Rating:  Summary: Elegantly Moving Review: As a (almost) lifelong Tolkien fan, I have been anticipating this film for about 2 years. I went to see it the day it was released, and to be honest, I have virtually nothing to complain about. I don't want to sound like one of those people who loves everything; because believe me, I can be picky. But Peter Jackson did such a good job on 'The Lord of the Rings' that I am completely satisfied.First of all, there definitely were a lot of changes made that didn't correspond with the books. Whole chapters were left out (Old Man Willow and Tom Bombadil to name a couple), different things were put in, and yet the movie seemed to flow perfectly. Rabid Tolkien fanatics will always find something to gripe about, but the rest of us will most likely appreciate a movie well done. I think that the changes that were made were done with great care, and after a day or two of thinking about it, I can understand why Peter Jackson did what he did. It's better to think of the movie as a companion piece to the book, rather than an actual carbon copy of the book put on screen. I see the book as Tolkien's work, and the movie as Peter Jackson's vision and interpretation of the book. Two completely separate things. And then there is the acting. I thought it was done superbly, especially Gandalf. If someone had told me during the movie that an actor was actually portraying Gandalf, I wouldn't have believed them. Ian McKellen could not have done better. I also appreciated how Galadriel is depicted as beautiful yet dangerous and frightening at the same time. Boromir was done extremely well, as was Aragorn. The scenery was breathtaking; New Zealand is a beautiful place, and perfect for 'The Lord of the Rings.' The mountains, valleys, forests and rivers really brought Middle Earth to life. I would recommend this film to anyone, young or old, Tolkien fan or not. However, if you are one of those 'Tolkien purists', then be prepared for disappointment, because there are a lot of changes. But in my opinion, they were all for the good. (Except for the fact that Frodo didn't sing in Bree, but that's trivial.) Go see 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring,' you won't regret it.
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings Review: Easily the best book to movie translation ever made. The film is long (almost 3 hours) and leaves you wanting more of the same! Even though some parts had to be cut, the main story is unaffected and even those few people who have not read the books can easily follow the story. Visually the film is dead on to the descriptions given in the book. Peter Jackson has done an outstanding job with all aspects from casting to settings to production. Once you have seen it, you will be counting the days to the release of the Two Towers.
Rating:  Summary: Much better than I have thought it would be Review: No, really. After seeing this movie I changed my opinion about Peter Jackson. First of all, Arwen IS actually good. She does not ruin the movie (as many people thought she would) - she appears only a few times in the movie, and adds a little something to it. Bilbo is VERY good, and so is Frodo. Boromir is also excellent. On the other hand, Gimli and Legolas are expressed poorly. Gandalf is not very good, especially in the part where he visits Frodo in the Shire in private. Aragorn is not very good either, and I do not see anything in him that shows me that he's actually a King, and that's perfectly clear in the book. Sam, imo, is not very good either. Yes, he's still a very loyal servant, but Bill is only showed once in the movie, and Sam is not that kind of a busy house-guy. Many scenes with him that are so good in the book have been taken out. Many other scenes are also taken out, while many bad scenes are inserted. Lurtz is a very bad addition to the story, imo. He's just an evil guy! All the children in the auditoruim clapped as his head got taken off! Galadriel is very awful, too. She IS a kind of a sorceress, and she's definitely not beautiful. Liv Tyler is much prettier than her. I've seen that actress's pictures, and she's very beautiful in life. I have no clue why the changed her that way. Battles are not very good, and the scene with Saruman and Gandalf stinks to high heaven. But I do not want to say that the movie is bad. No, it's good. It's just that bad things get stuck in the head much easier than the good parts. You take the good ones for granted, and it required a lot of skill to make. But my advice to you all, READ THE BOOK FIRST. Read it, because if u read it afterwards, you will be dissapointed. Don't let the action world of the movie take you over. Read the book.
Rating:  Summary: Great adaption to the book and then some Review: Finally a 3 hour long epic that is worth sitting through. I read the book recently and although their is just a speck of stuff missing, Peter Jackson has still done a wonderful job of bringing everything to life. Although it's missing stuff like the hobbits almost getting swallowed alive by a giant tree and one or 2 characters. It makes up for it with Strider getting a lot more action both romance wise and fighting wise, just as I wished while reading the book. Has a really cool sword fight towards the end with an orc and it's just awesome. Believe me if there's a fantasy so good that it has me saying "Willow ?, what Willow ?" it has to be good and this is that movie. The cast is fantastic and everyone of them are believeable in their roles, especially Ian McKellen and Viggo Mortenson as Gandalf and Strider. The film's only problems are that it's too long and that Howard Shore score at times can be lame. Other than that you got a great movie with great visuals, great action, great perfomances like I said and very cool creatures. Don't waste your time go see it but don't fall asleep you just might miss a good part which with this movie is very possible.
