Rating:  Summary: not bad at all Review: I guess before I watched the movie I expected nothing much because of the reviews. It was not as bad as some made it sound but come on we are not going to enjoy every movie we see although that would be nice. see the movie and judge for yourself
Rating:  Summary: Extraordinary film about extraordinary literary characters! Review: This is a very good treatment of some of our literary heroes AND villains. Lots of action, a good premise and a decent - if somewhat flawed - story. If you get this expecting Victorian Literature based on the characters, you'll be disappointed. Let's face it, you're going to be watching a film where some of the main characters are a vampire, an invisible man and Dorian Gray, so don't expect an exact adherence to what was really possible in the 1890's. Yes, I do believe that if they're using the vampire legend they should go all-out and stick to it. And I would've written Dorian's final scene differently and added a bit of subterfuge - but they didn't ask me. Ever see a movie in which you liked EVERYTHING? That's pretty rare. Overall, it's a great flick with tremendous effects, (LOVED the Hyde/Mirrors bit), lots of action and some very visually stimulating scenes.
Rating:  Summary: an end-of-century romp Review: You wouldn't watch a Bond film or Indiana Jones and expect realism; yet some of the comments about this film take it very seriously indeed. It might help to think of it this way: in the year 1899, in the "real" world, nations were arming for "self-defense," France took over big pieces of Southeast Asia, and gold found in Transvaal attracted the greed leading to the Second Boer War. How would the characters who populate the world of the imagination (or the unconscious) react to these doings? This film is an answer.Captain Nemo, Quartermain, Hyde, Moriarty and the others--including the places: the Atlantic, Venice, etc.--are imaginal beings, psychic bodies summoned in response to urgent world events. It's like those stories Bradbury wrote about Poe's characters showing up on Mars. An entertaining romp through glittering sets and flying bats and falling buildings as the life of the imagination overtakes the literal. I gave this a 3 because if you're going to lean heavily on special effects, make sure they don't look computer-generated, as some of these do (Hyde, the bats); others (the Nautilus) look pretty snazzy. The dialog needed some help in places; it's not bad, but here and there it sounds like George Lucas had shown up uninvited and brought along the Flash Gordon space cadet stuff that makes the Star Wars films so hard to get through without ear plugs. For the record: at the Internet Movie Database some expressed shock that Connery would make a fantasy film like this. Why?? What were all the Bond films, or Highlander 1 and 2? This isn't news; one of the advantages of being Sir Sean is having fun and making tons of money in all kinds of flicks.
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous! Fantastic! Review: After a summer of disappointing flicks, along comes this ingeniously original movie! Don't believe the critics and their negative reviews! This film has great acting, great effects, a terrific story with nice twists and turns and heroes everyone can root for. It's action packed from start to finish! And if you're a student of Victorian era literature, you're going to love finding out...well...I don't want to say too much for fear of giving it away. I love this movie! I rate it right up there with Pirates of the Caribbean! An all out fun action packed ride! And wait until you see Mr. Hyde! All I can say is, Hey "Hulk" movie-makers, take a lesson! LXG got it right!
Rating:  Summary: The League of Extraordinary Crap!! Review: I am sorry...I just have to know who was the fool that thought up this tragedy of a film??? From the beginning of the film, the premise made no sense whatsoever!! There are some fictional characters in this movie that I have never even heard of...and in the meantime...do I care if I heard of these people...NO!! There are some good action scenes in here...but those scenes still did not pull this one out of the bucket! Another thing...whoever heard of a car that was built for maybe 2015 in a film that is set in 1899??? Hello!!! Money can be replaced...your time is priceless...so don't waste it on this disaster of a film!
Rating:  Summary: Save Your Money Review: I really liked the premise, and the previews were spectacular. Unfortunately, that's all this movie is. It's as if it was done to show someone who has never seen a movie what could be done with computer effects. Rent at most.
Rating:  Summary: A pointless pack of action! Review: First opinion, Amazon should include "0 star" in their rating system. A lot of poorly-made films even deserve negative stars! My brother and I watched this movie together and we had the same question: What's the point? In my opinion, this movie's plot was poorly transfered into the film. The league looked kinda interesting but it's a bunch of show-offs. Car with headlight on Vernice streets? C'mon, give me a break. The dialogue is appropriate with the scene of 19th century, but it looks like all the "Mr, Mrs" things make the film more boring. The Idian-look dude (a pirate?) with the blade-shaped Nautilus sub almost made me laugh coz it's too lame! I should have listened to advices from those who actually paid their hard-earned cash for viewing it in theater here when I bought the DVD. Lucky for me that I bought it on sale during Christmas holiday which cost me about twelve bucks. Just three more than the ticket price! I was happy to listen to folks here for not buying "The Hulk". I intened to give "underworld" a shoot when it's released in January since you guys gave it a not-too-bad rate. BTW, forgive me for any inappropriate English. I'm not an American dude.
