Rating:  Summary: Saw it in japan, and even there they did not like it.... Review: This is by far a very weak Godzilla film, although Godzilla still looks the same, this is not a direct sequal to Godzilla 2000 and involves different continunity. Anyway the effects work is terrible and the suit looked worn out. Another second rate/DVD release from Sony. Save your money and go buy a superior Godzilla film, ... This new generation of film makers do not know Godzilla, ...
Rating:  Summary: Get ready for some great G-Action... Give us more! Review: I dont know why the editorial review says that the 'dragonfly swarm' spfx are bad, I have only seen this movie on VCD, and the part where Godzilla gets swarmed looked terrific in that format. Mabey the DVD format brings out the flaws? Anyways... I thought this movie looked great, except, how does the huge final version of the bad-guy stay in the air when his wings are not flapping?!? Haha! Pure cheeze!I hope they plan on releasing more of the 'recent' Big-G movies on DVD like the new Mecha-Godzilla films, which look good on VCD also btw, so the DVDs should be sweet! I cant wait! Bring on all the new G-Movies on DVD, I'll buy em all! Muhahahahaha!
Rating:  Summary: The Big G At His Best Review: Godzilla vs. Megaguirus is a great Godzilla movie. Everything about this movie is just fantastic. It's very entertaining, interesting, and fun to watch. The plot is very good, and it plays out very nicely at a pretty fast pace. This movie is part of the Millennium Series of Godzilla films. Each movie of this series rewrites Godzilla history, acting as though no other Godzilla movies ever happened except for the very first. You probably already know all about it, but I will go into a short summary. Godzilla attacked Japan in 1954 (in the first Godzilla movie), reappeared in 1966 when Japan built it's first nuclear power plant, then showed up in 1996 to attack the first plasma energy plant (which was supposed to not attract him). Then, in 2000 (the present, for this movie), a team called G-Graspers builds a cannon called Dimension Tide which can fire an artificial black hole (for sucking up Godzilla). While testing it on an abandoned building, a 6-foot dragonfly called a Meganula comes through to our dimension and lays an egg. Godzilla returns again, and the egg hatches a huge swarm of Meganula, which transfer their energy to their queen, the Godzilla-sized Megaguirus. A climactic battle ensues, and Dimension Tide is ready to go. Who will come out on top, Godzilla, Megaguirus, or the humans? I found this movie to be very entertaining. It kept my interest throughout the whole thing. The acting is well done and the characters are likeable. The actors and actresses portrayed their characters effectively. And the too-often-ignored actors in the monster costumes did a good job, carrying out their choreography and displaying body language during the fight sequences. I still wonder why Toho felt it necessary to, yet again, have an annoying little boy as a character, but he thankfully doesn't stay long. The dubbing is...well...it's different. The good news is that the translators didn't just read their lines but rather showed emotion in their voices. The bad news (there's always bad news with dubbing) is that there are only three or four translators. So many characters noticably had the same voices. And why does the JAPANESE couple that the Meganula kills speak with AUSTRALIAN accents?! And another thing, will these people PLEASE stop calling the Big G "Godziller." Come on. GODZILLA! GODZILLA! It's not hard to say! The special effects are top-notch for a monster movie. The monster costumes are well-designed and look realistic. The miniature cities are real-looking and crumble believably. The Dimension Tide's firing of a black hole was particularly effective, looking amazingly cool through CGI (actually real-looking CGI, which is rare in Toho movies). The only problem with the effects is during the sequence where Megaguirus first appears and attacks the flooded city at night. About half the time during that sequence you can see all the wires that are holding the Megaguirus animatronic up. It's also puzzling because it's so easy and common for wires to be erased from the final print of the film, and I wonder if they just forgot to do this. Fortunately, the wires are NOT visible after that sequence. There's also some pretty weak CGI Meganula, missiles, trains, etc. But other than that, the effects are good, especially the CGI Godzilla swimming underwater. The music and sound effects are terrific. The music includes both an excellent new theme for Godzilla, an exciting theme for Megaguirus, a slow theme for the Dimension Tide, and the classic Godzilla theme. The sound effects are equally nice. Godzilla's roars include both his 90's sound and the newer, deeper roar established in Godzilla 2000 (thankfully without the TriStar Godzilla's cry). Megaguirus' screech sounds very cool, as does her high frequency wing attack. As for DVD features, it's actually not bad. The only bonus features are trailers, which are always nice. But it would have been better if there were more, a behind-the-scenes documentary would be particularly welcome. A very good DVD trait is the widescreen presentation, with the original 2.35:1 screen size available for view. But what really gives this DVD it's due credit is the option of both the original Japanese spoken language with English subtitles OR English dubbed spoken language, both on the same DVD. Overall, this is a wonderful Godzilla movie. It's serious and action-packed. There's also a dash of camp to the fighting (as with Godzilla jumping straight up in the air and doing a body slam on Megaguirus which must be seen to be believed). Anyone can enjoy this movie. It's not just for die-hard Godzilla fans like myself. Anyone can get into it and be entertained by it. This is the kind of Godzilla movie that makes Godzilla look cool, the way he was meant to be.
