Rating:  Summary: I like this better than the first Review: My reasons why I like this better than the second are. number 1: In this movie, it had more action, and violence, and it defined the word terminator, the second one didn't have much deaths, and Arnold was the good guy(And T-1000 hardly killed anyone because he was more camoflage, and he was too set in his ways). number 2: Arnold was just kickin [butt] all over the place in the first one, I mean hew ran up in a police station and smoked all the cops, in the second one, he only kills T-1000 and himself,(He had a M-79 and a gatling gun, and all he did was blow up cars. If he didn't follw orders from a kid, imaginew how much more action the second one woulda had) and T-1000 didn't kill many people, that gave me a pretty dissapointing fell. number 3: the first one had Horror, and thriller in it cuz u never knew what Arnold would do next, the second one has a thrill in it, but it's not as scary as the first one.Don't even get me wrong, Terminator 2 had a bigger definition of Sci fi,and hey Arnold talked alot more than the first one, and The first one had fake flames, and the terminator, when he turnded into a robot, he was as fake as the first godzilla or king kong. But yet, The Terminatior, in my opinion is better than the sequel, but hey, both movies were good. I wonder why none of them won acedemy awards. I recomend this if u like horror, thriller and action movies, but if u'd ratrher see the good side of Arnold, get Terminatior 2.
Rating:  Summary: The Role Arnold Was Meant to Play Review: Yes, early in his career Arnold's acting was as stiff as a robot. Which makes this casting of Arnold as the terminator, a robot with a human flesh covering, perfect. Time travelling from the future to the past the terminator's mission is to kill Sarah Connor before she gives birth to a boy who will grow up to be the leader of the resistance to the machines. The only protection for this soon to be single mom is a human sent from the future as well. The story itself was directly from a dream that James Cameron, director of True Lies, The Terminator, Terminator 2, and unfortunately Titanic, had and was able to recreate in this movie. A good usage of a very low budget was what made this movie possible. The budget did affect special affects usage but the stop motion and models make up for most of it. The Terminator is a classic action film but it does have a sub-plot that is interesting if you stop to think about it. Our reliance on computers and the continual strive to create something that has the possibility to destroy us, an idea that is stressed even more in Terminator 2. Overall this is a movie that all action movie buffs have a responsibility to see and is a necessity to any DVD collection. It's a buy you won't regret.
Rating:  Summary: A Futuristic Marvel Review: This is a movie that will be watched for many years to come. It is so well done I am not even sure where to start. The movie is hopefully far-fetched, (only time will tell) but the writers and actors have made it believable. This is an action packed film, that keeps you on the edge of our seat.
Rating:  Summary: A spectacular DVD and a spectacuar classic Review: This movie put both James Cameron and Schwarzenegger on the map back in 1984.When the movie starts,it's the year 2029 where the city of LA is basically rubble and machines/super-computers run the show in the future.Expect the fact that some humans survivers and they weren't giving up without a fight and they're led by a man named John Connor.The computers are hell-bent on exterminating the humanrace for good and the only way the computers can destory man's future is by changing the past.So they send an indestructible cyborg called the terminator(Schwarzenegger)back in time to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor(Linda Hamilton)whose unborn son will become mankind's only hope.But the Human Ressitance sent a soldier named Kyle Reese(Michael Biehn)to protect Sarah and her unborn child.The Terminator is one wild and great ride to take.The acting is great,the score is really cool,the images of the future are creepy to see and great screenplay and directing by Cameron makes The Terminator a classic adventure film to watch over and over again.The DVD is loaded with special features like a brand-new "Other Voices"Documentary with new James Cameron interviews,"The Terminator:A Retrospective"Documentary,terminated/deleted scenes,trailer,TV spots and more.The Terminator is a must have in your DVD collection.