Rating:  Summary: Extraordinarily Bad Movie in a League of Its Own Review: Ohmigod! LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN is an extraordinarily bad movie. A shockingly bad movie. A schlockingly bad movie. Based on the graphic novel/comic book by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill but sans any wit, irony or intelligence of the comic book; this is probably the one time that a movie is actually more buffoonish and cartoonish than the comic. LXG should be used in film school as a blueprint on how to make a bad movie. First of all, introduce characters between large explosions, but don't give the viewer any reason or time to care about them. They have no personality, only some type of super freakish quality. Second, have many explosions without any plot. Third, have a villain whose stupidity and lack of presence actually exceeds the moronic heroes. And that's going some. Fourth, have dialogue that lies on the ground like dog poo. Fifth, have lots of explosions that destroy a horrible CGI city that is suppose to be Venice. Sixth, instead of having charming, ornate Victoriana machinery that would give the viewer the feeling of being back in 1899, make Nemo's machinery sleek and ultramodern and big. Big submarine! Bigger is better. Big long car! I know what Freud would say about this movie! Seventh, don't let the characters discover anything, but shove the ideas down the viewers throat, because the viewers are just too stupid to get anything. So that even though the viewer suspects that Dorian Gray is the secret baddie, please have Gray actually state it, because like no one will get it otherwise. Eighth, have no internal logic when it comes to the characters. Mina Harker is a vampire made by Dracula, but she manages to pull off walking around in daylight and sees her reflection in the mirror. Instead of being a yucky, little ferret-like person, have Mr. Hyde be a giant grotesque hulky Hulk-type person, who actually wants to do good! Yeah, that makes sense! And of course, because bigger is better, have a villain become an even more grotesque cartoon figure to create mayhem. Instead of destroying Dorian Gray's portrait in order to destroy Dorian Gray, just have him look at it and he'll fall apart. Yeah, because that makes sense! Not! But what the heck, this is a fantasy and we can do anything we want. Ninth, did I mention we're going to have lots of explosions? This movie was created from the drooling daydreams of an immature 9-year-old boy who was raised by wolves on video games. It doesn't even have the pleasure of a video game, because in video games, you actually get to control the action. Someday the executives at 20th Century Fox will just have to grow up. In the meantime, this movie is a waste of money and a waste of time. How sad!
Rating:  Summary: I bet I can make Sean Connery dance for Five Dollars Review: You know, I somehow got it into my head that Sean Connery was a "classy actor". This, despite the fact that "classy" and "actor" should never be used in the same sentence, much like "clam" and "chowder" or "ginsu" and "hamster". It is apparent that actors in general, and Sean Connery in specific, will do absolutely anything for money. This includes, in Sean Connery's case, starring in an embarassment like The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Having seen too many movies like this, I'm not sure that the standards of the average actor are particularly different than the standards of the average prostitute. To get through this movie, Sean must have had to close his eyes and say "This one is for the summer home in Morocco" over and over again. Judging by the look on his face through most of the movie, I don't think it helped. The movie is a quick and dirty study in form over substance. All dialogue is one-liners, with lots of epic camera sweeps and over-the-top music (don't get me started on the state of mind of the average soundtrack composer). There's lots of fireballs and quickee sentimentality - the sort that resembles trying to pants a woman on her first date, at the restaraunt, in front of a very embarassed waiter. Each character is supposed to be from 19th century science fiction, but that mostly relates to the choice of names, since your average movie-goer knows as much about the 19th century as they do about world geography (hint: Norway is not in Central America). When did Dorian Gray become an adept fencer, unable to look at his painted portrait? When did vampires start flying with thousands of bats behind them? When did Captain Nemo become a Sikh? It doesn't matter, since the main business of movie-making these days is to rape the intellectual property of those who can't speak for themselves anymore (e.g. J.R.R. Tolkien). Mostly, this movie does the things it does because it CAN. That's about the only excuse they have, and it's not a very good one.
Rating:  Summary: ENTERTAINING! Review: "The Fantom" is threatening the world with a global Armageddon and the British government recruits the help of some, how shall we say this, a very elite squad of men and women. We have Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, who by the way was quite scary in the beginning of this movie. The Invisible man, an immortal, a vampire, Captain Nemo and his famous submarine and none other then Sean Connery who plays Allan Quatermain leading the troops to stop The Fantom's plan. I liked this movie. It was full of action,had some great special effects and I liked seeing characters come alive that I have read about through the years. I found it very entertaining! Of course through my eyes, any movie that Sean Connery plays in has to be good! His presence alone commands respect!