animals, everything. Now, I'm 16 and I have to admit, it's still my favorite! Fievel is a classic! Kids will love the cute charactors, adults will enjoy the story too. It's a must see for everyone!
Rating:  Summary: Extra stars for nostalgia and the topic... Review: I have to give credit for an attempt to tackle a historical topic in the form of animation; it was something original in its day. What makes Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty so important to many people, particularly during those times? The focus on the animal characters paired with the human events in the background was a nice touch. The whole part of just getting lost (and hopefully, found), period, is something that I think every one can relate to at some point in their lives. Even with some standard plot twists and sugary-sweet elements, and yes, some of the characters being more "caricature" than anything (the roly-poly Italian, the melancholy Irish, etc...), the attempt is worth noting.As for the nostalgic bit, Madelaine Kahn, Christopher Plummer, et. al., including the little boy trying his best to belt out that high note in the most known song of the whole film does it for me. "Somewhere Out There" is one of my life`s theme songs...that`s how I pictured myself at Fieval`s age thinking about relatives overseas while in my pajamas state-side, and the "grown-up" James Ingram/Linda Ronstadt version still applies to me now. How`s THAT for nostalgia!! What`s more, I respect Don Bluth for his efforts in creating his own path in animation, before anime hit big in the U.S. and animation as a whole stopped being ruled by the "Mouse House" state-side. If "cute" is not your fare, I would suggest something like "Watership Down" (it`ll make you think twice about the Easter Bunny, let me tell ya...) "An American Tail" is a family film for people with more of a sweet-tooth and who don`t mind indulging it a bit.
Rating:  Summary: When will they ever learn... Review: I have waited a long time for An American Tail to be released on dvd and I was very discouraged when I finally found it in a movie store. I actually love the movie itself and give it 5 stars but I awarded it's dvd release 1 star for a particular reason. For some reason whoever makes the choice for the format of the movie has this blind man's perspective that "kid's" movies should be released in a standard 4:3 ratio. This company did the same with The Land Before Time as well. Universal did the same to a clever movie called Big Fat Liar. Standard format was originally invented on videotape movie releases because everyone who owned a TV back when marketing videos began owned a square almost equal lateral set. No other type of TV screen existed back then. Now a days HDTV and widescreen plasma monitors are the new standard and cope with it folks they are here to stay. I actually prefer the widescreen format. One reason is because that is exactly how it is supposed to look...panoramic, professional and sophisticated. If you saw a comparison of one frame of a movie (let's say from the opening scene of the Live action movie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, there is an awesome panoramic view of Manhattan, NY with the World Trade Center, Empire State Building, Ect.)Take that same frame and view it in standard and it loses so much pizzazz and scenery that I can hardly call it the same movie. I read another review on this website about another movie and the author said it best. It's like trying to read a book with the last chapter torn out of it. Has anyone noticed the trend of commercials on TV having those black bars on the top and bottom of the screen? That is evidence that widescreen is here to stay. Has anyone ever watched a full frame 4:3 format movie on a widescreen TV? Didn't like it did you? The picture looked really crappy and distorted didn't it? I have heard there are ways to manipulate the settings on these screens to change a stretched out 4:3 movie to a normal 4:3 shape but then those evil black bars that everyone seems to hate so much come back but this time on the left and right sides of the screen! And after time on a plasma screen those evil black bars can cause permanent damage to that area of the screen. At any rate buy An American Tail on DVD, it is no different than the VHS copy your child has under the couch next to the moldy bologna sandwich in the living room but at least you can watch it on your dvd player instead of on a scratchy noisy VCR. Enjoy! This was a review written by a member of the Non-Existing Widescreen DVD Coalition. Ask Hollywood to bring Night Of The Comet to dvd and any other title you wish you had.
Rating:  Summary: "Never Say Never!" Review: I possitivly love this movie! I laugh and cry every time I watch it!! AND IT CAN ONLY GET BETTER AND BETTER EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! To begin with: when Fievel Mousekewitz made his appearence, I thought, "Awwwwwww! What an adorable lil' fella! He's cuter than young Simba (The Lion King)!!" So, I felt terribly sorry for the lil' tyke when he got seprated from his perfect family during the stormy boat trip to America (where they plan to go to in order to seek escape from cat persecution, of which is a major problem in Russia, Fievel's home country). But when he meets up with Henri, a French-accented Pigeon who is building the Statue of Liberty, Fievel learns to "Never Say Never" no matter WHAT happens! The little mouse definetly puts this advice to good use when he gets tricked by the sleezy, money-hungry Warren T. Rat (who turns out to be a CAT in disguise!!!!). While searching for his family (who thinks Fievel died during the boat trip), Fievel seeks the help of Tony Toboni and his girlfriend, Bridget (she, next to Fievel's ever-lovin' sister, Tanya, was cute too). Soon, the rich and snobby Gussie Mausheimer arrives on the scene complaining more-than-ever about the (American) cats (all led by Warren T.) getting out of hand. Along the way through a "plan" to get rid of Warren and his fiesty felines, Fievel meets the hilairious Tiger (a member of Warren's gang). Now, Tiger, just like his name suggests, looks just like a tiger compared to the other cats (I mean, he is huge, dude!!!), so it was pretty surprising that he turned out to be a non-mouse eating cat (HE'S A VEGETARIAN!!!!!!) BUY THIS MOVIE, YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Timeless Review: I saw this movie for the first time when I was five. I cried almost all the way through it. Saw it last week. Cried more than the first time. I'm 20. This movie is amazing in all respects. The music, the story, the characters... A completely emotional experience. I'll never forget little Fievel and his quest to find his family.
Rating:  Summary: One of my all time favorites! Review: I think I was maybe three years old when I first saw this movie and fell in love with Fieval. I just saw it again a week or so ago and like the first time, I loved it. This is a great movie for the family!