Rating:  Summary: why criterion? Review: Of all the great films that Criterion has put out, I was wondering why on earth they did Armaggedon. Okay let's see, "Seven Samurai, Last Temptation of Christ, Do the Right Thing, The Third Man, Grand Illusion, Henry V,...Armaggedon?" Which one does NOT belong? I can understand "Chasing Amy" more, but PUUULEEESSEE. I've heard "The Rock" is also coming out on Criterion. It's a little better than Armaggedon, but not worthy to be among the other great films mentioned. Michael Bay must be slipping them some money under the table.
Rating:  Summary: The Armageddon - crazy sickness Review: Very funny movie! I didn't laughed so much for a long time ;-) Of course I knew that director and scenario writer are ingenuous and limited people, but I couldn't even imagine on how much they are stupid... The Armageddon is just a regular sick American comedy, but nothing more... I rated it at 1 star only because it's very funny.
Rating:  Summary: Something To Make Us Happy Review: I like some comedy thrown in with my action. I like some reality in there too. I think this film accomplishes both. From the beginning Willis' character is identifiable and worth watching. Affleck adds in his own charm and who doesn't love Billy Bob?The action from this film is excellent, filled with explosions, suspense filled dialogue, and even some gun shooting fun. There is plenty of comedy to keep it light, and enough of that sappy stuff that my wife cried... twice. It's a fun move, well worth watching and well worth owning.
Rating:  Summary: Armageddon is a phenomenol action/drama that is perfect! Review: ARMAGEDDON stars Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, Will Patton, Liv Tyler, Steve Buscemi, Michael Clark Duncan and Billy Bob Thorton. High octane director Michael Bay (The Rock, Pearl Harbor) rocks the screen at his best with producer Jerry Bruckheimer (Enemy of the State, Crimson Tide) in an intense action drama filled with stunning visual effects, a realistic action packed plot and a thrilling emotional bond built around all the actors. The plot may be similar to films like Deep Impact, but the story is twisted and smoothed out to an astonishing shine! After NASA director Dan Truman (Thorton- A Simple Plan) discovers that an asteroid the size of Texas is headed for earth, there is no logical choice other than to send of a team of oil drillers led by Bruce Willis (Sixth Sense, Die Hard) and Ben Affleck (Pearl Harbor, Dogma) into the heavens. The team must dig to the core of the asteroid and place in a nuclear warhead... The plot is awesome even though it seems predictable now, it is a very touching, emotional action picture with stunning visual effects that is sure to keep you watching this film over and over. This film is one of my favorites, siding with Predator, T2, The Rock and The Matrix. I recommend this movie to anyone and everyone who is looking for an awesome movie!
Rating:  Summary: Typical end of the world movie...but I recommend it Review: I debated how many stars to give this movie. Reading back through the other reviews, the consensus seemed to be 3 stars or less. Because I liked it more than the other reviewers did, I am giving it four stars. This movie reminded me of "Deep Impact" and "Independence Day". I mean, they even called one of the shuttles Independence didn't they? However, I have to say that I truly enjoyed this movie. I even might have cried at the end a little (so sue me). I won't go into specifics of the movie, because, really, all you need to know is, a meteor is crashing to Earth, and will or won't they save it. Of course, it's predictable, how else could it be? I liked the fact that the movie didn't completely bore you right from the beginning. It started our fast and remained fast. Usually. At times it was slow. It is, after all, a long movie. I don't know that I could have sat through it in the movie theater, but that's what is great about renting in your home. I liked the interaction between the characters, and I enjoyed Bruce Willis' performance, as well as Ben Affleck. Predictable as well, but I didn't go in expecting an Oscar worthy film. Overall, I enjoyed the movie and I would see it again. However, I think that $25 is a little steep for a DVD, particularly this one. Because I had a rented version of the movie, it didn't have any extras except the trailer and Aerosmith video (*yawn*). If you are expecting something deep and meaningful, this is not the movie for you. Otherwise, you might enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining, yes -- believable, no. . . Review: Over the past weekend, my wife and I actually got the opportunity to rent a couple of movies, sit down, and watch them! (In a large family, such is usually NOT the case!) Three stars for "Armageddon". We both enjoyed this movie for it's entertainment value. (Frankly, I'm wishing I'd seen it on the "Big Screen".) Allowing for questionable science (this is Hollywood, after all, not MIT) we both felt that the first half of the movie was well-developed. We were more disappointed with the second half of the picture. What scientific credibility still remained, was stretched to the breaking point and beyond. (For an asteroid with no atmosphere, that was one seriously strong wind!) Also, too many disasters happened to too many people for the survival of any to be believable. However, the special effects were outstanding! No complaints at all there. The relationships were developed in a reasonable fashion, and the scenes of prayer from various countries, cultures, and religions around the world was a nice touch. But for such a movie to be effective, the science needs to be at least a LITTLE more plausible! A far better movie could have been made from Jack McDevitt's "Moonfall".
