Rating:  Summary: HI!!, My rEview ON Lords OF teh Ring(s) Review: Hi all!!! i watched da movie. it was good. it was about dem kids taht fight trees. mostly they shoot arrow and stuff. near the end there is a fight seeN. little froodoo is a wonderful midget of the dwarf land. he is a wizard like his father darth vader. i would reccommenndj this movie to all the wizard lovers like myself, i play quake which is an online reality for hackers, like me. i go by the haxxor name tH3SneAKyOne. good movie 1 thumbs up.
Rating:  Summary: The film of the year Review: The Lord of the Rings saga is well-known and popular for the wrong reasons. It is critically acclaimed for it's amazing special-effects and set-pieces (with, I don't deny, are incredible), and kids like it for it's great "action" (kids today are idiots), but people miss the great elements of Peter Jackson's movies. The Fellowship of the Ring is the first chapter of an emotional story of a little person who finds strength in himself to do what he, and many others thought impossible. The person is a hobbit, and his name is Frodo Baggins. With the thought of rescuing his homeland from a growing evil as his motivation, Frodo volunteers to embark on and lead the quest to destroy the One Ring, the source of the dark lord Sauron's power. Should they succeed in destroying the Ring by dropping it in the volcano called Mount Doom (Orodruin), they will have destroyed Sauron's life-force and he will be vanquished. Should they fail and Sauron regain the Ring, the land of Middle-earth will fall to Sauron's evil. Frodo is accompanied by a company of 8 others, and the one who sticks by him more than the rest is Sam Gamgee, another hobbit from his homeland who vows to stick by Frodo not mater what. At first the vow is inspired by the fear that the noble wizard Gandalf will punish Sam if he doesn't stick by Frodo. But over time a bond develops between the two, and Sam becomes ready to die for his friend Mr. Frodo. The movie ends with a rousing battle at a riverside hill called Amon Hen. There a party of evil Uruk-hai kill a member of the Fellowhsip, capture 2 of the 4 hobbits, and leave everyone else scattered. In the midst of all this Frodo abandons his Fellowship, realizing that the trip to Sauron's black land is too dangerous for him to drag the others into. But, when he is on the verge of getting away, he is discovered by Sam, who isnsists to go with him. It ends with them walking down into the Emyn Muil canyon, where the two will continue their journey in the next film. As for the others, after the death of Boromir, the two-faced man from Gondor who over the course of the film had a strong desire to take the ring from Frodo, Aragorn, the other man, honors him and gives him as proper a funearal as possible in the situation. Then he, Legolas the elf, and Gimli the dwarf venture on to rescue Pippin and Merry, the 2 hobbits captured by the Uruk-hai, and that is how the movie ands for them. The film has plenty of psychological properties to it. There is Boromir, who under pressure to serve his failing nation of Gondor, feels a terrific desire to take the Ring from Frodo and attempt to use it for the good f his country. There is the realtionship between Frodo and Sam, who learn that they need each other to fulfill the daunting task of destroying the Ring, and there is Aragorn, an old Ranger worn out by life, who realizes that it is he who must claim the throne of the falling nation of Gondor, but sees the country's shamefulness and greed and doesn't want to rule that land. It is a moving book by J.R.R. Tolkien turned into what I believe is a more moving movie.
Rating:  Summary: IF YOU HAVE INSOMNIA THIS MOVIE IS FOR YOU Review: Most boring movie I've ever laid eyes on. I can't imagine what the extended version is like.
Rating:  Summary: THE ADVENTURE BEGINS... Review: This is the one that started it all in the LOTR trilogy. Peter Jackson directs, while other great stars such as Elijah Wood & Ian McKellen hit the big silver screen! The story begins in the small community of The Shire, home to small, three foot beings (or "half-lings") called Hobbits. When uncle Bilbo Baggins' eleventy-first Birthday comes, the old Hobbit mysteriously disappears into thin air, thanks to the help of a small, mysterious ring which is unknown even to him. The Wizard, Gandalf the Grey comes riding into town and warns Bilbo that terrible things will happen unless the ring is destroyed! Worried about this matter, Bilbo decides to give the ring to his nephew, Frodo Baggins, though he still urges for its great power. Frodo agrees, and heads off where he meets a human, Aragorn, an elf, Legolas, and a dwarf, Gimli. Eventually, Gandalf meets up with them all as they travel to many exotic locales of Middle Earth such as Rivendel and the Misty Mountains. Since the others do not accept one another to take the ring into Mordor and to the crater of Mt. Doom in order to destroy it, Frodo accepts this task and together with the rest of this Fellowship, they embark on an incredible journey with epic battles, incredible CGI effects, and an unforgettable music score! But is the Fellowship enough to stand up against the forces of evil? Though not as captivating and action-packed as its two follow-ups, 'Two Towers' & 'Return', 'Fellowship' packs quite the punch in the series and is an excellent beginning for those who are new to it! This Platinum Series Special Extended DVD Edition is also the best version of the film to get, considering that a lot of scenes were deleted out of the theatrical release. For those of you who want the best experience of the film, THIS IS IT!
