Rating:  Summary: Great film - poor picture quality Review: This is one of my all time favourite films. How disapointed was I that the picture quality is so poor - my humble VHS copy is better. What a waste of money
Rating:  Summary: I should have read the other reviews Review: This DVD is of such poor quality, I can't believe it was released. Pitiful video and audio.DO NOT BUY THIS DVD!
Rating:  Summary: Very Poor Picture Quality .. disrespect for DVD buyer .. Review: A hell of a good movie, put down the drain by the digitalisation to DVD. My worst DVD I own and thats a pitty because I love the movie and the spectacular action. Only positive thing is the Soundtrack (a lot of Queen) that rocks your speaker speakers
Rating:  Summary: There can be only one, and this is the only one to own! Review: When I first saw the original American release of Highlander on video, I loved it--but I was confused. Who was Rachel? Who was Ramirez? Who was Heather? All of these questions (and more) are answered in the 10th anniversary edition of this awesome film. This version includes previously unviewed scenes that (for some reason unknown to man)were deleted from the American release. What this version does is enhance the storyline of Connor Macleod, the immortal who spends centuries hunting down and killing other immortals. It gives the audience a fuller understanding of his background and history, and a fuller appreciation for the remaining immortals who have come to New York City for the Gathering. Combine this great story with the awesome music provided by Queen, and you have one great and original action film that spawned one of the most worldwide cult followings I have ever seen. It rocks!
Rating:  Summary: Are they serious... Review: . . Picture Quality 4.5? Sound Quality 4.5? Is he (she?) blind and deaf? This is the worst transfer ever in the history of DVD. I only got part way through this turkey err, I mean Masterpiece, before I packed it up and got it ready to send back. The sound is terrible, difficult to hear and very poorly mixed. The picture is grainy as hell and the compression artefacting and wobbling makes it almost unwatchable. Looks like a bad PC video clip. I love this film and am very angry that it was so badly tranferred. Deluxe edition my eye! Get the VHS, at least that has an excuse for looking bad!
Rating:  Summary: Another time highlander. Review: highlander is a love it or hate it film. i find the characters very interesting and the chessy tv villains do not come anywhere near close to clancy brown as the kurgen. the movie was fresh and new when it was made, it is bound to be a little dated now. queens soundtrack is amazing and one that i can listen to again and again. this collectors edition has all the bits that were cut out in the u.s. however in australia and britain this was the standard edition and i saw nothing new. if you want the true highlander experience then watch the movie. this is where it started, this is what it is all about. there can only be one and it isn't the tv series. the movie has some flaws, but what movie hasn't. but as i said you either love it or hate it. the commentary i found very interesting. it was good to have that extra insite into the film. the only complaint about it is the poor transfer and it is at times poor. thx did a bit of a runner with this one. i think if you saw it when it first came out then there could be more appeal. alot that prefer the series are much younger and never saw it when it was made. give it a watch and you can then make up your own mind about it.
Rating:  Summary: THX Certified? You have to be kidding! Review: This is not the first THX-certified movie, but positively the worst. If it wasn't for the movie itself, I'd rate this DVD with a lot less than even one star. Even Queen's audio track sounds awful, a lot worse than the same tunes on "A Kind of Magic"! If THX is trying to market its ratings as quality trademark, they just invited a lot of competition to join this field... Watching this DVD is like reading a book that you really like, but it's full of coffee stains and plum jam fingerprints. Ouch!
Rating:  Summary: Most excellent Review: Brighter than the original and rereleased videos. It is the absolute best. And, of course, it's my fave movie (for a variety of reasons), so I cannot be objective.
Rating:  Summary: Thanks for the warnings Review: Thanks to all the reviewers for their warnings on the poor quality of this DVD, hopefully the manufacturers will be shamed into re-releaseing it with this problem rectified. I enjoyed the movie, it is still one of my favorites, and I am also a fan of the TV series. I think it very poor that such a classic should be treated this way. I for one will not be wasteing my money on updating to what is supposed to be a superior format.
Rating:  Summary: Good movie, but . . . Review: First off, I would like to say this is a good movie, and it's story is very creative. I've watched many of the TV shows, so I understand the premise of the TV series now that I have seen this movie. However, the quality is VERY poor. I own the Monty Python DVD, which is I believe is an older movie than this one, and it has better quality this Highlander DVD! I can't believe it's THX certified. I think the guys at THX were drunk when they transferred this movie to DVD, because it's way too grainy, and the sound could have been improved a little more. If you can look past the poor picture and somewhat poor sound quality, then this movie is thoroughly entertaining.