Rating:  Summary: THE MOVIE GETS 5 STARS Review: The movie is nicely paced with great action, jaw-dropping special effects, romance, humor, amusing characters and an interesting plot. I enjoyed the interaction of Bruce and Ben's characters the most. I am here to warn you about the special features. I give it two stars; I was completely disappointed. It was just plain boring--too many people talking too much. I wanted to see how the special effects were made, not clips of the movie with commentaries! I did enjoy a few parts--particularly how they set up the meteor hitting Paris, now that was interesting! The special features weren't all bad, but to me, not worth the money I spent because I only liked a very small percentage of them. I wouldn't recommend the CRITERION DVD unless it is one of your top favorite movies. If I had it to do over I would have purchased just the ARMAGEDDON DVD. In any case, this is a fantastic DVD movie and the sound and picture quality are TOP KNOTCH. I hope this helps you.
Rating:  Summary: The All-American movie: twice the cast and none of the plot! Review: I remember seeing this film in 1998 with my sisters and my uncle. They seemingly enjoyed it, but for some reason, I was left feeling like something wasn't quite right with this film. After discussing it with soe people, I came to the realization that I was overwhelmed by visuals and none of the plot had come through. There is literally none of the good plotpoints that I appreciate in films, just characters trying to smart off to the camera and more. There are basically sure signs all over this film (aside from all those billboard ads and newspaper articles that summer): 1)Overture narration to destruction, by Charlton Heston (He was Moses & President of the NRA. And he seems to be the king of religously overtoned narration). 2)Small meteor destruction in: NEW YORK CITY?!! Whenever anything wants to be destroyed, we go straight to New York. Why? simple, big buildings to crush, more people to annihilate to make your sympathy meter rise, and the basic fact that a meteor in the middle of the state of Iowa might be realistic, but who'd watch it? 3)The oil drilling lot: yep, those guys who drive tough ford trucks and chevys. These guys who don't take crap, work long hours, and look good in suspenders. The everyman,who doesn't take crap from anyone: and they are going to save the world. 4)The hardware to prepare for a meteor the size of Texas: yep, NASA has had these super-heavy duty rockets sitting around for years, as well as this 6 wheeled space rover. Another prime example of how did this get here? That's the American tax dollars at work: covering up the truth til the time comes. 5)love scenario: boy loves girl, girl has dad, dad is boy's boss, dad does not like boy fooling around with girl, dad tries hates boy, but boy wants dads respect. The plot is so corny (as well as the "animal cracker discovery channel" segment) that I did not find anything romantic about it. 6)Possibility of mission failure, we can detonate a nuclear warhead and kill everyone up there, saving ourselves, but they can turn it off, but wew turn it on and we have a man up there trying to keep it on, but he may have doubts about seeing his little girl again and so we have to work togehter with about 10 seconds left on the clock to save our hides(whew!).Now that was just corny! Well, that should be enough, but it seems only natural that the American public would flock to this movie making it the hit of 1998 (the only other time I've seen a worse flocking to a film was for MI:2). Now, with "Pearl Harbor" coming this summer, will Jerry Bruckheimer and Michael Bay stick to their "American as apple pie" style of movie making? Let's hope not.
Rating:  Summary: The ultimate popcorn flick! Review: The earth has 17 days until it is destroyed by a meteor the size of Texas. Billy Bob Thornton, as the director of NASA, brings in a group of oil-drilling roughnecks, led by Bruce Willis, to take out the meteor before it takes out Earth. The first half of the film deals with the team training on the ground, and this half is very funny! After the space launch, the film takes on more action and suspense, but retains it's humor. Ben Afleck, fresh from the set of Good Will Hunting, gives a great performance as the man who is in love with Liv Tyler's character, Willis's daughter. My favorite actor in this though is Steve Buschemi, who is hilarious as one of the oil drillers. He has some of the best lines in this movie. As for the DVD, the picture/sound is great, and the disc has some decent bonus materials as well. The replay value is very high, because the film moves beyond the action, and delves into the hearts and souls of it's main characters, making you root for them even more.
Rating:  Summary: Armageddon is a Masterpiece of Filmaking Review: This is by far one of the greatest films ever made. It is truly awesome in special effects, drama and emotion. Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck are truly fantastic in this film and Liv Tyler shows one of her best performances yet. She may not be the best actress ever, but she sure pulled ARMAGEDDON off as a plus. The film is also very good for it's directing by Michael Bay (Pearl Harbor, The Rock & Bad Boys) and producing by Jerry Bruckheimer (Gone In Sixty Seconds, Remember the Titans). This is film is very, very good- I can't believe all of you losers who would say this film isn't good. It is awesome! This was a fun day at the movies- was seeing this. It's a keeper movie! The sound and visual effects rock! It is the best in its plot and has never been shown to you like this before! Deep Impact was more of a poor story because of its actors which include Morgan Freeman as the President and Tea Leoni'(that wasn't one of her good roles) and the effects were cheap except for the big title wave at the end. ARMAGEDDON is a masterpiece and she not be put down in any way. It's a truly phenomonal film that SHOULD VERY WELL BE IN CRITERION EDITION!!!! I can't wait to see Michael Bay's next film- PEARL HARBOR due out Memorial Day starring Ben Affleck. ARMAGEDDON is rated PG-13 for Some Serious Action/Drama, Some Language, Crude Humor and Sensuality. It's 2 hrs 31 min.