Rating:  Summary: Very entertaining Godzilla flick Review: Godzilla vs. Megaguirus combines the look of the 90's era Godzilla movies and the entertainment value of the classic 60s/70's movies. It's certainly better than Godzilla 2000 (not that that's a bad Godzilla film!), and measures up to be a good entry in the long running series. One of the biggest highlights of this DVD release (along with the "Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah" DVD) is that it's being presented with both the Japanese audio track w/ subtitles and an english dub. For the first time on official R1 DVD, Godzilla fans can watch and listen to the movie the way it as meant to be! Great kaiju movie, great DVD. Highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: Best of the new Gojira films. Review: Gojira (Godzilla) has a long film history, stretching back almost 50 years now. In that time he's been everything from the star of campy kiddie movies to a dark manifestation of anger and hatred. The original concept of Gojira was that he was a representative of the forces of nature, neither truly good nor truly evil; he was like a living tsunami, earthquake, hurricane, volcano (all forces that Japan is intimately familiar with) rolled into one. The monsters he fights are often representatives of other forces -- technology (Mechagojira, Mogera), man's tampering with forces of nature (Biollante, King Ghidora), and forces from Elsewhere (Space Gojira, the original Ghidora, Megagiras). Megagiras presents us with some of the best of the new approaches. We have a new and interesting opponent (Megagiras reminds me in approach of Legion from Gamera 2; first it comes in swarms, then it becomes something really BIG). We have human involvement (and reasons for why Gojira bothers to come to Japan so often). We have an AMAZINGLY cool new soundtrack (the new Gojira theme is the first worthy successor to Ikufube's original). We have the effective new design for Gojira; and we have what may be the absolute coolest and impressive new superweapon ever shown on screen, the Dimensional Tide Cannon. Like most Gojira movies, the plot is fairly straightforward, running on two separate tracks: first is the attempt by human beings to create a weapon which can destroy Gojira so he won't be a menace to us any more, and second is the emergence of the threat of Megagiras -- which was started by an unexpected side-effect of the new weapon under development. The main female lead is very cool, driven by a prior encounter with Gojira-sama; she's the main action hero, while the primary male lead is the lab geek trying to win her favor. She's pretty, tough, and competent, and fun to watch in action. The combat scenes are very well done, and how Gojira deals with an opponent who appears to completely outclass him through speed is just plain fun. The special effects are very good for a modern Goji film, with the Dimensional Tide deserving its own special mention. If you're a fan of monster movies, and Gojira in particular, get this one.
Rating:  Summary: At Least It's Subtitled! Review: This is probably one of the weakest of the new films... Godzilla's nemesis is a dragonfly from Hell but the effects for the creature will underwhelm you with cliched efficiency; The suit-mation for Megaguirus is wooden (think Mothra from the 60s) and both monsters are over-lit and shot from poor angle choices, further ruining the illusion... the cast is irritating at best, with the lead actress doing a fine impression of sand in your swimsuit and her co-star is the Japanese Keeanu Reeves circa "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure". Everyone in the main cast has seemingly got a personal axe to grind with ol' G, and after the fourth flashback to someone's loved one/commrade getting killed by G's attacks you'll see what I mean... it's just over-used as a plot device in general, but to have it SO MANY times in one film is rediculous. This is also one of the darkest G films in a long time, with deceptive business moguls lying & cheating, unwittingly causing G to attack... and this is some of the most violent screen time seen since the 70s (there is one fairly graphic beheading of a man and the death of his date by a Meganula which is NOT suitable for children). The 'companion' release "GMK: Giant Monster All-Out Attack" also available Jan. 6th is a much, much better film in every way. The only reason I gave GxM here two stars is the widescreen and subtitle options. It's a nice step towards this series getting the respect it deserves when it comes to home video here in Region-1 Land.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie...Hopefully a Great DVD Review: Not to long ago.when I was flipping through the channels on my Direct TV,I noticed 2 new Godzilla Movies Coming on.I Hurried up,and grabbed a blank tape.The 2 movies were GMK and Godzilla v.s Megaguirus.I anticipated the big battles of the movies.Unlike the others,The Movies got right to the battles.The Fight Scenes were awesome...especially in GMK.Both Movies had great Plots and terrific endings.I am the biggest G-fan that ever lived.I love all of Godzilla's Movies...but these two were the most awesome I have ever seen.The reason I gave it 4 stars is on the count of I havent seen the DVD.The special features may not be that great,but as for the movie,even someone that hates Godzilla will love these 2 movies...and guess what...they are coming out on DVD at the same time...AWESOME!!!
Rating:  Summary: Godzilla vs. Megagarius Review: A must have for Godzilla fans. This movie has taken Godzilla into the next level of techno-warfare. In order to save the world from Godzilla, the Japanese have developed blackhole technology to throw Godzilla into the vortex. Megagarius is the pre-historic dragonfly as the foe. Color and dimension is excellent. At some points in this movie you will wonder if it was intended to be 3D.
Rating:  Summary: finally!!!!! Review: after three years of waiting they are finally releasing this movie in the U.S. I have not seen this but I have heaa\rd that it is a great film I am equally excited about the release of Godzilla versus King ghidra and Mothra, which are being released on the same day. I have not however heard about special features ont the DVD hopefully they will get something.
Rating:  Summary: Great story-bad special effects! Review: One of the latest in the G series has some connections to past mostly around Godzilla attacks. It has a great story lots of ideas and fun characters BUT the effects wildly range from good to AWFUL! What happened!? If you compare the effects in this movie to G Vs. Meccha G the effects in that movie blow this one out of the water. There are wires on Magagurius!? Its 2004 people! EVEN THE 1964 FILMS had better effects than that. And Godzilla himself.. he's lifeless and dull. His face and movements are terrible.. no no. If you are going to spend all this money and time do it right!!!! But for story and characters and the odd good effects and there are a few I gave this movie probably more stars than it deserves.