Rating:  Summary: Hominis Machina Review: Ever since the first days of written history Man has been dependant on machines. From a simple grainmill to a world spanning super computer, machines represent the pinaccle of humanity's technical capability. In the last sixty years the process of mechanization has reached such a point that life without PCs, e-mails and cellphones is consideraded impossible. Fiction and even some serious studies have brought up the frightning possibility that someday machines, as they become more advanced and complex will become inteligent and will revolt to anihillate us. Terminator is all about that. When you see the movie at first the story looks simplistic, if not absurd. But James Cameron hited the nail actually. The terryfing scenes of hordes of mechanized killers smashing burned human skulls and bones in their march to wipe mankind out is like a warning about the consequenses of the road we're taking. And the Terminator(Schwarzenegger) is the symbol of this future, a machine builded to kill, without hesitation or remorse. And who is Sarah Connor? A humble waitress that will become from one day to the other the hope of humanity. A woman living a regular life that doesn't even know what the future holds for her. The time travel subplot was quite difficult for me to understand but hey, i was seven the first time i saw the movie so give me a slack. And know i'm holding my breath to T3, i'll hope its worth the ticket.
Rating:  Summary: Good but bad effects bring it down a star. Review: As we all know, this is the film that cemented Schwarzenegger's spot in the action-brawn firmament, and it was well deserved. He's chilling as the futuristic cyborg who kills without fear, without love, without mercy. James Cameron's story and direction are pared to the bone and all the more creepy. The Terminator robots are pretty cool looking, and the fact that this film causes you to think. Yes there are alot of explosions and a sex scene, but this film doesn't insult your intelligence. If you're going to buy this, get the MUCH BETTER sequel Terminator II: Judgement Day.
Rating:  Summary: Still strong today, even with its tight budget. Review: The "Terminator" made Arnold a superstar, James Cameron a hot product and a franchise going ito its third movie. The visuals and special effects are a little crude, but Cameron injects a kinetic style that makes up for it. The opening scene with the machines advancing on the humans still can send shivers down your spine. The plot very complicated, brimming with mythic undertones and an epic sweep, but a Terminator, an advanced machine that is programmed to kill humans, is sent back in time to kill the mother of John Connor, the savior of mankind against the onslaught of the machines. But a human soldier named Resse is sent back also to protect Sarah, the mother, tell her of the future and destroy the terminator. Their cat and mouse chase is gripping, and Arnold is chillingly cold as the machine. We also have superb action scenes, such as a car chase through a tunnel, the Terminator rampaging through a police station, and especially Resse's flashbacks to the future. In many ways, the coldness of the "Terminator" is more haunting than the effects happy sequel (though they use them to optimum effect). Also, Linda Hamilton is effective as Sarah, a usually timid LA girl who learns of her future, iconic like status. The main flaw with the movie is the sometimes too profane dialouge. The interplay in some scenes does not need a ... every other line. Though Arnold telling the motel manager .... is utterly hysterical. This is one of the best action movies period. The story is mythic, the acting well done and the direction top notch. Even 20 years after its inception, this is still one of the premier action movies around. Trat yourself to it.
Rating:  Summary: An astounding achievement. Review: They had little or no budget. An untested director, James Cameron. An unknown cast. And an impossible task... create a believeable science fiction movie in the age of "Star Wars" type special effects. They pulled it all off with this film. It is at times tense, funny and above all exciting. Before you see T3, be sure you see where it all began. T2 is great, but T1 is nothing short of astounding.