Rating:  Summary: Greatest movie in YEARS Review: This was the best movie I have seen in many years. Although the story is necessarily compressed, I think Peter Jackson did an excellent job of keeping alive the spirit of the book. Go and see this movie, you will be glad that you did.
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME Review: We were in the theater Dec. 19th. We have been awaiting this movie anxiously since it was anoounced a year ago and were not disappointed one bit. Except that it had to end. The 3 hour 5 min. run time seems like any ordinary length movie. You are so involved with the action, the flow of the story, the incredible scenery and magic of it all, when it ended the entire audience let out a sigh and moan that it had come to a close. The acting by all involved is exceptional, the effects of the 3 foot hobbits next to the other full size characters is so phenomenal and totally believeable. The trueness to the books is wonderful. The bringing to life Tolkien's descriptions and my imagined visions is beyond description. We will see it again. The only way to view this is on the big screen! We will now have to wait patiently for the next installment. By far exceeds Harry Potter, Star Wars, etc. Excellent, don't miss.
Rating:  Summary: Some truly moving moments... Review: I never cry at movies. Ever. Ask anyone who knows me. But there were two near misses and a total breakdown for me in this one. A scene between Frodo and his friend Sam just had me a'blubberin'. That is my way of saying this movie had some truly moving moments in it. What it comes down to is, yes, while the special effects are spectacular, the strength of the movie is in its relationships, and how it deals with such grand issues as trust, betrayal, loyalty, love, temptation and sacrifice. And there were some genuinely edge-of-your-seat moments when the audience breathed a sigh of relief after a series of continuous nail-biting sequences. I never read the book, but this is one of those movies that makes you want to do so after you're done watching it. Since I didn't know what happened in the book, I was always wondering which hero might be sacrificed at any time. The only thing I didn't like was the rather abrupt ending, necessitated of course by the fact that two more movies are planned, and there is a whole lot more story to tell. Just a warning, don't get up to go to the bathroom after the final scene by the river (my husband did, thinking it was a perfect lag time to go, and two minutes later the film ended. SURPRISE!) With that being said, I can't wait for the next film.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter, Meet Frodo Baggins Review: I pity the soul who denounces The Lord of the Rings as another one of those "freaky" series. In fact, I don't know what drug these people have been on. I saw Fellowship of the Ring on opening night. The show was sold out. We had perfect seats. In a few simple words, I can describe this movie: My precious. Have you ever seen a movie that totally captivates you? That leaves you breathless until you leave the theater? One that absolutely blows you away? Let the Ring shine in. I went into this movie without any knowledge of what LotR was all about, exceptin the fact that it was about a ring and someone with the word "bag" in his name. I came out talking about Hobbits and scenes from the movie which I almost spazzed over. I went out and bought the second book. I'm glad that I finally know what LotR is about. I'm sad that I have to wait a year for the next one. If you don't have any clue what this whole thing is about, see this movie. Then buy The Two Towers and get reading. You have 363 days to read 398 pages. Good luck.
Rating:  Summary: Just saw it and WOW! Quite simply FANTASTIC! Review: One word describes the first of three movies for the Lord of the Rings... "Awesome". It was better than I had hoped. I have been let down by many other fantasy movies over the years but this one was worth waiting for. The music score by Howard Shore and Enya give the movie the magic and imagination that is simply JRR Tolkien. This movie will be a hit and is great for movie patrons young and old. The special effects are fantastic and the set and costumes are superb and extremely detailed. I have seen movies like Gladiator and Braveheart and think they are simply awesome. This movie ranks right up there with them as one of the best of the past decade. It is epic, magical and a great representation of what JRR Tolkien would have wanted his books to portray on the big screen. If you have not seen it.... Go today. You will be in awe and want to see it again like me!
Rating:  Summary: Never Bored of the Rings Review: Although some adamant fans of J.R.R. Tolkien's seminole works may balk at the changes made to the story for film adaptation, let me assure you that the differences are minimal. Nothing has been lost that might affect one's journey to Middle Earth and the long awaited adaptation by Peter Jackson and company will not disappoint; when you see it, you know you have arrived. The nearly three hours it takes to pass through to the third age seems but a trifle, and when it's over you are left breathless. Visually stunning, the New Zealand scenerey alone would merit this film, and the Sfx are used as an artform rather than merely as gimmicks. The beauty and the terror are preserved through out, as is Tolkien's biblical based ethos he had so subtley woven through out his story. All the words that have been used in reference to lesser works to the point of banality, saga, epic, masterpiece, have been restored to their former luster throughout this film. While no film is perfect, and no work made by human hands can remain without flaw because of our own inherent inequities, this film,this thing of wonder and awe comes very close to the emaculate.