Rating:  Summary: I was highly impressed for its style Review: This movie was unique in how it was presented. Everyone would have to admit that it was extremely strange, and out of this world, but look at the title and the premise. Wherewolves fighting vampires! Yet, if you can get around that, it was nicely done.The plot and storyline were excellent. I loved the characters, and the different roles that they each played. I would only complain about one thing, and that was in how the death of the antagonist was cheesy. The fight was great, but the special effects in the death were not so good (that's all I can say). Yet, if you enjoy any thing dealing with vampires, wherewolves, twisted plots, or another, dark world, this is an excellent movie.
Rating:  Summary: Delivered on the promise of the trailer Review: I saw the trailer for Underworld in the beginning of the summer and marked my calendar to see it the day it opened. I enjoyed the trailer so much that I downloaded the 33M full screen version from the Underworld web site. I was hoping the movie would live up to the promise of the trailer... and wasn't disappointed. I was surprised how much of a story was included. The plot took some turns I didn't expect which made it more interesting. I thought it would be primarily special effects and a lame store. Granted there were more guns than necessary. I would have liked to see more organic fighting and less technology. There were a few interesting twists to the standard methods for killing werewolves and vampires. Some tension between two characters that wasn't explained thoroughly (maybe cut scenes?) but the ending left the door open for a sequel where they could explain more. I hope the movie does well so the studio feels a sequel is a good investment. I definitely recommend this movie!
Rating:  Summary: Great movie, better than I expected! Review: I just have to say I LOVED this movie! It was better than I expected. I loved all the action, the costumes, and the effects. Kate Beckinsale did a wonderful job in her portrayal of Selene. I'll admit the vampire/werewolf lore had a few changes from the norm, but hey anyone into the mythology should have been more surprised if there were no differences. I mean that's one of the things that makes this genre so great, the fact that there is no "universal mythology", which is what gives it the ability to be creative and sometimes somewhat surprising. I for one am hoping and anxiously awaiting a sequel.
Rating:  Summary: the noise deafened their brains... Review: i'll agree that the action and the lighting and the costumes were all very impressive for the first twenty minutes of this "Matrix shoot 'em up rip." Once the actors started talking plot and motivation, however, the entire picture fell apart. The "Awakening"?--is this a leftover Buffy episode? Kate Beckinsale was fine; Shane Brolly as her sexist leader were dreadful. Scott Speedman (one can't judge his skill because he had nothing to do) had the worst part of all, the MacGuffin--or plot mover. He was just tossed around until his big stunt double fight scene at the end. As for plot, the motivation was right out of an afternoon serial. These are creatures of supposed mythic proportions at the end of a centuries old battle...for this? oh, please... It's a darn shame that so much talent in other areas and visual potential was wasted on this flimsy piece of drivel. Let's hope that the sequel will have a bit more thought--and some real characters--behind it.
Rating:  Summary: An Excellent Gothic Action Film Review: Don't expect it to win any Oscars, but Underworld is exactly what an escapist movie should be - engrossing, interesting, and alot of fun to watch. Thrusting the viewer into the midst of a centuries-old vampire/werewolf war, Underworld follows the exploits of Selene, a vampire assassin, who is trailing a pack of Lycans(werewolves) who are themselves trailing a seemingly ordinary human named Michael Corvin. The primary focus of the movie becomes Selene's quest to discover why the Lycans want Corvin so badly, as well as expose a conspiracy (actually several conspiracies) among her own people. Rich with gothic lore and posessing enough twists to keep you interested, Underworld is well-worth the price of admission.
Rating:  Summary: where have the vampires gone. Review: Ok - I give this movie 3 stars because 2.5 is not an option,and it is better then only 2stars.I just have 1 burning question where have all the vampires gone?...forget everything you think you know about vamps...according too this shoot em up.There a bunch of automatic weapon carring gangsters..except for there leader Victor.They Hunt the gang of Werewolves .The werewolves are pretty much true too form(closer then vamps anyway).The Wolf fx is good but not shown enough. The story it self has promise if it dropped all the automatics and sci-mumbo jumbo.Anyway Here it is in short..There is a age old war going on between vamps &wolves .Selean -is a rogue vamp cop of sorts called a death dealer.She takes her job very seriously and has the clans best interest in mind...untile she meets mike a human with very rare blood. His blood has the abiltiy too merge vampires and werewolves together .Making them something more then what they are.She becomes his personal protector from both clans after he is bitten by the head wolf.Note this movie has many other subplots and story lines - if you go watch carefully or you can get very confussed.