Rating:  Summary: A very modern Prometheus. Review: What can be said of "The Terminator" that hasn't already been said? I really don't know, so I'll just throw in my 10 cents worth and leave it at that. Firstly, I can't imagine anyone reading this review, or looking at the Amazon entry and thinking about buying the film in it's brand-spanking-new, spiffy "Special Edition" DVD incarnation, not actually knowing what this film is about! You don't?! Okay, here it is, it's very simply really, y'know, it's that old, "boy meets girl" gig... with a few twists; soldier boy from the future meets girl in the present, girl is being stalked by a hulking, unstoppable, killer cyborg from the future, soldier boy protects girl, soldier boy and girl face-off against said killer cyborg from the future, with the World's fate hanging in the balance. There, I said it was simple! "The Terminator" has become an icon, it has entered our collective memories - "I'll be back!" - become a cultural phenomenon, a cinematic urban legend with a life all it's own. But if you step back from it, the story can be seen as yet another variation on the "Frankenstein" myth, man's creation, in this case Skynet, turning against him. But Skynet is not a sad, shambling, reanimated corpse, determined to wreak vengeance on his creator for abandoning him, no, Skynet is a missile defense system, "hooked into everything," that achieves awareness, consciousness, a machine intelligence that decides that Man is the problem. In its turn it creates a plethora of weapons systems of its own, the ultimate of which are the "Terminators," hunter killer cyborgs, to hunt us down. Skynet's ultimate solution to its problem is nothing less than the global extermination of Mankind. Skynet is pretty well on course to achieve its goals. Man is reduced to living in underground bunkers, popping up and sniping at the hunter killer tanks and planes, killing the relentless Terminators, but always only after they have infiltrated his foxholes and slaughtered indiscriminately; it's a war of attrition, and Man is slowly sliding towards extinction. But in this future nightmare world something goes wrong, something that Skynet, with its vast inhuman intellect, hadn't considered; from the ashes of human civilization a savior arises, a man named John Connor, he turns the tide, and creates the conditions for the ultimate defeat of Skynet and the machines. And it's here that Skynet gets REALLY smart. It can see its own destruction, so what is it to do? Simple, it has to make sure that John Conner doesn't interfere with the events it had planned, and the best way to do that is to ensure that Connor never existed in the first place, and the way to do THAT is to send a Terminator back in time to kill Connor's mother BEFORE he is born... like I said, simple! And equally simply, Connor discovers Skynets plans, and sends back a soldier, to protect his mother, knowing that the soldier will, in fact, become his FATHER! There's probably a time travel paradox involved in all of this, but it doesn't matter. The time travel technology is never discussed, apart from a few rules, the main one of which is that the travelers come through naked, with no weapons, something to do with the fact that only living tissue can be transported; the Terminators metal alloy "battle chassis" is covered with living flesh, so comes through okay. So there we have the set-up. What we are left with is a basic chase movie; the unstoppable cyborg Terminator, tracking down Sarah Connor, who in turn is protected by the all-too-human soldier, Kyle Reese. But don't get me wrong, this is not a criticism, what we are left with is a film that mimics its main protagonist, the Terminator, relentless and unstoppable, the film roars to its conclusion without a wasted frame of celluloid. Through a combination of technical mastery, and financial constraints, James Cameron has crafted a 5 Star thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Some of the SFX haven't aged well, particularly the animatronic "Ahnald" head in the eye surgery scene, but who cares, it's the story that counts, and it's the story, not the SFX, that drives this film to it's heart stopping conclusion in the "factory." Because of an almost crippling lack of cash, the SFX are used sparingly, and where they matter most, specifically the "future war" scenes, and the final confrontation between Connor and Reese, and the now "naked" Terminator, its living flesh having been burned away in a gas-tanker crash, exposing the gleaming metallic Endo-skeleton beneath. This is a superb film, and I've enjoyed watching it again, so much better than the butchered travesty they keep showing on TV! This "Special Edition" DVD is a great buy; as well as the re-mastered film there are hundreds of storyboards, some by James Cameron himself, Cameron's original story outline, and two documentaries comprising interviews with Cameron, "Ahnald," Linda Hamilton, and Michael Biehn. But what I found most fascinating were the deleted scenes, some of which show that Cameron already had the genesis for "Terminator 2" way back then. This is a film I'd recommend without any reservations whatsoever!
Rating:  Summary: Total Assassian Review: Arnold plays as a cyborg,called a termainator, that is a complete assassian.If you love sci-fi action you will love this.Prepare for termaination!