Rating:  Summary: REAL REVOLUTIONS REVIEW Review: I'm not going to give anything away, but I want to say that the film is a HUGE disapointment. I will say this much: None of the action or fight sequences comes close to topping Reloaded. The philosphies and the ending are even more confusing. Don't expect any satisfying closure. Just opinion, but see and judge for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: The Matrix Revolutions Review: After watching the Matrix Reloaded three times (once at Imax-you have got to experiance that) i was under the impression that the real world (zion) was not a differant matrix but in fact all part of the same matrix as the one the people still 'in the matrix' are in. The architect said people needed choice whether they knew it or not, their minds needed choice or they would not accept the matrix. The matrix and zion are the two choices that humans have, live in the matrix or live in zion - they are the samething but the human mind is tricked into thinking it has a choice. This is also why neo could use his powers in zion, because he had realised that zion was part of the matrix and so was governed by the same rules as the matrix.
Rating:  Summary: The great debate.............. Review: Ok, my turn. I believe there will be a similar ending to that of Akira, being that I know someone working on the movie (I won't name anyone but he's reasonably important) and they know whats going to happen but only hinted to me what was going to happen, ie he told me its going to be an Akira ending with a hollywood twist. Anyway, the way I see, the theory of Neo evolving into "something" that destroys the matrix world is more than likely, and the effect will probably be destructive and claiming many lives, the death of all these people in the matrix world (not zion) will cause them to either wake up or die leaving Zion on its own to rebiuld the human race again. However, questions of Neo's parents and what happened to the last "One" are explained in the new film I can reveal, but from what I know the last "One" had a choice to pull the "plug" on the matrix but chose not to due to socio political reasons, ie free will leads to war, famine, corruption, etc. The endin is philisophical, and the hint of matrix within a matrix is made. Thats all I know, but its something to work with.
Rating:  Summary: A theory that has not been told Review: Alright, listen up. Truth of the matter is that Neo is AI just like the other computer programs. The Zion world is not truly the real world. Neo is the "one" that will be able to set people free unto the real world, this will include sending trinity, morpheus and the rest of the gang to the real world to fight those machines. Neo will stay inside the two matrices to free people sending them to the real real world . Once trinity and morpheus are set free for real, they will never see Neo again because they will not be able to reenter the matrices once they are free for good. Neo will never be able to go to the real real world since he is AI. So the love between trinity and Neo is that of a human and a machine. THAT IS ALL.
Rating:  Summary: The poster... Review: Okay, granted the movie isn't out (yet!). But I just had to review the poster. The poster is AWESOME. Very simplistic, but it gets its point across. Many of the previous posters have been drenched with the raining green code, however this one comes to a stop quite near the top, with black abyss at the bottom and the single line of code of a phrase we can actually understand. I find it pretty cool - since it's the last movie - will the Matrix be defeated at the end? I can't wait to see it.
Rating:  Summary: Eat your heart out, Robert Zemeckis... Review: I, like what appears to be many other people like me, have constructed a time machine and have traveled into the future to see the Matrix Revolutions. Now I can finally tell everyone how awesome this is without looking like a schnook since it's not even out yet. My five star review stands even though, in all honesty, I haven't seen it. But I can still call it "awesome," right? Give me a break.
Rating:  Summary: I am psychic. Review: That's how I know this is a 5 star movie since none of us have seen it yet. So instead of reviewing a movie which has not been released yet I decided to review Brian's review on October 4th. He states, "This has nothing to do with the Matrix. You people need to learn how to spell. I read review after review after review and I have not found one that doesn't have a misspelled word. It's a damn shame you people can't spell simple words. Some of you can't even spell Neo. I won't go into what other words I have seen spelled wrong. Seems most of you went to school for twelve years but only graduated the fouth grade. And these are all people from the US...what a waste." First it is true that most people are not perfect spellers. For instance Brian misspelled 'fourth'. Of course, that could be a typographical error on his part. And even though I can find no other misspelled word in his comments, I did detect several blatant corruptions of English grammar. For instance in his first sentence he neglected to capitalize 'the' as in "The Matrix" which is the proper name of a movie and should be capitalized. Damn is a verb and he is using it as an adjective to modify 'shame' which a noun. The correct phrase should have been 'damned shame'. His sixth sentence begins with 'Seems' which is a verb. Where's the subject of that sentence? And last but not least his last sentence is not even a sentence but two fragments, neither of which is a complete sentence. Oh and US, I presume, refers to The United States which when abbreviated should be "U.S." Brian is correct that it is a shame that most people cannot spell very well; however, is it not equally shameful that most people cannot write a grammatically correct sentence?
Rating:  Summary: Spelling Review: This has nothing to do with the Matrix. You people need to learn how to spell. I read review after review after review and I have not found one that doesn't have a misspelled word. It's a damn shame you people can't spell simple words. Some of you can't even spell Neo. I won't go into what other words I have seen spelled wrong. Seems most of you went to school for twelve years but only graduated the fouth grade. And these are all people from the US...what a waste.
Rating:  Summary: There are no revolutions whatsoever! Review: I have never been so dissapointed in my entire life! Matrix Revolutions tries, but fails, to be a none stop action flick! The movie has nothing new to offer, and it has a very limited collection of cool action scenes (with the exception of some few very notiable scenes like the Zion fight sequence). The end battle with Smith also called Super Burly Brawl is no super at all. Matrix was indeed a revolution in movie history, Reloaded had better action sequences, but Revolutions does not manage to keep it up. Its like the producers of the movie got real lazy and decided to do this movie really really quick.
Rating:  Summary: this is why i gathered that the machines themselfs are slave Review: a fallow up review to my previous post Ronald L Desi you were asking for clues here are a few as to why i think the machines themselfs are slaves in there own matrix. Start with the matrix When Smith is intergating Morpheus. Smith tells him i must get free zion is the key now if he was a program made to hunt and kill any awaken human how would he be free. When Neo Gets shot by smith and dies his powers really come into play can we say mabye when neo killed smith his true self came into play mabye since the humans have the one mabye the machines do as well. In matrix reloaded there are servial clues take it for instance all the rouge programs if the machines had total control wouldnt they be able to just erase them at will??And when Smith knocks on the door and asks for neo when they say they dont know him he hands his jack in plug to them and says tell him thank you for setting me free.Smith and his hell bent desire to destroy and take over as many as he can mabye he rather not exist and distroy it all rather then be a prisoner just my opion but hope this helps