Rating:  Summary: One of the best movies ever made... Review: (...) Let me just say, this movie is one of the most amazing theatrical presentations ever to be compiled. The acting is amazing, the plot is deep, the scenery is breathtaking, and the music is stunning. My favorite character is Aragorn, closely followed by Pippin and Frodo. I had read the books before I saw the movies and it helped...alot. I wasn't ever lost, until the second movie, and that was immediately solved. J.R.R. Tolkien was an amazing author, and Peter Jackson made an amazingly accurate representation of the trilogy. In five words... Pippin rocks, Sting glows, yeah.
Rating:  Summary: stinky Review: hello my name is matthew smith.and i thought that this was a major smellfest by director Sketer Snackson.
Rating:  Summary: really good Review: This movie was definatley better than the original cut version. It gave more detail and included more sceens from the book. If you've never read the book this movie will help you understand the story better and show you more of what the one ring can do.
Rating:  Summary: An amazing new version of an already spectacular film Review: When I first saw "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring," I was in awe at how great the movie was. I just was perplexed that such a great movie could be made! It was perfect.When I watch this extended version, at first I thought that the new scenes(although great in and of themselves) sort of mucked up the film when added in. Someone else would say lines that were originally said by another character, the title "The Fellowship of the Ring" was placed in a different spot, etc. Sometimes they'd use a different cut of the same scene. I had never witnessed someone changing their movie so much. Not even George Lucas had done that much changing to his original Star Wars films. But, given some time I got used to it and realized that it's a better version of the film! And it helps flow into "The Two Towers" very nicely, setting up things for it that the original "Fellowship" does not, like the gift-giving in Lothlorien, etc. I now think that that was a mistake to leave that out of the theatrical version. We don't have a clear idea of where the lembas bread came from in The Two Towers, or why the rope burns Gollum, unless we see this extended cut of "Fellowship." We don't understand fully why their cloaks "sheild them from unfriendly eyes" at the black gate. All of that, and much more, makes sense when watching the extended version of Fellowship of the Ring. And, there's more. This version is packed full of special features! Two discs worth. Everything is there to give you a second-hand look at just how much passion, effort, and love was put into this film. These special features really show how much the creative forces behind these films really care about The Lord of the Rings. Go out and buy this version right now! Amazing movie, amazing DVD!
Rating:  Summary: Sword of the Things Review: Celtic Twilight meets Doom of the Norsemen. I haven't ploughed my way through the books (though I quite liked The Hobbit), but I finally sat through these films. This was after I got a new computer, since the DVD wouldn't work on the old one. I thought the visual side was attractive. Great artwork: seems to draw on the images of the Swedish artist Bauer. It was good to see a film where no-one had an abrasive American accent, but nice, soft, Anglo-Celtic ones instead. But I have to say it was long, boring and pointless. Incomprehensible, really. The ending of the second disc was totally disjointed. I thought the Hobbits were captured and carried off somewhere by the Things. Then one of them came back. Who was in that boat going over Niagara Falls? Maybe I missed something, because I often found it easy to go off and do other things while I wasn't watching, but I didn't feel I'd missed that much when I got back. Enjoyed the monsters, but couldn't catch their names. After a bit you get weary of 6 slightly freaky fellows killing zillions of very freaky enemies. Great scenery: fabulous mountains, forests, rivers and so on. Somebody wrote that this was a travelogue for New Zealand. I must go there some day. Sadly, however, this is a film in the award-winning, money-spinning Kubrick tradition. All design, no content. Give me Tarantino, David Lynch and the Coens.
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the What? Review: Naw you got be a big fan to like this movie,i dont know why the Book is always better then the movie. Another movie the media has made a big deal of and the people follow.