Rating:  Summary: Underworld's Underappreciated Review: This is a good little flick. "Underworld" is about a war between vampires and werewolves. Although it's a war with a lot of espionage, double crosses and family feuds that belongs in a soap opera (although I heard that there were some wierd shanangons going on behind the scenes). The beautiful Kate Beckinsale (decked head to toe in leather and sporting major fire power) is the head warrior for the vampire team. She happens on a plot from the werewolves that involve a mortal (Scott Speedman), a doctor. She has to find him and figure out what's going on before the next full moon. I liked this movie a lot because it was fast, bloody, and some pretty intense action sequences. But it isn't perfect. One thing I didn't like was the coloring of the movie, dark blue all the way through. Also there was too many plot twists in the end. But my biggest complaint is that vampires have a reflection! Anne Rice can get away with it, Len Wiseman can not. There are, however, a lot of good things in this flick, it's a fast paced, bloodier version of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". The werewolf transformation is very cool, alomst couldn't tell the CGI. I just liked it a lot, and it is so worth your time to see.
Rating:  Summary: The world unseen by human eyes... Review: The day I got back from seeing Matrix: Reloaded, I was itching to see another action film, hopefully one even better than Reloaded. On the edge of my seat, biting my nails as I eagerly waited to hear news about the third Matrix movie, or maybe the second Resident Evil, I saw a trailer for Underworld. I kept going back to the website, watching the trailer over and over, until the day came it was in theatres. I rushed off to see it. The story focuses on a war thats been raging for about one thousand years between vampires, and the Lycans (werewolves). The vampires no longer hunt to feed, and instead drink cloned blood from their own company. The Lycans are, apparently, brutal, man-slaughtering beasts, and now, the full moon no longer having control over them, can transform at will from human to werewolf and vice versa. Caught in the middle is a man named Michal. After rescuing Selene, a Death Dealer who makes it her duty to help her fellow vampires hunt down the Lycans, he is taken back to the other vampires. They discover he's a Lycan, and he has to escape. Selene is ordered to kill Michal. Struggling with her emotions, she must also solve a mystery that seems to be making the purpose of the war a whole lot clearer... All in all, this is an amazing movie. Worth your time, I assure you. A great story, amazing special effects (I adore the werewolf transformations -- and the werewolves themselves!), and plenty of action to keep you on the edge of your seat and begging for more. I plan to get this on DVD the second I get the chance!
Rating:  Summary: Prepare to be entertained Review: I did not go to this movie with especially high expectations. In fact, I read plenty of professional reviews trashing this film prior to seeing it. I was just looking forward to a fun movie to forget about the stresses of life for about 2 hours. And to that effect, "Underworld" succeeds extraordinarily. It's true that oscar material it ain't, but damn was it entertaining. Underworld is the quintessential "guilty pleasure" movie. I walked out of the theatre with a big smile and feeling not a little guilty for being so entertained by such a "stupid" movie. Regardless, Underworld sports some of the most stylish cinematography I have ever seen in any movie. Every action and backdrop is meticulously crafted for maximum suaveness. The film depicts an alternate, dark world just slightly out of kilter with ours, so that we get to see something different from everyday life without the "world" being too farfetched. The action sequences are all taut and well done. The movie provides some good new ideas for the vampire and werewolf mythologies. I especially loved the idea of vampires using laptops, cell phones, and automatic weapons to keep up wtih times. I mean, we would expect them to, no? Unfortunately, some old favourites of vampire lore were not presented in the film. Apparently vampires have reflections in mirrors, and breathe according to this movie. And not enough emphasis was put on the blood-drinking nature of vampires in general, which was so central to films like "Interview with the Vampire" (the greatest vampire flick of all time). The werewolf effects were not spectacular, but they were sufficient. The director had to good sense of relegating our canine friends mostly to the dark, knowing that in full light, CGI characters look absurdly fake. Yes, I went to see Underworld primarily for Kate Beckinsale, and I was not disappointed. She was hella, hella hot in this movie. Well, she's just beautfiul in general, but there's something about the blue vampire-eyes and ultra-chic costumes that makes her a delight to watch. This is certainly a whole other side to Kate compared with Serendipity. She makes a very satisfying action hero. I think Kate Beckinsale's Selene is the first of those independent female "girl-power" action heros that I actually like. I'll take her over any of those Charlie's Angels any day, that's for sure. Plot holes? Yes, Underworld is overflowing with them. But who cares? The plot is indeed woefully convoluted, but includes many clever twists to keep the audience guessing and amused. All in all, if you're in the mood for a "turn-off-your-brain" supernatural rollarcoaster, Underworld is a pretty good bet.
Rating:  Summary: Waiting for a sequel Review: I like monster movies. I watch alot of them. and underworld is a very good example of the genre. The Special effects were used very effectivly to support the plot not overwhem it. As I have seen the movie twice there are lots of little details that made the movie even more enjoyable the second time. PLEASE note this is an action movie not a romance. there is a very light undertone of attraction but rather than push it they stayed true to their characters and kept it low key. There maybe more love interest in the sequel. There is definatly enough depth to this world and enough loose threads to make it worthwhile. The only reason I rated it 4 instead of 5 is I want to see the extras on the dvd. there is more to this story and I can't wait to see it. Bottom line- Go see the movie but don't expect epic romance expect a heroine who's world is about to turn upsidedown